Economics Diagrams

Diagrams for Introductory Microeconomics

This site contains a rich set of introductory microeconomics diagrams. These diagrams are fully editable using the website, and are provided free of charge. They cover a variety of topics covered in most introductory microeconomics courses: the laws of demand and supply, elasticities, taxes, price controls, perfect competition, monopoly, production costs and consumer theory, among others. As such, they can be useful to students and academics who are looking for a quick and highly customizable way to present their microeconomics arguments graphically.



1. Download the file Introductory Microeconomics Diagrams.html to your computer from this site . Save this file into a folder on your computer.

2. In your web browser, visit the website at .

3. If you are prompted to decide where to save your diagrams, click on “Decide later.”

4. In the interface, choose File -> Open from -> Device… from the menu. Find Introductory Microeconomics Diagrams.html on your drive, and open it.

5. Each numbered page of the file contains economics diagrams that you can now edit. The first page, labelled ‘Contents,’ provides an overview of which number corresponds to which microeconomics topic.

Tip: If you’d like to ‘export’ your diagrams by taking a screenshot, you might find Microsoft Windows’s Snipping Tool to be useful. To run this took, open the start menu and type Snipping Tool into the search bar.