Articles July/August 2023

Longhorsley Meadows in Old Church Wood

On one of our many sunny days recently, a small group of floral fanatics gathered in the Old Church community woodland to have a closer look at some of the wildflower meadows that are flowering brilliantly at the moment. The meadows were created along with the Woodland some years ago and are now maturing into a healthy habitat. The yellow rattle, which is an important parasite of grass, means that many wildflowers can grow and proliferate while the grass is kept at bay.

We recorded over 50 plants including at least 13 grass species and various types of buttercup and meadow-specialist plants such as pignut, eyebright, yellow rattle, and goatsbeard. The meadow will continue to change and grow as the season goes on and over time more plants will appear. We hope that one day orchids will start to grow in the meadows. 

If you are interested in learning more about the wildlife, or spot anything in the village that you think is interesting, feel free to get in touch with Richard Thompson I’m also missing my green binoculars, if anyone finds some..!

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Longhorsley Parish Council

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 12th July, in the Village Hall, starting at 7pm, with a parishioner slot at 8pm. Meeting notices are displayed on village notice boards, with minutes and other information found on the Parish Council website.

Contact details for the current members are detailed below:

Clerk: Gillian Turner, 4 Lowther Close, Seaton Manor, Ashington, NE63 0HY  01670 812704 or

Chairman: Norman Douglas 07485 174529

Councillors: Sarah Alcock, Kirsty Bell, Peter Boyle, Jennie Parker, Anne Peat and Trevor Potts.

Working Group Old Church Wood

The Friends of Old Church Wood are holding a working party on Saturday 15 July, from 10am to 12noon. We will be checking the new trees and, depending on numbers, weeding the flower beds in the Old Church.

For further information, contact Sarah Alcock  07540 725703 or or Penny Ford on  788278. All are welcome.

Final Accounts 2022/23

At the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th June, 2023, Members received the Annual Internal Audit Report 2022/23. Members also received, considered and approved the Annual Governance Statement, Annual Accounting Statements and supporting documents for 2022/23.

All financial statements and supporting documents have now been forwarded to our External Auditors, MAZARs for review and therefore please note that all Accounting Statements are currently "unaudited and subject to change".

The Notice of Electors Rights and Inspection dates, running from 19th June to 28th July, were also agreed and have been placed on the website and Village noticeboard.

Grass Cutting

We have received comments from local residents about uncut grass at the start of spring. We asked NCC several questions regarding their core standards etc. regarding their grass cutting regime. Their reply was that they have not changed their existing policy, which is to do 10 to 13 cuts per season, between April and October.

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Your County Councillor

We have carried out several traffic surveys in Longhorsley in recent years. Please find a summary below of the most recent results for East Road, North Road, South Road and West Road. The table shows the average number of cars per day, the average speed recorded for those cars, and the speed below which 85% of the passing cars were traveling. For enforcement action to be taken, this 85% speed needs to be at least 35mph.

Only one location met the necessary criteria for enforcement - this was on East Road for traffic travelling east, as such data was forwarded to the police for further investigation. I have asked for a new survey to be done this summer.

I would also like to mention the new benches, in particular the QEII bench which I have been very glad to pay for through my NCC small schemes budget.  Thanks to Clare Percy for suggesting and working with the maker and to the Parish Council for their support.

As usual, please let me know if I can help with anything.

Glen Sanderson  07730 979737

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Citizens Advice Scams Awareness Campaign

If you’re looking for advice and support on scams then please check their online advice pages here.

If you think someone is calling to trick you into giving them money or your personal details, hang up and call 159. This is a secure service that connects you directly with your bank. Check to see if your bank is included in this service.

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Newspapers for Hedgehogs - Update! 

(was Breaking News)

Firstly, a huge thank you to all those who have so kindly left newspapers on our doorstep - come rain or shine! The hedgehogs (and helpers!) have been very grateful.

We now have a very healthy reserve of newspapers so we won’t be needing anymore till the Autumn, when I will put another reminder out. 

Please remain vigilant for hedgehogs in your garden, particularly when using strimmers and lawn mowers - we have had numerous hedgehogs who have had serious injuries and at this time of the year there are a number of baby hoglets around.

Thank you for all your support!

If you have any enquiries or find an injured hedgehog please contact the Hedgehog Rescue Trust, open each day between 9.00-12.00 on 01665 570911.

Jan Bryce, 5 Church View, Longhorsley. Mob: 07724 091586

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Post Office - No Longer Open on Tuesdays 

(was Breaking News)

Due to falling demand, the outreach service has taken the decision to reduce the opening hours to Mondays and Fridays only. The opening times for those days stay the same as they were before.

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Warmer Home Grants available from NCC

The Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) provides energy efficiency upgrades and low carbon heating via local authority funding, to households in England that are low income, are off the gas grid, and have a poor EPC rating.

For more information and how to apply, please visit the NCC website.

The warmer homes scheme is accessed only by completing the application form online or by

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Longhorsley Takeaway Food

We will send out a Breaking News if we are notified of any changes.

The Shoulder of Mutton

The Shoulder of Mutton is open and offering takeaways every day.

Sunday lunches 12-6pm ~ Monday to Saturday 5pm-8pm

See their menu at ~ phone 788236 to order

The Flying Fryer

The Flying Fryer will be here every Friday from 4pm to 7pm, depending on demand.

Facebook The Flying Fryer 07984 426 725


Dou_h&co are here the first Thursday in the month from 4:30pm – 7:30pm.

The next visit dates are 6th July and 3rd August.

Pre-order on  07507 834 628 from Monday 9am.

See their menu on the Dou_h & Co Facebook page, Instagram and

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Post Office in Longhorsley Village Hall

Monday 9.15am   to 12.15pm

Tuesday CLOSED

Friday 11.30am to 1.30pm

Please note that this Outreach Service cannot accept large parcels.

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Mobile Library Visiting Times

The Mobile Library visits Longhorsley once a month, on Fridays between 3pm and 4pm, in the Village Hall car park.

The next visits will be on 28th July, 25th August and 22nd September.

The Mobile Library Service website can be found here

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September Edition

The last date for submissions is 20th August. You can email or phone us.

Please keep articles under 250 words, if at all possible.

Jan and Sheena Haveman 07834 740649

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