Media Coverage

The local CBC Windsor Television station did a short piece on the machine with some good video of gameplay. It's currently on their website at They also have up a nice article about the machine. The segment aired on the 6pm news on May 5th, 2010.

On CBC Radio, Bob Steele from local show "The Bridge" in Windsor talked with Mark for a couple of minutes about the Lego Pinball machine. The segment was on the air live in the afternoon show on May 5th, 2010. It was rebroadcast the next morning as well.

The Thursday, May 6th edition of the University of Windsor Daily News newsletter had a feature story on the pinball machine.

The Windsor Star newspaper had a colour picture of Michael & Mark with the pinball machine on Friday, May 7th on page A5. They also printed an article about the pinball machine and it's display at the Science Rendezvous on Monday, May 10th. You can see part of the article on their website. The article was apparently also picked up by The Calgary Sun, as well as The Peterborough Examiner.