Print PDF from ABAP

There are several solutions for printing PDF from ABAP. But mostly you need a printer which can handle PDF-Files directly. Normally you can only send postscript or pcl files to a printer. In my solution a Java-Webservice is called which transforms a PDF-File to postscript and send it back to ABAP. ABAP then creates a spool job for the postscript file and you can print it on any printer out there which talks postscript.

If you are interested in this solution please contact me!

Here is the code example for creating a postscript from a PDF-File. Here the SUN library PDFRenderer is used. You can download it originally from or download it from my site - see bottom of the page. In my download an error is fixed and the class PDFPrintPage is added from an example PDF-Viewer by SUN.

For best results you should propably use another PDF-Renderer. One of them is by jPDFPrint by QUOPPA.

The following class is also included in the download. It is responsible for the conversion