Rivers in our life – My 1st eTwinning seminar!

Post date: May 22, 2011 4:31:31 PM

eTwinning! Does it sound Greek to you? eTwinning is the Community for schools in Europe. Teachers from all participating countries can register and use the eTwinning online tools (the Portal and the Desktop) to find each other, meet virtually, exchange ideas and practice examples, team up in Groups, learn together in Learning Events and engage in online-based projects. I am excited because I have just returned from my first eTwinning Contact seminar in Bratislava! In this seminar entitled “Rivers in our life”, which lasted from 19 till 21 May, I had the chance to meet teachers-eTwinners from Austria, Hungary, Romania, United Kingdom and Slovakia, to discover the eTwinning desktop and TwinSpace, to find out more about the design of eTwinning projects and to receive answers to my questions about this unique and powerful tool of cooperation: eTwinning! Also, on the last day of this seminar my mentor and I presented some of our projects in the framework of Comenius School Partnerships and my Comenius Assistantship and shared our ideas about future eTwinning projects. One of these ideas was interesting for a teacher in Brentford School for Girls, Brentford, Middx., United Kingdom, Ms. Laura-Jayne Ward, who designed in cooperation with my mentor and applied for an eTwinning project entitled “Designing a living map”! For those of you who would like to discover more about this seminar, the project “Designing a living map” and our presentation “Inspiring pupils by speak in their language! Tools and ideas for an innovative teaching”, there are some attachments at the end of this page…