
Invited Speaker "The Broken Housing Market Conference" NIESR (London) 1st June 2018.

Symposium (by invitation) Trust, Well-being and Happiness in Higher Education - New College Oxford, 31st August - 1st September 2016.

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research -CSAR Plenary Lecture- (Cambridge 25th May 2010): "Happy Danes! Looking behind the recent EU survey into income and contentment" Chairman's Address:Prof. Brian Ford. Presentation

European Convergence (2008), Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

Spatial Disparities and Convergence in Income and Well-being (2007),Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

ISS Plenary lecture 24 July 2008: "Does Wealth Improve our WellBeing?", Lady Micthell Hall University of Cambridge.

Italian Festival of Science, Lectio Magistralis, 3rd November 2008: "Is Economic Growth Fostering Individual WellBeing?"