Stephen Pursell

Steve lives and has a local and internet fitness training business, Temple Body Fitness, in Redding, California, USA. Steve is a poet with a passion for seeing the little ones God cared for in impoverished areas around the world. God put the seed for this work in him when, as a young man, he traveled to work with missionary friends in South America. While there Steve saw and was affected by the poverty of God's children in a way that he was not familiar with as an American. For many years Steve had been dreaming and praying to be used of God to rescue orphans from impoverished and destructive situations and build beautiful homes for them to live in. Steve had met Elisha Jonnalagadda in September of 2013. In July of 2014, God led Elisha to offer to publish the Godpoems for the first time to bless the beautiful people of India. God then galvanized Steve together with Elisha and the vision of Lion of Judah Homes for Children began to be more than a dream. Steve's poetry, the Godpoems, are being first published in India as books of poetry and christian songs, in English. Steve's co-founder here at Lion of Judah Homes for Children. Elisha, has an experienced hand at publishing christian literature and is also translating the poems into other Indian languages for future publication. The funds the poetry raises are to be a source of funding for the orphanages.