Churches July/August 2023

St Helen's Church

Sunday Service:

10am   Holy Communion

St. Helen’s Church is open for worship. Everyone is welcome.

Weekday Services and Events

Wednesday 19th July - 10am. Holy Communion followed by coffee.

Wednesday 16th August - 10am. Holy Communion followed by coffee.

PCC Meeting

The next meeting of the PCC is Wednesday 13th September at 6.30pm in St. Helen's Meeting Room.

St Helen's Contact Details

Vicar: Audrey McCartan  708806


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Brinkburn Partnership of Catholic Parishes

St Thomas Catholic Church

Every Monday and Thursday - Mass at 12noon 

Every Sunday - Mass at 11.15am

Contact Fr Shaun Purdy  01670 812200


Thought for the Month

As we now enter the month of July, many people will begin winding down for the Summer Holidays. There will be holidays taken both in our own country but also abroad. We are very lucky to have a very beautiful county and so that attracts many holiday makers; I look forward to welcoming the visitors who come to St Thomas’ during the summer months.

There are certain people who are always travelling and Sunday 9th July is set aside to remember them; these are Seafarers. We remember especially those who risk their lives in order to bring food and goods to us here in the UK. In fact, over 90% of the things we take for granted is brought to us by Seafarers. Imagine if our ports were closed, our country would be on its knees.

Growing up by the coast in Hartlepool and living not far away from the coast in Ashington, it has given me a greater appreciation of Seafarers and all that they do for us. I have had the privilege of spending time with the Port Chaplain for Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea), in visiting cargo ships, the DFDS Ferry and a cruise liner to celebrate Mass with the crew, but also in just being a pastoral presence on board. It is a very humbling experience to be with them and to share with them their joys and sorrows, their hopes and dreams.

Although the life of a seafarer is surrounded by people, it can also be a lonely existence because they are away for many months at a time from family and friends. They don’t get to see their spouse or their children and they can live in fear of what might happen to them whilst out at sea, even the threat of piracy. 

The Gospel read in Church on Sunday 9th has the words of Jesus: 

“Come to me all you who Labour and are overburdened,

and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28)

As we contemplate the rest and relaxation we might be about to take, let us keep in our minds those who are working to allow us to enjoy the things that we might often take for granted; the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the cruise or ferry we might find ourselves on. Whatever it may be, each will contain the story and life of a person. May we always be thankful for what we have and for the lives of those who help us that we might appreciate things more and not take everything for granted. 

Father Shaun Purdy, St Thomas of Canterbury

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Mission Free Church

Sunday Services:

11am Family Service and creche

5.30pm Prayer in the Mission Hall

6pm Evening Worship / Bible Study

For our other group meetings, please see the Group Activities sections.

Visitors are always very welcome to all our events.

Longhorsley Mission Bible Convention, 1st and 2nd July 2023

Held in Memorial Hall, Longframlington.

Speakers: Conrad Pomeroy (Dudley) and Andrew Lucas (Northern Ireland).

Saturday 1st July at 3.30pm and 6pm.

Sunday 2nd July at 11am, 3.30pm and 6pm.

Tea provided each day after the afternoon meetings.

All are welcome.

Contact Ian Pagan 788263


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