
The Montessori Method

The Montessori Method was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 1900’s. Although she was the first woman in Italy to receive a medical degree, she dedicated her life to the education of children. She believed that “children’s minds were like sponges and that they have an innate desire to learn”. This learning and discovery, inherent in every child, is best cultivated through activity and purposed movement. In the Montessori classroom’s prepared environment, the children may move freely and choose their own activities from among the many materials on the shelves. Through manipulation of these materials and the direction from the trained Montessorian, the children unfold the world around them.

Why does it work?

Pre-school age children are capable of learning at a range of twenty times that of any adult. They also mature and develop at different rates individually. The Montessori Method takes this into consideration. We have prepared an environment which exposes a child to a variety of opportunities and experiences, allowing for further exploration or continued work on each subject. The program is individualized, and as a result, each child experiences personal success and develops a positive self-image.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to create a quality learning experience where children will experience an enthusiasm for learning, an appreciation of their individual abilities, an awareness of their unique abilities and the development of appreciation and respect for others. We believe each child is a unique individual. We are sensitive to their social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs. We also encourage the development of a positive self-image.

Our Goals

Our goal is to provide a prepared environment which expose the children to a small, low-key community with gentle and approving caregivers to meet the needs of a unique person by providing opportunities in a non-threatening environment for the children to build up their feelings of confidence and security. Then, with a rich selection of materials and activities to stimulate their minds and bodies, they will experience the freedom to explore and do things for themselves. In this, they are able to grow by leaps and bounds.

We do feel that it is essential for all parents to be an active part of their child’s community. Our goal is that all will become involved throughout the year.

Montessori Staff

All staff are required to follow the high standards set by the Department of Child and Family Services, the Health Department and, of course, the Montessori Philosophy.

We look forward to having an enjoyable experience as we journey along.