Ecology and Conservation lab


21-05-2024 Just published! New paper by Adi Srinivasulu "Future climatically suitable areas for bats in South Asia" in Ecology and Evolution

18-05-2024 Just published! New paper by Dr Ben Howes "A global latitudinal gradient in the proportion of terrestrial vertebrate forest species" in Global Ecology and Biogeography

13-05-2024 Kerry Stewart has been selected to deliver the Student Plenary at the BES Macro conference in Cardiff (July 10-12 2024). Very good conference if you are thinking about attending one this summer. Highly recommended.

13-03-2024 New Doctor! Dr Ben Howes New succesfully defended his PhD today and passed without revisions!! He is now working as a Scientist for NatCap in Oxford 

Human impact on the world’s ecosystems is leading to a widespread and accelerating loss of biodiversity. Our research group is interested in understanding the drivers of this change and finding methods to predict future loss and come up with strategies to halt it. A lot of our work involves analyzing and modelling existing data, but we also "get dirty" sometimes and gather data in the field and lab. Most of the team works on vertebrate species, but our interests are as diverse as life on Earth. 

Our lab is in the UK but with a Spanish "jefa" también hablamos español 

Version en español: Los impactos del ser humano en los ecosistemas del planeta están llevando a una pérdida generalizada y en aumento de la biodiversidad. Nuestro grupo de investigación busca entender los factores causantes de esta pérdida e identificar estrategias para frenarla. La mayoría de nuestro trabajo consiste en analizar y modelar datos existentes pero a veces también nos ponemos las botas o las batas y salimos al campo o nos metemos en un laboratorio. Solemos trabajar con vertebrados pero nuestros intereses son tan diversos como la biodiversidad de este planeta. 

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