People-Centered Design Advocate | Project Manager | Librarian | Consultant | Unconference Organizer

We work with libraries and nonprofits to implement creative solutions to effectively improve individual and organizational performance. Our objective is to enhance organizational effectiveness by focusing on the human element. Our services include: impact-based evaluation, unconferences for organizational development, and leadership and career development.

I initiated, led, and managed a few special projects and events including Book a Librarian Reference Service, Library Workers' Skill Share, HealthCampNYC Regional Unconference, and first ever BPL unconference - BPL ThinkTank Unconference.

I collaboratively worked on multiple team projects including usability testing of website prototype with the Division of Anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History, proposed website redesign project with Pratt IT, and people-centered design thinking usability project (which led to the development and implementation of a personalized Book a Librarian reference service).

I present at national and local venues on leadership & career development, unconferences, people-centered usability & user experience, and project management.

Co-editor for The Global Librarian and contributing author to multiple publications including Asian Americans and Libraries: Activism, Collaboration and Strategies for the 21st Century, Career Transitions for Librarians: Proven Strategies for Moving to Another Type of Library, and Career Q&A: A Librarian's Real-Life, Practical Guide to Managing A Successful Career.

I've got a few "library ribbons" including Special Libraries Association (SLA) Rising Star, Library Journal (LJ) Mover & Shaker, American Library Association (ALA) Emerging Leader, and Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Diversity Scholar.

My professional activities include co-founder & co-organizer of METRO User Experience in Libraries Meetup, Board Member of New York Library Club, and Medical Section Chair of the Biomedical and Life Sciences Division of Special Libraries Association (SLA).

What's on my bookshelf? The Design of Everyday Things, Don't Make Me Think, The Other 8 Hours, and Ten Faces of Innovation among others.

Random things that made me pause, stop, think, reflect, imagine...and Aha! Moments from me and my partner-in-crime over at People Interact Consultancy.