Interpretive Trail and Website Grant
The Lake Sunapee Scenic & Cultural Byway has been awarded $151,879 for its interpretive trail and promotional website project. On April 28, 2011, the Federal Highway Administration announced awards under the National Scenic Byways Program for Fiscal Year 2010 as authorized in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy For Users. ( Click here for the full text of the announcement.) The grant application submitted by the Lake Sunapee Byway Committee last April identified project goals of developing an interpretive trail of kiosks ($170,000) and a marketing plan and a promotional website ($20,000). The town managers agreed that they would provide the 20% cash match (roughly $2,600 per town) and in-kind match through donation of building materials, construction equipment use and staff/volunteer time (roughly $10,000 per town). Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission will serve as the Project Manager for this project.
This project will promote the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway as a visible year-round destination and attraction in its own right. The grant will help fund the site selection, design and construction of 13 interpretive signs at sites along the byway, forming an interpretive trail on the history of the region. This trail will incorporate two existing interpretive signs, creating a trail of 15 signs, with five signs in each of the three towns along the byway. The project will also fund the development of a promotional website for the byway, including an online guide to the interpretive trail.
According to the NH Department of Transportation, the time between the award announcement and the execution of a contract to begin the project can take up to 12-18 months. The funding is granted by the Federal Highway Administration, which is passed to the NH Department of Transportation, and then awarded by a contract to the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, who will manage the project on behalf of the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway Committee. Once a contract is made between NH Department of Transportation and Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, the project will be completed within two years.
The details of the grant project proposal may be downloaded here. (PDF format, <1 MB)
Please check back soon for more information on the project.