Ground Rules

Peer Observation of Instruction

Ground rules for


1. Ensure that the course professor is comfortable with having their class session observed

2. Collaborate with the observer to set up the observation session (Location place, time, parking information if necessary)

3. Be sure to forward the following information to the observer before the session:

  • Session title (e.g. database searching, evaluating internet resources, etc)

  • Session goals/objectives

  • If course- related, group and subject being taught (e.g. freshman English, education, undergrad, graduates)

  • Duration of Class

  • Highlight areas that you want observer to pay attention to (Also, in addition to evaluation based on your session objectives, you may request feedback on specific teaching techniques)

  • Any other information that would facilitate effective evaluation of the session

  • Schedule some time to meet right after the session for the immediate feedback

4. To alleviate student concern, make a brief introduction of the observer and his/her role at the beginning of the class

5. Do not engage the observer in further classroom discussions

6. Do not “teach to the observer”


1. Collaborate with the instructor to set up the observation session

2. Be sure to have the following information from the instructor before observing the session:

  • Session title (e.g. database searching, evaluating internet resources, etc)

  • Session goals/objectives

  • If course- related, group and subject being taught (e.g freshman English, education, undergrad, graduates)

  • Duration of Class

3. Be punctual for the session (do not enter late)

4. Sit at the back/side of the class (instructor to show observer where to sit)

5. Observe as unobtrusively as possible

6. Observe both the instructor and the students (assess their reactions, participation, etc)

7. Avoid pointed actions (e.g. typing noisily on keyboard, or anything that might be distractive)

8. Do not participate in discussions or engage with students

9. Immediately after the session provide some verbal feedback and hold brief discussion

10. Within one week of observing the session, provide written feedback to the instructor

11. Use a standard form to provide feedback (see "Observation Worksheets" for examples)

12. Focus your feedback on the session objectives (what worked well in the session, what didn’t – focus on being constructive)