Writer of Sahajmarg - Script - III


Monday the 01st April 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Our Lord [Revered Laalaa Ji Sahib, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has today been released from suffering and agony. He has now only a few disciples left [to him alone]. His Guru [Reverend Grand Master, Moulana Fazl Ahmad Khan Sahib R. A. of Raipur, Tahsil - Kaimganj, District - Farrukhabad UP] too must be relieved [likewise]. Do not now talk of your Master's former disciples : they have no concern with him now [any more]! Let them meet their own fate! They are like any other human being to you now. This is the sorrowful tale of your 'Satsang' [spiritual assembly]. Rest assured that a good number of people, lost of you, have fallen upon as a result of their own misgivings."

श्री कृष्ण जी महराज : "कोशिश इस बात की हमेशा होनी चाहिए कि सरल हालात पैदा हों। ऐसी कि एक ही चीज़ दिखाई पड़े। सिवाय इसचीज़ के और दुसरी चीज़ निग़ाह के सामने न आवे। सादगी क़ुदरत से मिल जावे। हर काम ऐसा मालुम हो गोया खुद व् खुद हो रहा है। मशीनघूम रही है। जोर बिलकुल महसूस नहीं होता। लोग इस रम्ज़ को नहीं समझे। गीता की कितनी ही व्याख्याएँ हो गयीं हैं। असलियत पर कोई नपहुँचा। निहायत हलकी बात है जो गीता में बयान की गयी हैं। सैकड़ों कमेंट्री लिख गयीं। असलियत किसी ने नहीं बयान की। बल्कि ग़लतसमझे। भूतों को पूजना जायज़ समझा। पीपल को शीश नवाने लगे। मगर शेर के मुहँ में कोई न गया। उसको दुश्मन ही समझा। क्या यह बातअक़्ल के ख़िलाफ़ न थी। पंडितों ने पूजा के साथ साथ दीक्षिणा भी शुरू कर दी। समझाने लगे की ईश्वर हर चीज़ में मौजूद है। इस लिए पूजनाचाहिए। ढकोसले-बाज़ी शुरू हो गयी। परनाले पुजने लगे। हवाला यह ही दिया गया कि गीता में लेख है। भूतों का पूजना गोया मेरा पूजना है।यह बात आसान थी, लोग मानने लगे। अहमक़ों को क्या कहूँ जिन्होंने ने यह तलक़ीन की। और सब कुछ बिगाड़ दिया। ख़याल की इतनी धारेंपूजा की शक्ल में फैला दीं गयीं कि सिमट न सकीं।"

Dictation of Reverend Lord Krishna [time 07.55 PM] : "The endeavor must be directed to creating [developing] simple condition, so as to make [one and] only one thing appear to you. Nothing except that one [purpose or orientation] should be allowed to come [remain] in the focus of one's vision. Simplicity is to become identical with nature : every work should appear to be going on automatically. The machine [of Nature] is at work : the focus does not come to experience. People did not grasp [comprehend] this mastery. So many commentaries on Gita have come in to existence. None anyway could come up to the reality [real meaning of Gita]. What has been narrated therein, happens to be extremely subtle [fine / light]. Hundreds of explanations and commentaries have come up through wrong understanding. Worshiping ghosts has been taken to be valid [in order] : people started going their heads to peepal-trees [ficus religiosa]; but no body went in to lion's mouth : and was considered only as enemy! Was all this not against intellect [wisdom]? Priests started [the system of] monetary-gift [dakshina] also along-with worship : they started preaching that God exists in everywhere, and hence [everything] is to be worshiped! Absurdities came to prevail, and gutters started to be treated as object of worship! For reference just this was announced that there is quotation in Gita that worship of ghosts is in a way just my [i.e. gods] worship. This was something easy [to grasp] and people started to adopt it! What to say of the wretched fools who preached it and brought everything to deformity! So many currents of thought in the name [shape] of worship came to be prevalent that they could not be knit together!"

Tuesday the 02nd April 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला : बाबू मदन मोहन लाल। मैं तो आज़ाद हो ही गया। आज क़िब्ला मौलाना साहिब [हुज़ूर महाराज, मौलवी फ़ज़्ल अहमद खानसाहिब रहमत0 उल्ला0] को आज़ाद कर दिया। मुमकिन है इसकी निस्बत और बुज़ुरगों के अहकाम सादर हों। अब तुम्हारा काम क्या है? जोलोग चार - छः - आठ - नौ की तादाद में रह गए हैं, रूहानियत की ऊँची शिखर पर पहुँचने की कोशिश करें। लोगों को तलकीन करें। अपने आपको बनाएँ। बाअज़ करें और ब्रह्मविद्या फैलाएँ। Highest ideal के notes ऊँचे ऊँचे बुज़ुर्ग़ों के बराबर आ रहे हैं। कोशिश की जावे कि यहीहालत पैदा हो। हज़ारों जन्म गुज़र चुके हैं, अब नहीं गुज़रना चाहिए। मोक्ष कोई मुश्किल चीज़ नहीं। ख्याल के लगाव की ज़रूरत है अज़ीज़ रामचन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर वाले] से पूँछो कितनी आसानी से उसने अपना काम बना लिया। तरीक़े जो उसने किये हैं, अछूते हैं और इसी की ईजादें जोक़दम क़दम पर करता रहा है, हैं। यह सब तरीक़े नोट कर लिए जावें और लोगों को बताये जायँ। बहुत आसान है। मुड़ा भी तो ख्याल से ग़ाफ़िलन हुआ। सोहबत के वक़्त याद से ग़ाफ़िल न रहा। और यह भी ख्याल न रहा कि कौन कर रहा है। हज को ऐसा महसूस किया कि उस से समझका ताल्लुक़ न था। बात क्या थी, सब चीज़ें खींच कर एक में हो गयीं थीं। बाबू मदन मोहन लाल : पाए के बुजुर्ग़ में यह बात अक्सर मिलेगी।मुझे इस वक़्त इस की आसान तरक़ीबों का ख्याल आ गया। उछल पड़ा। यह तरकीबें कहीं नहीं मिलेंगीं। अब यह बात कि आया इसको याद भीरहे या न रहें। ख़ैर। जो कुछ भी सही, लिख ली जावें, लोगों के फायदे के लिए। मैं उसको हुक्म दे दूँगा कि जिस जगह से इसकी तरक़्क़ी शुरूहुयी है [वहीं] फ़िर वापस आवें और उसी तरीक़े से तरक़्क़ी करता हुआ आगे बढ़ता चले। इस दौरान में जो वारदात पेश आवें, लिखता चले। मैंसमझता हूँ कि मख़लूक़े खुदा के लिए यह बहुत बड़ी सैक्रिफाइस होगी। और मुमकिन है कि कुछ दिनों मेरा काम बन्द रहे। यह मेरी दुआ है किवो असर जो इसमें क़ाइम है, वो हवा जो इसमें मौजूद है उसमें कमी न होगी। उस वक़्त तक जब तक कि कोई खास हुक़्म सदर न हो जावे।और वोह हालत यह हो सकती है जो इंतिहाई पायावी की होती है। अगर उस हालत में लाना होगा तो अलबत्ता कुछ दिनों के लिए यह बात नहींआएगी।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] dictation addressed to Madan Mohan Lal : "I have already got my freedom : today he [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] has set my Revered Master also free! Just possible, orders concerning other revered elders in this regard may also be descending! Now, what happens to be the work for you [people]? What ever four, six, eight or nine people are still remaining [together with you] should try to reach the high pinnacle of spirituality. people be encourage to acquire [real] faith; structure and develop themselves; engage in preaching and spreading [real sort of] of science of Ultimate [Brahma-vidya] all around [every where]. Notes of highest ideals from elders of highest calibre continuously arriving : attempt should be made to develop these very states [of high ideals] in everybody [first of all starting with oneself]. Thousands of [past] lives have gone by : no more should now be allowed to slip away. Liberation is not at all something difficult : it requires just [the right] attachment of thought! Ask dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], how easily he has got his purpose achieved [served]! The methods that he has adopted are [really] unique [untouched = unused]; and are just his own inventions, that he has been introducing step by step [all the time]! All these methods should be noted down and told to people [for being practiced / adopted]. These are [all] quite easy. Even when away from presence, he was never away from thought [of me]; and even when together, he was never oblivious of remembrance. He lost even the idea as to who was doing [all this practice]! Bliss, he felt in a way that it had nothing to do with comprehension! What was the essential method : all things had got drawn together in to one [thing] alone!"

"Dear Madan Mohan Lal, this thing [singleness of orientation] will often be there in an elder of real standard / calibre. Just now, the easy methods used by him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] struck my thought; and I jumped up [out of joy]! Such techniques will be rare to find [anywhere]. Now, for one thing who knows whether these have remind there in his memory! What ever may be the case, any way, these are to be noted down for the benefit of others! I shall order him, that he would return to where from he made start of his progress, move on progressing through the same methods [techniques], noting down what ever courses of events [happenings] he would pass through during the course of his progress thus for! I think this will be very great sacrifice for the sake of [benefit to] God's creation; and just possible, my work would remain at stand still for some days in the mean time! This is my blessing that there will be no deterioration in the effect that has stablished in him i.e. in the air [atmosphere in the spiritual refinement] that is existing in him, so long as some special order [from Ultimate Being] is not received! That state [of special order being issued] may be with a view to taking him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] up to the most extreme stage, in which eventuality, of course, he will remain deprive of his present state [of stablished effects and existing air of spiritual refinement] for some days, any way!"

वक़्त साढ़े सात बजे शाम, श्री कृष्ण जी महराज : गीता का सार : "जंग का मैदान था। अर्जुन अपने अज़ीज़ व अक़ारिब को देख कर घबरा रहाथा कि उनको कैसे मारूँ। अचंभे में था। दुनियाँ की सल्तनत मिल भी गयी तो क्या। ख़ानदान को नष्ट और तवाह कर के पायी तो क्या। ग़र्ज़ेकि इसी क़िस्म के खयालात गूँजने लगे। खयालात ने उसमें कायरता पैदा कर दी। दिल ठण्डा होने लगा। क्षत्री धर्म से हट रहा था। बातों सेसमझाया। सबक सिखाये। साथ ही साथ अपनी विल से रूहानी मंज़िलें योग द्वारा खोलता गया, यानि तवज्जः भी देता गया। व्याख्या बेकारहै, जब तक ख़याली ताक़त उसके साथ न हो। जुमला रम्ज़ उसके दिल में उतर दिए गए गए और वोह हालत पैदा कर दी गयी जिसकोसमसाम कहना चाहिए। जहाँ दुःख और सुख यकसाँ है और मौत और ज़िन्दगी एक सी है। यह गीता थी जो उसको बतायी गयी। क्या महात्माराम चन्द्र फतेहगढ़ी की ऐसी तालीम न थी। सिर्फ़ बातों ही से अंदरूनी परदे चाक कर सकते थे। एक बात का ज़ोर ज़रूर दिया गया कि जो धर्मजिसके लिए मुक़र्रर है, करना चाहिए। अस्ल में यह एक नुक़्ता है जिसका फैलाव किताबी सूरत में कर दिया गया। वही बात जो अभी कह चूकाहूँ।"

Reverend Lord Krishna's dictation [time 07.30 Pm] : "Some of substance of Bhagawadgita is like this. Arjuna was neurones to see near and dear ones arrayed on the battle field. He was baffled as to how and why to kill them. What, if the kingdom of earth was annexed by slaughtering one's own kith and kin to destroy and annihilate one's own family! Thoughts like these reverberated in his mind creating [sort of] cowardice in his heart. His spirit was dampened and he was moving away from the performance of the duty that was belongs to the kshattriya [warier] class of society! I attempted to make him comprehend [what he owed to the shoal situation] through words of mouth; and taught lesson to him. Along with that, I used my will to bring him up to entire gateways of spiritual stages through yogic transmission. Explanations, are of no use so long as power of thought does not accompany them. Thus all esoteric points were brought down into his heart; and the condition which has to be designated as equipoise was created [introduced] in him. There [in that state] misery and happiness [pain and pleasure] are similar while death and life are almost one and the same. This was Gita that was communicated to him [Arjuna]. Was not the teaching of your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] just like this? Can inner veils be torn off by means of mere talk [and conversation without using spiritual transmission]? One thing was certainly emphasised [in Gita] viz. one should devote to the duty, prescribed for that one [as special obligation in accordance with one's status or position in social order or hierarchy]. In fact this is a point whose expansion has been presented in the form of book. It is actually what I have just narrated."

Wednesday the 03rd April 1946 :

श्री कृष्ण जी महराज : "एक अजीब बात बताता हूँ। मैदाने जंग में राधा मेरे साथ थीं। निगाह नहीं थी कि उनको कोई पहचान सकता। अब भीयही बात है। मुकम्मल गुरु का यही करिश्मा है। दो होते हुए एक मालुम होता है। राधा ने किसी वक़्त मेरा छोड़ा और न मैं उनके ख्याल सेग़ाफ़िल रहा। दोनों एक हो रहे थे। मानी यह हुए कि हर जगह मैं उनके साथ था और वोह मेरे। यह एक रूहानी मंज़िल है जिसके देखने के लिएआँखें चाहिए और समझने के लिए दिमाग़। किताबें शक्लें जिसने दिमाग़ में भर लीं, इस रम्ज़ को नहीं समझ सकता। यह और चीज़ है और वोऔर। ज्ञानी पण्डित कहलाने लगे और पण्डित ज्ञानी। दोनों में से किसी ने असल तत्व को नहीं जाना।"

"गीता में मैंने सिर्फ छः श्लोक कहे हैं, सातवाँ कहने की गुँजायश न थी। वोह अमली तौर पर दिखा दिया गया। हर श्लोक में एक हालत थी।"

Reverend Lord Krishna [time 09.20 Am] : I am telling [revealing] something peculiar [strange] viz. Radha was together with me even in the battle field. The visual capacity, sure enough, was never there to enable recognising her [by any body]. Isn't the case the same even now! Just this is the miracle of a Perfect Master [guide] : even though there are two, they appear to be just one! Radha never left me alone; nor I was ever away from Her thought. Both had got [merged] to be just one [entity]. That means I was everywhere with her and vice-versa. This is a spiritual destination, which requires eyes to be seen, and brain to be comprehended. One who mugged one's brain with bookish form can never grasp this musty. This is one and that quite other thing. The enlightened ones started being called learned and scholars were designated jnani [enlightened] : these two got aquatinted with the real [essential] element. In the Gita I spoke only six couplets. There was no possibility expressing [speaking in words] the seventh one. That was brought to experience in the practical way. Each couplet [shloka] reflected a special spiritual state."

Saturday the 06th April 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला : "अज़ीज़ राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर वाले] जिस वक़्त ऋषि सीलोन को मक़ाम अव्यक्त गति से तवज्जः दे रहा था वो ईश्वरीय काम में मशरूफ़ था, महसूस न कर सका। जब इत्तिला दी गयी, तब मरक़िब हुआ और ध्यान में बैठ गया। यह हालत उसको इस क़दर पसंद आयी कि जिस मक़ाम की यह हालत है उस को खोलने की इल्तिज़ा की। अभी चूँकि हुक्म क़ुदरत नहीं था, इस लिए हुआ, कि न खोलो। ऋषि सीलोन इस क़दर शैदाई और दिलदाद : इस हालत का हुआ कि वृत रख लिया कि जब तक आप इसको खोल न देंगे, दाना पानी न करूँगा। उसने उसी उसी वक़्त वृत रख लिया। क़ुदरत के हुक़्म का इंतज़ार है। वो शख्स अपने गुरु की तरह मुख़ातिब हुआ। हुक्म मिला और इजाज़त भी दी गयी। कि दुनियाँ में सिर्फ एक हस्ती उनकी [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर वाले] है और उन्ही से मुखातिब होने पर काम चलेगा।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] time 08.10 AM : "When dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur UP] was transmitting to the Sage of Ceylon from the point [region] of 'Abyaktagati' or qudsa' [point of unexceptionable Reality of Divine piousness], he was busy with Divine work and could not be aware of the transmission. When he was informed, he got oriented and sat down for meditation. His state enamored him to the extent that he prayed for awakening [blossoming] of the point to which that condition [state] belonged. Since there was no order for that yet from Nature, it couldn't be done. The heart of the Sage of Ceylon was so much captivated by this state, that he started a fast till the point got awakened [opened]. He is continuing that fast. Nature's order is awaited. The sage got oriented to his own Master [guide]. There was order and also permission intimating that there is only one entity in the world [i.e. of dear Ram Chandra - of Shahjahanpur] capable of awakening that point and the needful can be had only on being oriented to him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur].

ऋषि सीलोन के गुरु महाराज : "यह मेरा शिष्य जो इस वक़्त लंका में है, अपने वक़्त का एक ही बुजुर्ग़ है। उम्र ज़्यादः है। मगर उसको यह खबर नहीं [मालिक वोह आपको ज़रूर समझता था] कि ऐसे जौहर आपमें पोशीदा हैं। जुनूबी हिन्द के दौरे में उसने आपको बहुत ताड़ा। फ़िर भी कुछ न ताड़ सका। आपको ईश्वर ने ऐसा बनाया है कि एक निगाह में इस से ज़्यादः तृप्ति हो सकती है। इख़्तियार नहीं जो आपको हुक्म दूँ, प्रार्थना ज़रूर है। इस लिहाज़ से कि आप इन कामों के लिए भी आये हैं।"

The Revered Master of the Sage of Ceylon : "My disciple who is in Shri Lanka at present happens to be a unique [unmatched] elder saint of his time. He is quite aged, but he has no has no awareness that such precious jewels lie concealed with you [even though he treats you as Master]. During your tour in South India, he estimated you quite a lot : but could not form an [adequate] estimate, after all. You have been structured by God in such a way as to enable more satiation [than that state] being gifted in a single wink of the eye. I have no right to order; but request is certainly there as you have arrived [in the world] for such jobs [of giving spiritual benefit to aspiring / deserving individuals] also."

हज़रत क़िब्ला : "मुझको शर्म आती है कि इतना बड़ा ऋषि इस तौर पर कहे। । चुनांचे मैं हुक़्म देता हूँ कि इस शख्स को [ऋषि - लंका] छोटी पर खींच दो। मगर यह काम एक डैम न करना। अपनी तालीम में ले लो। इसको इत्तिला दे दो कि मुझको अपने पीर का हुक्म मिल चुका है। वृत की अब ज़रूरत नहीं। सब्र की ज़रूर ज़रूरत है। यह अल्फ़ाज़ कि मुझको मेरे पीर ने हुक्म दे दिया है, बराहे रास्त उसको पहुँचा दिए गए। चुनांचे उसने वृत तोड़ दिया जैसा कि हुक्म था। ऋषि लंका के गुरु को मैं इस लिहाज़ से छोड़ता हूँ कि उन्होंने एक क़ाबिल शिष्य ऐसा बना दिया कि तमाम दुनियाँ का काम चल रहा है। वर्ना मैं तुम्हीं को उसके सलब करने का हुक़्म देता और नीचे उतार देता। बात यह थी कि क़ुदरत से हुक्म हो चूका है कि अज़ीज़ राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर वाले] की आज़माइश न की जावे। उन्होंने ख़िलाफ़े हुक्म क़ुदरत सख्त जाँच क्यों की। यह मेरा मेकिंग था कि तुम सही उतर गए। अाज़माईश यह थी कि इन [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर वाले] से कहा गया कि मुझको तवज्जोः दो और यह ख़याल था कि देखें यह मुझको उस सभ्यता के साथ तवज्जोः देते हैं जैसे मोक्छः आत्माओं को दी जा सकती है। हवास उड़ गए यह देख कर कि इसने सभ्यता का लिहाज़ ही नहीं रक्खा बल्कि इस तरह पर तवज्जोः दी, जैसे बुजुर्ग़ रुहें अपनी ख़ालिस सूरत में दिया करतीं हैं। जहाँ पर छुटायी - बड़ाई का ख्याल नहीं होता। इस किस्म की तवज्जोः देना कोई नहीं जानता। जब ऐसा था तो इसमें इसकी आज़माइश क्यों की गयी। जानते हुए कि क़ुदरत का हुक्म हो चुका है कि आयन्दा कोई आज़माइश न होगी।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I feel shy that such a great seer would speak like this. I order, as such, that you pull up the sage of Shri Lanka to the top [of the head]. This, however, is not to be done all at once. Take his under your training. Communicate to him that you have received orders from your Master and, hence, there is no need of fasting [on the part of sage of Ceylon [any more]. Patience, he certainly needs. [The words that my Master has permuted / ordered me were communicated to him directly; and he broke his fast in accordance with the command]."

Revered Master's [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] dictation continued : "I am excusing the master of the sage of Shri Lanka with regard to the fact that he was structured a capable disciple who is working to fulfill the need of the world. Otherwise, I would have ordered you just to snatch off his spiritual state, and pul him down. The thing [point] is that there are standing orders from Nature that dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] is no more to undergo any tests. Why did he put him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] to severe test. It was my making that you came successful our of the test. His test consisted in asking dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] to transmit to him [Master of the sage sage of Ceylon]. His idea behind this test was to see whether transmission was administered to him with the courtesy [and culture] that is due to the liberated souls! He was awe-stricken to find that dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] not only maintained [perfect] decorum, but transmitted to him actually as the souls of Revered Elders in their pure form use to do, where no consideration of small and big is retained at all. Transmitting in this way is not known to anybody [else]. When such was the case, why then was he [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] put to test, knowing fully well that there are standing orders from Nature that he will no more be subjected to any tests!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The sage of Ceylon is far advanced in spirituality, but still far below the stage of 'Qudsa' or 'Avyaktagati'."

Sunday the 07th April 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "रूहानियत को लोगों ने मज़ाक़ समझ रक्खा है। समझते हैं कि यह हिस्सा तो पीर का है। अपने ताल्लुक सिर्फ़ यह ही काम है कि दुनियाँदारी के मामलात में कोशां रहे। वक्त पर मुरकीबाः किया और चले आये। जन्म-जन्मांतर गुज़र चुके हैं, इसी आरुद्ध [रौध] में रहे। यह किसी से न हुआ कि इसको [रूहानियत को] फ़ौक़ियत देते। हर काम में इसी को मुक़द्दम समझते। सब [ख़यालात की] धारों को समेट कर कसी तरफ़ कर देते। यह जो आवाम का है। तरक़ीबें पूँछते। गुत्थियाँ सुलझाते और काम करते। दुनियाँदरी के काम इस लिए आसान मालूम होते हैं कि ज़्यादः हिस्सा वक़्त का उसमें सर्फ़ होता है। अगर इसमें [रूहानियत में] भी इतना हिस्सा सर्फ़ होने लगे तो यह भी आसान मालुम होने लगे। लुत्फ़ क्यों नहीं आता। मोहब्बत की कमी। हर बात के लिए और हर खराबी को दूर करने के लिए मराकबः हो सकता है। यह ही एक चीज़ है जो मंज़िल तक पहँचा देती है।"

"आसान मराकबः यह है कि उसकी याद से किसी दम ग़ाफ़िल न हो। और सब से आसान नुस्खा भी यह ही है। मगर साथ ही ऐसे तरीक़े भी करता चले जो इसमें मददग़ार हो। वार्ना इश्क़ सादिक़ है तो यही बातें अज़खुद पैदा होने लगेंगीं। और ज़ियादःतर वक़्त इसी में लगाया जाय यानी ख़याल में।"

"यह वो मुजर्रब नुस्खा है जो कभी खता नहीं करता। दुनियाँदारी में ज़्यादातर मोहब्बत हज़्ज़ेनफ़्स के लिए की जाती है और यह बात आसान यूँ मालुम होती है कि तबीयतें उस तरफ झुकी हुयी है। यही बात अगर उस तरफ़ मोल्ड कर दी जावे तो सब कुछ हो सकता है और यहाँ पर उस सरूर लाइंतिहा [लामितनाही] के लिए जो हर शख्स को मयस्सर नहीं, मोहब्बत की जाय तो वही बात हो जाती है। इस्तेमाल बदला हुआ है। वहाँ पर उन धारों के ज़ेरे असर हैं जिनकी फुरना इन्द्रियों से होती रहती है और यहां पर उस ताक़त में घुसते हैं जिसके ख़राब इस्तेमाल से उसमें ज़ोर पैदा हो गया। [अटेम्प्ट एक ही चीज़ को करना है। ] एक में बावलापन है और दूसरे में शराफ़ते - इन्सानी। और यह फ़र्ज़ के अन्दर है। दुसरी चीज़ का इस्तेमाल फ़र्ज़ के बाहर बे-अदबी है। अगर इसको [रूहानियत को] ठीक कर लें तो यह क़ाबू में आ जाती हैं। नतीजा यह निकला कि कामयाबी का राज़ सिर्फ मोहब्बत है। सालिक़ का साथ इस हद तक देती है कि धुरपद [Ultimate stage] पर पहुँच कर खुद अलोप और गुम हो जाती है।"

"मोहब्बत क्या है? ज़ात का साया और इन्सान असल ज़ौहर। कितनी क़रीब है। रौशनी में आ जाने से साया गुम हो जाता है। मोहब्बत के समझने के लिए तीन दर्ज़े क़ायम कर लो।"

"पहली स्टेज : जो आम तौर पर है। मिसाल की ज़रूरत नहीं। यानि हर दुनियाँदारी की चीज़ों में घुसे होते हैं और ख्वामख्वाह बेमतलब। बे-ग़रज़। इतना लिप्त होना कि मामूली मामूली बातों पर रोना आ रहा है। ग़म खाये जाता है। और इज़ाफ़ा हुआ तो हालत ठहर जाती है।"

"दूसरी स्टेज : इस से ऊपर यानि इस से बहुत ऊपर, यानि कि फिक्र तो है, काम भी करते हैं। तकलीफ भी होती है। मगर फर्क इतना है कि रोना नहीं आता।"

"तीसरी स्टेज : अब और आगे बढ़िए, और ऊँचा जाइये जहाँ पर सिर्फ यह ही ख़याल रहता है कि काम किये जाओ। मेहनत करो और फिर भी नतीज़ा मतलूब पैदा न हो तो समझ लो कि हुक्म ईश्वर का नहीं है। यहाँ पर पहुंच कर खयालात ईश्वरीय शुरू हो जाते हैं और वो लगाव कि इब्तिदा हो जाती है जिस से आगे काम लेना है। इसी को फ़ेरते चले जाओ और उस से [दुनियाँदारी] हटते चले जाओ। इसका इन्तहाई तौर पर और ज़रूरत भर हट जाना, मोहब्बत के खुलूस का आग़ाज़ है। फेरना लफ्ज़ माइनीदार है। मिसाल है ; जितना घोड़ा फेरा जाता है उतनी ही उसमें आब बढ़ती है और काम बन जाता है। यह मुख़्तसरन मैनें लिख दिया। यह ही चीज़ डेवेलप होते होते आख़िर तक पहँचा देती है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "People have taken spirituality to be a joke : they consider it to be part of just the Guide's duty. For themselves they prefer to remain yoked to worldly affairs : at a fixed time they would doze in meditation and go away. Lives after lives have gone away : they have persisted with their fixed notions [per structured ways]. Nobody took care [enough] to give preference to spirituality; and treat just this to be the main thing [of prime value], gathering all currents [of thought] together to be directed just this way [to this side]! This happens to be the condition belonging to the people in general. They ought to have attached their hearts to this alone, enquiring after devices, unravelling knots and working onwards. The affairs concerning worldliness appear to be easy due to large part of time being devoted to them. Spirituality may come to seem easy if the same part [of time and attachment] gets yoked to this as well! Why after all there is lack of pleasure as derived out of real spirituality? This is simply due to lack of love [attachment]! There can be meditation for achieving any thing, and in order to give up every defect. That [love or attachment] is the only thing to bring one right up to the destination. The easy meditation consists is not being oblivious of his remembrance for even a single moment; and this alone happens to be the easiest prescription. Techniques, helpful to it may, however, be also adopted alongside. Else, if genuine love is there these things will start coming up by themselves [automatically]. Most of the time is to be engaged in this alone viz. thought or remembrance. This is that well tried out prescription that can never fall short of success. In case worldliness most love is yoked to sensuous [carnal] pleasure; and this appears easy because hearts [of people generally] are inclined to this [carnal pleasure]. If this thing only gets molded to that side [spirituality], everything can be achieved. If here in love is yoked to that inexhaustible happiness [intoxication] which is not available to all and sundry, the same [effect] is to be brought about : only the yoking [utilization = application] happens [to be] altered! There, it is under the effect of those currents, whose sprouting remains coming out of the sense organs; and here, penetration in to that power takes place, where in force has been generated due to its bad yoking. Only one thing has to be attempted on the whole! There is madness [craziness] in one, and human culture [civility = gentleness] in the other : This is within [the sphere of] duty, and that outside [duty] in the circle of impertinence! If this [spirituality] be set right, other things also come / fall within control. In conclusion, love alone happens to be the secret of success [every where]. It [love] takes the aspirant right up to the very Ultimate stage [Dhrua pad], and then itself this appears or gets lost [losing its own trail]."

"What is love? Just the shadow of Ultimate Being [Zaat] and the real essence of man [humanity]. How close [at hand]! On coming in the light, the shadow fades off! To understand [comprehend] Love, just fix [establish] three stages : the first is what is generally available [everywhere] needing on illustration. One remains involved unnecessarily in every worldly matter [affairs] without any benefit or even concern to oneself. One gets so much entangled [in worldly matters] that little, simple affairs cause sadness and even deep rooted grief [and shock]. On coming to [slight] relief, there occurs change [alteration] to state to the other [opposite] extent. The second lies above this - quite far above, it may be said - when care [worry and anxiety] does exist no doubt, active participation in work is also there, and one feels trouble and pain, as well, but the difference [from the first stage] consists in there being no sadness [weeping] or deep rooted grief / shock. Moving still further and no climbing up to the third stage is only the thought just of going on with work continually. Laboring hard and yet if the desired result is not coming [achieved], it is taken simply as ordained that way by God! On arriving at this stage, divine thoughts start and that attachment begins, which is to serve as the instrument of work ahead. Just proceed giving [administering] turn [that way] to it; and [simultaneously] moving [turning] away from that side [worldliness]. Removal of this in the final way and according to need is the starting point of purity of love. The expression' giving [administering] turn' is meaningful. There is a proverb [in Hindi] viz. a horse acquires glamour and becomes useful to the same extent that it is given [administered] turns [training]. I have dictated this briefly. Just this thing developing slowly and gradually takes one up to the farthest end."

Monday the 08th April 1946 :

गुरु महराज - ऋषि लंका [यानि मौजूदा ऋषि लङका के पीर जो जिस्म छोड़ चुके हैं] : "मैंने बहुत ग़लती की जो तुम्हारी आज़माइश की। अफ़सोस है। [यहाँ तशरीफ़ ला कर यह अल्फ़ाज़ फरमाए] यह जानते हुए कि ऐसी हस्ती कभी ज़ाहिर नहीं हुई। तुम्हारे गुरु महराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़] को छोड़ता हूँ। उनका कहना ही क्या। यह सब उन्ही की बरक़त है तुम ने ज़िन्दगी में वोह स्टेजेस पार कर लिए जो मुझको अब तक मयस्सर नहीं। दुनियाँ से गए हुए अरसा गुज़र गया।"

Revered Master of the sage of Ceylon arrived [from the world hereafter] and submitted : "I committed with mistake in putting you to test. I regret [having done that], knowing [well] that such a personality never manifested [on earth]. Your Revered Master [[Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], of-course excepted : what to say abut Him; all this is just His Grace! You [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] have crossed over such stages, as are not available to me yet, long after my going out of the world [physical existence]!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "बस मैं इतना ही लिखाऊँगा कि कभी कभी आलमे बाला पर रुज़ू हो जाया करो।"

Revered Master [[Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I shall ask you only to get oriented mow and then to the higher world."

भाई जगमोहन नारायण : "शरीक़ कर लेना।"

Dear Jagmohan Narain : "Do include me also."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "People may laugh at such dictation of our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]; but it is the truth, and bare truth! People do not have the capacity to understand it. The order issued to you just now, was binding on Lord Krishna during His lifetime! He [Revered Master of the sage of Ceylon] will come to you often for training. I am fixing the morning time [for him], but can change it [as may be convenient]."

ऋषि लँका यानि सीलोन : "मेरे पीर ने मुझको भी देने से कुछ नहीं रक्खा यानि सब कुछ दे दिया। जैसा कि तुम्हारे पीर [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़] ने कहा है। मुझे मालूम था कि मेरे गुरुमहाराज आपके पास मौजूद हैं और हवा मुझको भी पहुँची। होश उड़। इस से पहले कि तवज्जोः का दिलदाद हो गया था। अब समझ में आया कि मैंने कुछ नहीं सीखा। इस वक़्त [आपकी] तवज्जोः ने मुझको हैरत में दाल दिया।"

The sage of Ceylon : "My Master too has not kept any thing from bestowing un to me. He has given everything [he has] to me, just your Master has done [with you]! I knew that my Revered Master is with you at present; and the air [of your transmission to him] has reached me as well! I am dumb - founded! Before this, I had become enamoured of transmission; but now I have found that I did not learn any thing! Your transmission [administered to my Revered Master] just has now has brought me up the the state of wonderment."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़] वक़्त 07. 45 शाम : "मैं ख़ामोश था, अब तय हो गया। श्री कृष्णा जी महाराज की फनाइयत तुम में हो कर रहेगी। कह भी चुके हैं। [तारीख 30 - 01 - 1946] मगर इस तरह से, जैसे रफ़्ता रफ़्ता मैंने तुम में फनाइयत हांसिल की थी। उसी का आग़ाज़ हो गया।"

Revered Master's [of Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] dictation time 07.45 PM : "I was silent. Now the decision has been taken. Merging of Lord Krishna in you is destined to happen! He has already hinted [03.01.1946]. It will, however, happen slowly [by and by] just as I had obtained mergence in you. That process [of Lord Krishna's mergence in you] has already got started."

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "उड़ीसा का जाना मुल्तवी रहेगा। जब तक कोई खास ज़रूरत पैदा न हो जाय।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "Trip of Orissa stands postponed so long as some special need does not come up.

Tuesday the 09th April 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Lord Krishna has made up His mind to bring you to the level. The world has never before seen anything like the strange making of your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]! [Pause]"

"Munshi Madan Mohan Lal is now going towards liberation, if he continues to go on as such."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "स्वामी विवेकानंद जी की इबारत का मंशा यह है कि श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज तुमको अपने लेवल पर लाना चाहते हैं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The meaning of Swami Ji's hint is that Lord Krishna Wants to bring you up to His own level."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have so many jobs at hand : and as such, you need not strain, [exercise] yourself about such trifling matters in the letter of Narain dated Sunday the 07th April 1946 [concerning some information about some old associates at Kanpur]. Babu Madan Mohan Lal should get up early morning. If his health permits, he should take bath. Anyway, he should prepare himself for work by about 05.00 AM. Our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has bestowed power on him for the work. He should be punctual in his work. The mode of replying by Agha was very harsh. I will tune him today on-wards. Your duty will be to work without any [outward] demonstration, unless something happens by itself."

"such people as [Agha] can not come round, unless they be destined that way. They have been spoiled. Create new world. Zaat [Ultimate Being] itself can be moved, but who is going to realize that. Stages, you can insert in a moment; but who will realize the plainness and simplicity, as you call it!"

Thursday the 11th April 1946 :

महात्मा बुद्ध जी : "कनेक्शन उन सब के जिनके काटना चाहिए थे, काट चुके हैं। जो लोग कि रह गए हैं, थोड़े से हैं। उनको फूँक फूँक कर क़दम रखना चाहिए ताकि आईन्दा कोई सूरत ऐसी पैदा न हो जावे और बदनामी का वाइस हो। संगठन अजीब चीज़ है, इससे काम लो। मौजूदा इंतज़ाम दर हक़ीक़त इस लिए था कि लोग सब मिलजल कर एक हो जावें। ऐसा न हुआ। सबब? हालत में कमी। क्यों ? सही माईनों में मोहब्बत नहीं की गयी। किससे? अपने गुरु से। अगर होती तो मुमकिन न था कि सरल हालत न दौड़ने लगती। जब यह हो जाता है तो ऊँचाई नीचाई, बड़ाई छोटाई का सवाल ही न रहता। सब एक से नज़र आते।"

Dictation from Lord Buddha : "The connections of all those persons who needed being disconnected, have got snapped off. Those who have remained [connected in tact] are quite few. They should proceed on very cautiously and carefully so that some condition / situation [in their case also] may not develop in future, to cause scandal [further]! Organization is some thing unique : make [proper] use of it! The existing arrangement, in fact, was just for the sake of making all people be knit together. That did not come to be! The reason [there of] : just lack of [the required] condition! Why [that]? Love was not developed in the real sense! With whom? With one's Master [Guru]! If love [with the Master] had been there, it was not possible that simple [and natural] state would have failed to pervade! When this would have happened, all thought of high and low, big and small, had just vanished; and the vision making all seem equal [one and the same] would prevail!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "बुद्ध जी महाराज का मंशा इस तहरीर से यह है कि जिस ने यह हालत पैदा कर ली, जहां पर सब एक ही होते हैं तो तफ़रक़े का सवाल ही नहीं रहता।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Reverend Lord Buddha means by this dictation to say that for the one has developed the state wherein all happen to be one and the same [equal], there remains no question [consideration] of differentiation."

महात्मा बुद्ध : "क्या हँसी आती है कि एक साहिब [उमा शंकर - एटा] मुझे ले कर बैठे जिनके क़रीब भी मैं न गया। मेरी हालत कुछ अजीब मेहरबानी और मोहब्बत की रही है। सुधार फ़र्ज़ समझा और इसमें ज़िन्दगी व्यतीत कर दी कि लोगों को फायदा हो। वार्ना, क्या यह शख्स इस क़ाबिल नहीं है कि इसको सज़ा दी जाय। छोड़ता तो सब छोड़ता। हर्ज़ न था। उसे नहीं मालुम कि वोह खुद क्या है और उसके पीर की क्या हस्ती है। आँखें नहीं कि देखें। हम जानते हैं। मतलब। तावक़्ते साबित न हो जाय कि पीर या गुरु निकम्मा है ; रूहानी मंज़िल तय नहीं कर सकता, हरगिज़ न छोड़ें।"

Reverend Lord Buddha : "How humorous, that one gentleman [Uma Shankar Etah UP] has taken me [for his connection] whereas I never went close to him! My state has been of peculiar compassion and affection! Reform [of individual and society] I took up as duty [for me] and spent my whole life therein, to give benefit to people! Alas, does not this fellow deserve punishment! There was no harm, if he had given up every thing, in case he intended giving up [the old connection]! He does not know what he himself happens to be; and what is the status of his Master [Guru]! He does not have eyes to have [adequate] vision! I know [the status of your and his reverend Master]! What I mean is that one should never [at all] for sake one's Master, so long as it be not proved [conclusively to oneself] that one's guide is worthless and incapable of making one traverse spiritual stages [to the destination]!"

Sunday the 14th April 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Patanjali has undergone a number of changes in this world, before taking the present form now. You are the sage Patanjali, the same soul."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "स्वामी जी महाराज ने राज़ की बात खोल दी।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] :

"Revered Swami Ji has given out the secret."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "People should learn the lesson from this epic! Liberation is not an easy affair! A seer, universally praised [academic] comes now for liberation. There are hundreds of examples of this type. Swami Shri Shankaracharya has not yet taken the trend towards liberation. How horrible [frightening] is the cycle [circle] of rebirth. People think of it as a very easy matter. Happy are those who try to come again and again in this world : they have ho idea for liberation, and they do not want to get rid of their present state! What is required for the freedom of the soul, is to free oneself from all desires : that is the only thing for liberation. One may go for penances for thousands of years; and yet the apprehension of return [to this world of suffering] will persist! Go for a moment in the state of everlasting happiness of Nirvana or liberation in the way that you have mastered, and that is sufficient for [ensuring] liberation! I like your idea and mode of training : fools do not understand it! If plainness and simplicity of Nature comes in itself, and one gains mastery over it, liberation is sure [to be there]. The idea is very simple! I dare say that nobody except your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], could catch the side to express it in plain and simple way in the phrase 'plainness and simplicity'! When this thing comes, calmness prevails! One who has it, can never be disturbed even if tortured [extremely]."

"The objective of all dictations from me is that the people coming to you must follow it rigidly! If liberation is lost this time, who can guaranty the prospect in future! No body knows what is going to happen next day! This time Nature incarnated for the liberation of souls : so you are all reaping double benefit; I mean those of you who have faith in God's work and management!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji continued the dictation [04.40 PM] : "The question concerning liberation was a peculiar nature. Liberation means freedom even in bodily existence from all worldly desires. One who has acquired this capacity even though having a physical body … … ."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैं इस जुमले को पूरा किये देता हूँ। असना-ए-डिक्टेशन में स्वामी जी को कुछ ज़रूरी काम आ गए। जिस शख्स ने अपनी ज़िन्दगी में यह हालत पैदा कर ली जो स्वामी जी महाराज ने लिखाई है वो जिस्म रखते हुए आज़ाद हो गया। और यह होना लाज़मी है। इसमें शक नहीं कि मैंने अक्सर लोगों को आज़ाद कर दिया। मगर यह ऐसी बात है जो बार बार हर जगह पर नहीं की जाती।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : " I am completing this sentence : Swami had to attend to some urgent work in the midst of the dictation. The person who has attend to the state indicated [referred to] by Swami Ji, becomes freed [liberated] even while remaining in [the physical] body. This is essential. No doubt I bestowed libration on people very often; but his this is something that is not done frequently and everywhere."

Monday the 22nd April 1946 :

श्री कृष्णा जी महाराज : "मैं भण्डारे को देखता रहा। कुछ न था। सिवाय आदमियों के जमाव के, जैसा मेले में हो जाता है। फैज़ क़तई बंद था। अब वहाँ किसी में ताक़त नहीं रही जो फैज़ दे सके। सरचश्मा तुम्हारे यहाँ जारी था।"

Lord Krishna : "I remained observing the 'annual-function' [at Fatehgarh]. There was nothing except a crowd of human-beings like it happens during a fair [any where]! Current of [Divine] grace was entirely absent [close down]. Now, nobody retains the capability to invite [Divine] grace, and distribute [spiritual] benefit! At your place, the spring [of Divine Grace] was [continually] flowing."

राधा जी : "भाई, तुम इसको बंद क्यों नहीं कर देते।"

'[नोट : मैंने कुछ बातें इसके मुताल्लिक कहीं। जवाब दिया।]

"तुम कुछ काम मेरे सुपुर्द कर सकते हो। यह वख्त आ गया, लोगों को सच्ची परख जाती रही। तुम्हारे पास बहुत से डिक्टेट्स हैं, सब में सरलता की तारीफ़ है। और यह चीज़ बड़ी मुश्किल से मिलती है। इसको सिखाने वाला बजुज़ एक आध के कोई समझ में नहीं आता। चीज़ कामयाब है, इस लिए क़द्र नहीं। इसके लिए गृहस्थी को छोड़ जंगल में रहे। यह खालिस हालत दर-हकीकत ज़ात की है, या यूँ कहो कि ज़ात की हालत की शुरुआत है। इस के समझने वाले बहुत कम मिलेंगे। तुम्हारा वतीरा शुरू से ऐसा ही रहा है कि खालिस चीज़ नज़र की। जुनूबी हिन्द के दौरे में यही चीज़ तुमने भरी। और हर जगह जहाँ भेजे गए, यही समां बाँधा। ज़रूरत ही इसी की है बड़ी हस्ती की यही पहँचान है।"

Reverend Radha Ji : "Why don't you stop this [function being celebrated], brother!"

On my submission about the matter, Reverend Radha Ji's dictation continued : "You can assign some [of important] work to me. [Pause] The times have come to such a pass that people have lost real assessment. You have so many dictations with you which contain praise for simplicity; and this is very difficult to find [attain]. The one to impart training / teaching for this is not available to comprehension with the exception, of just one or close to that [even less]. The commodity [simplicity] being rare, its worth is not [properly] appreciated [assessed]. For just this, household way of life was abandoned and residing in forests was preferred. This pure state really belongs to the Ultimate Being [Zaat]; or you may say that this is the beginning of the state of the Ultimate Being. The people to comprehend [understand] this thing [simplicity] will be found to be very few. Your style [of functioning] from the very start[beginning] has remained to take the pure thing in to view. During the tour of South India you stuffed [filled] just this thing; and created this very atmosphere where ever you happened to be directed to go. There is also need for this alone : just this happens to signify [indicate] big personality!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I have to tell you, my dear, that this is the first time since the days of Lord Krishna that you are filling the air according to the dictates [directions] of our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] and myself as well. It is needed everywhere and also [have much] wanting [lacking]."

Tuesday the 30th April 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Last night, I was observing your 'Satsang' [spiritual-society]. As it was barren, nobody could like it. For you, it is the best course to move on about certain places to find men for imparting of such a high standard. Your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] is always busy with you, not losing a single minute to push you higher and yet higher. That is the thing he can give you as a token of love!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "बाबू मदन मोहन लाल : यह भी मेरी ईज़ाद है कि सब कुछ दे कर आगे कैसे बढ़ाया जाता है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] addressing Munshi Madan Mohan Lal : "This too is my invention, how even after having given everything, one is to be taken still ahead!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "He is always restless and wants to see you progressing higher and yet higher. Such a personality as your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], I admit, was never born. For you, I have [already] said a lot. Get a man of such a high standard for training. He [Our Lord - Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] is the guiding power.

Saturday the 04th May 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई, बाबू मदन मोहन लाल! कहने को तो मैंने अज़ीज़ राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] के बारे में सब कुछ कह दिया। ज़ाती क़ाबलियत भी ज़ाहिर कर दी। उसके तरीक़े भी बतला दिए। अमल भी रोशन कर दिए। मगर एक ज़बरदस्त बात कहने से रह गयी। वो यह कि यह मेरी तरफ़ हमातन गया था। झाड़-झंकार [मिस्ल काँटों के जो आग लगने के वक़्त सब ख़ाक़ हो जाते हैं] सब के साथ मुझ में फनाइयत की कोशिश की थी। वो कैसे, कि इन चीज़ों को उस हालत पर लाना चाहा जो असल में मिल कर एक हो जाती हैं। भाई, यह बात खुदादाद थी। कोई हिदायत इस तरह की इसको नहीं दी गयी। इसकी नक़ल लोग करना चाहें तो कर सकते हैं। यह बात जूस वक़्त तक खुली न थी और गुप्त थी। इसका संभालने वाला मैं ही था। अब ज़ाहिर कर रहा हूँ। अहमियत का पर्दा शुरू से ही पैदायशी चाक था। इसने उसको और भी मदद दी।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] addressing Munshi Madan Mohan Lal : "So far as my telling about merits and techniques of dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] concerns, I have told everything; his personal capability, methods invented and used by him and the practice adopted by him have all been brought to light. Still, one very strong point remains to be told : he had got oriented to me totally and had attempted to merge in my entirely together with all the bushes and brambles [untoward circumstances of life and unwholesome characteristics of personality], which like thorns [painful obstructions and impediments to progress] get all reduced to ashes when the fire [of spiritual orientation and Divine Grace] is lit up. He tried to bring all these things to the state where in everything gets mingled in to Reality to be one with it. This was a godly gift : no instructions were issued to him in this regard. People may copy this, if they like. This thing was confidential and not revealed earlier. I myself was the person to take care of [manage] it; now, I am revealing it. The veil of ego emphasis [self importance] was already in a torn state at birth itself : that proved further more helpful to him."

Sunday the 19th May 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "All are losing their [separate] existence [identity], making one [alone] for the work [on-wards]. Lord Buddha has given up separate identity and merged in you, this very moment."

Monday the 20th May 1946 :

भगवान बुद्ध : "मेरी हालत मैं ही जनता था। एक खास बात क़ाबिल लिखाने के यह है कि तुम्हारे गुरु महराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] ने वोह हिस्सा भी ले लिया था जिसको सबसे अच्छा समझता था और मेरी हालत का अंजाम था।"

"यह निस्बतें तुमको तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] से मिलीं। अब डेवेलप कर दीं गयीं। शिकायत जो तुमने अपनी निस्बत की थी। यह कैसा दिल व् जिगर बुद्ध का था जो एक दम से राज़ बीबी बच्चा छोड़ कर जंगल की तरफ रुख़ कर दिया। यह कमज़ोरी नहीं। यह कमज़ोरी नहीं थी, बल्कि तुम्हारे यहाँ के उसूल के अंदर थी।"

"मयाना रवी, एतदाल पसंदी सिलसिले की जान है। बुद्ध गया तुमको जाना चाहिए। जगह को अजसरे नौ मुनव्वर कर दो। जंगल में कुछ निशानात भी हैं जहाँ मै विचरा हूँ और असर है। चाहो, मालूम कर लेना। ज़रूरी काम बुद्ध गया है अभी बताया। सीलोन में एक मक़ाम है उसे यहाँ से ही शुद्ध कर देना। मैं फ़ना हो चुका हूँ। आता रहूँगा, जो दरियाफ्त करोगे, बताता रहूँगा। मेरी निस्बत भी इस सिलसिले [सहज मार्ग] में पहुँच गयी है। एक बात तुम्हे और करना होगी। वक़्त पर बतला दी जायगी।"

Reverend Lord Buddha : "I alone have the knowledge of my condition. One thing special worth mention is that your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] had taken hold of that part as well which I considered to be best and happened to be the end results of my state [condition]. You obtained all these relationships [connections] through your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : now these have been got developed. [Pause] Yesterday you had complained about your relationship [connection] as to what sort of heart and lever had Lord Buddha got so as to suddenly forsake [the responsibilities of] kingdom, wife and child to turn the face towards the forest! This was not weakness, but within the principles of your system! Adopting the mean [middle way] as the way of life and natural preference for temperance are the life [force] of the system of spiritual practice and training under both basic Buddhism and 'Sahaj Marg'! You must go to Bodhgaya, and illuminate the place anew. In the forest where I have roamed [and lived] there are [some] signposts [still] containing [spiritual] effect, which you may discover, if you like. The essential work is at Gaya, that I have just mentioned! There is a spot in Ceylon : purify that from here itself! I have got merged [in you]. I shall remain coming and telling you whatever you like to inquire. My relationship [connection] will also remain available in this chain [system] of 'Sahaj Marg'. One thing more, you will be required to do : that will be indicated at the appropriate time."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You will have to initiate somebody on the hand of Reverend Lord Buddha. Mandates will remain the same that you got from Lord Krishna together with additions made by your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]."

Tuesday the 28th May 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "बरेली का अब्दाल एक वजह से सलब किया गया कि हिन्दू-मुस्लिम फ़साद में ख़िलाफ़े हुक़्म क़ुदरत उसने मुसलमानों को मदद दी थी। बरेली और शाहजहाँपुर उसके सर्किल में था। दोनों ले लिए गए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : The spiritual status of the invisible sage in-charge of the maintenance of the divine order on Nature [Abdal] of Bareilly UP was snatched away because during communal riots, he had helped members of one community against orders of Nature."

"Bareilly and Shahjahanpur happened to be under his charge. Both have been taken out of his control."

Wednesday the 29th May 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मथुरा के अब्दाल के सर्कल में शाहजहाँपुर और बरेली दे दो। इसलिए कि उसने तुम्हारी ख़िदमत की है। मद्रास का क़ुतुब अगर वादा करे तो उसका सर्किल बढ़ा दिया जावे। coast-wise उसका सर्किल रहेगा उड़ीसा तक। बिहार के क़ुतुब का सर्किल बंगाल और आसाम तक रहेगा। बम्बई और मालावर में इस वक़्त कोई शख्स available नहीं है। गुजरात और राजपुताना एक शख्स के हलके में रहेगा। पंजाब और कश्मीर और सिंध की एक डिवीज़न रहेगी। यू पी में करुणाशंकर का काम रहेगा। इन सब की निगरानी रामेश्वर के ज़िम्मे है। एक अब्दल बदायूँ में है, उसको सलब कर लो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Put Shahjahanpur and Bareilly under the charge of Abdal of Mathura, who has render good service to you. The circle of work for the fixed-polestar [Dhruva = Qutub] of Madras may be increased, if he promises [to shoulder the burden of increased work]. His circle [in that case] will be coast-wise up to Orissa."

"The circle of the Qutub of Bihar shall extend up to Bengal and Assam. Nobody is available at present in Bombay and Malabar."

"Gujarat and Rajputana shall remain in the circle of one person [only]. Punjab Kashmir and Sindh will constitute one Division. The work of Karuna Shankar will be covering United Province. Rameshwar will be responsible for taking stock of all these. There is an Abdal at Budaun. Snatch off his status and authority."

Monday the 24th June 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "नीमसार [नैमिषारण्य] को मुनव्वर कर दो। उसमें कुछ लाशें पड़ी हैं, हड्डियाँ रह गयीं हैं। यह उन यात्रियों की हड्डियाँ हैं जो तीर्थ करने नीमसार गए थे। बता दूंगा। नेक ख़्याल थे। तृप्ति नहीं हुयी। उनकी रूह अपने क़ातिल के गिर्द अब भी चक्कर लगा रहीं हैं। श्री कृष्ण जी की तय है कि उनको तवाह कर दिया जाय। एक बच्चा भी न बचे। एक जगह और है, मौके पर बता दूँगा। रूहों को क़तई लिब्रटे [आज़ाद] कर दो। मोरालिटी गिर गयी है। किसकी बदौलत ? यह ही लोग जो बानी - ए - मज़हब अपने आप को समझते हैं। चौबों या पण्डों के यहाँ कभी न ठहरें। कुछ नेक भी हैं मगर इसका पता लगाना दुष्वार है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Illuminate Naimisharanya. Some corpses are lying there : only skeletons have remained. These bones belong to those pilgrims who had been to Naimisharanya for pilgrimage. I shall indicate to you. They were persons of good thoughts [and intentions]. They have not attained satiation; and their souls are still hovering around their murderers. Reverend Lord Krishna is of the view that these [murderers] be totally destroyed : even a child [in their families] should not be spared. One more spot is there : I will indicate it then and there. The souls [of the victims] are to be liberated fully [unconditionally]. Morality has suffered degradation, just due to these [so called] perpetrators of religion! One should never stay with the host-priests [of various descriptions]! Some are no doubt good ones also, but it happens to be difficult to locate them."

Thursday the 27th June 1946 : [Time 11.10 AM] at Naimisharanya.

Swami Vivekananda Ji : You have been meditating [and transmitting] all along. The place is resounding with spiritual echo. There is no need of meditating [and transmitting any more]. The holy reservoir of [fresh] water [chakra tirtha] has been hypnotized [filled with spiritual grace] sufficiently. There is not much work here; so you can start from here [tomorrow]. One thing, no doubt, remains; and that concerns compliance of the dictates of our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] about the bones of the assassinated pilgrimage. The work is very important one : it must be completed before you leave this place. The holy reservoir of [fresh] water [together with the seat of Sage Vyasa, close by] is the main place here worthy of high esteem."

The same date 27.06.1947 : time 07.00 PM

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have consulted me whether the past impressions [samskaras] of the souls to be liberated are to be burnt up or transferred. The answer is that burning up of samskaras is against the law of Nature. However, you have already finished most part of the work : I mean that you have already burnt up the impressions to a large extent; what is still remaining any way, now is to be transferred to the oppressor assassins. The rest of the work you will do at your home [Shahjahanpur]."

Saturday the 29th June 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "तुम्हारा नीमसार का काम अच्छा रहा। वकील साहिब की ख्वाहिश तुमको लखीमपुर ले जाने की ज़ियादा थी। कह नहीं सकते थे, इस लिए तुमको मैंने भेज दिया। काम और आ गया। छुट्टी नहीं। कचहरी खुल रही है। मज़बूरी है। गया की हालत नाग़ुफ्ता - बे है। बड़ी खराब है। मौका निकालो। जाना होगा। उधर से जगन्नाथपुरी की भी खबर ले लेना। अव्वल, गया [मक़ाम तीर्थ] बादा पूरी [तीर्थ] नदिया [Nadia, Orissa] में चैतन्य महा प्रभु तुम्हें भेज रहे हैं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Your work at Naimisharanya has been [quite] good. Vakil Sahib was much desirous of taking you to Lakhimpur, but was not [feeling] able to ask you [to go there]. As such, I sent you there. More work is now in store and there is no leisure [to stay more at Lakhimpur]. The court is going to open [start working after summer vacation]; and hence there is helplessness. [Pause] the condition at Gaya remains better not to be told! Snatch out an opportunity [to go there]! You have to go; and you should take care of Puri [Jagannath] also that same way [on that same tour]. First Gaya, thereafter Puri and Nadia [pilgrimage : the place where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu entered the ocean at the end of his physical existence and his place of birth and work respectively]. To Orissa you are being sent by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I am very happy with your work at Naimisharanya. The work, however, is still incomplete, because the dictates of our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] remain yet unfulfilled, so far as destruction is still incomplete. Do what is needed. I tell you that when you complete the work of destruction at Gaya, I will vacate my post for you as a reward!

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "गया का destruction शुरू कर दो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Start the [work of] destruction at Gaya.

Swami Vivekananda Ji : [concerning the work of destruction]. "The changes are made in the first step for destruction by the force of will. Circumstances are created to bring the work [of will] in to action vide notes of Lord Krishna in the letter sent to Babu Shripat Sahai, but remember, destruction is bound to come. You cannot measure your will specially allotted for Godly work. If that [will] be focused to a [single] point, it can destroy a thousand worlds!

श्री कृष्णा जी महाराज : "मैं नीमसार के काम से बहुत खुश हुआ। अब काम गया का दरपेश है जो बहुत ज़रूरी है। मौका निकालो।

Revered Lord Krishna : "I am very happy at your work at Naimisharanya. Now the work of Gaya is before you, which is very essential. Work out an opportunity [for the work at Gaya]!

नोट : बमकाम लखीमपुर बाबू ईश्वर सहाय के यहाँ मुक़ीम था। 08.00 [आठ बजे] रात के प्रसाद चढ़ाया। बुज़ुर्गान मौजूद थे। पाहिले श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज ने तवज्जोः फ़रमाई। उसके बाद राधा जी ने पाहिले मुझे तवज्जोः फ़रमाई और उसके बाद बाबू ईश्वर सहाय को तवज्जोः में बैठने का हुक्म दिया। दोनों को अंदर ठण्डक का एहसास हो रहा था। जैसे बर्फ़ में छू कर हवा ठंडी आती है। यह राधा जी के तवज्जोः में बैठने का पहिला मौका था।

Note : At Lakhimpur, I [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] was staying with Master Ishwar Sahai at his residence at 08.00 PM, sweets were offered to Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP and other elders of yore] for benediction [Prasad]. Reverend elders were present. First Reverend Lord Krishna transmitted to the group that was present there. Thereafter Reverend Radha Ji transmitted to me; and later bade Ishwar Sahai also to be included [in the sitting]. Both [Ishwar Sahai and myself] were feeling coolness inside ourselves, like air was flowing [to us] after passing over [touching] icy surface [rocks]. This was the first opportunity of receiving transmission from Reverend Radha Ji in a sitting.

Thursday the 11th July 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The forgotten days [of ancient India] are [now being] remembered! We [elders in spiritual field] want all of you [and all of humanity] to be at zenith [point] of spirituality. Why? Because of the need of time! Not [only] this [work of training people and developing the organization etc.] but the work after life, helping him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] in his great task [remains important]! Spirituality is something [very much] different from power : example - your Guru [Revered Laalaa Ji Sahib, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Sahib of Fatehgarh UP] in spirituality! How to achieve it? The same thing that has been told so often! It is very easy to gain power but it is most difficult to acquire the thing [really] needed! Children play [with toys] : when they grow up, their happiness [derived from playing with toys] is gone for ever! If they think of their cradle again [in their grown up state] in lifetime, people will always suspect them to be crawling on the foothold of childhood. If the same thing gone on and on, the result is to be just sticking to their toys and the same childish habits alone!"

"Similarly, if a man acquires true knowledge but goes back to his old habits, people can say that he has no knowledge that remains actually needed on leaving aside slavish habits which are the things poisonous to the growth of spiritual life in man. If one improves, that means he is going on the right path! These are the stages of renunciation or sacrifice [Tyaga]. One must past through it firmly, having faith in one's Master! These are the lessons for you, children! Today's work is over!"

Sunday the 04th August 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : The system [of spirituality] that prevailed hitherto, has gone away for good vide our Lord's [of Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] notes somewhere! You are putting-forth the starting point of the new religion and culture [of humanity] in continuation with the ancient Indian tradition! You have been brought up in the same fashion. Your position as to the matter, just talked about, had been taken away much earlier before the actual [new] system came in to being. The system, prevalent earlier was different from the real one [now established as linked to ancient roots]. I assure you, dear, that the system now prevailing was a dream to them and they could not catch [comprehend] it easily. There will be hear a few wrong them [perpetrators of the system which prevailed some time earlier] who reached the actual limits of spiritual sublimity. The thing so highly praised [so far] is nothing but Maya [illusory phenomenon of the Real]. We only boast of reaching the Ultimate Being [Zaat] directly. Although the thing was borrowed from our ancient roots, yet they could not give the finishing touch [to it]!

सवाल : "क्या इस वजह से की वे लोग हज़रत मोहम्मद साहिब [सल्ल 0] को अपनी इबादत में शामिल कर लेते थे या कोई और वजह से?

Question : "Was this due to inclusion of Revered Prophet Mohammad in worship [prayer] by them; or because of something else?

Answer [by Swami Vivekananda Ji] : "Their mode of living was responsible for it."

हज़रत मोहम्मद साहिब [सल्ल 0] : "इसकी वजह बहुत साफ़ है। सच कह दूँ। मैं भी आख़िर वक़्त तक उस चीज़ को हाँसिल करता रहा जिसका छोर नहीं। पैरवी नहीं की गयी ताकि यह बात साथ में मिल कर उनको भी नसीब हो जाती। जानवरों को इससे वास्ता। इतना क्या काम था कि लाज़वाल हस्ती पर उनका यक़ीन हो गया। रफ़्ता - रफ़्ता की बातें थीं। मेरे बाद ऐसा न हुआ कि उनको, जिस चीज़ की मुझे ख़बर थी, बता देता और जँगली तर्ज़ व मुआशरत उनकी छुड़ा देता। फ़िर भाई असल असल ही है। यहाँ की सरज़मीन और हवा ऐसी है जिस में बक़ौल तुम्हारे सादग़ी की बू भरी हुयी है। सब का रुझान इसी तबके पर रहा है। मैं भी इसी तबके में था। मगर वहाँ तक रोशनी अरसे से नहीं पहुँची थी, इस लिए मुझको वहाँ वाअज़ करना पड़ा। मगर अफ़सोस, यहां पर भी असर दूसरों का काफ़ी पड़ गया। फ़िर भी बहुत कुछ वो बात क़ाइम है। मुझे तुम्हारे इस ख्याल से कि इल्में-बातिन या ब्रह्मविद्या उसे चाहें कह लो चाहें इल्मे - लद्दुनी। इसका मजहब से क़तई ताल्लुक़ नहीं। मज़हब सिर्फ़ रौशनी रास्ते के लिए दिखाता है। और जँगलीपन से इन्सान बनने की तरवीब देता है।"

Reverend Prophet Mohammad : "The reason for this is very clear [obvious]. Shall I tell the truth! I too remained earning up to the end of my life theta thing which has no end to it. There was not following [of my way] so that this thing combined with [my effort] could have fallen to their lot as well! What had the best to do with that! It was not a mean achieved that they had brought faith on the [one] indestructible [eternal] Being! More was a matter of slow [and mild] growth. There was nobody [coming] after me who would tell them about that thing which I was aware of, to induce them to give up the savage way of their living. Moreover, brother, the Real is after Real! [Pause] The sacred soil and air here is such as in your words, contains the fragrance of simplicity stuffed in it! All [elders in spirituality] have remained oriented to this part [of earth] : I too belonged to the same part [I was also in this very part]. However, light had not reached that [other part of quite some time] such as, I had to carry the message [there] to preach. But, alas! Here also the influence of others [aliens] prevailed enough : even then that [Real] thing remains established [ingrained] to a large extent! I am in agreement with you with your view [thought] that the science of inner self [intuitive knowledge coming from God instead of being learnt] - call it 'Brahma Vidya' [Sanskrit] or lime ladunni [Arabic] - has nothing to do at all with religion [sectarian or communal set of beliefs and ways of living]. Religion only sheds light on the path and provides inducement for giving up savage ways to become human."

Saturday 10th August 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "सुबह के वक़्त तुम्हारा अहसास था कि चित्तोड़ में एक ऋषि को काम करने के लिए मुंतख़िब किया गया है। [08 . 35 सुबह] जिस वक़्त इसकी हालत शुरू हुयी तुमको अहसास हो गया।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Realized your presence this morning [08.35 AM] that a sage at Chittour has been selected for work [of Nature]. Just at the time that his condition started, you got the perception."

Monday 19th August 1946 :

बरोज़ सोमवार जन्माष्टमी [अव्वल]

मीरा बाई : "मुझे यह घर बड़ा सुन्दर मालुम हुआ और यह कमरा जहाँ साक्षात श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज विराजमान हैं, अच्छा लगा। इस कमरे में कुछ परमाणु ऐसे हैं जिनको नहीं होना चाहिए आयन्दा यह एहतियात रक्खी जाय कि इसमें ज़िक्र और ख्याल इसी तरह के हों। कमरा बंद रक्खा जावे। जब ज़रूरत हो तो यहाँ आ जावें या साधारण तौर पर यहां कोई बैठना चाहे तो कोई हर्ज़ नहीं।"

Monday Janmashhtami [Birthday of Lord Krishna] First day : Time - 8.30 PM

Dictation from Mira Bai [Very famous queen devoted to Lord Krishna belonging to Rajasthan in 16th Century AD] : "This house [Rai Bahadur Building - residence of Shri Babu Ji] has appeared very beautiful to me : and this room where in my Lord Shri Krishna Ji Maharaj Himself is present has specially captured my heart. Some particles, however, are such as should not be here in this room. Precaution should be observed in future that the references and thoughts concerning [high] spiritual value alone be allowed to prevail [occur] herein. The room be kept closed, and one may go there only when need [for spiritual practice and discussion] in there. Otherwise if somebody likes to sit in it just in a simple [general] way, there is no harm in that."

Sunday the 01st September 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Everybody is tossing in the hands of Maya [illusory phenomenally] which is unreal [fake reality = illusion]. Everybody is enveloped in darkness; and seeks remedy within the same globe. What one gets, then, comes from the same shadowy thing, which is itself not pure. What is pure, then? Where purity remains [resides] and reigns supreme, that alone is the sphere of God. People are not moving [roaming] in that sphere to churn out the correct things for proper use of conscience. It is wrong conception that the dictates of conscience always lead towards Godly things [and characteristics] in the first step no body can doubt sincerity of conscience; but only when it is trained! Training [of conscience] is not a joke; and everybody would have done that, if it had been the easier way. You know [something of] my life : I was thoroughly educated and developed to scholarly pursuits in the best way. I had the conscience of my own, but I could not catch even the glimpse of Almighty until I met and submitted to my Guru. If anybody can compare with me in knowledge, he should stand on his own legs and see the result that he will go ultimately to his Guru for learning [and training]. Your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] had the inborn capacity, but alt-last He went to His Guide [Huzur Maharaj, Hazarat Maulana Fazl Ahmad Khan, Peace be upon Him] for His improvement. The examples are very rare and seldom found when someone is enabled to go straight without [the need of] any helper. Why should we not adopt the means whereby hundreds of people [seekers and aspirants after spirituality and Reality] have improved and benefited? Why should we not search for the same remedy of all pain and sorrow? Why should we not throw ourselves on some one's feet when we see the sure remedy ahead?"

Tuesday the 10th September 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I am giving details concerning the emblem of Shri Ram Chandra Mission Shahjahanpur, out of which main points may be sorted out :

"Thousands of human beings have been working in the sphere of spirituality form times immemorial, of course on different lines. The goal of everybody was the same. In the course of historical development some Mohammedan sage borrowed glimpses of spirituality form the Indian tradition; and developed their edifice [of spiritual system] on the same foundation. They did very well in their times with the result that we [Hindus] have lost [almost] everything. Their teachings [and training] were confined to their kinsfolk and co-coreligionists. All, anyway, were not communists : only, they were convinced of their superiority. There were a few Hindus who received this kind of teaching. Most of them turned themselves in to Mohammedans [for adopted their ways in utter sincerity or under other motivations]. When ever they imparted training to others, it was wholly after Mohammedan fashion. Our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], your Revered Master improved it much and imparted to you people. It was due to His sacrifices and services to His fellow beings that Nature has gifted Him, in His lifetime, with new method of teaching in improved form to be imparted after the ancient Indian tradition. The system, you now know, stands modified altogether in [continuation of] the ancient Indian tradition [to suit the demands of the modern times for all humanity]. The links connected with sages of recent past have been shattered down by the Supreme Will of Almighty. It is now in the present form that an emblem is needed to commemorate the spiritual era of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur [UP] India.

"There was darkness all along before the world came in to present form. Darkness means No Light; and vice versa [No Light means Darkness]. I expressed this to denote the [sphere of] things unchanged in the last run of an aspirant [beyond the goal of spirituality and Brahmvidya - science of the Ultimate]. Now we descend from That and see the different lights of sun and moon. Now, coming from upwards, we cross them [spheres of lights] and come to the point where from to start to attain the goal. There are different things [obstacles] in the world in to a solid [rocky] form, captivating us [aspirants after spirituality and Brahmvidya] to a great extent. We have now prepared the way to go through these things [huge rocky obstacles of solidity and grossness] and reach the goal. Before starting from this point, we generally have to cut down the solidity of things described as mountains, and prepare the way towards Destination. Sun and other things are [all] left behind. Of course, we have to pass through the different colours in adopting the way meant for spiritual advancement. 'Swastika' is the symbol of all rituals and rites performed in [mainly] Hindu [and even any other] society [for the system belongs the whole humanity]. We now start from this point [Swastika] and undergo various kinds of practices by way Karma Yoga. After that we enter in to Sahaj Marg wherein [competent] guide is the categorical necessity and his shelter [and guidance] are needed, leaving aside solidity totally, after a few practices in the style of our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. The rising sun denotes the spiritual era brought about by our Lord [Revered Laalaaji Sahib, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. The light of the rising sun is commencing at the base of the emblem which shows our starting point and also that the rising sun has full command at the base from which we start our journey."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैं इन्तज़ामन नारायण सहाय को कानपूर के सत्संग के लिए मुक़र्रर करता हूँ। उसको चाहिए कि अपनी तरक़्क़ी में लगा रहे और दूसरों को भी फायदा पह्नुचाये। मैंने उसे तवज्जोः देने के लायक कर दिया।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "By way of administration [management], I appoint Narain Sahai for training and Satsang [spiritual assembly of aspirants] at Kanpur. He should devote to his spiritual progress [sincerely] and bring benefit to others. I have made him capable for transmitting [to others]."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "It can not exhaust now."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "नए लोगों को जब सत्संग में शामिल करें और उसके मुताल्लिक जो खास बातें मालूम करना चाहें, यहां से पूंछ सकता है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "When introduces new people to Satsang [spiritual assembly], and wants to know something special for their training etc., he can inquire [and take help] from here.

Saturday 21st September 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0], मुताल्लिका ज़ात - पात : "इस वक़्त क़ुदरत की तरफ से तहरीर थी की उसको ज़ात - पात रखना मंज़ूर नहीं। यह बात सख्ती से जावेगी। क़ुदरत का कोई हुक्म ज़ात - पात रखने का न था। यह इंतज़ाम घरेलु तरीके से किया गया था। नतीजा यह हुआ कि एक एक ज़मात अलहदा क़ायम हो गयी। बड़ा हिस्सा ब्राह्मणो ने ले लिया। उस वक़्त यह उसके योग्य भी थे। मगर इन्हीं में से अँखुवा फूटने लगा। तफ़रीक़ दर तफ़रीक़ शरू हो गयी। sections क़ायम हो गए। और न जाने कितने बल पड़ गए। और अलहदगी हो गयी। नुक़्ता-ए-निग़ाह अपनी सुप्रीमेसी हो गया। इसी तरह से और जातियों का भी हाल हुआ। हर एक में कई कई sections क़ाइम हो गए। ऊँच नीच का ख़याल पैदा हो गया। तुम्हारा अमेण्डमेन्ट सिर्फ़ इस हद तक मंज़ूर हुआ कि ज़ात-पात के हामियों [ज़मात करने वाले लोग] पर टोटल डिस्ट्रकशन का ख्याल न बाँधा जाय। हुक्म सख्त था। इस ज़द में तुम भी आ सकते थे। क्यों कि हर शख्स ऐसा ख्याल ले कर नहीं उतरा था। सॅभाले में कुश्त व खून होना लाज़मी है। बिला इसके कभी काम चला ही नहीं। देर-सवेर तुम्हारे हाँथ में है। हम लोगों को इससे क़तन मतलब नहीं। ख्याल बाँधो कि यह [ज़ात-पात] जा रही है। और उन लोगों को जो इसके हामी हो रहे हैं और उनका कट्टरपन किसी सूरत में नहीं जाता तो ज़रूर बरबाद करने वाली तवज्जोः दी जावे। रियायत नहीं। हुक्म है। यह चार जातियाँ इन्तज़ामन थीं। समझ लो कि फ़ौज़ का इंतज़ाम था। लड़ाई के बाद ये चीज़ें और उसूल जो जंग में थे, क़ाइम नहीं रहते। सबसे पहले तुम मैदान में आओ। उसूलों को ख़त्म कर दो। अपने ऊपर लागू बनाओ। यह काम तुम्हारे एक अरसे से सुपुर्द था। यक़ीन दिलाता हूँ कि जिनको ज़द में लिया है उनकी तवाही शुरू हो गयी और बहुत से घर बेचिराग़ हो गए। मगर यह काफ़ी नहीं है। काम बड़ा है। मेहनत करो। कन्स्ट्रक्टिव प्रोग्राम जो इसके साथ है, साथ ही चलेगा। दोनों चीज़ें लाज़िम और लबुदी हैं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The Nature has now initiated movement to have no provision any more for caste - difference [division]. This [destruction of caste-system] will need strictness [to be achieved / introduced]. There is no command of Nature to introduce caste-system. It was [only] a domestic arrangement [for convenience], which resulted in the establishment of separate classes [and groups / gangs]. The Brahmins took away the major share. At that time they were deserving also for that; but germination [of evil] started just there from. Differences started [taking roots]. Sects [sections] got set-up and who knows how many creases came about. Separateness set in and self supremacy came to be the chief point of view. The same development with regard to other castes as well. Several sections got developed in each case, and the thought [consideration] of high and low crept in. Your amendment has been accepted only to the extent that the thought [and will] for total destruction of he supporters of caste-system be not introduced [taken up] with [absolute] firmness. The order was [most] strict : you yourself could have come in to the orbit of its application. Everyone has not come down with [noble and compassionate] thought like yours : and bloodshed is necessary in the course of setting things right : there have never been achievements without this [blood-sheds]. Early and late [to have the order of Nature complied] is in your hands : we [liberated souls] have absolutely nothing to do with that. Have firm will [and thought] that caste system is withering of; and to those supporters of caste system whose dogmatism does not get withered off in any way, transmission for destruction must necessarily to made : no relenting in this regard; that is the order! These four [or more] castes were by way of administrative arrangement : take it to be [something] like battle arrangement. After the war [battle] those arrangement and principles, which were introduced on the front, cannot remain operative later [in peace time / post-war period]. First of all, you come in to the arena! Put a stop to principles [of caste system]! Introduce what may be applicable to you! This work has stayed to be signed to you for quite more time. I am telling you [in confidence] that destruction in case of those, taken up as targets, has started; and many homes have become devoid of [genealogical] light. This is not sufficient, however! It is very big work; and [you have to] work hard! Constructive programme which is to accompany it, must have to go side by side with it! Both are necessary and unavoidable."

Wednesday the 02nd October 1946 [at Lakhimpur UP] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I observed your work in Southern India : it is progressing. For that, you are required by Lord Krishna to sit in meditation just now to be endowed with certain powers. Look here, these powers will not be used anywhere except for Godly [Divine] purpose : these powers have never been bestowed as to anybody. It is special gift of Nature to you for the work in hand. You will deal torah destruction to certain places. Precise orders will follow later : these will remain strictly confidential.

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "मैंने आज वो ताक़त मुंतक़िल कर दी है, जिसके लिए क़ुदरत का हुक्म था।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "I have transferred power, for which there were orders from Nature."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are going to be prepared not only for this world but [mainly] for the brighter one as well. Your working here is only by the way. You are meant for the great task before you, after you leave the body. We are all leaving the work for you in the brighter world. Having got totally merged in you, all systems will disappear, having no connection with anybody else in the brighter world. It is high time for all to avail of the opportunity, which will never return. Our eyes are with you and on you alone. [Pause] The scene of this moment is before your view: we are all checking the power poring down to you."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई, मैंने कुछ नहीं रक्खा। इंतज़ार यही रहता है कि सब कुछ तुमको मिले। जिस्म कमज़ोर, ताक़त बेइंतेहा। गुरु-भक्ति की मिसाल है। दीवानें हैं वो जिनकी समझ इस तरफ काम नहीं करती। क्या कभी ऐसा हुआ है कि कुल फोर्स ज़ात की एक दम उमड़ पड़ी हो। हम सब उसके रोकने में मशग़ूल थे ताकि ऐसा न हो कि सीने पर एक दम आ जावे और तो राही-ए-मुल्के बक़ा होना पड़े।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I kept nothing with me. There is waiting always as to when you are bestowed with something [more] : weak body and limitless power! The [rare] example of devotion to Master [Guru-bhakti] is here : they are lunatics whose comprehension does not work this way! Has it ever happened that the entire force of the Ultimate Being [Zaat] would boil up all at once? We have all been busy checking [controlling] its flow so that it may not rush on to your chest all at once and cause you to start your journey to the world of eternal existence, here after!"

Thursday the 03rd October 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Be cautious : the time is now approaching for the benefit of the world [in disguise]! In India, dissensions are progressing. That is Nature's work for [something] good. Leave it for the timbering; and see the result. That [same] is going to be in Europe, in future. All will be dissembled; and it is you and you alone who will do this. Do you remember the words of Lord Christ? What does he want : clear dissemble-meant of all belonging to His religion! The destiny of the nation is always interwoven with bloodshed! Either members of family or some external agency may perform the job! This is the hint of your working : the rest will follow later! The world is in tumult and disorder : its fate will be decided by you."

Thursday 24th October 1946 :

जगमोहन नरायन जी [साहिबज़ादे हज़रत क़िब्ला] : "मैंने यह मिसाल कहीं नहीं पायी कि गुरु ने आलमे-बाला पर भी अपनी जगह अपने शिष्य के लिए छोड़ दी। जाना नहीं होता। सच पूँछो तो जो बात आपको नसीब है, मुझको नहीं। मैंने आपको बड़े भाई की निगाह से देखा, अब भी ऐसा ही समझता हूँ। जिस्म नहीं है। आपके आने में यहाँ अभी देर है। सामान बुलाने के लिए गो कई दफः हो चुका है, मगर हमारे लालाजी साहिब ने इसको होने नहीं दिया। यह बात लालाजी साहिब ने आपकी मर्ज़ी पर छोड़ दी है। हमारे [अब्दुल ग़नी खान] पीर का ऐसा बुरा हाल हुआ कि किसी का न होवे। लालाजी साहिब का हाँथ न होता तो मुमकिन था मैं आज़ाद न जाता। चाचा [रघुबर दयाल] के बारे में पाहिले ही ख़िलाफ़ थी। रूहानियत रुख़सत होने लगी है और यह बात मेरे ही ज़माने से शुरू हुयी थी। अब कुछ बाक़ी नहीं रहा। आगे नस्ल भी ख़त्म है। और भाई साहिब, हमारे यहॉँ भी क़रीब क़रीब ऐसा ही हाल है। सैंकड़ों में चन्द लोग हुए तो क्या। खैर अब भी उम्मीद है।"

Dictation from Revered Master's son - Mahatma Jagmohan Narayan : "I never came across such example of the Master forsaking His place in the higher world for the sake of disciple. In fact what has come to your lot is not available to me. I always looked at you as elder brother to me; and still take it like that. I do not now have physical body. About your arrival here [higher world], there is yet [much] time. Though several times arrangements for your arrival here got made [were complete], yet our Revered Laalaaji Sahib did not allow it to happen. This thing He has left up to your sweet-will. The bad state that has be fallen my guide [Maulana Abdul Ghani Khan Sahib of Bhogaon, Distt. Mainpuri UP] may not come to anybody else! If Revered Laalaaji Sahib's [helping] hand had not been there, possibly I would not have gone [the way of the] liberated [souls]. My opinion about uncle [Mahatma Raghubar Dayal Ji Sahib of Kanpur UP] was different [not good] from much earlier period : spirituality had started bidding goodbye! This had started [already] while I was [physically] alive : now nothing is remaining! Further yet even the genealogical line is at an end : and [respected] brother, at ours as well the condition is almost similar! What if there are a few out of hundreds! Alright, however, now let things [situation] be well : hope is there!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "सीलोन का काम अब तक नामुक़म्मिल है। देर ज़्यादः हो गयी।"

"तस्लीम व रज़ा की हालत आख़री कही गयी है। यह ज़रूर है कि इसका सिरा और आख़ीर कुछ भी नहीं। जहाँ पर पैदा हो जावे। यह भी देखा गया है कि अक्सर बुज़ुर्ग़ों ने यहीं से शुरुआत की और यह भी हुआ है कि असनाए सफ़र में यह बात पेश आयी। ऐसा भी हुआ है कि अक़्सर मदारिज़ रूहानी कुछ तय करने के बाद यह बात नसीब हुयी। अपनी हिम्मत पर है और उसकी मर्ज़ी कि जब चाहे इस हालत को बन्दे पर उतार दे। दलील मिस्कीनी सिफ़्त ; आज्ज़ी ; नमृता झुकाव वग़ैरह।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The work of Ceylon is still incomplete : it is much delayed! [Pause] Surender and perfect dependence on His will [and pleasure] is held to be the final state : no doubt, however, that its beginning and end happened to be just nothing [nowhere] : it may come up just anywhere [and whenever]! It has been observed that elders very often started just here from [with this state of surrender and perfect dependence on His will and pleasure]; and this too has occurred that this thing came up [to pass] during the course of [spiritual] journey. Very often this fell to one's fortune after traveling some spiritual stages [of evolution] : it all remains subject to one's courage and more over His will [and pleasure] to bestow this [superb] state on to devotee! [Pause] The sign [indication] of the quality of perfect poverty [improvisation] happens to be humility, softness, inclination [orientation] etc."

Sunday the 27th October 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I was awe-stricken to listen to your philosophical discourse today! I advise you to write these things on paper : I am afraid such things will not be found during long years to come! [Pause] Lightning bolt is wonderful theory [reference to the state of Nature and experience of human individual at cosmic region as contained in some way in the description of knots six / seven in 1979 - edition of 'Towards Infinity']. Nobody could feel it yet! Other theories are quite correct [reference to description of some other notes]. I always advise your brothers, who are coming to you to give you substance to think over; but nobody is doing that. Nature, in other words, is revealing itself

Saturday the 09th November 1946 :

क़िब्ला बाबू हर नारायन वालिद माजिद मदन मोहन लाल : [मदन मोहन लाल के दरियाफ्त पर]

फ़रमाया : "बाज़ों की क़ुदरती तौर पर यह हाल होता है [यानि बुज़ुर्ग़ों] और ज़ात से कनेक्शन होता है। और यह वो लोग हैं जिनको क़ुदरत इस काम के लिए भेजती है। मगर इसके यह मानी नहीं कि दूसरे लोग कोशिश करें और कामयाब न हों। फ़र्क़ इतना रहता है कि ऐसे लोग जो बने बनाये आते हैं उनके लिए बराहे रास्त distribution of work होता है। पैदा की हुयी हालत में यह बात नहीं होती। मगर मतलब वही हो जाता है। यहाँ गुरु से बराहे रास्त, वहाँ ज़ात से। इस में यानी गुरु वाले में पित्तामारी का काम है और उसमें ज़रा सा साफ़ कर देना पड़ता है। तरीक़ा शुरू से चलो।"

तरीक़ा : "अपने आप को धीमा बनाते चलो। जितना धीमा कर लिया, उतनी ही चीज़ पहुँच गयी। अब तो तालीम ही इस क़िस्म की हो रही है। आगे चल कर यह बात लोगों में डेवलप होगी।"

"फ़नाईयत से यह मुराद है कि गुरु या बुजुर्ग़ अपने आप को उसमे लय कर देता है [यानि मुरीद में]। अब वो चीज़ जो ले ली गयी है उसके ऊपर का ग़िलाफ़ हारिज होता है या रहता है। इससे [इस वजह से] खटाखटी की आवाज़ उस कवरिंग यानि ग़िलाफ़ से ऊपर नहीं जाती जो समझ में आवे। होती ज़रूर है। यह काम तुम्हारा [मदन मोहन लाल] है और मदद ईश्वर की। कोशिश communication stage की नहीं करना चाहिए बल्कि covering को फाड़ने की। तुम्हारी [मदन मोहन लाल] विल क़ुदरतन उसको चाक कर सकती है। क्या मराक़िबे में जहाँ और बातें हो सकतीं हैं, या करते हो, नहीं हो सकतीं। ज़रूर यह बात भी हो सकती है कि इसके चाक करने का ख्याल बाँधा जाय। और ज़राये इस्तेमाल किये जायँ जो इसके मुतरादफ़ हों। तुम सवाल यह भी करोगे कि कौन सी चीज़ें इसके मुतरादफ़ हैं। वहीँ तुम्हारे अल्फ़ाज़ सादगी और शान्ति वग़ैरह। इस चीज़ में घुस पड़ो और तमाशा देखो। हमारे यहाँ हर जगह शान्ति के लिए दुआ की गयी है और अपने ही लिए नहीं बल्कि कुल दुनियां वालों के लिए। बात क्या है। यह ही असल चीज़ है। और पाना मुश्क़िल। इसके आगे जो कुछ भी है आवरण है यानि ग़िलाफ़, हिजाब, पर्दा। इन्हीं को चाक करना सब का काम है। मिशन। यह गुरुद्वारा होना चाहिए।"

"ख़्याल करो कि मैं शान्ति के समन्दर में डूबा हुआ हूँ और उसकी लहरें आवरण हटा रही और चाक कर रही हैं। एक घण्टा करना चाहिए। क्या तुम्हें [मदन मोहन लाल] खट खट की आवाज़ कभी नहीं सुनायी दी। हुयी तो ज़रूर और कहा भी कुछ जो लल्लन के बारे में था। यह नाकारा है। अपने दिल को जो इस वजह से दुःख होता है बचाओ। आज से कुछ पहले कहा था।"

नोट : यह डिक्टेशन मदन मोहन लाल के पूँछने पर वक़्त 06 : 30 बजे शाम, तारीख़ नौ नवम्बर 1946 उनके वालिद मजीद ने दिया।

Dictation from the late Revered Father of Madan Mohan Lal on inquiring by Madan Mohan Lal about connection to the Ultimate Being [Zaat] and departed elders [spiritually advanced] : "Some are naturally endowed with the capability [state] viz. having connection with elders and Zaat; and these happen to be those people who are sent by Nature [for some purpose in this world]. This, however, does not mean that others who try for it do not meet with success. The difference consists in so far as those who come already prepared get distribution of work directly [assigned to themselves]. In case of earned [created] condition, this thing is not there, but the same purpose is served [in final analysis]. Here [distribution of work] is through the Guru [Master] and there it is directly form the Zaat. In this case, viz. through the Guru, self-control [and much effort] is needed; and in that other case only a little cleaning is required. Take a note of the method from the very start! The method : go on making yourself enlightened [light, peaceful, balanced or moderate]. To the extent that one has enlightened oneself, the [desired] thing [connection] is achieved to that same extent. Now the training [under Sahaj Marg System] itself to that same and is being imparted : this thing will develop in people [further] ahead. Merging means that the Guru [Master] or the elder [saint] merges oneself in to the disciple or aspirant [practicant]. Now what has been got merged, the covering or veil over that causes or serves as obstructions. Due to this, the sound [caused by the condition of connection formation] does not reach above that covering or veil, so that it may be comprehended. It is certainly there. This work [effort] is yours [Madan Mohan Lal], and help comes form God. Effort for the stage of communication [on connection getting established] should not be invested : it should be directed to tearing the covering. Your [Madan Mohan Lal] will can naturally tear it off. When so many attainments are made through meditation, why can this fail to be achieved. Sure enough, this too can be achieved if the thought [and will] for tearing off that veil or covering is firmly taken up [established], and the means conducive to that very purpose [and] to adopted. You [Madan Mohan Lal] may ask also as to what things are conducive [to it]. These are just the words of yours like simplicity peacefulness etc. Just get in to this thing and see that jun of it [enjoy the resulting scene]. In our fold [ancient Indian scriptures] everywhere, prayers have been offered for peacefulness not for oneself alone but for everybody [and everything] in the world. What is the secret? Just this [peacefulness etc.] is the main thing [object] and achieving it [happens to be] difficult! Beyond this, what ever may be there, is just covering veil, certain. To tear just his happens to be the job for everybody. The practice [for that]! It should be done through the Guru [Guide]! Have the [firm] thought [meditation] that you are submerged [drowned] in the ocean of peace; and its waives are removing or tearing off the covering veil. One hour may be devoted to this [meditation or thought]. Did you not ever hear the sound [tick tick or khit khit]. It was certainly there and you also said something about it [assigning it to Lallan]. That is worthless : spare your heart of the despondency [pain] being caused on that account. [Madan Mohan Lal has said this sometime earlier].

श्री बद्री प्रसाद जी : वालिद माजिद बिरादर अज़ीज़ श्री राम चन्द्र जी [शाहजहाँपुर] इर्शाद फ़रमाया : "मुझे कुछ कहना - सुनना नहीं। मदन मोहन लाल का शुक्रिया कि इसने तुम्हारे [राम चन्द्र जी - शाहजहाँपुर] बारे में पहले से आग़ाह कर दिया था यानि मेरी ज़िन्दगी में। तुमने [राम चन्द्र जी - शाहजहाँपुर] मुझे एवज़ ज़रूर दिया मगर क्या मेरी जाँफ़िशानीं से तुमको दुनियाबी रहत नहीं मिली परिश्रम तुमने मेरे लिए किया मगर क्या तुम ईमानदारी से कह सकते हो कि मेरी मौजूदा हालत तुम्हारे परिश्रम का नतीजा है। हरगिज़ नहीं मैं तो हमेशा उन्हीं [मुराद हज़रात क़िब्ला गुरु महाराज - महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़] से का धन्यवाद दूँगा जिन्होंने तुमको बनाया।"

Dictation from the Late father of dear brother Ram Chandra Ji [noted in the handwriting of Madan Mohan Lal] : "I have nothing to see or hear. Thanks to Madan Mohan Lal that he had told me about you [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] during my lifetime. You no doubt repaid me; but did not my ardent efforts provide you with worldly comfort! Labour you did devote to my well being; but can you honestly vouchsafe that my present state is the result of your labor [effort]! Not at all! I shall always thank just Him [Revered Laalaaji Sahib, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] who structured you [like what you are]!

हज़रत क़िब्ला [ महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़] : "बाबू बद्री प्रसाद ने बहुत कुछ कहा मगर थोड़ी सी मौजूदा सूरत में कहने की ग़लती की है। इसके लिए कि यह पुतला [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] जो इस वक़्त मौजूद है अगर उनका न होता तो मैं किस में हलूल करता। खुदा ऐसी औलाद सबको देवे। तुम्हारी [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] औलाद में एक शख्स ऐसा और आ रहा है। कब ? वक़्त बतला देगा।"

Revered Master [Revered Laalaaji Sahib, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Your father [Babu Badri Prasad] has said quite a lot, but has committed a little mistake in his statement under the present state of affairs! If this frame [of individual organism = Ram Chandra, of Shahjahanpur] now existing, had not been procreated by him, in whom would I have got merged? May God bestow such progeny on everybody! One more person is coming in your progeny. When? Time [alone] will tell.

Monday the 18th November 1946 :

अर्जुन जी महराज : "महाभारत का सीन फिर मौजूद है। टंकोर के शब्द ने कुछ इस तरह से ख्याल के दायरे में धक्का दिया। गो ख्याल तुम्हारा था, मुझ तक खबर हो गयी। असुर बढ़ रहे हैं। वो बातें फिर मौजूद हो गयीं। पढ़ो। वायुमण्डल बता रहा है है और आप किस भूल में हैं। इस सीन का खात्मा तुम्हीं करोगे। यह नहीं कि यह ज़िन्दगी काफी हो, आगे भेद खोलने की मुमानियत है। आसार नुमायाँ हो गए। स्वामीजी इस काम को जो उनके ताल्लुक़ है, छोड़ रहे हैं। इसकी इनकी हस्ती बहुत बड़ी हस्ती है। यह ताक़तें जो तुम्हें दी गयीं हैं, काम करेंगी। इसका तमाशा ज़िन्दगी बाद नज़र आएगा। [इसका सीन सामने आ गया मगर अलफ़ाज़ में अदा नहीं होता]। बाण-विद्या अपनी शक्ल में आएगी और तरीक़ा भी यही होगा। भाई, यह साइंस है। मन्त्र के द्वारा इसमें ताक़त दी गयी और उस ताक़त का इस्तेमाल चलाने वालों को बता दिया गया। अगर मैं तुमको बताऊँ तो तुम कुछ नहीं कर सकते। इसलिए कि उसकी बुनियाद तुम्हारे पास है ही नहीं । जो है वो आ रही है। जब कोई शख्स ऐसा पैदा हो जावेगा तो जैसे रूहानी मुआमलात तुम पर उतर रहे हैं, उस पर भी उतरेंगे। इन में Ether का फोर्स रहता था और इसका ताल्लुक़ बड़ी चीज़ से रहता था। और यहां सब ताक़तें मौजूद हैं। देखो कौंधा। इसकी चमक देखी। यह जला देने वाली ताक़त है। इस फोर्स को वाणों में रक्खा गया था। मशीन नहीं थी। विल-पावर काम करती थी जिसको लोग सिद्ध कर लिया करते थे। हर चीज़ प्रिज़र्व।"

"जिस वक़्त मैदाने जंग में तवाह करने की ज़रूरत हुयी, बायीं तरफ से तीर निकला। इस राज़ को सिर्फ कृष्ण जी महाराज ही जानते थे। सीधे हिस्से से वाण चलाना मैं ही जनता था। यह नोट मैं आगे आने वालों के लिए छोड़ता हूँ। ज़रूरी है। मैंने दो बातें बताईं। दो हथियार मैंने बता दिए। बायीं तरफ़ जो वाण रक्खा हुआ तुमने देखा उसमें कुल Ether की ताक़त को अपने मातहत कर लिया था। मन द्वारा जो चीज़ हाँसिल की जाती है, अनन्त नहीं थी । ख़याली ताक़त उन के साथ रहती थी और उसमें उसका पैराव हो जाता था। Ether का कमाण्ड पूरे तौर पर मुझको हो गया था। क्या मैदान में जब तवज्जोः मुझ को कृष्ण भगवान ने दी थी, वो क्या महज़ रूहानी थी, इन चीज़ों को साफ़ कर दिया था, इसलिए कि हथियार ठीक उठा सकूँ। हथियार बेकार हैं अगर ऐसी Training न दी जावे। एक बात और बताता हूँ। प्रलय का सीन पैदा करना मेरे हाँथ में था। और यह बाण अब तक ईज़ाद नहीं हुआ। मन्त्र बेकार हैं अगर ख्याली क़ुव्वत उनके साथ न हो। बड़ी वसीअ इल्म है।"

सवाल : "जर्मनी ने बहुत से हथियार ईज़ाद कर लिए थे?"

जवाब : "उनके ख़र्चा होता है और इनमे ख़र्चा नहीं होता।"

"खचोली एक चीज़ ज़रूर थी। उसमें कल थी। किसी वक़्त में इस कल-दार चीज़ को वायुयान कहा है। इसमें विल-पावर की ज़रूरत नहीं है। चन्द धातुओं से काम लिया जाता था। एक धातु उसमें उकसाने वाली भी थी। यह मेरा नोट अगर साइन्सदानों [Scientists] को दे दिया जाय तो ले उड़ें। ज़मीन को खराब नहीं किया गया।"

Dictation from warrior Arjuna, Commander-in-chief of the Victorious Pandava-Army in Mahabharata [Epic war], to whom Reverend Lord Krishna had delivered [the knowledge of] 'Bhagawadgita', as chariot driver on the battle field : "The scene of 'Mahabharata' is again there : ungodliness is increasing. The same circumstances have come to prevail once more. Just read! The atmosphere is telling the tale; and you seem to be attentive to something else! It is just you who will bring [put] an end to this scene. That is not to say that this life is to be adequate [for the purpose] : it is prohibited to reveal the secret any further! Signs [indications] have become manifest : Swami Vivekananda Ji to whom this work was conducted [assigned] is giving it up [to you]! His entity is a very great personality! These powers that have bestowed on you, shall function : the wonder of it all shall come to views after [your] physical veiling! [The concerning this subject came to view, but it cannot be expressed in words.]"

"The science of archery will come forth in real shape; and the method to will remain the same. It is a science, brother! It [arrow] was imbued [charged] with power through 'Mantra' [incantation] and the archer was told how to use that power. If I tell you [about that], you cannot do anything, because its foundations [basis or fundamentals] are not at all there with you. What ever is there [with you] is only half way through [incomplete yet]. When somebody [equal to it] comes in to being, then spiritual matters [knowledge] will descend in to him as well like these are coming down unto you. They contained the force of ether; and that remained in contact with very big thing [entity]. Now, here all the powers are present. Look at the lightening there : have you seen its brightness? This is the power of fire : arrows were imbued with this force. There were no machines : will per was working. That was brought under individual's control [as miraculous power]. Everything is preserved."

"When there was need for destruction on the battle-field, the arrow would come form the left side. This secret [esoteric knowledge] belonged only to Lord Krishna. Shooting an arrow from the right side was known to me alone. This note I am leaving for the persons coming forth in future : that is necessary [essential]. I have told two things : two main wagons have been revealed by me! The arrow that you have seen lying on the left side, therein I had brought the entire power of eater under my control [subservience]. What was gained [achieved] through Mantra [incantation] was not adequate in itself. The power of thought remained together with that [achievement though Mantra]; and its swimming was got introduced therein! I had gained perfect command over ether. Was the transmission administered to me by Lord Krishna on the battle field, simply spiritual? He had made all these things clear, so that I cooed pickup the right weapon [at the appropriate time]. Weapons are of no use, if not accomplished by such training! I am telling one thing more : to create the scene on annihilation [Pralaya] was within my control. This arrow has never been invented as yet. Incantations [Mantras] are useless if power of thought [and will] is not together with these : it is vast knowledge [science]."

Interruption by way of question : "Germany has invented many weapons."

Answer : "That involves [material] expenditure : there is nothing [of that sort] herein! One thing was no doubt expensive : it contained machine! sometimes that mechanical apparatus [devise] was called 'Viman' [air-borne vehicle]. Will power was not needed therein. Some metals were utilised : one metal such as to stimulate the whole thing [vehicle] in the up-ward direction [against gravitation]. If this note be given to scientists, they can make good use of it. The earth [and atmosphere] was not polluted [in those earlier times of Hindu supremacy]."

Wednesday the 27th November 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "आज वक़्ते शब आठ बजे रामेश्वर प्रसाद की कुण्डलिनी शक्ति जग गयी। और कुछ हरकत गुदा चक्र के मक़ाम पर भी हुयी। लाज़िम है कि ऐतियात रक्खें। लड़कपन से काम न लें। इस क़िस्म की तवज्जः आम तौर पर देने की मुमानियत है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Today at 08.00 PM Kundalini Power [called serpent power] of Rameshwar Prasad has come to awakening; and some dynamic movement has occurred also at the spot of anal plexus. It is incumbent on him to take care; and not indulge in boyishness. Administrating this sort of transmission remains generally prohibited."

Thursday the 28th November 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "गुरु ऋषि लँका इस वक़्त मौजूद हैं। कुछ फरमायेंगे।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The Guru of the sage of Sri Lanka [Ceylon] is here now to tell you something."

गुरु ऋषि लँका : "मैं बहुत खुश हूँ कि आज इस वक़्त 06.45 वक़्ते शब ऋषि लँका का मक़ाम क़ुद्दस तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज की [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] अपार दया से खोल दिया गया है। आज ग्यारहबां रोज़ है कि उसने अन्न-जल नहीं किया है। हुक्म दे दो कि वृत्त छोड़ दे।

Reverend Master of the sage of Ceylon : "I am very happy the at 06.45 PM today the spot [point] of Qudsa [Piety] in [the case of] my disciple [sage of Ceylon] has been brought to awakening by the limitless [shore-less] compassion of your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. It the eleventh day of fasting without taking any food or water. Ask [order] him now to give-up the fasting."

ऋषि लँका : "मैं अपनी मुराद को पहुँच गया। शुक्रिया। आप मेरे जो काम सुपुर्द करें उसके लिए हमेशा तय्यार रहूँगा। तालीमी सिलसिला अगर जुनूबी हिन्द में छिड़ जावे और आप [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] इजाज़त दें तो मैं मिस्ल अपने शिष्यों के, उनको तालीम करना शुरू कर दूँगा।"

The Sage of Ceylon : "I have realized my heart's desire. Thanks a lot. I shall always be ready for any work that you like to assign to me. In case the system of training would prevail in Southern India, and you permit, I shall start imparting education [and training] to them, as to my own disciples,

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "अब [यक़] न शुद दो शुद। [गुरु ऋषि लंका] कह गए हैं कि जो मक़ामात आपने राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर के तय फरमाए हैं यानी वो मक़ामात या हालतें जो ज़ात की तैराक़ी के वक़्त तय कराये हैं या करा रहे हैं, मुझ को भी [आप] अता फरमायें। मैंने कितना अच्छा जवाब दिया कि यह सब राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] के हाँथ में है। उस को मुख़्तार कर दिया है या यूँ कहो कि अपने आप को उसमें मिटा दिया है। सिर्फ़ थोड़ा सा क़ाबू बाक़ी रक्खा है। लिहाज़ा यह काम तुम्हारे [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] सुपुर्द करता हूँ। जब चाहो, बुला लो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : " Look, one has led to two [demands and growing]! The Guru of the sage of Ceylon has requested me to make him traverse the same points [spots and regions] that I have made over to you [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] viz. Those spots are states which you were and are being made to traverse in the course of the swimming in the [sphere of] Ultimate Being [Zaat]! I gave a fine reply that all this now lies in the hands of dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], whom I have granted autonomy in all matters or so to say have annihilated myself in to him. Only a little control has been [kept] retained. As such, I surrender [submit] this work to you. You may call him when ever you so desire."

ऋषि लँका : "हाय, यह चीज़ तुमसे लोग लेने से छोड़े देते है।"

The sage of Ceylon : "Alas! people are sparing to take this [most precious] thing from you."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "तुम्हें इस वक़्त वो गति जो हॉयल होती है, एक निग़ाह में तोड़ दी और उनको बेपायाँ - कनार दरिया में डाल दिया। इतनी जल्दी नहीं चाहता था। ख़ैर। आयन्दा एहितियात रक्खो। याद करेंगे। और दर-हक़ीक़त वक़्त था कि मुझ से यह आरज़ू की।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "You shattered in one wink of eye the state which causes obstruction; and put him [Guru of the sage of Ceylon] in the shore-less ocean. I did not want such hurry. Alright, take care in future! He will remember; and it was the [right] time as he had desired [requested] it from me."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I tell you such an example will never be found ever after. It is not a joke!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - उ0 प्र0] : भाई तुम लोग इस हालत से कब मुस्तफ़ीज़ होंगे। वक़्त जा रहा है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] addressing those who present : "Dear brethren, when will you people derive benefit out of this state? The time is slipping."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : Souls are coming to you for the same purpose from the brighter world. About half a dozen are already here! Further arrival is restrained this time as the human brain cannot work to the extent required for all of them at the same time or for one after the other [in succession]."

Sunday the 01st December 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have come here for the world - liberation. Many souls are waiting in the Brighter world : you are gaining mastery over them.

Thursday the 05th December 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मेरी सज़्ज़ादानशीनी के लिए मुँह चाहिए। क्या कोई ऐसी आत्मा मौजूद है जिसमें यह ताक़त हो कि हर काम या [हर गाम] क़ुदरत के उस पर इन्किशाफ़ होने लगे। लोगों ने इसको मज़ाक़ समझ लिया। जो चौंका [मतलब बिरजू और नन्हे से है] उसने अपने आप को सज़्ज़ादानशीन समझ ही जाहिर किया। समझ लिया हम क़ामिल हो गए। घर की सभ्यता सब हमारे पास रही। कुल हक़ हम ही को मिल गए। जुमला दौलत के हम ही पासवान हो गए। यह चीज़ दुनियाँ, जुलाहों के हिस्से में नहीं आती है। दिल चाहिए। वो कैसा? जिसमें मैं समा चूका हूँ। क्या यह मिसाल कहीं मिल रही है। ज़रूर, सिर्फ एक मैं। क्या किसी में जिद्दत तबाअ ऐसी पायी जाती है। क्या sacrifice की मिसाल कोई और भी है। क्या कोई हस्ती अब तक नमूदार हुयी जिसमें बहुत से आवरण आने से पाहिले ही उतर चुके हों। क्या कोई शख्स ऐसी गति अपने साथ लाया जिसमें महज़ असल ही असल छाई हुयी हो। इन बातों को ढूँढिये तब पता चलेगा कि वाक़ई मेरा सज़्ज़ादानशीन कौन हो सकता है। मैं समझता हूँ यह मिसाल बजुज़ तुम्हारे कहीं नहीं मिलेगी। क्या कोई बजुज़ मेरे फ़ख कर सकता है कि मेरे बनाए हुए को पाए के बुज़ुरगों ने अपना लिया हो। यह हिस्सा वाक़ई मेरी ही किस्मत में आया, और है। इस वक़्त की ईज़ाद अगर वाक़ई आप लोगों को सुनायी जावे और इस को इसी हैसियत से देखा जावे तो हरगिज़ इसकी मिसाल कहीं और जगह न मिलेगी।"

ईज़ाद : "बड़ा circle जिसको 'Region of Heart' कहा है इसकी इन्तहा वहीं तक है जिसके आगे महज़ ज़ात ही ज़ात खलिस सूरत में रह जाती है। और इसी में बड़ी बड़ी मौक्ष आत्माओं की तैराकी ज़िन्दगी के बाद भी होती रहती है। इसके [राम चन्द्र सज़्ज़ादनशीन] ख्याल में आया कि इस Region को पहिली ही मर्तबा क्यों न ले लिया जावे ताकि इसी की सफाई पाहिले ही से शुरू कर दी जावे और इसके बाद इसमें वो ताक़त जो हाँसिल करना है, पहिली ही तवज्जोः में क्यों न दे दी जावे। चुनाँचे इसने यही अमल किया। फायदा इसका कुछ दिनों बाद नज़र आवेगा।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "It requires face for my successor-representative. Is there a soul, possessing such power as would enable revelation of every work of Nature in to him! People have taken it to be a joke! who ever felt startled [work up suddenly] manifested himself alone as successor-representative, taking himself as the perfect one. They considered the domestic culture to be remaining as simply domesticated with them [confined to the family alone], as recipients of all rights and as custodians of the entire wealth [of all description]! This thing does not come to the lot of weavers and stitches : it requires a heart such as that in to which I would have got accommodated [penetrated] entirely. Is such an example available anywhere? Sure, but only in one! Is anybody endowed with such ingenuity of mind? Is there any other example of sacrifice [like this]? Has any personality manifested as yet, in whom many coverings had got removed even before manifestation? Did anybody [else] bring such state with him, wherein Reality alone in its pure form be pervading through and through? Search about such items : only then you may discover as to whom can be really my successor-representative! I know it for certain that this example will not be found anywhere except [in]! Can anybody [else] except myself be proud that elders of highest standard have accepted my creation as their own? This share really fell to and remains my fortune alone! The invention, made just now [by dear Ram Chandra - Shahjahanpur], if brought to your knowledge [notice] in its real hue [form], and you are able to visualize it as such, there will be no illustration [example] of this available at all any where else! This invention refers to vast circle which is designated Region of Heart, extending up to that beyond which one Zaat [and Zaat] in its pure form would remain, wherein alone, high and still higher liberated souls continue [there] swimming even after physical desolation. It occurred to the thought of dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], my successor-representative that this Region [beyond Heart Region] be taken up at the very start [first transmission] so as to begin its cleaning from the start itself and the power that is to be contained [imbued] therein, be introduced in it at the very first transmission. He put this very invention to practice [just now] : the benefit [beneficial effect] of this will be visible after some time!"

Saturday the 07th December 1946 :

[ट्रेन में लखीमपुर जाते वक़्त]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मरहवा इस समझ पर। खुदा करे क़ुदरत के राज़ तुमसे खुल जावें और मख्लूक़ खुदा को फ़ायदा पहुँचे। अब तक जिन लोगों ने अभ्यास किये हैं और बताये हैं बड़ी मेहनत से सिद्ध हुए हैं। रियाज़तें कीं। खाक़ छानी, दर व दर फिरे तब कहीं बमुश्किल तमाम एक झलक दिखाई दे गयी। और बहुत से जो इस नेमते उज़्मा से महरूम रह गए। सबब यह था कि उन्होंने आसान चीज़ को मुश्किल तरीके से हाँसिल करना चाहा। उसमें और भी पेंच डाल दिए। कितनी आसान चीज़ लोगों ने नासमझी से जो बिलकुल करीब है, तवज्जो नहीं फ़रमाई। तरीक़े बहुत से ईज़ाद हुए। अमल किये गए मगर गर्मी ही गर्मी हिस्से में आयी। इसको लोग बहुत कुछ समझ बैठे। जोलानिग़ाह में तेज़ी और उभार को रूहानियत समझा, और यही पर्दा हायल होता रहा। असलियत की तरफ़ इनका रुझान न हुआ। इसी में गल्ता पेंचा रहे। असलियत की ख़बर न थी। अब ज़माना आ गया है। और मेरी क़िस्मत से तुम ऐसी हस्ती ज़ाहिर हो गयी। तुम ने जितनी आसानी से सीखा है इस से चौगुना आसान तरीक़ा दूसरों के लिए बना दिया गया है। इस वक़्त क्या ग़ज़ब का ख़याल तुम्हारे दिल में समाया और आख़िर को गुत्थी सुलझा ही दी। वोह यह था कि जिस वक़्त इंसान अपने काम से चौंके, अपने आप को उसी में चिपका हुआ तसव्वुर फरमाए। तब होश आवे, उसी तरफ़ ज़ोर दे ले। उसका और इस सहज अमल का तमाशा देखे। इसमें कुछ स्टेगेज़ अमलन पार होंगे। आखिर छंट छँटा कर वही चीज़ जिस ;पर हमको पहुँचना है, रह जावेगी। फिर उसमे घुस पदों और तमाशा देखो। आगे फ़िर। इस लिए कि जब कोई इस हालत पर पहुँच जावे तो फिर मुझसे सवाल करे। क्या अजब है कि उसको खुद व खुद दीदार नसीब हो जाय। इसकी फ़िलॉसफ़ी अगर लोगों को ज़रूरत हो तो तुम खुद बयां कर देना।"

[In the train on the way to Lakhimpr Kheree]

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Bravo, on such comprehension [understanding]. May the secrets of Nature be revealed through you, and God's creation derive benefits [therefrom]! Thus for, who ever has undertaken [spiritual] practices, acquired success therein with great deal of effort and labor. They undertook austerities, roamed about through dust, went [begging] from door to door, to get a glimpse thereafter somehow after lots of difficulties; and many [of them] remained devoid of such a supreme delicacy. This was because they desired to obtain [achieve] something easy through difficult methods [means] and contributed more complications to it [spirituality]. What an easy affair, there lies so close, has escaped peoples' attention due to lack of [proper] comprehension! Methods have been invented quite in a abundance for practice, but the heat alone has come to their part; and people considered it as being quite a lot! They mistook sharpness [fastness] and boiling up [excitement] on the track as spirituality; and just this curtain [cover] remained [persisting in between]. They could not get oriented to the Reality; and stayed confused and exasperating just in their misconceptions. They had no awareness concerning Reality! Now times have taken a turn; and it is my good fortune that a personality such as yours has manifested! The faculty which you have learnt [this subject], for other the method has been developed many times easier than that even! What a wonderful thought has just struck your mind [heart]; and you have got the knot unrevealed after all [at last]! That [marvelous thought] was that on coming to wake up suddenly out of one's business with worldly or mundane jobs, one should imagine [suppose] oneself to have remained continuously attached [glued] to the very same [spiritual] objective [all through] i.e. whenever one comes to awareness [ones' attentiveness to the spiritual objective of life], he / she should put emphasis just on that same side. Then one may observe the wonder [miracle] of this simple practice! Through this all stages will be practically traversed! In the end there will remain as residuum just that, where at we have all to arrive [finally]. Then just rush into the same [ultimate objective of human life] and see the wonder [of it]! More next! This is just to enable the one who may arrive at this stage, to put [further] question to me! Just possible, such one may have the luck [fortune] of a direct vision by oneself! The philosophy [theoretical explanation] of it all, in case of need, you should yourself narrate [describe = elaborate] to people [who may need]!"

Sunday the 22nd December 1946 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ० प्र0] : "तुम्हारी ग़ीबत में अगर कोई सत्संगी यहाँ आ जावे और मेरे कोच के पास बैठ कर अगर फैज़ लिया चाहे तो मैं फ़ौरन उसके लिए मौजूद हो जाऊँगा। जब तक जी न घबरावे, बैठा रहे। ज़ियादती होने पर मैं खुद वहां से हैट जाऊँगा।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "If during your absence, some associate comes here and sits in front of my coach [allotted / dedicated by you for me in your room] seeking my grace, I shall be immediately present there. He / she may remain sitting there as long as he / she feels inclined. In case of excess [of the flow of transmission / grace automatically], I shall myself go away from there."

Monday the 30th December 1946 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I was thunderstruck to observe certain things during your tour to the villages under your land ownership.

Our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] was really strolling in the circuit surrounded by the river-bank. He was all the time concerned about your safety; and he banished i few persons, unwanted in the society from the suburbs of the village, to make your way smooth. Boys! Here in Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], is the example of intense love and devotion for you to copy. This thing is of-course rare, but that does not mean that one cannot reach this stage. I have given so many dictations for you people to copy out. 'Love plays its part' : that is the sum and substance!"


Thursday the 02nd January 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ० प्र0] : "आज वक़्त नौ बजे शब् हरी बाबू को पूरा कमाण्ड आलमे सुग़रा का दे दिया गया। वो दायरा-ए- विलायत में है। उसकी ड्यूटी लगेगी। निगरानी उसकी रामेश्वर प्रसाद रक्खेंगे। शाहजहाँपुर का सर्किल जो मथुरा के अब्दाल के पास था इसको दे दिया जावे। यक़ीदा अपना दुरुस्त रक्खें और काम पर मामूर हो जावें ,पहली ड्यूटी शाहजहाँपुर की सफाई की होगी। उस के बाद जो ड्यूटी होगी, बतला दी जावेगी। अब्दाल मथुरा को इसी वक़्त इत्तिला दे दी जावे कि वो सिर्फ़ मथुरा का काम करे।" [नौ बज कर बीस मिनट पर मथुरा के अब्दाल को इत्तिला दे दी गयी और ताल्लुक़ शाहजहाँपुर से हटा दिया गया।] यह बातें सब मुंदरिज़ पंडित रामेश्वर प्रसाद हुईं। बक़लम रामेश्वर प्रसाद।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Today at 09.00 PM Hari Babu has been given full command over organic region [sughra] : he is now in the sphere of closeness to God [valayata]! He will be assigned duty : Rameshwar Prasad will keep watch over him! The Shahjahanpur-circle, hitherto looked by the invisible saint in-charge [abdal] of Mathura, is allotted to him [Hari Babu]. He should keep his faith intact, and hold charge of his work : is first duty three after, will be indicated [in due course of time]. Intimate the invisible saint in-charge of Mathura, just now, that [henceforth] he is to look-after Mathura only." [at 09.20 PM the abdal of Mathura was informed and Shahjahanpur was taken out of his sphere of work. All this was done in the presence of Rameshwar Prasad; and notes were jotted down in his handwriting].

Friday the 03rd January 1947 :

लार्ड कृष्ण : "गया का काम बहुत ज़रूरी है। मोहलत दे सकता हूँ। जाना पडेगा। बनारस और गया का काम ख़्वाह एक ही साथ ले लो, ख़्वाह एक एक करके। चाहो तो बनारस का काम पहले निबटा दो, उसके बाद फिर गया चले जाना। बहरहाल तुम्हारी मर्ज़ी पर छोड़ता हूँ। गया में ज़्यादा वक़्त लगेगा। बनारस में तीन दिन लगातार काम करना होगा। अगर ठीक तरह से किया जावे, वार्ना एक दो रोज़ ज़ियादा लग जायेंगें।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "The work at Gaya is very important. You take-up work of Banaras and Gaya either together [at the same time] or successively. If you like you can complete this work at Banaras first; and proceed to Gaya thereafter. It is unto your pleasure [and liking]. Gaya will need more time. At Banaras, three days continuous work will be required, if performed properly [systematically]; otherwise it may take one or two days more."

Monday the 13th January 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "आज ब तारीख तरह जनवरी सन 1947 ई0 वक़्त 07.45 शव को एक शख्स साकिन चन्द्रलोक को जो एक अर्से से इंतज़ार में था, इस वक़्त राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] ने हुक्मन मेरे हाँथ पर बैत किया। जब ज़रूरत होगी और मैं मुनासिब समझूंगा तो और लोगों को भी जो इसके अहल होंगे, बैत करा दूंगा। यह शख्स अक्सर मौजूद रहा करेगा। इसकी तालीम का वही तरीक़ा है जो इक़रार बैत के वक़्त किया गया। सत्संग में यह शख्स शरीक़ हुआ करेगा।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Today at 07.45 PM a person belonging to the sphere of moon, who had been waiting for quite long, is initiated in my hand just now by dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] under orders [from above]. When need will be there, and I will consider it right, others who may be deserving, will also be got initiated. This person will remain present and attend the group meditation. His method of training will remain what was adopted at the time of his oath of initiation."

Tuesday the 14th January 1947 : Time o9.40 AM

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "जब कोई खबर खुलने वाली होती है तो इस से पहिले इसमें चक्कर पड़ना शुरू हो जाते हैं। चक्कर क्या होते हैं? वो ही जिनको आप लोग मुसीबत ख्याल करते हैं। मैं रात भर ब्राईटर वर्ड में रहा, इस वक़्त भी हूँ। दुनियाँ की हालत डिगरंगु हो रही है। पेंच इज़हार होने लगे। कुछ उकदा खुला ही चाहता है। मग़रबी तहज़ीब अपने मस्कन से रुखसत हुआ चाहती है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Before some news [concerning coming events] comes to the brink of being revealed, round about movements [vibrations] start emerging / occurring therein [in the sphere concerning the news]. These round about vibrations happen to be just what people consider to be troubles [untoward happening or occurrences]. I was in the brighter world for the whole night, and am still here. The world is coming to the state of peculiar pass : tangled knots have started manifesting. Some secret [esoteric] knot seems close to in-revealing. The Western civilisation appears to be ready to depart from its home."

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "दुनियाँ ने रुख फ़ेर लिया है। बरबादी के आसार नुमायाँ होने लगे हैं। तुम्हारी विल ने अब असर किया है। अब कुछ रुख़ और है। कुदरत बहुतों को इस दुनीयाँ से रुखसत करना चाहती है। शगाफ़ लग चुका है। भलाई जब ही होगी जब काफ़ी बरबादी हो चुकेगी। मेरा चक्र काम करता रहा, आखिर को साफ़ करके मैं रुखसत हो गया। अब उसकी मुझे ज़रूरत नहीं रही। इस से तुम काम लो। आज से यह चीज़ तुम्हारे हुक्म पर काम करेगी। यह चीज़ अब तुम्हारे साथ जायेगी।

Reverend Lord Krishna : "The world has turned its face [registered volt face] : signs of destruction are getting manifest. Your will has now become effective [started expressing its effect]. Now the trend is indifferent direction. Nature now likes many persons to depart from this world. [Surgical] slits have been introduced [already] : beneficence will appear only after lots of destruction would have taken place. My weapon [boomerang or time - wheel] remained active all my life : at the end I departed after cleaning [the atmosphere and the weapon]. Now I have no use of that weapon any more : you may use of it. From today onwards it will work under your command : this thing will now go with you."

श्री राधा जी : [काल रूप दिखला कर फ़रमाया] "भाई, तुमने मेरा यह रूप देख लिया। यही हुक्म है। मैं ड्यूटी मामूर की गयी हूँ।"

Reverend Radha Ji demonstrated her destructive time - form [Kaalarupa] to me and said : "Now, brother, you have seen my this form. Now the order is just this : I too have been assigned this duty!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "यह इस वक़्त का डिक्टेशन है, गोया तुमको पेश्तर से ही बहुत सी आगाह कर दिया गया है। सच पूंछो तो तुम्हे अब फुर्सत नहीं। वर्किंग आता रहेगा। जो ड्यूटी जिसके लायक हो, इम्पार्ट कर देना। यह इशारे हैं जो बतलाये गए।

Revered Maser [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "This dictation this moment has been to give you advance knowledge of many things. To tell the truth you have no leaser now. Work will be arriving [continuously] : you can impart duties [to others] in accordance with your discretion. these are [only] hints, given to you!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have been bestowed with tremendous power this time. Always utilise it only for Godly work [and Divine purpose], unless there are through recommendations [from above for using this power for some mundane work and wordily purpose]. Time has required you to be fit for work. Revered Radha Ji is also deputed for the work ahead."

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "तुमको तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] के रूप में मुमकिन है लोगों ने देखा हो। मगर मेरे रूप में किसी ने नहीं देखा। अगर देखे तो वही फैज़ मिलेगा जो मुझसे मिलता है। मगर तुम ने अपनी हालत ऐसी कर ली है जैसे कछुआ, कि जब हड्डी के अंदर होता है तो फिर हाँथ-मुंह सब अंदर कर लेता है।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "Just possible people may have seen you in the form of your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]; but nobody has seen you in my form! If someone is available to see [you that way] he / she will derive the same benefit that would come from me! However, you have converted yourself after the example of the state of the the tortoise [turtle], who withdraws his head and extremities [and everything] within the heard-core of the cover bone."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I repeat what I hinted something earlier : 'you will build the temple of spirituality on the bones [and ashes] of others'. [Pause] Sometimes when you fly in to rage, of-course on right points, Godly power beings working. Then your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has to loosen the strings to calm you down! When you find some occurrence in your family or elsewhere, you should clean the atmosphere instead of flying in to rage. [on some submission from Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] I shall have to take the reins of your family in my own hands; and shall destruct [destroy] some part, if so required. Do not feel afraid : you will be consulted at each step. All of you [Madan Mohan Lal and Rameshwar Prasad] etc.] should try to keep him on level. You should not lose balance at any time. Look here, boys, Nature is well balanced in him in some form or other because he is everywhere including our hearts. You all go on trying to reach the goal in his lifetime. Such Masters will not come not come again for thousand years at least. He will himself, no doubt, prepare somebody for his own work [to be completed]. This is another thing, however, : that is something Godly! It has no concern with representation : possibly he may represent just before his Revered Master. This not to be known so early. Nature may split the work, as may be needed and desired [by her]."

Same date [07.20 PM] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "दोनों [मदन मोहन लाल और रामेश्वर] के यह काम सुपुर्द करता हूँ कि ज़मीं में जुम्बिश न होने पावे, और तुम्हारा चक्र काम करेगा।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I assign this job to both Madan Mohan Lal and Rameshwar Prasad together, to see that there is to tremor in the earth, while the destructive weapon [boomerang] of Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] will remain at work."

ऋषि लंका : "मुझको वक़्त वक़्त पर जैसी ज़रूरत होगी काम की हिदायतें मिलती रहेंगी।

The sage of Ceylon : "I am under orders to keep an eye [on this whole situation] and take care."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मदन मोहन लाल और रामेश्वर दोनों आज ही से अपने काम में मशग़ूल हो जायँ। इनकी ड्यूटी लगातार यह ही रहेगी। या वो करने की ज़रूरत नहीं। मदन मोहन लाल तुमने जैसे तसाहली काम में की, ऐसी नहीं होनी चाहिए। आप नतीज़े के जुम्मेवार हैं। काम किये जाओ।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "You will be receiving instructions concerning work according to need from time to time. Bothe Madan Mohan Lal and Rameshwar Prasad should engage themselves with their work just from today. their duty will continually be just this [what has already been indicated] : there is no need of inquiry again [and again in this regard]. Dear Madan Mohan Lal, you have dealt in attentiveness [in the work] : this sort of attitude should no more be repeated! You are not responsible for the consequences : you just go on working [according to assignment]!"

Thursday the 16th January 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Boys! Try to be as subtle [light hearten] as possible. Weight of thoughts are not likely to be yours : this you will feel in the long run. Before that, there are results of your own doing [and making]. Surroundings have also thrown [created] their own effect on sumptuous - test - seeking heart. Time is passing on. I repeat the sentence daily. You [people] are not coming up to the mark. What you [people] are getting is the result his [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] kindness. You are not making yourselves deserving for the high level thing [spirituality]. I say all this for your own benefit. Who knows, Nature may call him at any moment : he is in a way restricted in his work on account of [the limitations of] his flesh and bones! Health decay amounts much! [Pause] I witness the same at Seohara; and find Ram Ji Saxena busy all the time : he should see to it that he is busy also with things befitting him [and you]!"

Saturday the 18th January 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I do not want to see Russia in the present state: it is the root cause of all the miseries!"

Sunday the 19th January 1947 :

याज्ञवलक्य ऋषि : "तुमने मुझको सिर्फ एक बार बुलाया था। आज अपनी तबीयत से खुद आया हूँ। दुनियाँ की हालत बहुत दिगरबू है। आसार खराब हैं। जा रहा हूँ।"

Reverend Seer Yajanavalkya Ji : "You called me only once : today I have come on my own. The state of the world is very untoward [coming to a peculiar pass] : signs are pretty bad! I am going now."

Sunday the 26th January 1947 :

[02.05 बजे दोपहर]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : रामेश्वर प्रसाद से कह दो कि उनकी बीबी को 02 बज कर 05 मिनट पर सिलसिला सहज मार्ग में क़ाइम कर दिया गया। इसको मैं इजाज़त शर्तिया देता हूँ। वो आज से ओरतों में काम करेंगीं। शुरू कर दें। बल्कि बेहतर तो यह होगा कि कल 27 जनवरी सन 1947 [बसन्त पंचमी का दिन] को जब यहाँ आवें, वहीं से ओरतों को जो इस वक़्त मौजूद हों, तवज्जोः देती रहें। यह दिन मुबारक दिन है और मिशन इसको बहुत अहमियत देता है। लिहाज़ा यह दिन मैनें इसकी तालीम शुरू भी रक्खा है। हिम्मत बाँध कर काम शुरू कर दें ,यह नहीं हो सकता कि असर न हो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Tell Rameshwar Prasad that his wife has been established at 02.05 PM as prefect in this chain of Sahaj Marg System. I have accorded her provisional [conditional] permission to impart training. She will work among ladies from today onwards : she should start [working]. It will be better when she comes here tomorrow on January 27th 1947 she should remain transmitting, just from where ever she may be sitting, to all the ladies who may be present [here] at that time. This day [Basant Panchami] is very auspicious day; and the Mission accords very great importance to it : I have, as such, fixed this day also for her to start training [others]. She should start the work with perfect courage [and confidence] : it can not happen that her training may go without effect."

Monday the 27the January 1947 [Basant Panchami at 11.00 PM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "We congratulate members of the Mission for celebrating our Lord's [of Revered Laalaa Ji Sahib the Great, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] birth anniversary first time!"

चैतन्य महाप्रभु : "उड़ीसा जाने में क्यों देर कर रहे हो। तुम्हारी वहाँ बहुत ज़रूरत है। काम वहीं मिलेगा।"

Reverend Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu : " Why are you delaying your visit to Orissa. You are very much needed there : work will be available [indicated] just there!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मेरी राय तो यह है कि तुम साथ-ही-साथ और सफ़र जो दरपेश है इसके साथ ही ले लो। बनारस और गया में भी तुमको जाना है। गया का काम बहुत ज़रूरी है। पुरी [जगन्नाथ पूरी] अगर मैंने ज़रूरत समझी, भेज दूँगा। एक बड़ा काम जो तुमने इस वक़्त तक शुरू नहीं किया। वो वही है जो मैं पिछले नोट में कह चूका हूँ। ख़ैर बतौर याद-दाश्त कहे देता हूँ, यानि किताबों को दुरुस्त करना। इसमें बड़ा वक़्त लगेगा और तुम्हारे बाद कोई शख्स ऐसा मालुम नहीं होता जो इस काम को कर सके। मनु स्मृति तुमने शुरू की थी, चन्द श्लोक लिख कर रह गए। उसको ख़त्म करो। फ़िर दुसरी किताब लो, फ़िर तीसरी।"

Revered Master [Revered Laalaa Ji Sahib the Great, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I am of the opinion that together with this, you take up other trips also that are to be undertaken. You have to go to Benaras and Gaya as well. The work at Gaya is of prime import [very important]. To Puri, I shall send, if I feel the need. A big work, that you have not started, is that which I have mentioned in my notes [previously]. Alright, by way of reminder I am making a mention [again] : that is the work concerning correction of the [ancient] books [scriptures]. That will consume a lot of time; and after you, there seems nobody who may do this work [adequately]. You had made a start with Manusmriti : you got held up just after a few couplets [shlokas]. Complete that work; and then take-up second book and thereafter a third."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Look here, this is not the only work for you. I want that you pickup the [real] true figurine [Rchaa] from Vedas and write commentary on it. The commentary, if written by you, will be matchless. Huge work is in store for you. You are not getting time for these things! Service [you job] is a great drawback. Is there any helper for such work. Devote at least one hour daily. For you, I want a man with pen and pad."

Friday the 31st January 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महत्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "कारण बना। उसके मुताबिक़ ज़हूर की सूरत पैदा हो गयी। जिस्म धारण किया, उसमें जो काम किये, उसने अपने कारण में नक़्श बना दिए। वक़्त आया, जिस्म छोड़ दिया। अब वो चीज़ जो जिस्म ने बनायी, अगली हस्ती के ज़हूर का कारण हो गयी। अब उसमें जो कुछ कर्म किये, जब तक रहे, कारण रहा। नक़्श बने। और यह सिलसिला मुतबातर ज़ारी है। हमने जाने कितने कारण बनाये हैं। एक चीज़ उपादान कारण भी है। जिस से इनका सिलसिला है। इसको सुरुवात के लाने की वजह भी कहा जा सकता है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The casual [factor] having been structured, the shape of manifestation accordingly got created. When body was adopted, whatever action took place therein, these left impressions in the casual [factor] thereof. The body was left behind, when the time [for that] was there. Now what was structured by the body became the casual [factor] for the manifestation of the next existence [entity]. Now whatever action came to be performed through that entity [existence], these maintain the casual factor, so long as those actions existed and imprinted impressions in their own turn. This chain continues unbroken. We have formed [structured], how knows, how many casual [factors = bodies]. One factor is the basic [material] cause as well, where from the chain of these comes to exist. These can also be said to be the cause of bringing about the beginning [of the whole chain of the casual factors]."

सवाल : "जिस्म छोड़ने के बाद कारण का मक़ाम कहाँ है, यानि कहाँ रहता है?"

Question : "Where is the place of the casual factor after leaving the body? Where does that [casual factor] reside [in its in-embodied for]?"

Answer by Swami Vivekananda Ji : "This is concerning the law department of Nature! Punishment [Sazaa] and reward [jazaa] are ordered from this place according to Islamic belief. It is also connected with the form herewith and above."

सवाल : "कारण को साफ़ करने का क्या तरीक़ा है?"

Question : "What is the method for cleaning the casual [factor = body]?

जवाब : "भोग।

Answer : "Fruition [bhoga]."

सवाल : "स्वामी जी ने राजयोग में फ़रमाया है कि बहुत से सूक्ष्म शरीर बना कर भोग जल्दी भोगे जा सकते हैं। इसका क्या तरीक़ा है ? और भोग पूरे होने के बाद हमको जिस्म छोड़ देना होगा या रहा भी जा सकता है।"

Question : "As indicated by Swami Ji in 'Raja Yoga' fruition of impressions can be quickly enjoyed [and suffered] by structuring several subtle bodies. What is the method for that; and after enjoying or suffering the fruition of impressions, do we have to give-up our bodies or can these be still retained?"

Answer [by Swami Vivekananda Ji] : Look here, these [methods] are meant for perfect Yogis, who, after finishing their career of life, want to get rid of their bodies totally. The method is not cheap. It requires greater power and can attained only by the will of a perfect Yogin. Method is quite correct. Samartha Sadguru Ram Chandra Ji of Fatehgarh UP played this part somewhere : I am making that point clear. He has not done this for Himself but for others. How did I come to know this method? In the trance state [Samadhi = super conscious stage of meditation]. Reading of Nature commenced. I found out the remedy and explained to others. There is one thing more above it, which, if adopted, we need not bother ourselves with the method [then]. I described this somewhere. Above this even, there is one thing more, which only your Guru [Samartha Sadguru Ram Chandra Ji of Fatehgarh UP] was knowing.

सवाल : "किस स्टेज पर राजयोगी इस तरीक़े को इस्तेमाल में ला सकता है ?"

Question [by Swami Vivekananda Ji] : "At what stage can a Raja-yogi put this method to use?"

Answer : "In the state to which your Guru [Samartha Sadguru Ram Chandra Ji of Fatehgarh UP] belonged : this is the hint to the last thing, mentioned above."

Saturday the 01st February 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "One thing you ought to remember : will, if once exercised, can bring forth be desired result, but it is very difficult to invert what has been done before [earlier]. To go beyond Nature is sin, unless a man is made of special calibre."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "जब तक की खास तौर पर कोई हस्ती न बनायी जाय सु वक़्त तक उसमें यह बात पैदा नहीं होती कि जो चाहे वो कर के दिखा दे और जब चाहे उसको फिर उसी सूरत में वापिस ले जाए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "So long as some personality is specially structured, this thing does not develop viz. one may do what ever one may desire, and bring it back to the same stage [shape], in accordance with one's sweet will [as may be require]."

Sunday the 02nd February 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I have given some hints to Mudaliar for developing 'Laya Awastha' [state of merging]. since Ram Ji is going on with the same method, these [hints] will be useful to him as well. You [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] may arrange to send a copy to him [Ram Ji] in due course. These [hints] are entirely necessary for those who want to reach God indirectly i.e. through their Master."

Tuesday the 04th February 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मिश्रा जी [पंडित रामेश्वर प्रसाद] डरते क्यों हैं जब कि कह दिया गया कि दिक् का मरीज़ जिसकी हड्डियां गाल चुकीं हों, उसके भी रूहानी stages इस तरह से पार कराये जाते हैं कि उसको ख़बर न हो और ज़ोर न पड़े। यह बात ज़रूर है की अगर जाँचना चाहोगे तो ज़रूर पड़ेगा क्यों की उस चीज़ को उभरना पड़ेगा। क्या यह चीज़ें ऐसी सहल हैं और इतनी जल्दी दी जाती हैं ? यह उनकी किस्मत है। इसका लेना बहुत कुछ उनकी मर्ज़ी पर मुनहसिर है। चाहें तो तैयार हो जाएँ। बाबू मदन मोहन लाल से कह दो कि उनसे ठीक टूर से दरियाफ़्त कर लेवें। जबरदस्ती नहीं है। उनकी खुशी पर है। मैं अब्दुल गनी नहीं हूँ कि कह कर रह जाऊं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Why is Pundit Rameshwar Prasad afraid, when it has been given out [told] that even in case of a patient of tuberculosis, whose bones even may have suffered total decadence, spiritual stages can be got crossed over [by that patient] in such a way that he remains unaware [of spiritual progress] and feels no stain [and stress]? No doubt, strain [and stress] will be there if one would like to test [and examine], because [in that case] the condition will need to be brought up to the surface. Are these things that easy and so quickly bestowed? This is his [Rameshwar Prasad] fortune! To have mostly depends on his sweet-will : if he likes, he may get ready [to receive it]. Ask Madan Mohan Lal to inquire to him [Rameshwar Prasad] properly : there is necessity [forcing] and it is dependent on his sweet-will! I am not Abdul Ghani to say [promise] some thing, and hesitate later [to do accordingly]!"

Thursday the 06th February 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "कौन कहता है कि जिस चक्र से आदमी पार हो जाता है, उसको उस पर कमाल नहीं होता। यह विद्या ठोसता से बिलकुल अलहदा है; बल्कि वोह हालत है जो सृष्टि पैदा होने से पहले थी। और यह वोह असल ख्याल है जो पैदायशे आलम का सबब हुआ और ठोसता ज़हूर में आयी। यह वोह ताक़त है जिसका नतीजा [बिला बरामद हुए] बच नहीं सकता। इसमें सब अंसर मौजूद थे जिन्होंने मुख़्तलिफ़ शरीरों की रचना की। इनको अगर पाँच हिस्सों में तक़सीम कर दिया जाय तो हर एक हिस्से में वो वो ताक़त आ जाती है जो आग़ाज़े आलम का सबब बनी है। पहले क्या था। हर हिस्सा अपनी अपनी ताक़त मख़्सूस रखता था। यह खसूसियत रखते हुए भी हर हिस्से में पाँचों ताक़तें छिपी हुयी थीं। जो हिस्सा जिस ताक़त के लिए मख़्सूस था और विशेषता जिस हिस्से में थी उसके साथ भी पाँचों ताक़तों ने मिल कर काम किया। यानी उस विशेषता ने अपना हिस्सा [अलबत्ता] सबसे फायक़ रक्खा। अब हर हिस्से में पाँच पाँच हिस्से हो गए। सबको अगर मिला दिया [यानी जोड़ा] जावे तो तादाद पच्चीस की हो जावेगी। यह चीज़ सुग्रा यानि पिंड का मिलमिला कर जौहर बनती है। इसका अहाता [क़याम] पिण्ड शरीर में ज़ियादा पाया जाता है। यह पिंड का हाल है। ब्रह्माण्ड में इसका निचोड़ [यानि जौहर] जाता है। और इससे आगे का इसका निचोड़ और उसके आगे उसका निचोड़। ग़र्ज़े कि यह चीज़ ख़ालिस [सूक्ष्म] होते होते आख़िर को बिलकुल खालिस हो कर असल में मिल जाती है।"

"अब सवाल ताक़त का आता है। जो ताक़त कि एक चक्र पर है वही दूसरे पर मिलेगी। वही तीसरे पर, चौथे और पांचवें पर। फॉर फ़र्क़ क्या होगा।"

"एक से दूसर पर लताफ़त ज़ियादा होगी। इस तरह हर हिस्सा [चक्र] में यही लताफ़त बढ़ती चली जायेगी। इस हिस्से योग पर वो लोग आते हैं जो इससे पेश्तर के हिस्से को ख़त्म कर चुकते हैं। या यूँ कहो कि जिसको इसकी ज़रूरत होती है। खुलूस को ख़ुलूस से रगड़ देने पर ख़ुलुस ही पैदा होगा। जिस हिस्से का खुलूस है उसी हिस्से की चीज़ बढ़ेगी। लिहाज़ा उसमें जो ताक़तें पोशीदा हैं अगर उनसे काम लिया जाय तो इत्मीनान रखिये [बिला निकले] गोया बच नहीं सकता। क्योंकि नेचर ने जब इससे काम लिया, नतीजा मत्लूब बरामद हो गया। इससे पाहिले सिवाय इस चीज़ के और कुछ न था। मुख़्तसर [सूक्ष्म, लतीफ़] चीज़ ज़्यादः फ़ैलाव रखती है। नुक़्ता फ़ैल कर बहाव की शक्ल पैदा कर लेता है। बस वही समझो। आप इस पॉइंट पर आ जाइये फिर देखिये वही सूरतें फरदियत के साथ आप से बरामद होती हैं या नहीं, जो कुल से कुल्लियत के साथ बरामद हुईं थीं। असल में इन्हीं धारों में अपने आप को शामिल कर देना है। क्या यह ताक़त नहीं कही जा सकती।"

"इसका माहसल बस यही है कि आवागमन से अपना छुटकारा हाँसिल कर ले। "

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Who says that one crosses some plexus without acquiring control over it? This science is wholly apart from grossness; and concerns rather that state which prevailed before creation came into being. This was the real thought, which constituted the causes of the creation of the Universe, and manifestation of grossness [materiality]. It is the power, which cannot fail to produce its effect. All element, which form the material of different bodies [organic categories], were present in it. If these elements be divided in to five classes [earth, fire, air, water and ether] then each [class] partakes one power each that constitutes the cause of the creation of the Universe. What was there to begin with? Every part [class] was processed of its special power [character]; and in-spite of possessing its own specialty, each part [class] had all the five powers concealed [congealed] in itself. Each part [class = element] all the five power work together : only the power that is special to it, or / and the speciality that belongs to it, stays predominate in it. Thus every part [class = element] has five sub-parts each; and all of these taken together come to be twenty-five in the total number. This mixed up together constitutes the essence of the organic [or material] aspect of existence, whose residence is located mainly in the 'Pinda' or 'Sugra' [organic] sphere of the [human] yogic system of an individual. This is the stage of 'Pinda' [Sugra]; and its subtle essence goes up to the 'Brahmanda' [Kubra = cosmic] sphere. Further still the yet finer [subtle] essence of what remains in 'Brahmanda' [Kubra], goes up to the next higher [subtler] sphere viz. para-cosmic [Ulia = Para Brahmanda Mandal]; and so on and so on, this thing growing subtle [finer = purer] and yet subtle finally coming to the perfectly subtle or fine, gets lost in to the Real [Ultimate]. Now the question concerning posers arises. The power that resides at one plexus will be found at the second, third, fourth and fifth plexus as well! Then wherein shall the difference be there? There will be more fineness or subtleness at higher or latter part or plexus as compared to the lower or former one. To the higher Yogic part, only those persons arrive who have completed the earlier part lying prior to it; or you may say, who ever happens to be in need of it [coming up the higher Yogic part or sphere or plexus or whatever]."

"On rubbing purity against purity, only purity [Khuloos] will be coming up. The essence of that part [plexus = region] alone will increases, to which the purity [to be rubbed] would belong. As such, if the powers, that lie congealed therein, be put to work, be assured that the result cannot fail to be there! When Nature put them to work, the desired effect was there : before that there happened to be nothing except that. The subtle or the fine thing has greater expansion. The point through expansion creates the shape of increase [in shape]. Take it just this way : you come up to this point; and then see what the same forms [categories = shapes of things] flow or not, out of your individuality, that had flowed from the whole out of the wholeness. In reality one has to include oneself just in thee currents! Can this not be termed as power? The sum and substance of all this remains only that one birth ought to secure one's release from the cycle or coming [life] and going [death]!"

Tuesday the 13th February :

हनुमान जी महाराज : "यह पहला मौका है कि इस दुनियाँ से कूंच करने के बाद मैं इस हैसियत से आया हूँ।"

"महाभारत में सिर्फ कृष्ण जी को यह ताक़त थी कि जब चाहा मुझ से बुला कर काम ले लिया। दुनियाँ में कोई ऐसी ताक़त अभी तक पैदा ही नहीं हुयी। मेरा काम संग्राम करने का है। मैं हर वक़्त राम चन्द्र जी महाराज के साथ रहा। सिला क्या मिला। पूँछ लगा दी गयी। मैं शहज़ादा था और क्षत्री कौम थी। बहादुरी के कारनामें मशहूर हैं। यह सब माता अंजनी की बदौलत है। वह ब्रह्मचारिणी थीं। ठोस औलाद पैदा की।"

"जामवंत, नल वग़ैरह, यह सब मोक्ष पा गए। जामवंत को रीछ बताया जाता है।"

Lord Hanuman [Monkey God worshiped as bravest warrior and sincere most devotee of Lord Rama, hero of Ramayana] : "This is the first occasion of my coming like this, after my having departed from this world. In Mahabharata [epic war] it was only Lord Krishna's power that He could call me and take work at will. No such power in the world has ever been born as yet [as to make me come like this]. My job is to fight in the war. I always accompanied Lord Rama. What did I get in return [as reward]? I have been bestowed upon with a tail [by enthusiasts]. [As a matter of fact] I was a prince belonging to Kshattriya community. My acts of valor are famous. That is all to the credit of my mother Anjani, who was a Brahmacharini [celibate lady] and procreated soiled [perfect in all respects] progeny. Jambwanta and Nala etc. all secured liberation. They are [unfortunately] depicted as sub-human animals - bear and monkeys etc.

सवाल - हनुमान जी के मन्त्र और बलीया [दैवीय आपत्तियाँ, भूत-प्रेत] के जंत्र के असर और ताक़त की बावत था।

जवाब : "ताक़त तुम्हारे गुरु [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] में है। आँखे नहीं कि देख सको। कहे देता हूँ, दुनियाँ में इससे अच्छा पार्ट राम चन्द्र जी महाराज के बाद किसी ने नहीं किया, मिसाल नहीं। जवाहरात उगल दिए। एक बात बताता हूँ। बहादुर आदमी के पास दिमाग़ नहीं होता। यह नहीं कि खोपड़ी खाली होती है। मतलब यह है कि वोह अपने आप को उस रूप में लय कर डालता है। कोई ख्याल बजुज़ उसके क़ाइम नहीं रहता, इसलिए उसकी मोक्ष होना ज़रूरी है। मगर भाई जो चीज़ कि तुमने इस वक़्त बख्शी है, क्या कहूँ। यह हुक्म था जिसकी तुमने तामील की।

There were questions concerning the effect of amulets and incantations etc. concerning Lord Hanuman. He explained : "the power is in your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : people do not have eyes to see! I am telling : nobody after Lord Rama in the world played the part [so well as your Guru]. There is no [other] example : he has vomited [scattered] jewels! I am telling one thing : brave person is devoid of brain! I do not mean that the skull is empty. What is meant is that he [brave person] merges himself in that form, and carries no other thought except that [concerning the job in hand]. As such his liberation is ensured [due to single pointed concentration]. However, brother, what shall I say about what you have bestowed [on me] just now! This was the order [of your Revered Master, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], to which you have complied!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Look here! He has taken up, from this date, the duty of guarding you at times when that is perfectly needed.

हनुमान जी महाराज : "इस किस्म की तवज्जोः जैसी कि आप ने हुकमन दी थी, चाहता हूँ कि पाता रहूँ। राम चन्द्र जी महाराज का अब वजूद नहीं है।

Lord Hanuman : "This sort of transmission that you imparted [to me] under orders [from your Revered Master, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], I like to keep receiving. Lord Rama is not in existence now."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Lord Krishna is reigning.

Lord Hanuman : "Fix time [for transmission]. I shall be arriving at that time."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "बड़े जोश में तशरीफ़ लाये थे, और ठीक भी था कि तमाम उम्र उनकी उसी में लय अवस्था रही। और यही चीज़ उनके साथ गयी। मैंने इस वक़्त उनकी कैपेसिटी क़तअन क़ाफूर कर दी और वो ज़ोम और हिम्मत जो उनमे मौजूद था, अब नहीं रहा। लोचदार हालत ले कर गए। नफ़्स बढ़ रहा था। लोग फायदा बेजा उठा रहे थे। क़त्ल के वक़्त उस ताक़त मदद तलब करते थे।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "He [Lord Hanuman] had arrived in proud sharpness : and that was quite becoming his merging of lifetime in just that state [of unprecedented valor in surrender to the Lord]. Just this thing had gone with him [at the end of physical existence]. I have just now got his that capacity evaporated; and he has lost that proud sharpness and courage that was there in him. He has gone now with soft [and flexible] state! Sensuous lust was on the increase [waxing] in him. People were deriving undue advantage from him : at the time of committing murder, people use to seek help of that power [of proud sharpness and valor]!

हनुमान जी महाराज : "मेरे पूँछ नहीं थी और इस लिए कोई चीज़ लपेटी भी नहीं गयी। मेरी विल-पावर यानि क़ुव्वत-इरादी बहुत ज़बरदस्त थी। एक झटके में बड़ी से बड़ी इमारत ढहा सकता था।"

"मैंने लँका समंदर की उस गैस से फूँकी थी जिसका दफीया रावण के पास न था। लंका के चारो तरफ़ यह चीज़ बहुत पायी जाती है। मैंने अपनी इक्षाशक्ति से यह चीज़ समंदर से निकल कर उस तरफ़ रुज़ू कर दी थी। ताक़त में उस वक़्त मेरा कोई सानी न था, बजुज़ मालिक के। अगर चाहता तो एक झटके में लंका को उलट सकता था, लेकिन इससे नुक्सान मायी सीता जी के पहुँचने का था। इस लिए नहीं किया। इलावा इसके बहुत सी बांतें जो ज़रूरी थीं, रह जातीं। क्या हिमाक़त है लंका और सोने की! बिलकुल ग़लत। इससे मुराद यह है कि उससे बेहतर इमारत वाक़ई कहीं नहीं थी। ख्याल करो कितनी लम्बी-छोड़ी लंका थी। कुल दुनियां में अगर सोना इकठ्ठा किया जाय तो इस हद तक नहीं हो सकता। मुमकिन है कि उससे एक-आध कंगूरा बन सके। राजाओं के महलों में जवाहरात का काम होता है और सोना भी इमारतों में जेवाईश के लिए लगाया जाता है। यह बात ज़रूर थी और ज़्यादा ताआद सोने की इस लिहाज़ से मौजूद थी।"

Further revelation from Lord Hanuman : "I had no tail; and hence, nothing was wrapped on it. My will power was very strong : I could demolish biggest buildings with one stork. I had burnt Lanka with that gas from the ocean, against which Ravana had no anti-dote. This gas is available in abundance al-around Lanka. I had extracted it through my will-power, and oriented to Lanka. Nobody at that time was a match to me in strength, except the Master [Lord Rama]. If I liked, I could have upturned Lanka in one stroke; but that would have caused harm to Mother Sita. Moreover, many other things, that were necessary, would have remained unaccomplished. So, I did not adopt that course [of upturning Lanka]. How foolish to speak of Lanka as made of gold! That is entirely absurd. It only means that buildings [structures] better than there were not really to be found anywhere else. Just imagine the size of Lanka [as a whole] : if the gold available in the whole world be collected, it cannot be equal to that required [to build the structures in Lanka, of soiled gold]! May be, a few domes could be structured that way! The places of kings contain jewellery ornamentation, and gold is also used in the buildings for decorative purposes. That was no doubt there; and in this respect gold was present [in the structures of the buildings in Lanka] in abundant quantity."

[The reference here is to the popular anecdote in 'Ramayana', that the monkey-god Lord Hanuman reached Lanka to search out Sita, who had been carried forcibly to Lanka by its king Ravana to avenge the indignity dealt to his sister Shurpanakha by Lakshaman, brother of Lord Rama. Lord Hanuman found out Sita, and with her permission clashed with Ravan's army; and finally set Lanka on fire, as a prelude to siege of Lanka by Lord Rama later to destroy Ravana and other devilish people there and deliver the kingdom to Vibhhishan, saintly brother of Ravana.]

Wednesday the 14th February 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "He [Lord Hanuman] now comes to you for training [in spirituality]."

हनुमान जी महाराज : "हिंदुस्तान की तरक़्क़ी उस वक़्त हो सकती है जब औलाद नेक पैदा हो जाय। माँ का असर औलाद पर बहुत पड़ता है और बच्चे में असर बहुत आता है। निचली खिल्त [बात, पित्त, कफ़, रक्त आदि] उसी [माँ] का हिस्सा होता है। आवरण बाप का होता है।

[नोट : हम लोग यानी बिरादरे मोहतरम राम चन्द्र जी, रामेश्वर प्रसाद, मदन मोहन लाल, मानेश्वर सिंह, और राजा बहादुर बैठे। दौराने बात-चीत राजा बहादुर ने दरियाफ्त किया कि शंकर जिनको शिव, महादेव, कैलाशपति वग़ैरह : हिन्दू जाति कहती है और लिंग-आकार को शंकर और आराध्य को पार्वती जी तसव्वुर कह के पूजा करते हैं। इसकी असलियत क्या है?

इस बात को सुन कर समर्थ गुरु महाराज की इजाज़त हांसिल करके बिरादरे मुहतरम राम चन्द्र जी ने शंकर जी का आह्वान किया। वोह तशरीफ़ लाये और मुन्दर्जा जैल डिक्टेट दिया।]

Lord Hanuman Ji : "India's progress can be ensured only when good progeny is procreated. The influence of 'mother' on the progeny is quite immense and the child partakes of such effect [unconsciously].

Note : By Madan Mohan Lal to the effect that respected brother Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] was together with Rameshwar Prasad, Madan Mohan Lal, Maneshwar Singh and Raja Bahadur, when Raja Bahadur inquired about the reality concerning the God who is designated by Hindu community as Shankar, Shiv, Mahadev and Kailashpati etc. who is worshiped in the symbolized form of phallus as the Lord and the container vassal as His suppose Parvati. At this, respected brother Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] obtained the permission of the Samarth Guru Revered Laalaaji Sahib and requested Lord Shiva to arrive and revel the truth, inquired in to.

योगिराज शंकर जी : "कुजा शक्ति और कुजा मै। ऐसी शक्ति जिसे शै [फना करने वाली] शक्ति कहते हैं, कभी ज़हूर में नहीं आ सकतीं। यानी जिस्म धारी नहीं हो सकतीं। उससे लगाव ज़रूर पैदा क्या जा सकता है। मैंने अपनी काया कल्प न जाने कितनी बार अपने योग बल से की है। मैं मुद्दतों तक ज़िंदा रहा। अपने योग बल से जब चाहता था जवान हो जाता था। कैलाश मेरा स्थान था। मैं वहाँ रहता था और तालीम करता था। बड़े-बड़े ऋषि मुझसे अपनी गुत्थियाँ सुलझाते थे। मैंने योग बल से बड़ी ताक़तें हांसिल कीं थीं। रावण का उस्ताद मैं ही था। उसने ताक़तें हाँसिल करके विद्या का नाजायज़ फायदा उठाया। उसकी अक़ल बिगड़ गयी थी। चन्द वो ताक़तें उसको हांसिल थीं जिनको अगर मौजूदा ज़बान में पञ्च अग्नि विद्या कहा जाय तो सही है। इस के ऊपर के हिस्से का उसको कमाल न था। मगर जितना किया था उसमें परिपूर्ण था। रामअवतार से ले कर मुद्दतों तक मेरा क़ायम रहा। कुछ हिस्सा कृष्णावतार में भी था। मगर पूजा मेरी ही की जाती थी। और मेरी ही निस्बत पार्वती जी से करार दी जाती है। जो ग़लत है। मैं बाल-ब्रह्मचारी था। मेरी शादी कभी नहीं हुयी। लोगों के दिमाग़ फ़िर गए हैं। क्या शक्ल बना कर मेरी पूजा की जाती है। मेरी पूजा का आग़ाज़ इस तरीक़ा में बेवक़ूफ़ों और शोहदों ने कर दिया। मैं हर शक्ल में नमूदार हो सकता हूँ। लगन चाहिए। मिसाल मौजूद है [मुराद हज़रत क़िब्ला, महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] . हठयोग की मुश्किलात जो पेश आवें, वो मैं अब भी हल कर सकता हूँ।

There upon the king of Yogis, Lord Shiva inter-communed : "where [is] power; and where [am] I! The power spoken of as power of merger [destructive power = kshay-shakti] can never come to manifest, viz. it can never be embodied. Connection with that, of-course, can be developed. I performed renovation of body [Kaayaa-kalpa], who knows how many times, upon myself through yogic power; and lived for ages. Through my yogic-power, when ever I desired I could become young. 'Kailash' happened to be my residence, and place of work. Great sages used to seek unravelling of their knots from me. I had secured great capacities through yogic-power. I myself was Ravana's teacher [and guide]. He had taken undue advantages from the yogic-science through acquisition of powers [therefrom]. His intelligence had suffered perversion. He was in possession of a few of those powers which may be suitably spoken of in modern terminology as science of the five fires [panch-agni-vidya]. He had no mastery over regions higher up; but what ever he had done, he had secured perfect over that much. I remained living for ages since the incarnation of Lord Rama : some period extended during the incarnation of Lord Krishna as well. My worship, however, remains prevailing and just my connection with Parvati Ji is asserted, which is wrong. I was celibate since infancy : I was never married. Minds of people have suffered derangement. See, how they worship me assigning what a [funny] shape to me! My worship in this way has been started by fools and rascals! I can manifest in every form : only [proper] attachment [connection] is to be needed. Example is there [Reference to Revered Master Laalaaji Sahib]. Difficulties in connection with Hatha-yoga, if any may be there, I can solve even now."

लार्ड कृष्णा : "तुमको [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] सालभर से ज़ियादः हो गया मथुरा में पहुँचे। हुक्म है तुम्हारे लिए कि साल में एक फेरा ज़रूर करो। एक दौरा अप्रैल सन 1947 के आखिर तक तुम्हारा ज़रूर होना चाहिए।"

Lord Krishna : "You have not visited Mathura for over one whole year now. There is order for you to pay visit there once a year compulsorily. One visit should be necessarily effected by the end of April 1947."

Friday the 16th February 1947 :

नोट : यह डिक्टेट माता पार्वती जी का बसिलसिला शंकर जी मौरखा 14 फरवरी है।

माता पार्वती जी : "मैं एक राजा की लड़की थी। यह किस्सा कि महादेव योगिराज के साथ मेरी शादी हुयी, ग़लत है। मैं एक सतित स्त्री थी। वर भी ऐसा ही चाहती थी। लिहाज़ा उसकी जुस्तजू या टटोल मैंने अपने दिल की [पति की शक्ल सामने आ गयी] यह एक दक्खन देश का शहज़ादा था। इसको मेरे साथ विवाह पसंद न था। मैं उसके गुण सुन चुकी थी। यह शहज़ादा बाज़गुज़ार था। मेरी लौ उसी से लग गयी थी और मैंने उसको हाँसिल करने के लिए तपस्या की थी। उस वक़्त मैं एक कन्या थी, यानि कमसिन। मैनें बरसों उसकी याद में ग़ुज़ार दिए। ईश्वर से प्रार्थना की। जाप किये। आखिर को उसके दिल पर असर पड़ा और मेरी शादी हो गयी। बरसों मैने उसके साथ गुज़ारी। आखिर को जब वो इस मर्त्य लोक से सिधारा, मैंने भी सती हो कर जान दी। दक्ष एक बड़ा राजा था। मेरे साथ जो किस्सा मंसूब किया जाता है, यानि यज्ञ में जलने का, ऐसा नहीं है। उसका यज्ञ विध्वन्स ज़रूर हुआ, मगर यह बात नहीं थी। ऐसी बांतें एक राजा के लिए उस वक़्त की सभ्यता से क़तई बईद हैं। राजा ऐसा नहीं कर सकता कि हमको बुलावा न देता।"

"एक पंडित ने जो यज्ञ कर रहा था, किसी वजह से उसमें गिर कर इत्तिफ़ाक़ से जान जान दे दी। यज्ञ बहुत बड़ा था। देवता भी आव्हान किये गए थे। मैं भी मौजूद थी। यज्ञ में इस तरह एक ब्राह्मण का जान देना यह समझा जाता था कि यह दुराचारी है। इस लिए इसको यह जामा पहिनाया गया। लड़कों! मेरे सतीत्व की हालत ज़रा आगे बढ़ कर देखो। हम लोगों को ध्यान कराया। यह चीज़ तुमसे और हिन्दुओं से अलोप हो गयी। देखो एक सतित स्त्री अपने पति को बिलकुल ऐसा समझती है कि उसकी निगाह उस से बाहर कभी नहीं जाती। यह ताक़त बिलकुल उसूल के अंदर है। यह काम स्त्रियों का है कि अपने पति को सब-कुछ समझ ले। आसामियों का यह काम कि वो अपने गुरु या ईश्वर को सब-कुछ समझ लें। उस से बाहर निगाह कभी न जाय। एक बात और बताती हूँ। रूहानी इल्म वाक़ई गुरु से मिलता है। ईश्वर के पैमाईश की ताक़त किसी में नहीं होती। इस लिए मुफीद यही रहेगा कि अपने गुरु को सब कुछ समझ बैठें। इस तरह से उसका डोरा [तार, ताल्लुक़, सम्बन्ध] ज़ात या ईश्वर से लग सकेगा। और फिर उसकी निगाह उसी पुरुष-परमात्मा में हो जाएगी। जब यह हो गया, मतलब सिद्ध हो गया। किसी सतित स्त्री का शौहर कभी दुराचारी नहीं हुआ। 'दक्ष' उस वक़्त का एक टाइटिल यानी ख़िताब था।"

Here is a dictation from Reverend Mother [Goddess] Parvati Ji with reference to the dictation of Lord Shiva February 14, 1947 : "I was a princess. The myth concerning my marriage to Yogiraj Mahadeva [Shankar or Shiva] is false. I was a chaste woman and was desirous having a similar husband. As such I searched and explored him in my own heart. His shape came to my vision. He was a prince of a feudal estate in South India. He had no inclination to marry me. I had learned of his qualities. He was a feudatory. My pointed flame of love got attached to him alone; and I undertook austerities to get him as my husband. At that time I happened to be a girl of tender age. I devoted years after years to his remembrance. I prayed to God and took up practices like repetition of incarnation. At least all this created effect on his heart and I was married to him. We lived together for quite long time and in the end when he left the world for the heavenly abode, I committed 'sati' [suicide by immolation with dead-body of the husband on pyre]. Daksha was a great king. The myth connected to me concerning my immolation in anger at the yajna [ritualistic sacrifice according to vedic tradition of my so called father Daksha] is not true as give in mythology. The yajna of king Daksha was no doubt ruined; but it was not like it is popular. Things like these [king Daksha not inviting his daughter 'Sati' and her husband Shiva to the yajna as an insult, in revenge of some disrespect dealt by his son-in-law] were entirely out civilized etiquette of that time befitting a king. The king could not do something like failing to invite me and my husband [kings daughter and son-in-law] in the ceremony."

"A prier who was conducting the ritualistic sacrifice, somehow fell in the sacrificial fire and died by way of an accident. It was a huge ceremony : gods too had been invited, and I was also present there. Due to a Brahmin priest being dead in the course of ritualistic performance of Yajna, the king Daksha was considered to be vicious, sinful or immoral and hence, this kind of a robe / garb has been imposed on him for posterity. Boys, just come forward and have a view of my chaste state!"

Mother Parvati Ji transmuted to us and continued her dictation : "This thing became extinct from you, Hindus. See, a chaste-woman gets so fixated upon her husband that her sight never wavers to anybody else. This is perfectly within the scope of power and principles. This is for ladies to take their husbands to be everything. For men the job is to take the Guru or God to be everything. Their sight should never waver away from that. One thing more I have to tell : spiritual knowledge comes really form the Guru. Nobody has the power to measure God. As such the most profitable way is only to take one's Guru to be everything : that way, one's connection, string or relationship to God or Ultimate Being [Zaat] will be possible to get established; and then that person's sight will get fixated wholly upon the Ultimate Person that is the self of the self [Purusha Paramatman]. When this has happened that means perfect realization. The husband of a chaste woman can never be immoral. 'Daksha' happened to be a title during those times."

बसवाल बावत मंदोदरी और रावण, स्वामी जी ने जवाब दिया।

There was a question concerning Mandodari and Ravana [about husband of chaste wife being immoral], to which Swami Vivekananda Ji replied :

"Special cases are exception. There are always exceptions in the sphere of Nature also, of-course rare!"

Monday the 19th February :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Utilization of the final destructive powers [kashaya-shakti] will the last part of your programme at the end of the world. Look here, these powers are not always bestowed on one generally. You do not know your own state, which is the only cause of all your misery, pain and troubles. You are attached to that great power, the remnants of which are still there in your body."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "अरे भाई, बात साफ़ है। मुमकिन नहीं कि आग के क़रीब न हो कर आँच न महसूस हो। यह बात किसी की समझ में न आएगी, लिहाज़ा इसको ज़ियादः वज़ीअ करना बेकार है। और इससे किसी का ताल्लुक भी नहीं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The matter, oh brother, is quite clear : it is not possible that one gets close to fire and does not feel warmth. This thing will be beyond comprehension of anybody generally speaking. As such, it is unless to give more explanation. Moreover, nobody has any connection to it."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Resurrection will be brought by you. I mean the last finishing touch of destruction or the total extinction of life will be dealt by you."

Monday the 10th March 1947 :

कबीर साहिब ने दरियाफ्त किया कि बनारस कब जा रहे हो? मैंने अर्ज़ किया कि जून में इरादा है, बशर्ते आप बुज़ुर्ग़ों ने इजाज़त दे दी। हुक्म दिया कि "कबीर चौरा पर जाना और उसको उलट कर आना। मेरे कनेक्शन जो शिष्यों से हैं, मैं नहीं चाहता कि अब रहें। काट दो। अपना सिलसिला मैं तुम्हीं से क़ाइम करता हूँ। आखिर को मुझको वही करना पड़ेगा जो स्वामी विवेकानंद जी महाराज ने किया है। मेरा तरीक़ा - तालीम यही था जो तुम्हारा है। शब्द से चलता है और आखिर में वही बात आ जाती थी। अपना काम बिलकुल तुम्हारे सुपुर्द करता हूँ। यानी अपनी शाख़ तुम में लय किये देता हूँ। इसकी तुम्हारे गुरु महराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] ने इजाज़त दे दी है। सब बुज़ुरगों ने मंज़ूर कर लिया है।"

Reverend Kabir Sahib inquired as to when I was going to visit Banaras. I submitted that I intended to do that in the month of June, if permitted by you elders. Reverend ordered that I should go to 'kabir-choura', place where Kabir lived and worked at Banaras, and return after upturning it. He continued : "I do not like to retain the connections what ever that may be still there with my disciples. Snap these off. Establish my chain just in you. At-least, I will have to do what Swami Vivekananda Ji has done. My method of teaching was exactly what happens to be yours. That type of training was proceeding through indestructible sound [Shabda] and in the end the same thing that you are using would come up. I surrender my work entirely to you or in other words merge my branch in you. Your Revered Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has permitted me to do this and all elders has accepted it."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Mine will go with you. My Master has slackened His connection. It is now you who will reproduce these in their own form. I had appointed you my representative some time back.

चैतन्य महाप्रभु : "मेरे भी कनेक्शन मेरी संस्था से काट दो। इसकी ज़रूरत नहीं रही। सिर्फ एक ही रहना चाहिए।"

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu : "Snap off my connection of my institution also. There remains no need for that. Only one should remain.

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "देखो रामेश्वर, क़ुदरत की मर्ज़ी हो कर रहती है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] addressing Rameshwar Prasad : "The will of Nature necessarily has its way.

मेरे सवाल के जवाब में हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] ने फ़रमाया कि सिलसिला टूट जाने से यहाँ पर यह मतलब नहीं कि यह जाता रहा। मतलब यह है कि तुम बहैसियत सज़्ज़ादानशीन के उनका आग़ाज़ करोगे। इस वक़्त तक का ताल्लुक़ होना जो जो लोग अपना कबीर साहिब से समझते हैं, वो अब किसी के द्वारा नहीं रहेगा बल्कि इसकी बुनियाद तुम डालोगे और तुखारे ज़रिये से होगी। और कनेक्शन भी तुम्हारे ही ज़रिये से जुड़ सकेगा। मैं मुनासिब समझता हूँ कि रामेशवर प्रसाद को इस पन्थ की तुम्हारे ज़रिये से इजाज़त दे दी जाय। सुबह बुलाना।

To my query Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] explained : "A chain or system having been snapped or shattered does not mean here that it has got finished. It means that you will give a fresh start to them in the capacity of successor-representative. The connection thus far of those people who believe it to be established with Kabir Sahib, Will no more remain now through the medium-ship of anybody, but you will lay down its foundation, and it will be occurring through you. Connections will also be possible through you only. I consider it proper that Rameshwar Prasad be permitted to impart training in this system through you. Call him tomorrow morning.

कबीर साहिब ने अपना सज्जादानशीन राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] को क़ाइम किया है।

"Kabir Sahib has established dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] as his successor-representative."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "अब यह शाख मय दीगर शाखों के मुज़मलन राम चन्द्र [शाहजहांपुर] से चलेगी। तवज्जोः में वही क़ैफ़ियत होगी जिसमे इस क़िस्म की ताक़तें शामिल होंगी। मैं चाहता हूँ कि कबीर साहिब को भी मेरे सिलसिले में शामिल कर लिया जावे। आइंदा से जो बैतें की जावेंगी उनका ताल्लुक़ कबीर साहिब से भी रहेगा। अब सुनो। चैतन्य महा प्रभु, स्वामी विवेकानंद जी, मैं खुद, बुद्ध भगवान, कबीर साहिब और बर्खुरदार जगमोहन नारायण सब एक सिलसिले में हैं। शिष्य जो हैं उन सब के ताल्लुक़ अब इसी सिलसिले से कर दो। यह कुल मिल कर 'सहज मार्ग' के नाम से पुकारा जाएगा। यह ड्यूटी राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] की होगी। एक एक करके सब को ले लो। बेहतर यह समझता हूँ कि जो लोग यहाँ पर मौजूद नहीं हैं। यानि जो बाहर है, उनको आने पर उनको समझा कर, बतला कर, ताकि उनको भी मालुम हो जाय, उनका सिलसिला अब ऐसा कर दो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Now this branch together with other branches will proceed on precisely through you. In transmission there will be the same conditions where in such forces / powers will be included. I want that Kabir Sahib be also included in my system. What ever initiations will be effected in the future, their connection with Kabir Sahib too will be confirmed. Now, listen, Lord Buddha, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Kabir Sahib, Swami Vivekananda Ji, I myself and our Jagmohan Narain are all in one and the same chain. Connect all of our disciples, who ever they may be, to just this system. This as a whole will be designated as 'Sahaj Marg'. This will be dear Ram Chandra's [of Shahjahanpur] duty. Take everybody one-by-one. I consider it better than the chain of those, who are not present here and are some where out side, be mended this way, after making all of it clear to them on their return here, so that they also become aware of it.

नोट : ग्यारह मार्च 1947 को पंडित रामेश्वर प्रसाद के कनेक्शन जैसा कि हुक्म था, कर दिए गए।

Note : On 11.03. 1947 connections of Rameshwar Prasad were mended according to the orders.

Wednesday the 19th March 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "लोग घ,ग़लती करेंगे अगर ऊपर लिखे हुए की तालीम में मोतरिज़ होंगे।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "People will be committing a blunder if they raise objections about compliance with what has been noted above."

Monday the 31st March 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "नक़्शा जो तुम्हारे सामने कई रोज़ से आ रहा है, यह बुनियाद उस तालीम की है जिसको तुमने Centre और central region कहा है। आज पहला ही दिन है कि इस क़िस्म की तालीम तुमने शुरू की। तजुर्बे से मालुम हो जाएगा कि इसमें क्या बात है और हर चीज़ कितनी मुश्किल तौर पर आती है। पहला circle आम लोगों के लिए reserve है यानि शुरुवात इस पाहिले circle से होना चाहिए। इसके बाद रोशनी खुद ब खुद मिलती रहेगी। इस पहले circle में ही बहुत से stages पार होते हैं। दूसरे circle में पहुंचे हुए आदमी खाल खाल नज़र आते है। और तीसरे का कोई जिरबिल्ला। आगे क्या कहूँ। यह उक़्दा दरहक़ीक़त अब हल हुआ है। इस क़िस्म की तालीम देने वाला कोई पैदा ही नहीं हुआ। और न उसके ख़याल में यह बात आयी। पहले circle में नफ़्स ख़तम होता है जिसके लिए बरसों रियाज़तें की जातीं हैं। इसी circle का पिण्ड एक दाना है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The plan flashing before your mind's eyes for the last few days constitutes the foundation of that training, which you have designated as center and central region. Today is just the first day of starting this kind of training. You will come to know through experience what special feature is there in it, and how difficult it is to bring every thing up to the proper form. The first circle is reserved for common people, i.e. this should be the starting point of spiritual training. Thereafter light will be available automatically for guidance and progress. Many stages are crossed over in this very first circle. Persons of approach up to the second circle happened to be quite rare. What to say about still ahead. This knotty problem has now come to unravel solution. One capable of imparting such training was simply never born, nor was anybody hit by this thought earlier. Sensuousness [carnality] is got over the first circle, for which austerities are undertaken years after years. The organic region [Pinda] constitute a grain of this circle."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Lord Krishna is here with you.

श्री कृष्णा जी महाराज : "यह पहला circle वोह है जिसमें मैदाने - जँग में बैठ कर अर्जुन को विराट शरीर दिखलाया था। इस पहले circle की यह एक अदना हालत है जो दिखाई गयी थी। जिसने यह डिस्कवरी की है, एवज़ में चाहता हूँ कि कुछ दे दूँ। दे दिया। जिस्म छोड़ने के बाद कुल्लियतन हिस्से में आएगा।"

"लड़कों ! मैं चाहता हूँ, वक़्त रायग़ाँ मत करो। इनका कुछ ठीक नहीं, कब चल दें।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "This first circle happens to be that sitting in which I had revealed the cosmic body to Arjuna's vision. This was the minor force of the first circle which had been revealed to vision. I like to bestow something as reward to the one who has made this discovery. I have bestowed the reward. This will come to your lot totally after physical veiling."

"Boys, do not waste time. There is no certainty as to when he [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] gives-up this world and body."

Wednesday the 02nd April 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "Discovery जो पहले की है यानी 'B' point । तरीक़ा जो कुछ बताया गया, तवज्जः से लोग नहीं कर रहे हैं, वर्ना बड़ा फायदा उठा जाते। जिन्होंने किया, फ़ायदा हुआ होगा।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "People are not practicing with proper attention, that method which has been told about point 'B' of earlier discovery. Else, they would have reaped great benefit. Those who have taken up the practice, would have derived benefit."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "This is the seat of the 'Mind' in its worst condition. If one purifies it, he does everything for his / her betterment. You are doing your duty in this respect, although a little help is required sometimes. This kind of teaching is not an easy one. Mental work is greatly needed. Here, all miseries and thoughts give away. How fine and helpful this point is for the 'Abhyaasees' [aspirants or practicants]! Nobody could discover it as yet. I will call it an invitation instead of a discovery. While going to office, you had a talk with your respected brother [Munshi Madan Mohan Lal], telling his the key of success in spiritual light. That is the highest training, you introduces at the first step. 'Lose yourself' is the key note : it is the sure unfailing prescription."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "राम चन्द्र, मैं कह सकता हूँ कि यह बातें आज तक किसी के दिमाग़ में उतरीं ही नहीं। सब खोल कर रख जाओ, जो कुछ सके। सीनें में रखने ज़रूरत नहीं। लिए कि जो लिए चले गए वो गए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Dear Ram Chandra, I can tell you that such matters never came down in to anybody's mind unto this day. Reveal everything crystal-clear to be best possible extent, before departing from the world. There is no need of keeping secret in the breast, because what ever you take away with you, is just lost to the world."

Tuesday the 08th April 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मक़ामात की तवज्जोः अक्सर दी गयी है और फायदा हुआ है। ढंग से भर दी गयी है और फायदा भी ठीक हुआ। मक़सद भी हल हुए। और जो चाहा सो कर दिखाया। बुजुर्ग़ लोग बराबर क़ामयाब हुए और मुराद को पहुंचे। इसके मुताल्लिक़ तहक़ीक़ातें होतीं रहीं। मतलब मेरा तालीम से है यानि तालीम के मुताल्लिक़। मगर जब हमें ज़ियादा बैहतर बात मिल जावे तो हम उसी को अपना औज़ार - तालीम क्यों न बना लें। बरसों का वक़्त क्यों न बचा लिया जावे। हम दिल के मक़ाम से चलते हैं। दिल की तालीम इन पर [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] ख़ास तौर से उतरी है। लोग इनसे समझ लें, और अभी इसमें और भी बातें खुलेंगी जो वक़्त पर मालुम हो जावेंगी। इस को एक तरफ़ रखता हूँ। अब bracket वाला मसला आता है। यह बात इसने अभी discover की है। इसकी लोगों को मशक़ें करनीं होंगीं। मुज़्मला बतलाऊँगा। मुकत्सर में बतलाए देता हूँ। कोई जगह ऐसी खाली नहीं है जहाँ पर क़ुदरत का दिमाग़ काम न कर रहा हो और जो जिस जगह पर है उसी अहाते के अंदर काम अंजाम देता है। अगर उसकी दुरुस्ती कर ली जावे तो उसकी field कुल साफ़ जाती है। लिहाज़ा बेहतर यही होगा कि उस दिमाग़ पर तवज्जोः फ़रमाई जावे। वो इस तरीके पर कि बेहतरीन सफाई के साथ उसमें वो power दी जावे जो हमारा माहसल है। और साथ ही साथ उसकी field की भी जो खराब हो चुकी है, सफाई करता चले। यह तरीक़ा मैं बहुत मौज़ूं समझता हूँ। हर चक्र पर यह बात मिलेगी और यही तरीक़ा तालीम का हर जगह रहेगा। या तो आदमी सिर्फ दिल पर ही तवज्जोः करता चले, उसी सब मक़ामात रोशन होते चलेंगे। देर का सवाल ज़रूर रहता है, या फिर दिल को एक हालत पर पहँचा कर बारी बारी से यह मक़ामात ले लेना चाहिए। असल तत्त्व है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Transmission for particular points and regions has very often being imparted and it has brought benefit. Transmission has been filled methodically and the benefit is also in the right way. Purposes were also achieved, and what has intended got performed. Elders continually achieved success and arrived at the desired goal. There have been continuous researches and discoveries concerning this, I mean spiritual education. However, when we come across a very superior system why should we not adopt just that superior method has our interment for spiritual training and save time for so many years!"

" We start from the point of heart. The training of heart has specially been revealed to dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur]. People should take from him clarifications for understanding about this subject. There will be many more revelations forthcoming in this regard, that will come to light at proper time. I leave this issue just here and come to the subsidiary parenthetical topic, which dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] has just now discovered. People will have to practice it has instructed. I am mentioning it briefly. There is no place lying vacant of the working of Nature's mind. Who is where, he / she has to work in that same sphere. If that is reformed, the whole of its field gets cleaned. hence it will be better that attention be paid just to that mind by way of permeating it with that power which constitutes our Ultimate Purpose or destination. It is first to be cleaned on the best way together with the cleaning of its field as well that has already got spoil. The method I consider to be most appropriate. At very plexus this very condition will prevail and just this method of training will apply every where. Either one may continue transmitting to the heart alone, whereby all points will remain deriving light, though there will undoubtedly be the problem of slow growth in this case; or else, after bringing heart to some adequate state, other points, etc., which constitutes real essence, be take up successively."

Sunday the 20th April 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "काम बढ़ रहा है। workers तैयार करो। हरी [नरेंद्र मोहन पुत्र डॉ कृष्णा स्वरुप जी - जयपुर/अजमेर] के ज़रा कान ऐंठ दो। इतनी बड़ी ड्यूटी और यह ढीलापन। मैं इसको तुम्हारी कमज़ोरी कहूँगा। तुम शिकायत करते हो कि लोगों में direct catching की ताक़त नहीं आती। आ जावे अगर काम sincerely किया जावे। यह कमी है। अगर लोग काम करते वक़्त एक निगाह दिल पर भी बनाये रक्खें तो करते करते directions जल्द मिलने लगेंगी।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The work is increasing. Prepare workers. Pull the ears of Hari [Shri Narendra Mohan the elder son of Dr. Krishna Swarup Ji, the cousin of Revered Laalaaji Sahib] a little : such a big duty and this looseness! I shall call this to be your weakness. You complain that people do not develop the capability of direct catching. This is sure to develop if work is taken up seriously. This is a shortcoming. If people, while working remain attentive to the heart as well, directions will start arriving in due course of practice."

Monday the 21st April 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The theory you have devised just now is correct. Maya [phenomenal reality] and it fluid state are the same. The power working at its Center is not 'Maya'. That power does not come from dry bones, but from its generator, having the force in it."

सवाल : "creation के लिए matter कहाँ से आता है, जब कि यह कहा जाता है कि महाप्रलय में कुल matter और उसकी identity ख़तम हो जाती है?

Question : "Where from is the material for creation derives, when it is said that in the course of 'Maha-Pralay' [total annihilation] entire matter and its identity comes to end?

जवाब : "एक से अनेक ख्याल की हरकत माद्दा पैदा कर देती है।"

Answer : "The movement of the thought of one becoming many creates matter. The idea of something other than Himself [God] creates matter.

Thursday the 24th April 1947 :

महात्मा बुद्ध : "यह इल्म दुनियाँ में खूब फ़ैले। यही चीज़ predominate करेगी। 'सहज मार्ग' वाक़ई 'सहज मार्ग' है। इससे आसान रास्ता मिला ही नहीं। तुम में से कुछ लोग तैयार हो जायँ, दौरा करें। ऐसा होवे कि बार बार लोग जाते रहें और पहुँचते रहें, खयालात को तरोताज़ा करते रहें, अपनी बिजली भरते रहें। यह तरीक़ा मुसल्सल किया जावे। नाउम्मीदी का ख़याल क़तई हटा दिया जावे। इसलिए कि यह वाक़ई होता है।"

Lord Buddha : "May this science or system of knowledge spread wide in the world. Just this thing will predominate. 'Sahaj Marg' is really 'Sahaj Marg' [the easy way] : no easier way was even found. Some persons from among you people be ready to take up tours. It should be so planned that people be going again and again and reaching people off and on to re-freshen thoughts and ideas by filling these with their own electric power. This method be adopted continuously. The thought of pessimism be totally given up because this fact of 'Sahaj Marg' being spread all over the world, is really bound to happen."

Sunday the 27th April 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "इस वक़्त एक तवज्जोः अज़ीज़म पण्डित रामेश्वर प्रसाद जी के गुदा चक्र पर खुलने के लिए दी गयी। यह आख़िरी मुक़ाम है जो हमारे यहाँ बहुत बाद में खोला जाता है। इसके खुलने में तीन यौम लगेंगें precaution यह है कि तीन दिन तक हल्की ग़िज़ा ली जावे। और मुतवातिर तीन रोज़ तक आता रहे। कुण्डलिनी शक्ति इसकी जाग चुकी है। अब इस पर नम्बर है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Just now, transmission is administered at the 'Anal' [basic] plexus of dear Rameshwar Prasad for awakening it. This is the last point, which in our system is awakened very late. It will take three days to come to awakened state. By way of precaution, light diet is to be taken for three days and he should remain coming to you continuously for three days. His coiled serpent power [Kundalini-shakti] has come to awakened state, and now is the turn for this 'anal-plexus'.

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Duties of most important nature are coming to him [Rameshwar Prasad].

Wednesday the 30th April 1947 [09.15 PM] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मुज़्दाबाद! अज़ीज़म पण्डित रामेश्वर प्रसाद का गणेश - चक्र कुल्लियतन जाग उठा है। मैंने आज स्वाधिष्ठान भी ले लिया है। कल तक यह असली हालत पर आ जावेगा।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Happy tidings. The Ganesha [Anal or Basic] plexus of dear Pundit Rameshwar Prasad has come to perfectly awakened state. I have taken-up the 'Swadhishthan' Plexus also today : by tomorrow, this too will come up to its real state."

Thursday the 01st May 1947 [Time 09.00PM] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "बड़ी ख़ुशी का मक़ाम है कि आज अज़ीज़म पंडित रामेश्वर प्रसाद जी का स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र भी जाग उठा। पावर में कोई कमी नहीं है। गुदा चक्र का मक़ाम कुल्लियतन खुल चुका है मगर इस पर चन्द तवज्जः और देनी पड़ेगी। उसको अब दर-हकीकत यही करना बाक़ी है कि अहकामे इज़्दी में मसरूफ हो जावे। जो कुछ उसको मिले और अपने मिशन की बहबूदी और भाइयों की फलाह में मसरूफ़ रहें। अब उसका यही काम है और आइन्दा तरक़्क़ी इसी में है। मैं उस पर पूजा की पाबंदी लाज़मी नहीं समझता। जी चाहे करे और जी चाहे न करे। उसके लिए दर-हकीकत ऊपर के अहकाम की तालीम ही पूजा है। मेरी औलाद में चन्द ऐसे शख्स और बन जाते और यक़जहत रहते तो कहिये क्या मिशन घसिटता हुआ नज़र आता। रीढ़ की हड्डी की ताक़त कुछ खुलना बाक़ी है। यह राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] रफ्ता रफ्ता खोलेगा। यह ताक़तें हैं जो हर एक शख्स को दी नहीं जातीं। इसकी तालीम का तरीक़ा बस उसको मालुम है। और मैंने उसको उसकी आख़िरी हालत पर यहाँ की तालीम करके तक़मील किया है। वैसे तो भाई, रूहानियत की इंतिहा नहीं और रीढ़ की ताक़तों से इसका कुछ सरोकार भी नहीं। हाँ हिस्सा ज़रूर है। उसके दिमाग़ के कुल मक़ामात खुल चुके हैं। क़ुद्स [अव्यक्त गति] अब नज़दीक़ है। मगर इसके बाद फिर बेशुमार मक़ामात हैं। जिनकी इंतिहा नहीं। और वो सेण्टर के क़रीब पहुँचने पर ख़त्म होते हैं। इस का तरीक़ा वाक़ई अछूता है, जो इस पर अनुभव के ज़रिये उतरा है। और अज़ीज़मन अगर उसका हिसाब लगाया जाय तो दूसरे सर्किल की हालत पर पहुँचते हो। इसके बाद पाँच और बाक़ी हैं जिनके क्रॉस या तय करने के बाद सेंट्रल रीजन में असल तौर पर पहुँच हो जाती है। अक्सी सूरत में ले जाना और बात। यहाँ पर ज़िक्र कुल्लियतन पहुँचने का है। देखना तुम्हारे कमज़ोर भाई [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] की सेहत क्या काम करती है। कव्वा जवाब दे चुके हैं हिम्मत काम करने की बाक़ी है जो उन्ही क़व्वा पर असर कर रही है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "It is a matter of much happiness that the 'Swadhishthaan-Plexus' [Prostrate-region] of dear Rameshwar Prasad has also come to awakened state. There is nothing lacking now as regards power. The 'Anal-plexus' has come to full bloom, but a few transmissions will needed to be administered to it. In fact that remains to be set right so as to get yoked to Divine commands that may be coming to it. Now, he [Rameshwar Prasad] is to engage in betterment of his Mission and in reforming his brethren : that alone is his job now, and his progress in future, will come only through that. I do not consider 'Puja' [formal practice of meditation etc.] incumbent on him : he may engage in it or not in accordance with his sweet-will. In reality compliance with orders from above also is now 'Puja' [formal worship or Yogic-practice] for him. If in the fold of spiritual-progeny, a few more persons like this be developed and remain together, then just tell, whether 'Mission' would have seemed dragging on at such slow speed! The power of the discs of spinal cord remains dormant, needing full blooming to some extent, which will be brought to awakening slowly by dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] in due course. There are are the powers that are not bestowed on all and sundry. The method of this sort of training is known to him, Ram Chandra, only; and I have perfected him in his Ultimate condition through training of this stage. Otherwise, brother, there is no limit to spirituality, and moreover, it has nothing to do with power of spinal cord. No doubt, however, it has some part in it. All points of his brain have bloomed : now, 'Qudsa' or 'AVYAKTA-GATI' [region of piety or un-differentiable state] is close by, but beyond that there are countless points, which have no limit or end. These end on reaching close to the Center. His [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] method of training is really unique, which has descended unto his consciousness through experience. My dear one [Rameshwar Prasad], on that count, approaches the condition of the second circle. Beyond that there remain several more after crossing or traversing which, entry in to Central Region in the real sense can be possible. To take by way of reflection [Aksi] is another matter : here I am referring to perfect real approach. Just see, what function your physically frail brother's association is performing! Functions and powers have given away. Courage of work is still there, and that is exercising its own effect on those powers and functions."

Sunday the 04th May 1947 at 08.50 PM :

नोट : बड़ी ख़ुशी का मुक़ाम है कि बाबू ईश्वर सहाय साकिन लखीमपुर ने अपनी हिम्मत और मेहनत से विलायते-उलिया [पार-ब्रह्माण्ड मण्डल] में क़दम रख दिया।

Note : It is a matter of great happiness that Ishwar Sahay R/o Lakhimpur has stepped in para-cosmic region [Ulia = Para-Brhmand Mandal] through his labour and courage.

Sunday the 25th May 1947 :

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "जब कोई चीज़ अमल में आती है तो लाज़मी है कि उसमें काट-छाँट हो। जो शख्स कि इस मार्ग में रह गए, अपनी ज़िन्दगी का तमाशा देखेंगे। मालुम हो जायगा कि ज़िन्दगी का मक़सद क्या है। यह चीज़ इससे पेश्तर कभी ईज़ाद नहीं हुयी, न इतने सरल तरीकों से इसकी पूर्ति की गयी। तुम दोनों में क़ल्क़ बहुत है और यह भक्ति निशानी है। मैंने अपनी ज़िन्दगी में काँट-छाँट ही की और आखिर तक करता रहा। मगर तलवार से भी। तुम सिर्फ ख़याली ताक़त से काँट-छाँट कर रहे हो। देखो कैसी कामयाबी होती है। यह वो घाव है जो कभी पुर नहीं होता। और इसकी कोई दवा नहीं। अपने दिल को इस परेशानी से बचा लो कि इतनों में इतने रह गए। गिलानी छोड़ दो। होना यही था। एक बात मैं आयन्दा लोगों के लिए बताता हूँ। वोह यह है कि जिसके सिस्टम में नसें इस तरीके से खिचीं हुयी हों और गुत्थियाँ पड़ गयीं हों कि वो उनको मिटाना न चाहे, अपने आप को फिर भी बहुत कुछ समझे, अपना ही ज़ोम रहे, वो इस क़ाबिल नहीं कि इस रास्ते में डाला जाए। और किसी को क़ुदरत भी नहीं कि उसको सम्हाल सके। गर्मी दे देना और बात है, मगर ठीक-ठाक लाना बहुत मुश्किल है। ऐसे शख्स का अन्जाम ख़्वाह कितनी ही कोशिश करे बजुज़ नाउम्मीदी के कुछ नहीं होता। मेहनत रायगाँ जाती है। अगर किसी शख्स की मिसाल सामने रक्खो तो यह बात जल्द समझ में आ सकती है।"

Dictation from Reverend Lord Krishna : "When something takes a practical shape, some kind of training and pruning in it is essential. Those who have remained on this path [system] will come to witness the real fun [vision] of their lives and will know what constitutes the purpose if life. This thing never happened to be invented earlier, not it ever came to be perfected and complemented through such easy methods. You both [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur and Rameshwar Prasad] have much compassion in you, and that is the mark of devotion. I perform just a lot of training and pruning during my life-time, and continued with it up to the end of my life, even through use of sword you are performing the training and pruning only through power of thought. Just watch, what success is going to ensue! It is just wound, which never heals and it has no remedy to it! Spare your heart of the worry that so many out of so many are left remaining. Give-up repentance : just this was destined to be like that! One thing I am telling for guidance in future : the person in whose system nerves be structured in such a way and knots be developed so as he / she does not like to remove these and yet consider oneself a lot keeping one's own pride intact, that person is not worthy to be put on this path, and no body can be competent to set one right. To provide warmth is no doubt one thing that may be done, but setting perfectly right is very difficult. The end result of such a person, however much effect may be invested, comes out to be nothing but hopelessness [hoping against hope]. If you keep person's example before you, all this dictation can be easily comprehensible."

[Here reference is made to the condition of Madan Mohan Lal, which started deteriorating much earlier - that say about 27.03.1945 - and finally Madan Mohan Lal fell away from 'Sahaj Marg' system on 31.10.1948]

Monday the 26th May 1945 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "तुम गलता व पेंचा थे कि कोई ऐसी तरक़ीब मिल जाती कि नफ़्स पर इन्सान जल्द क़ाबू पा जाता। यह ख़याल तुम्हारा कल से गूंज रहा था। चुनाँचे इस वक़्त ईश्वर ने मदद की और बाबू ईश्वर सहाय को वैसी ही तवज्जोः दी जो इस मतलब से सिद्ध करने के लायक़ थी। इस किस्म की तवज्जः बहुत सफाई के बाद देना चाहिए। पाहिले उसको खूब सफाई वखतन फ वखतन करता रहे। जब खूब सफाई दूसरे तरीकों से हो जाय तब तवज्जोः इस बात की देनी चाहिए कि वो कुल हालत जो रूह के बाद पैवस्त है, शुद्ध हो गयी है। और उसको काफी ठहराव के साथ तवज्जोः देना चाहिए। जब तुम्हारी विल इत्मीनान दिला दे कि शुद्ध तवज्जोः ने मैदान साफ़ कर दिया है तब रूह की ताक़त यानि उसकी रूफ की ताक़त उन हालतों की जगह जो साफ़ की गयी है, उभार कर भर दें। यह अम्ल फ़कतन फ वक़्तन करना चाहिए, इस लिए कि इंसानी फितरत यही है कि कुछ न कुछ करती ही रहे। और इसका नतीजा अगर बिलकुल ईश्वर की तरफ़ नहीं लग गया है तो कुछ न कुछ ख़राबी ज़रूर पैदा करता रहेगा।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "You were exercised and worked up anxious and worried about discovering some device through which one could obtain quick control over sensuality. This thought of yours was reverberating since yesterday. As such, God helped just now, and transmission was administered to Ishwar Sahai exactly as it was meant to serve that same purpose. This kind of transmission should be administered after a lot of cleaning. First a lot of cleaning of the person concerned is to be carried on from time to time. When cleaning through different methods is performed sufficient well, transmission should then be administered to the effect that the whole state that permeates beyond soul has acquired perfect purity. Transmission should be administered with sufficient stability to this purified state beyond soul. When your spiritual guide's will ensures that pure transmission has cleaned the field, then the spiritual force of the person concerned be stirred up and filled in the spaces of those cleaned up states. This practice should be applied of and on because human nature is just remaining engaged in something or other, and if the result of this has not become totally attached to God, some defect or other will remain being created by human nature."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have been bestowed with different inspirations, untouched by others in many respects. There is an idea which quacks and and also people in general have : they prefer imparting spirituality without least consideration of the capacity of the recipient. Even when the disciple / aspirant is besmeared totally with dark status of humanity, they start infusing him / her with divine effulgence. This is wrong because the force provided by the spiritual guide effects the development of the aspirant. The force or power acts on the object, to which it is applied. If you add force or power to an object, the ingredients that the object already has, will naturally develop. Thus, an aspirant or disciple will be brought up with what already is there in him / her if divine effulgence is infused without removing the unwanted ingredients. If you exercise more and more on the ingredients, so swelled, the state solidity will be acquired, with the result that the density contained therein will grow large. On the contrary, if things are done in the correct way, taken out the spoiling substance existing in the disciple / aspirant, the result will be quite glittering. The mode of correct training one can learn from our Lord, Revered Master Laalaaji Sahib."

नोट : तारीफ़ 07 [सात] जून 1947 वक़्त सह पहर एक बज कर पचास मिनट पर मुन्शी रघुबर दयाल जी का इंतेक़ाल हुआ।

Note : Mushi Raghubar Dayal Ji expired on June 07th 1947 [AD] in the afternoon at 01.50 PM.

Monday the 23rd June 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मथुरा में बहुत सी ऐसी जगहें हैं जो अब तक discover नहीं हुयी। वो लाइन जिससे श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज हो गए हैं वो वहीं से शुरू हुयी है जहाँ पर आपकी पैदाइश थी। पश्चिम की तरफ़ एक चोर-दरवाज़ा ज़िन्दाखानें का था जिससे हो कर आप गोकुल लाये गये। जगह मालुम हो सकती है मगर उसकी गुज़रगाह अब ऐसी जगह से है जहाँ काफ़ी तबादला हो चूका है। लिहाज़ा वो लाइन अब आम लोगों की निगाह में लाई नहीं जा सकती। फ़क़त इशारा दिया जा सकता है और पैमाइशी लकीर भी बनायी जा सकती है। इसका भाई, measurement, ठीक तौर से उस वक़्त हो सकता है जब State मदद करे। तुम्हारे लिए यह अमर दुष्वार है। तुम्हारी [हिन्दुओं की] History भी ग़लत तहरीर की गयी। [इशारा मथुरा के दरियाफ्तशुदा मक़ामाते मुक्क़द्दस से है] किसी ने ख्वाब के ज़रिये से कोई जगह दरियाफ्त की और किसी ने महज़ क़ल्बी इत्मीनान करके अपना अन्दाज़ बता दिया। बेशुमार जगहें हैं। इसके लिए अगर रियासत मदद दे तो चप्पा-चप्पा ज़मीन खोली जा सकती है बल्कि जहाँ पर नक़्शेपाँ पड़े हैं वो जगह भी बतायी जा सकती है। नक़्शा 'गोकुळ' का जो उस वक़्त था सब मय हदूद के जो उस वक़्त क़ाइम थी बताया जा सकता है। मथुरा के हदूद जो उस वक़्त क़ाइम थे, बिलकुल ठीक पैमाइशी तौर पर बताये जा सकते है। मगर क्या कोई मर्दे-मैदान है जो इन बातों को दरियाफ़्त कराने के बाद शाय कर सकता है। क्या इस मेहनत की उज़रत कोई देने को तैयार है। अगर ठीक तौर पर हर जगह ठिकाने की और हर मालूमात ज़रूरी मुहैया की जावे तो एक साल से कम न लगेगा, और यह मेहनत चौदह घण्टे रोज़ करनी पड़ेगी। मैं तुमको कल गोकुल में एक जगह बतलाऊँगा जो ग़लत दरियाफ़्त हुयी है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "At Mathura there are many places that have not yet been discovered. The line, wherewith Reverend Lord Krishna went away, starts just where He happened to be born. Towards west of the prison, there was a secret entrance through which he was brought to Gokul. The place can be discovered but it passes now through such locality, that has suffered a lot change. As such, that line cannot now be brought to view for common people : it may only be indicated and even an outline of dimensions may be drawn-up. Its correct measurement can be possible when assistance from the Government will be forthcoming. For you, this matter is quite difficult. Your ancient Hindu history too has been wrongly drawn-up. With reference to the so-called holy-places at Mathura, some one discovered some place through dream and somebody else put fourth his speculation as authentic, simply on account of his mental satisfaction. The places are numerous : if the State help is there for the purpose, every nook and corner of the land can be revealed. Even those places which have been blessed with the impression of holy feet, can be indicated. The map of Gokul, then existing, can all be given complete with dimensions and boundaries of that time. That same can be done as regards Mathura of that time with perfectly exact measurement. Is there, however, anybody brave enough to publish these details after having got all of these discovered? Is there anybody prepared to pay the wages for this labor? If every proper place and every necessary information is to be discovered and made available, it will not take less that one year's time nor less than fourteen hours work every day. Tomorrow, I will indicate a place to you at Gokul, which has been wrongly discovered."

Tuesday the 24th June 1947 :

मक़ाम मथुरा, गोकुल महाबन, टीला, नक़्शा, वक़्त करीब 10 बजे सुबह ।

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "दोबारा मुझे फ़िर लिखाने की ज़रूरत हुयी। यही जगह है, मंज़र देखो। [see map annexed to here with].

"कहीं पर मैंने कहा है कि 'गुरु-दीक्षा' उस वक़्त देनी चाहिए जब मक़ामे 'उलिया' या 'पारब्रह्म मण्डल' में दाख़िल हो गया हो। याँ ज़िम्मा मैंने ख़ुद ही लिया है। जिसको मुनासिब समझता हूँ, 'उलिया' तक किसी सूरत में पहुँचा देता हूँ। वक़्त और स्थान अच्छा है। मैं नारायण सही को 'उलिया' तक अक्सी तौर पर पहुँचा भी चूका हूँ। यह काम मैंने इस वक़्त किया। मुनासिब है कि तुम्हारी बयत इस जगह से ही record में आ जाय कि फलाँ मक़ाम पर ऐसा किया गया।"

At Mathura, Gokul Mahaban mount of earth at 10.00 AM, Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] directed : "I have the need to bring you here a second time [first time reference Autobiography, part II, Vol. II, date 14.11.1944]. Just this is the place. Have look at the site. All of you sit-down here. I have mentioned somewhere that a disciple should be initiated when at-least the 'para-cosmic' region [Ulia or Para-Brhamand-Mandal] is arrived by the aspirant. This responsibility I have retained with myself : whom ever I consider proper and fit, I bring that one to the 'Para-cosmic level' any way. The time and place are good. I have brought Narayan Sahai already to 'Uliya' by way of reflection [Aqsi]. This I have done just now. It will be befitting that your work of initiation starts just from this place, and it is placed on record that this has been performed at this place."

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "यह लफ्ज़ या इबारत जो ऊपर तहरीर है, तुम्हारे मिशन की हिस्ट्री में जाना चाहिए।

Dictation from Reverend Lord Krishna : "This above mentioned detail should be part of the History of your 'Mission'."

बजवाब इर्शाद किया : "मैं जिस वक़्त यहाँ पर बैठता था, जँगल ही जँगल पड़ा हुआ था। जमुना बिलकुल क़रीब थीं। इसके किनारे कुछ काट गए थे। खाली जंगल था। ज़माने के असरात ने जो कुछ भी कर दिया हो।"

In reply to a question, Lord Krishna continued the dictation : "When I used to sit here, there was widespread forest all-around. The River Yamuna was quite close, as a result of which some part of the this mount of earth had got washed away. There was only forest : changing times may have brought about effects, whatsoever."

नोट : तारीख 24 जून सन 1947 वक़्त करीब साढ़े दस बजे दिन के, मक़ाम गोकुल महाबन टीला, नक़्शा ; नारायण सहाय को बयत किया।

Note : Narayan Sahai has been initiated at the mount of earth situated at Mahaban in Gokul on June 24, 1947 at about 10.30 AM.

Wednesday the 25th June 1947 :

मक़ाम मथुरा :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मेरी पैदाइशी हालत जो कुछ भी थी, बयाँ कर दी गयी*। गोया मैं अपना हिस्सा अपने साथ बहुत कुछ लाया था। मुझमें रोशनी ईश्वर विषय की क़ुदरती तौर पर मौजूद थी, जिसने मुझे 'इल्मे-हक़ीक़त' की तरफ़ राग़िब किया। इस रोशनी में जो पैदाइशी थी, मराक़िब रहने लगा। बुनियाद मुराक़िबे की यहीं से शुरू हुयी। स्टेजेस पार होने लगे। मुझको रोशनी बुजुर्गौं यानि हिन्दू बुजुर्गौं से मिलती रही। मैंने जो कुछ किया अपनी जगह पर किया और उस नेमत को जो मुझमें खुदादाद थी, तरक़्क़ी देता रहा। हिन्दुस्तान अंजुमन हमेशा दिल में रही और समझता था कि वाक़ई यह जगह ऐसी है कि जहाँ बड़े बड़े महात्मा पैदा हुए। मैं अपने ख़याल से महात्माओं को टटोलता भी रहा। सबसे बड़ी हस्ती मुझको श्री कृष्ण की नज़र आयी। जिन्होंने मुझको इस तरफ़ बहुत कुछ रोशनी दी। मैंने उसमें कुछ ईजादें भी कीं और तर्ज़ बदला, मगर मैं उससे आगे नहीं बढ़ा जिसमें कि हिन्दुस्तान के महात्मा बढ़ चुके थे यानि वो तरीके मलहज़ रहे। वहीयाँ मेरे ऊपर नाज़िल होतीं थीं। इसको फ़ौक़ियत यूँ दी गयी कि अरब में कोई ऐसा शख्स पैदा नहीं हुआ था।"

नोट : दरियाफ़्तशुदा मुक़ामात 'A', 'B', 'C', नक़्शे में सुर्खी में दिखाए गए हैं।


* "मेरा दृढ़ विश्वास है आपकी दया व कृपा की लहरों ने आपसे दूर पड़े हुए इस शरीर को चारों ओर से इस दुनियाँ में पहले ही दिन से संरक्षण प्रदान किया, सत्य-प्रकाश की प्रथम किरण मुझ पर मेरी परम भक्ता माँ की पवित्र गोद में डाली गयी तथा इस दिव्य-प्रकाश की ऊष्मा में मुझे सात वर्ष तक पालित पोषित होने का सौभाग्य मिला।"

""हे परम दयालु! आपकी असीम अनुकम्पा ने मुझे अधिक समय तक अपनी दिव्य-धारा के प्रवाह से विलग नहीं रक्खा और अंततः, मेरी आयु के उन्नीसवें वर्ष के एक पावन दिवस को दया की साक्षात मूर्ति, सत्य के पथ-प्रदर्शक और ज्ञान-विज्ञानं के दिव्य डीप को मेरे पथ-प्रदर्शक के रूप में भेज दिया एवं उन्हें मेरा सर्वस्व समर्पित करा दिया। इस सच्चे पथप्रदर्शक ने पहिले ही दिन मेरे कान में यह मन्त्र फूँक दिया - 'तेरा सत्य रूप प्रारम्भ से ही सुपथ पर अग्रसरित है अतः तू अपने आप को, सआश्रय, सत्पुरुष का प्रतिरूप हो कर सत्य को सत्य कर के दिखला। प्रतिरूप प्रक्रिया को सत्पुरुष के ध्रुव पद तक पहुँचने का दिव्य मार्ग बना। अपनी भूमिका का निर्वाह करने में माया को आवश्यक मामिग्री बना किन्तु सहारा मात्र सत्यपद का ही ले।"

- दिव्य क्रान्ति की कहानी - पृष्ठ 28


Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "My spiritual state at birth,* what ever it was, has been described. I had brought my share mostly with me, so to say. The light [effulgence] concerning Divine [Godly] subject was existing in me quite naturally, which oriented me to the knowledge of Reality. I remained absorbed with that light which had been innate. The foundation of meditational practice started just therefrom. Stages started being crossed. I remained receiving light from elder Masters of Yore. What ever I performed, I did it at my own post and remained imparting fillip to that same delicacy which existed as something God-gifted in me. The glory of India always continued embossed on my heart and I remained convinced that this happens to be the place where very great persons, with highly advanced soul have taken birth. I remained also exploring these high personages through my thought. The highest personality that came to my view was that of Lord Krishna, who bestowed quite a lot of light in this direction. I effected many inventions to therein and changed the trend. However, I did not transcend where the great souls of India had advanced to. That means I maintained regards for those methods, adopted by great Indian Masters of Yore. Divine revelations used to descend on me. This was preferred because nobody with such capability happened to be born [after Reverend Prophet] in Arabia."


* "It is my firm belief that the waves of the ocean of your mercy and grace have taken this body in to its shelter form all sides from the very first day. The first gleam of enlightenment was bestowed on me in the lap of my intensely devoted mother and I was fortunate to be bloomed in the warmth of this Divine Light [in the form of my mother] for seven years."

"O the merciful! Your boundless compassion did not keep me away from its current and eventually on an auspicious day of my nineteenth year You sent me and ultimately apportioned me in the epitome of mercy and the light of knowledge to guide and lead me on the path of Truth and made me to surrender my being to him. He, the true guide, on the very first day uttered in my ears that 'your true self from the very first day is bent towards the Truth; so because an epitome of the Satpurusha and prove the Truth to be truth. Use the reflective action as the divine path to reach the 'Dhruv-pad' [the polar state]. Use the 'Maya' [illusion] as a tool in performing your role but take the shelter only of the Truth."

[Reference : 'Autobiography of a Sufi' page number 05]


Monday the 30th June 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0 : "मैं यह चाहता हूँ कि हर शख्स को एक एक काम दे दिया जाय और वोह उसका ज़िम्मेदार रहे और उसका दिल भी उसको, उसका ज़िम्मेदार ठहराए। मतलब यह है कि वोह उस काम की ज़िम्मेदारी अपने दिल से महसूस करे। नयी पौध ही जोश के साथ काम कर सकती है। पुराने लोगों को important किस्म के काम सुपुर्द किये जावें और Godly duties उनको सुपुर्द की जावें यानि जो इस काम के लायक हैं। उनको यह चीज़ फ़ौक़ियत के साथ सुपुर्द की जावे मगर साथ ही साथ और ज़रूरी काम भी करते रहें। अफ़सोस, तुम इतने थोड़े रह गए, indifference फ़िर भी दूर न हुयी। ईश्वर न करे हमारी आने वाली औलाद में यह बात पैदा हो। मेरा खेल तो बिगड़ चुका। ग़लतियाँ जो कीं, सामने आ गयीं। मुरब्बत का खामयाज़ा भुगता। तुम लोग जो थोड़े हो मगर यक़ीन दिलाता हूँ कि अगर सब मिल कर एक रहो तो ऐसा कोई काम हो ही नहीं सकता, जो कर न डालो, और फिर ईश्वरीय मदद तुम्हारे शामिले हाल है। फ़क़त इरादे की ज़रूरत है ताकि उसमें हरकत पैदा हो जाय और अपना काम शुरू कर दे। बहुत कुछ छँट चुके, ईश्वर न करे अब इसमें से और भी छँट जावें। जिस पर कि काम की ज़िम्मेदारी होती है, क़ायदा है कि ज़िम्मेदार बनाने वाला शख्स को भी बहुत कुछ ऐसा करना पड़ता है कि उस शख्स की ज़िम्मेदारी निभ जाय। बादशाह अगर कारकर्दा आदमी के इख़्तियारात सल्ब कर ले तो ज़ाहिर है कि यह चीज़ उसके जवाल की निशानी बने। इसलिए यह कभी भी हो सकता है कि ऐसे शख्स का जिसको क़ुदरत ने ज़िम्मेदार बनाया है अपनी मदद से उसको मुरस्साअ न रक्खे। हर हालत में, मैं बेहतर है ही समझता हूँ कि मिल कर काम किया जावे और ऐसे शख्स से मदद ली जावे जिसकी रसाई धुर तक हो।"

"मैं नोट आगे आने वालों के लिए छोड़ता हूँ, जो सुर्खी से मोटी क़लम से नोटबुक में लिख दिया जावे ----"

"बिला पात्र बनाये वे किसी ऊँचा न पहँचा दें अगर ऊँचा पह्नुचाना मंज़ूर है तो मेहनत करे और मेहनत ले।"

"तरीक़े दो ही हो सकते हैं कि या तो तालीम कुनन्दा पर अपने आप को ऐसा छोड़ दे कि जैसा मुर्दा ब-दस्ते ग़ुस्सैल या खुद मेहनत करे, हुक़्म निभाने और तवज्जोः के लिए अपने को पात्र बनाता चले। दूसरे तरीक़े के लोग मिल सकते हैं। पाहिले तरीके के करने वाले मिलेंगे मगर निहायत थोड़ी तादाद में। इक्का-दुक्का। पहिला तरीक़ा करने वाले को, सच पूँछो तो कुछ करना ही नहीं रह जाता, मगर वो भी हुक्म की पाबन्दी से बरी नहीं होता। यह अमर हर सूरत में लाज़मी है।"

"हमेशा काम dictatorship से ही चलेगा, ख़सूसन रूहानियत का। इस से मेरा मतलब यह है कि अह्कामे यज़्दी की पाबन्दी कराने के लिए, जिस पर बराहे रास्त अह्काम सादर होते हैं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I would like that everybody be assigned one job and they be held responsible for that; and their hearts too will hold them responsible for there respective jobs. What I mean is that everybody feels responsibility by own heart. The new generation alone can work with enthusiasm. Older people be assigned import kind of work and Godly duties be assigned to those who are capable for that. To such people that work is to be assigned with specie preference, but they may be engaged in other important work also. Alas, you people are left in such a small number, but even then indifference has not been overcome. God forbid, such a thing never comes up in our future progeny. My circle of disciples has already got spoiled : mistakes I committed have all come to light! My courtesies to my associates and disciples have got amply well repaid! Although you people are few in number, I still assure you that in case all remain united together, there is no job that you may be unable to perform and complete. Moreover, there is Divine assistance with you. Only firm determination is needed so that movement [mobility = dynamic vibration] therein be created and this Divine assistance starts functioning. A lot of retrenchment has taken place : God forbid, still more retrenchment even from this remaining lot may not be forthcoming! In case of the person burdened with a responsibility, the principle is that the person assigning responsibility also has to see to it and do something so that the first person is able to fulfil the responsibility. If a King would snatch away the privilege granted to some officer, that clearly has to incite degradation of the officer and even the King's authority and the whole system and the arrangement. As such, it can never happen that Nature would fail to equip that person perfectly with its assistance, whom it has endowed with responsibility, under every circumstance, I consider it better that work be performed in cooperation with all concerned, and help be sought from such person as may have attained approach up to the Ultimate State [Permanent Base = Dhur]. I am leaving for the future generation in my line of discipleship, which is to be taken down in bold letters and marked prominently : NOBODY IS TO BE BROUGHT TO HIGHER STATE WITHOUT BEING MADE DESERVING. IN CASE ONE IS INTENDED TO BE BROUGHT UP TO THE HIGHER STATE, LABOR ON THE APRT OF BOTH GUIDE AND DISCIPLE REMAINS INCUMBENT."

"There can be only two effective methods : either one surrenders oneself to the spiritual-guide like a dead-body in the hands of the person who administers a bath to it [dresser], or else one may labor oneself, comply to commands and go on making oneself deserving to benefit from Master's transmission. People of second category can be available : those adopting the first method may also be found but quite a few in number. To tell the truth, there remains nothing to do in case of the person who is able to adopt the first method in the proper way. He too, any way is not exempt from compliance to commands; and remains incumbent under all circumstances. Dictatorship remains always effective, specially in matters of spirituality. Thereby I mean to say that the person on whom Divine commands descend has no say in the matter of compliance to such commands."

Friday the 04th July 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Sometime back, I had required you to complete the work at Gaya. Since you are not going to that place because of disturbance [in Bihar in the wake of communal tensions due to partition of India and creation of independent India and Pakistan], you should arrange in a way to complete the work there in Gaya from here itself. Make it a point to have the work completed.

Sunday the 27th July 1947 :

[For Babu Ishwar Sahay and others]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : दुनियाँ के तल्ख़ तज़ुर्बों ने मुझको इस बात पर राग़िब कर दिया कि मैं अपना काम ऐसे लोगों से लूँ जो आयन्दा मिशन की ज़िन्दगी बनाने वाले हों और इस से ख़ास दिलचस्बी रखते हों। मेरी औलाद सब की सब निकम्मी निकली, ब-इस्तस्ना एक दो आदमी। इसमें एक हालत में तुम [अज़ीज़ राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] भी शामिल हो सकते हो। सिलिये कि मुझमें मुरब्बत बेइन्तहा थी। तुम और तुमने एक क़दम इससे आगे रक्खा। ज़माने का लिहाज़ न करते हुए बहुत सी बातें तुम ने ऐसी कीं जिसका खामयाज़ा अब भोगना पड़ रहा है। इक्का-दुक्का जो रह गए थे उसमे से रुख़सत होना शुरू हो गए। दो न सही एक सही। क्या तुखारा यह फ़र्ज़ था कि मुझको बहुत सी बातें करने से रोकते। अगर तुम मुझे न रोकते तो तख्ता पलट गया होता। मगर क्या तुम्हारे रोकने से यह बात रह गयी। जो होना है हो कर रहेगा। तुमने ऐसी मोहब्बत से जो नाज़ेबा थी। बदनामी तुम्हारी भी हुयी और सबसे पहले मेरी। करना वही पड़ेगा जो हुक्म है। देर कितनी भी लगा दी जावे, आखिर में नतीज़ा वही गिरेगा। सच पूँछो तो तुमने क़ुदरत के कामों में दख़ल दिया जो किसी तरह भी मुनासिब न था। ख़ैर सुबह का भुला शाम को आ जावे तो भुला नहीं लिया जाता। मेरा वो खून है जिसके एक क़तरे से सैकड़ो ऋषि और महात्मा तैयार हो सकते हैं। यह क़तरा ला-इन्तहा है। का किसी की यह ताक़त थी कि तुम्हारे लिए ऐसे शब्द इस्तेमाल करता जो अगर खुद उसके लिए इस्तेमाल किये जायँ तो नाग़वार ग़ुज़रे। सच तो यह है कि शुरू में तुम्हारे सीधे-पन ने मुझको तक़लीफ़ पँहुचायी और मुझे तहफ़्फ़ुज़ का ज़िम्मेदार होना पड़ा। तुम्हारे जज़्ब व् तहम्मुल [Forbearance] ने उन कही बातों के निशाँ मुझ पर बना दिए। क्या हुआ। ले डाला। देखा नतीज़ा। किये जाओ ज़ब्त। आख़िर नौबत यह हो सकती है कि किसी की मिट्टी ख़राब हो जाय। हो चुकी है, फिर भी गुमा नेक तुम्हारा क़ाइम है। संस्था चलाने वाले में यह बात नहीं होना चाहिए। एक हो मगर 'विल' से काम करे। कामयाबी हमेशा ऐसी ही होती है। ऐसा शख्स जिसके इतने मददग़ार हों और उसकी 'विल' ख़ाली जाय। यह हो ही नहीं सकता। कोई शख्स ऐसा नहीं आ रहा है जिसमें इतने बुज़ुर्ग़ों की फ़नाइयत नसीब हो। मगर क्या करूँ तुम ने [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] हालते - मौजूदा पर आने से पेश्तर ही हर चीज़ का ख़ात्मा कर दिया। कमज़ोरी जिस्मानी इस चीज़ के हाँसिल करने में और भी मददग़ार हुयी। गर्मी और हिद्दत तवानायी के लिए ज़रूरी है। इसको मैंने सूरज वाली गर्मी कहा है। इसको भी ठण्ड से तब्दील कर दिया। कैसे तन्दरुस्ती बढ़े। वार्ना अगर किसी में यह ताक़त होती, ज़मीन उलट देता। ख़ैर ग़ुज़िश्ता रा सल्वात, आइन्दा रा एहतियात। [अर्थात ग़ुज़री हुयी बात को जाने दो, आइन्दा के लिए सावधानी रक्खो] अब यह करना है कि सब लोग जो इस काम के शायक़ीन हैं, इस का काम [मिशन का काम] इनकी ज़िन्दग़ी तक कम-अज़-कम अपना फर्ज़े-अव्वली समझ कर चिमट जावें। बनानें में देर लगती है। फ़िर जहाँ पहिया ढुलकने लगा, रथ खुद-ब-खुद चलने लगता है। इसको oil करना पहियों में ज़रूरी होता है। और इसके लिए कोई न कोई हँसी ज़रूर मिलेगी।"

Revered Master's dictation [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] for the benefit of Ishwar Sahay and others : "The bitter experiences of the world have oriented me to rely for my work only on those people who are to be builders of the life of the 'Mission' in future and may be interested chiefly in it. My whole [spiritual] progeny has come up [proved to be] worthless with the exception of one or two persons. You [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] can also included in that lot under certain circumstances, because I possessed limitless courtesy, and you went one step ahead of that even! Without taking the [characteristics of] ages and the times of the world, you did many things, whose consequences have to be suffered now. One or tow that had remained with you have also started saying 'good-bye'. If not two, just one may be alright! Was it your duty to stop me putting many things to effect? If you had not stopped me, the base itself would have got turned up. Ha, anyway, your restraint been able to stop it from happening [coming up]?"

"What is to happen must have to happen. You put such courtesy to effect as was improper. That brought ill fame to you, and first of all to me! We have finally to do just what is ordained! How ever much delay one may effect, there will be the same destined [ordained] result in the end! To tell the truth, you interfered with Nature's work, which was not proper in any way. However, if one having gone astray in the morning returns home in the evening, he is not to be given up as lost, after all. My blood happens to be that, out of one single drop of which hundreds of seers and sages can be got prepared [pulled out]. The drop is endless! Was there power [courage] in anyone, to use the words for you, which, if used for that person, would be felt intolerable by him? As a matter of fact, your simplicity tortured me, to begin with; and I had to be responsible for your safety. Your forbearance left marks [impressions] on me through those never told [unexpressed] affairs! What happened, just sealed his fate! Have you seen the result [of your deeds]! If you continue forbearance, somebody may have just have his whole existence come to ruin! It has already happened, but still your good supposition [thought] persists on! This thing should not be there, but will must be exercised - success always comes this way! How can this can be possible? This just cannot be [like that]. No body appears to be coming forth, containing mergence of so many elder Masters in him! What am I to do, however, when you, dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], have finished everything even before arrive at the present state! Physical weakness became even more helpful to achieve this thing. Warmth and heat are essential to youth : this I have designed as the warmth of the sun. Even this, you got converted to coolness! How the health can progress then [under such circumstances]? Otherwise, somebody with such calibre would have upturned the earth [itself]! Alright, now forget what has gone by, and take care of what is to come forth! Now, what needs be done, happens to be that all those who are fond of this [spirituality] should consider this work [of Mission] as their prime duty at least during your life time and get firmly attached [glued] to it. It takes time to be build up. When the wheel, any way, starts to roll, the chariot moves on automatically. No doubt, the wheels have to be oiled necessarily; and for that some or other personality will surely be available. [Here all reference is to deteriorating condition of Madan Mohan Lal]."

Wednesday the 06th August 1947 :

[वक़्त ग्यारह बज कर 30 मिनट दोपहर] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "शुक्र है आज पण्डित रामेश्वर प्रसाद को दूसरे सर्कल का कमाल नसीब हुआ।"

नोट : यह सर्कल वो है जिसका इशारा पीछे कुछ आ चूका है।

नोट : शुक्र है कि बाबू राम चन्द्र सानी ने सात बज कर पाँच मिनट शाम के वक़्त, फना के दायरे में क़दम रख दिया। ईश्वर इस्तेक़ामत दे और रोज़ ब रोज़ आगे क़दम बढ़ाये। आमीन।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] revealed : "It is matter of thankfulness that dear Rameshwar Prasad has received perfection of the second circle, about which some hint has been already indicated earlier. It is further a matter of gratitude that Ram Chandra Sani has stepped in the sphere of mergence at 07.05 PM. May God grant him firmness and may he move on step by step further! Amen!

Note : India became liberated of British Rule on Friday the 15th August 1947.

Monday the 18th August 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Dictation from nature is coming [descending] after a long inter-well. Your state should be quite balanced : you should have no care what ever about anybody - individual or group, of what ever community. Destruction work of Punjab some time pinches and cause pain to you. There is no sage, however, about work of Nature to be executed as it has been planned and ordained [beyond your hold]. I tell you this very moment on, to take up this up this work of destruction as ordered and complete it. It is not any particular group or community, but almost all are to suffer the same fate. You can not effect changes in the world unless certain elements are made extinct all together. Problem of the entire world is there before and you cannot imagine yet what havoc you will work in the time that is forthcoming! After work in India, there is work in Europe. Both are to suffer the same fate more or less, sooner or later! Foundation in true sense [of new order] will always be laid on bones and ashes. The special power bestowed on you by Lord Krishna in the form of boomerang wheel [Chakra] will be the last weapon to complete the destruction; but you should not use that weapon unless ordered [specifically]. It is only for bringing about a thorough state of destruction. While working in the Punjab, you do not have to exercise any control of your own liking or disliking of any groups, individuals or communities : your journey to Karachi has been stopped for the time being : your driving rod is to work all over! I do not want a Government in India that would work after the style of business community. Gandhi Ji middling with affairs [against Nature's will]. He has, any way, done well to improve the lot of common people, as a politician. I am ordering you to stop Gandhi Ji from all of his activities; but just wait for some time. I do not find a single person in India, at present, who can lead the country properly."

Tuesday the 19th August 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The political change is again necessary in India. We have to over through the British Rule totally."

[Reference here seems to be decision of the first Government of Independent India to retain Lord Mount Batten as the first Governor General of free India for some time.]

"We have to meet the disturbances."

[Reference to communal holocaust in the wake of the partition of India to create an Independent Pakistan.]

"Sage Agastya is already working. Since you delayed sending orders to him, I have ordered him directly. care should be taken in future and orders must not be delayed. He sill communicate the result to you. A part of your work should be assigned to Rameshwar Prasad. He will work in South India to create circumstances in Hyderabad, which are finally to culminate in the over through of Nizam's Rule there. Take care to guard a certain portion of population there."

Note : The work in Punjab was stopped on August 23, 1947.

Tuesday the 23rd September 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : I am here as an observer at this important meeting of the Mission, on which depends the future of the organization. I like that the machinery of the Mission functions smoothly. I do not like malice to be active at any stage. You should all unite and combine together for the common cause. Make yourselves like strands staying together to form a strong rope. Boys, the future depends on you. I set up my Mission [Rama Krishna Mission] single handed, and see the result! It has acquired worldwide support. Self confidence was the only thing underlying my success. You need not worry that your Mission will not improve. My words at Rameshwaram will come true. My Master is showering blessings on you all! If Mission improves, really it will be my success. The Mission, set up me as dedicated to the holy name of my Master [Paramhansa Rama Krishna Ji] is now a body, away from spirituality. There may be some improvement. Now, this is my Mission : people will come to know after your physical demise. I work only in this sphere now; and many sages do likewise."

Friday the 26th September 1947 [Time - 0.15 AM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Every individual belonging to the Mission must feel responsible for allotted work. Controversies should cease [stop]. Strictness should be observed. Never mind, if you are only four or five persons : work will be done unitedly."

Tuesday the 21st October 1947 :

हज़रत क़ब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "इन्तज़ामी मुआमलात जो मिशन के मुताल्लिक़ हैं उनको सम्हालने के लिए तुमको इख़्तियार देता हूँ कि जो सज़ा और जज़ा चाहो और तज़बीज़ करो, मुझे मंज़ूर होगी। रूहानियत मैंने दी है मैं वापस भी ले सकता हूँ, तुम्हारे ज़रा से इशारे पर। लोगों की किस्मत तुम्हारे हाथ में है। तुमसे अलहदा हो कर अगर कोई अपना भला चाहे तो मुमकिन नहीं। मैं अपने आप को तुम्हारे हाथ में दे चुका हूँ।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I authorise you to control administrative matters concerning the Mission viz. what ever rewards and punishments, you desire and propose, shall be acceptable to me. Spiritual stages [to everybody] have been granted by me : I can revoke these well, on your small [slight] indication. The faith of all persons lies in your hands! If somebody falls away from you and yet desires to reap benefits - that simply is not possible : I have surrendered myself into your hands."

Friday the 24th October 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The upheaval due to the volcanic eruption brought forth [created] the Deccan Plateau [Vast triangular peace of land constitution southern part part of India]. It was the first thing [peace of habitable land] in the world that stood above sea level of ocean [came out of water]. The eruption began first of all on that plateau. Due to the same upheaval different sorts of soil took shapes proper at various points in different regions of earth. Philosophy also also started on the Deccan Plateau. There were upheavals in different parts of earth at certain points simultaneously. By and by these developed in to vast expanses of lands [constituting continents]. I mean to say that the upheaval was first beneath of Deccan Plateau. Next one [which happens to be the second oldest] is Egypt. We are expecting a volcanic eruption again near at abut Europe, as a result of which some land will be immersed under water. [That may, of course, take centuries to happen]."

Saturday the 25th October 1947 :

ऋषि जी, बानिय राजयोग : "यह ठीक है मैं इसका बानी था। मेरे बाद के लोग अरसे तक मुझसे तालीम पाते रहे। इस मक़ाम को पहुँचे हुए लोग शाज़ोनादर होते हैं। जब ईश्वर को कोई ख़ास तबादला पैदा करना मन्ज़ूर होता है तो ऐसे ऋषि और महात्मा पैदा हो जाते हैं। उनके ज़िन्दग़ी मुसीबत और उलझन में रहती है, बाद में उनकी क़द्र होती है। ईजादें मैंने कीं, तहरीर न कर सका। आखिर में यह एक सिस्टम हो गया। तुम्हारे साथ आम तौर पर लोग मुख़ालफ़त करते हैं या यूँ कह लो कि मुताबक़त कम करते हैं। [क़ुदरत की धार रोकने वाला कोई नहीं] यह बातें निशाँ इस बात का है कि तुम्हारी हालत और वाक़ियात भी पिछले लोगों से ंकिलते-जुलते हैं। ताज्जुब है। यह बात ईश्वर के ही इख़्तियार में है कि वो जैसा चाहे, ज़रूरत के मुताबिक़ उसको बना देवे। गुरु की क़ाबलियत ख़ास शर्त है। बिला इसके आवाज़ भी वहां नहीं पहँचती। उसके जाने कितने बन्दे मौजूद हैं।"

"[बसवाल खुद] किताब अंग्रेजी में, कोई ज़रूरत इस अमर की मालुम नहीं होती कि इसको और ज़ियादा बढ़ाया जावे। जो कुछ लिखा है, ठीक है। किसकी समझ है कि सेंट्रल रीजन जो तुमने लिखा है, समझ सके। यह राज़ आज तक खोला ही नहीं गया है।"

"ईश्वर वो वक्त लावे कि जब इस मक़ाम तक लोग पहुंचे। तब कहीं उसको इस बात की ख़बर हो सकती है। पहुँचना भी आसान है। वहां के खबर लाना भी बेहद मुश्किल है। यह वही कर सकेगा जिसने ज़र्रा ज़र्रा अपना लय कर डाला हो। मैं महात्मा राम चंद्र जी महाराज [फतेहगढ़] की जैसी बुजुर्ग़ हस्ती को धन्यवाद देता हूँ।"

Dictation from the founder seer of Raja Yoga : "No doubt I was the founder : the people after me remained getting training from me for a long time. People having approach unto this point are very rare : when God requires some special change, such a seer of a holy sage is born [comes in to being]. There life happens to be one of troubles [travails] and confusion; and they happen to be appreciated later on. I made the invention, but could commit it to writing : finally it came to be system. People in general are in opposition with you, or so to say are not in perfect accordance [harmony] with you : no body, however, is there to obstruct [restrain] the [flow of the] current of Nature! These matters are indicative of the fact that your conditions and events [occurrences] are also akin to those of bygone persons [elders]. It is surprising. It lies within the sphere of God's privileges to structure [somebody] at will, according to need. The Guide's competence, no doubt, remains a special condition [requirement] : without that even should fails to reach there! Who knows, how many of His slaves [own ones] are there [in existence]!"

In reply to a question from me, concerning the book 'Efficacy of Raja Yoga' prepared by me, he continues : "Your book in English, there seems no need of adding anything more to it : What ever has been written, is correct. Who is there is there with such comprehension as to grasp about central region that you have written [in this book]? This secret was never revealed till now. May God hasten the day [time], when people reach that point [region] : then, perhaps, they may be aware of that! To reach is also easy : but it is very difficult to bring awareness of that [place] intact! This will be possible to do only for that one who would have got every particle [on one's existence] merged up! I express my gratitude to the Great Soul like that of Reverend Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji [of Fatehgarh UP]."

हज़रत िक़ब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "ये ऐसे ज़बरदस्त बुजुर्ग़ हैं कि जिनकी मिसाल मिलना मुश्किल है।"

"किताब का हर हिस्सा सही है। रीजन्स जो क़ाइम किये हैं, वाक़ई में असल हैं। इनके बाद जो रीजन्स हैं यानि वो रीजन जो इन रीजन में शामिल हैं उनकी क़िस्में भी बेशुमार हो सकतीं हैं। पातञ्जलि को यह चीज़ें उसके ज़माने में न खुलीं थीं और उसको खबर भी न थी। हबस लिब्रेशन रही होगी मगर अपने वक़्त में वो न पा सका। देखो जब तक अनुभव-शक्ति न खुल जावे, अपनी तहरीर से लोगों को गुमराह न करना चाहिए। ज़माने में रिवाज़ है कि जो चीज़ जिसके समझ में आयी लिख डाली। समाध्यान बहुत सी लिखी गयीं मगर यह किस्में किसी में न गयीं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "A respective elder to this dimension is difficult to find an example of. He had got his body renewed. He had transferred [changed] all particles of his existence through the force of his thought."

"Every part of the book is correct. The regions you have drawn out are real ones."

"The regions within these regions viz. those that lie included in these broad regions, can also be of countless varieties. These aspects were not revealed to sage Patanjali during his time; and neither he could be aware of this. He had the craving only for liberation [kaivalya]; but he could not attain it in his time. Look here, so long as the capability [intuitive] experience does not get awakened, one should not mislead people through one's [own] writings! It is customary in the world that what ever is coming to the comprehension of whom so ever, that same is committed to writing [by that person]! Many kinds [forms] of 'Samaaadhi' [super-consciousness] have been described [by various persons], but these kinds [brought forth by you] have not been narrated any where."

Monday the 27th October 1947 :

Self experience [verified by Swami Vivekananda Ji] : In my vision, I found out while reading 'Central Region', in my book [Efficacy of Raja Yoga], that there is something most destructive, besides that mentioned in the 'Central Region', to be found near Ceylon, in some pat of the Western Chats [Hilly rang along the Western Coast line of Southern India] and the sea-shore. I am finding it out more in about one-third Southern portion of Western Chats. There may be certain other places where things of more important nature may be found. However, since I have no concern with it, I do not ponder [over all this] unless the thing itself comes disposed to me."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Can anyone dare to attempt research like this? I can send you for research work, if and when required! Any way, who will like to extract these things form a handful of bones [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur]?"

"Platinum is found in India. Gold is there in abundance in Assam : but no one has yet discovered it. There a hidden treasure of miner wealth in India. Coal is in abundance. The hidden treasure you will find mostly Himalayas and below it for some distance. Sylhet [a city then in Assam, but now in Bangladesh] is very rich in minerals. By Sylhet,

I mean all the suburbs and adjoining areas. The only thing lacking in India now is courage. Areas proper nuder Pakistan, you will find mostly barren for sometime more. Supremacy will reign and India will be a dominated country; but so long as Gandhi Ji [known as father of Modern India] is here in this world, things are not expected to be like that. He is adopting wrong procedures."

"India is scientists' star. The automatic theory was first of all invented in India by a great sage. Every scientific explorer in India was some seer. People do not understand the value of spirituality."

In reply to a question from me, Swami Vivekananda Ji continued : "Let the destruction be complete. You have coke here for the same purpose. This is main work for you : others will build. [Pause] One very precious thing called ruby, rare in the world, is at the north west corner of Kashmir, but not in abundance like many other things. Silver is every where in India. There are so many things, I can tell you. These, however, have no value at present except scratching paper with geese quills!"

Thursday the 13th November :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are deputed for such secret work of God, dissolving everything in the world at the end. I had told you some where that you will be the guiding power for such work and give instructions to somebody, to complete the chain. This work is specially allotted to you : others will work under your command. Sages will be there, but you will be a landmark in the history of spirituality or rather of the work of destruction. The man doing this last kind of work will of-course be swimming in the 'Central region'; and that will the personality next to you."

Saturday the 22nd November 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "नारद एक ऋषि थे। गाते गाते और अभ्यास करते करते प्रेममय हो गए थे। इसका ताल्लुक़ बहुत कुछ अंदरूनी आवाज़ से भी रहा। इसमें उन्होंने फनाइयत हाँसिल कर ली थी और अपना दायरा उसी के अन्दर वसीअ कर लिया था। ख्वाहिशात रुख़सत हो गयीँ थीं। उनको अरसा लगा था। उनकी पहुँच बस उस मक़ाम तक थी और फैलाव भी था जिसको हार्ट रीजन की बहुत नीचे से कुछ ज़ियादा हालत कह सकते हैं। लिहाज़ा तुम्हारा यह कहना सही है। that he was far below the rungs of this ladder. लफ्ज़ 'far' अगर इसमें से हटा दिया जाय तो तर्जुमा सही हो जायगा। उसकी जोला निग़ाह आख़िरी हिस्सा ladder के कुछ ऊपर थी। यूँ कह लो कि पाहिले और दूसरे डंडे के बीच में थी।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Narada [Narada (Sanskrit: नारद, Nārada) is a Vedic sage, famous in Hindu traditions as a traveling musician and storyteller, who carries news and enlightening wisdom.]

was a seer who had become personification of love through singing and practicing [devotional way to the Ultimate]. This was connected also to the inner voice, in to which he had acquired mergence; and had widened his sphere therein. Desires had bad farewell : he had quite some time. His approach and expansion too therein was up to the state of just that point which may be said to be a little higher than the lowest stage [point] of the Heart Region. So you are correct to say that 'he was far below the rungs of the ladder'. If the world far be dropped off [from this sentence] the explanation will be quite alright. He leap happened to reach up to a little above the lowest end of the ladder, or you may say, it was between the first and second rung."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "If you set a ladder having rungs, sage Narada was whirling round its lowest end portion, that lies between the lowest two rungs. The rungs complete the whole ladder form top to bottom. In my opinion, for common understanding, he was at about one seventh part of the ladder.

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "तुम्हारी किताब [Efficacy of Raja Yoga] का verification कृष्ण भगवान ने किया है। सेहत की ज़रूरत नहीं। इबारत सही कर लो। "

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Your book [Efficacy of Raja Yoga] has been verified by Reverend Lord Krishna : there is no need of correction. Get the language corrected [according to the requirements].

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "i tell you the truth : the booked you write are [to be] matchless. It will demand ability, in the person reading these, to understand. The 'central region' has no doubt displayed the secrecy of Nature. I assure that nobody had knowledge of it before [you]. Remember my remarks about your first book [Commentary of ten commandments of Sahaj Marg - in Urdu] : it is the first book after 'Bhagavad Gita'."

Monday the 08th December 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji [on sick bed] : "There are so many things in the world that bewitch the people in general; and they go about steering like a canoe in a pond or river. Things appear to them so attractive that they do not find leisure to go towards Reality, which is not so glittering [gorgeously prominent] as the other things before them. So many actions arising due to the interest created in their hearts result indifferent [forms of] miseries, are layers by layers they form huge rock, sufficient to walk upon. So many layers are there because so many lives have been undergone form the very time the world coming to exist. Think of their fate, which they are going to have and still do not want to get themselves aloof to move on to some higher atmosphere. Things which teach them in the end are the difficulties, intricacies and miseries of life. When these layers begin to lose their hold and capacity due to the effect of miseries, and a man somehow or other gets in touch with the thought of the Almighty and this thing goes on long enough until they are cleaned to these layers in some higher degree, then his interest starts enhancing. Now he starts his real carrier; provide the same [old] attractions do not come in his way. These things are mostly possible and the result is soon to be there, if one gets a capable Master like our Laalaaji. At this stage, development now begins and the solid layer is of-course no more there! The subtle one persists before arriving at the stage of liberation. However, difficulty of such a person grows greater in the struggle. One now begins to attract other layers which come in for fruition or suffering. I think, your Supreme Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has discussed somewhere taking your example about the struggle which a liberated soul faces before leaving the physical body. Here the light of the Master very often becomes the instruments in saving such a person from the onrush of layers of others to such one. Even then, Nature demands this sort of work form such personality. The subject discussed of late is short but sufficient. Nobody can realize this condition unless one earns it. So your Rameshwar Prasad, favorite of my dear one [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] and of me as well, really worked at this stage. We were checking the pollution of the matter to go underneath, I mean under the layers. Operation was delayed by one day : no harm done yet. Deserves congratulations!"

Monday the 22nd December 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have faced calamity [discord developing in the Mission due to wrong attitudes of Munshi Madan Mohan Lal]. Be cautious for the future. Keeping company for good persons brings good results. I had warned you when you were going to South India; but your complete indulgence in the folly proved fatal. Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] mentioned somewhere in the notes recently, which you should follow to the core of your heart. I assure you that success will dawn : no power on earth can obstruct the success of your 'Mission'. Of-course, time is required. You have been clearing off the bushes which may be impediment on the way of your success in future; and there you are doing with your friend [Rameshwar Prasad] for the cause of 'Mission'. [Pause] Lord Krishna is here, wishing you success."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैनें सब बात पहले से आगाह कर दी थी। ख़ैर अब सही।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I had warned earlier already about all matters. Already let it be now."

Wednesday the 24th December 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "लोगों का समझना है कि मुझमें रहमदिली है इन्तिहा दर्ज़े की है। मगर इस बात पर इन्साफ की ज़रूरत है। रहम पास नहीं है तुम्हारी बिमारी के दौरान से ही मुआलिज़ [Physician] था। साथ ही उसके यह भी सही है कि सज़ा इंसाफन दी गयी। मुआलिज़ होना यह अलामत रहमदिली है। इसके यह मानी नहीं कि मुहब्बत की किसी तरह मुझमें कमी आ गयी। सजा के मानी यह थे कि जो ग़ुबार तुमने अपनी विल से जमा कर लिया था उसको लाज़िमी तौर पर हटाना था मैं एक चाहत और यह भी कि उसके हुक्म के सब ताबे रहें। और वो एक इस नज़र में रहे कि दूसरे लोग उस पर हुक़्मरानी करें तो मेरा मन्शा यह न हो कि इस आदत से तुमको फायदा हुआ, यानि हर जिसको तुमने बड़ा ही समझा, ख़्वाह वो रूहानियत में तुमसे बल्लिया ही क्यों न हो मगर यह बात उसी वक़्त के लिए ज़रूरी थी, अब नहीं। स्वामी जी महाराज ने मुतवातिर तुमको वॉर्निंग्स दीँ। मगर तुम कुछ ऐसे मज़बूर थे कि उसकी पाबन्दी न कर सके। पिछले डिक्टेशन में कहीं पर मैं कह चूका हूँ कि मेरी औलाद एक दो को छोड़ कर सब निकम्मी निकली। लोगों को अक़ीदतमन्दी मुलाहिज़ा हो कि जिसको मैं अपना लूँ, उस पर हुक्मरानी करना चाहे। इस बारे में मैं कुछ दिखा चूका हूँ। क्या यह हो सकता है कि जिसे मैं फैज़ देना चाहूँ और तुम्हारी मर्ज़ी न हो; याद रक्खो कि मेरी तबियत भी वैसी बन जावेगी। और फायदा नहीं उठा सकता। और यह एक तरीक़ा है और उसूले-क़ुदरत; जिस से सब मज़बूर हैं। सही कहता हूँ। अगर मुहब्बत और उन्सियत तुम्हारे दिल में किसी शख्स की न होती तो यह डाँट-डपट मुझको भी इन्तहाई नाग़वार होती। मेरे एक भी हुक्म की तामील इस बारे में नहीं की गयी। और यह खतायें तुम्हारे नामाये-ऐमाल में लिखी जा चुकी हैं। फ़क़ीर को मुहब्बत कैसी। जो हुक्म है वही ठीक है। ऐसी ऐसी ख़ताएँ तुमने कीं हैं कि जिस बात के लिए क़ुदरत का हुक्म हो चूका है, तुमने चौबीस घंटे उसकी मंशा पूरी नहीं होने दी। क्या यह बात मुनासिब थी ? हरग़िज़ नहीं। और जिनके साथ यह सलूक़ किया है [इशारा मुंशी मदन मोहन लाल से] उसका यह हाल है कि अपना ही हाँथ हमेशा बाला रखना चाहा। उन हज़रत का यह ख्याल था कि राम चन्द्र को सज़्ज़ादानशीनी क्या मिल गयी, वो मेरा महकूम हो गया। यह कभी ज़ाहिर नहीं किया गया कि फलाँ वास्ते से मुझे फलाँ चीज़ मिली। क्या इसको खुदी नहीं कहते ?रौब गांठनें में हमेशा उस्ताद रहे। जिस पर ज़िम्मेदारी होती है वही खतावार होता है। क़ुदरत को किसी से उनसियत नहीं, बल्कि वो किसी शख्स को अपना औज़ार बना लेती है। यह उसूल बराबर वसी ही रहा है। मुझे इस वक़्त उन सब बाँतों की सजा तुम्हें देना लाज़िम था। मैं कह भी चूका हूँ कि तुम्हारी खता जल्द मुआफ़ नहीं हो सकती। यह भी सुना कि अगर जिस शख्स काम अज़ कम अपने हवास से तुमको सिफ़ारिश कर देता, हालात दख्ल देते। जितनी जल्दी तुम ने उसके साथ में की, इसका ख्याल उनके दिलमें क़तई नहीं। यह शराफत है इसकी सजा उनको मिल चुकी है। लिब्रेशन खो चुके। हो नहीं सकती। खैर बहुत सी बातें हैं, मुख़्तसर कह दीँ गयीं। जिस शख्स को तुमसे उनसियत और मुहब्बत है समझ लो उतनी ही मुहब्बत वो मुझसे कर रहा है। तुमसे मैं मुराद हूँ। कल डिक्टेशन मैं इसी बात पर दूँगा जो तुम्हारी और पण्डित रामेश्वर प्रसाद की कल बातें हो रहीं थीं और रमा शंकर भी मौजूद थे। अब तुमअपनी ज़िन्दगी को रेगुलेट कर लो। मैं कह चुका हूँ और फिर कहता हूँ, सही और ग़लत से मुझे मतलब नहीं। यह तुम समझ लो क्यों कि तुम्हारे पास जिस्म है और तज़ुर्बा। वही करूँगा जो कहोगे, ख़्वाह करा कुछ बिगड़ जावे। अलफ़ाज़ से अपने हट नहीं सकता। मुझे ब्राइटर वर्ड से इतनी मुहब्बत नहीं क्यों कि वहाँ क़याम तुम्हारा है, बजाय मेरे। हाँ बाग़ सरसब्ज़ और शादाब ज़रूर देखना चाहता हूँ। असनाए बीमारी में जब मिस्र जी की बीबी के बारे में पंडित रामेश्वर प्रसाद ने कुछ अर्ज़ किया था, तुम्हारे दिल में यह ख्याल पैदा हुआ कि अपने भाई को मैं वोह ताक़त दे दूँ कि जिसको चाहे लिब्रेट कर दे। मैंने यह बात मंज़ूर कर ली और यह चीज़ उसमें मौजूद है, मगर हर जगह यह नुस्खा इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जाता ; फिर भी इसकी मर्ज़ी पर है। तरीक़ा बता दूँगा।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "People think that am excessively kind-hearten. This is correct; but kindness is nowhere close to me when justice would be the need of the moment [required to be dealt]! During your illness, just I happened to be the physician. It was punishment as well, any way. Punishment was there as matter of justice, while treatment as physician was an indication of kindness. That does not. However, mean that I have in anyway suffered loss of kindness in my nature. Punishment was meant to remove as a matter of necessity what dirt you had accumulated through your will. I need just one [supreme person] and also that all others remain subservient to his commands [orders]. If that one [supreme person] = Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] stands waiting for others [reference to Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] to rule over him, then my very purpose [intention] would suffer defeat [withering off]. This habit has, no doubt, brought good to you. You treated everybody as simply superior to yourself, even though he stood poles below you in spirituality. This, anyway, was necessary at that time, but not now. Revered Swami Ji [Swami Vivekananda Ji] issued warning to you continually; but you happened to be helpless in such way as to remain unable to follow these [warnings]. I have already pointed out in my previous dictations some where that my spiritual progeny has all come up to be worthless, with just one or two exceptions. Just look at the faith of people : they would like to rule over one, whom I happen to accept as my own! I have given some demonstrations in this regard. Can it be possible that I like to give benefit to somebody and you do not feel inclined to it? Be sure, my inclination of mind will get shaped just the same way : and that person cannot derive the intended benefit! This is the method and the principle of Nature, with reference to which all happened to be helpless. I am telling the truth : if love and attachment to the particular person [Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] had not been there in your heart, then this rebuke [dealt by him to you] would have been very distasteful [intolerable] to me also. Not a single command [order] from me in this regard has come to be competed [by you]; and these mistakes have all been noted down in the record of your actions [conduct]! What value can love [affection] hold for a sage : what ever happens to be the order, that alone is right [for a sage]! You have committed tremendous mistakes [blunders] : that for which orders from Nature have been issued, you delayed its execution by twenty four hours! Was this thing proper? Not at all! And the person [Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] for whom this treatment has been undertaken, just note his attitude : he always tries to eve an upper-hand for himself! That gentleman [Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] has the thought [in his mind] that since Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] has got secured successor-representative-ship, he [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] has become his [Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] obedient subject [person to be ruled over]! It was never mentioned [by Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] that he received such state through the medium-ship [help] of that source [Ram Chandra]! Is it not egoism? He has always been Master in the matter of posing superiority. The person holding responsibility [alone] is taken to be as fault! Nature has no attachment with anybody and it [Nature] makes [develops] any person as its instrument. This principle has continuously been there. It was necessary for me to deal punishment to you for all these things. I have already stated [mentioned] that your mistake cannot be meet an easy pardon. Having heard this even, is that person [Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] had surrendered at least with senses [in tact] he could observe his condition [state] then! He had no consideration [at all] for the haste that you undertook in his case. Is this the way of a gentleman? The punishment due to this has been dealt to him. He has lost liberation; and it can never to his lot [now]! Here are so many things : some of these have been mentioned briefly. The person who has attachment to and love with you, take it that he/she is loving me to that same extent. You means I. [Pause] Tomorrow I will give dictation on the very subject that you and Rameshwar Prasad were discussing yesterday in the presence of Rama Shankar. Now you get your life regulated. I have already stated, and I repeat again that I have no consideration for right or wrong : you take it, as you possess body and experience, that I will do just what you desire [say]. What ever loss I will suffer, I cannot shirk away from my promise! I do not have love so much for the brighter world since you and not I reside there. No doubt, I like to see the garden [of 'Sahaj Marg System' and 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur'] as refreshing and flourishing. During your illness when dear Rameshwar Prasad had mentioned about his wife, you had had the thought in your mind to bestow the power [capability] on you brother [Rameshwar Prasad] to liberate at will whom ever he desired [to be so]. I have granted this; and this thing is now present in him. However, this prescription is not for use every where, any way, it will depend on his [Rameshwar Prasad] sweet will. I will tell the method [to him]."

Thursday the 25th December 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "जिस शख्स ने अपने आप को कुल्लियतन क़ुदरत पर छोड़ दिया, क़ुदरत उसकी निगराँ बन गयी, यानी उस बड़ी ताक़त की निगाह उस पर जमने लगी। वही switch वाला क़िस्सा पेश हो गया। जञ्जीर हिली और ऊपर से निदा आयी। ऐसी मोहब्बत करने वाले खाल - खाल हैं, और यह चीज़ मुशील भी है। इस लिए हम अपने पीर का सहारा लेते हैं और बाज़गश्त करते हुए आख़िर में यही बात पैदा हो जाती है। बाज़ शख्स पीर का सहारा क़तन नहीं छोड़ते। उनमें यह कमी ज़रूर बाक़ी रह जाती है। आख़िर में यानि जिस्म छोड़ने के बाद दोनों की क़ैफ़ियत एक ही हो जाती है। मैने आख़िर पर भी यही पहलू लिया था और तुमको भी मैंने यही नसीहत की थी। सुशक्ति [सुषुप्ति] के स्थान पर जिस वक़्त 'will' का 'force' भर जाता है, क़ुदरत की धार रवाँ हो जाती है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh] : "Nature starts taking care of one who has surrendered oneself totally to it : the eye of that great power [Nature] starts getting fixed on that person. The example of 'switch' comes in to effect : no sooner does the chain receive a jerk then the voice [sound] from the above [divine] descends! Persons of this [level of] love are scarce; and this thing is difficult too! So, we seek our Master's support; and moving backwards [proceeding of return journey] this same state comes up at long last. Some persons do not at all give up the reliance on the Master : they certainly retain this defect! At the end i.e. on physical dissolution [leaving the body], both [those who surrender totally to Nature and those who retain reliance on the Master up to the end] arrive at one and the same state. I had, any way adopted this very aspect [reliance on Master] up the end; and had advised you too to do likewise. When the force of the 'will' fils up the abode of dreamless deep sleep [sushupti] the current of Nature starts flowing."

सवाल - पंडित जी : "किसी चीज़ पर will बाँधनें से भी कभी नहीं होती और बाज़ दफः सिर्फ कह दिया और हो गयी, वो पॉइण्ट कौन सा है और कहाँ है।

Question from Pundit Rameshwar Prasad : "Some times applying the force of will does not work; and on other times a simple nod proves effective : what and where is that point [of effectiveness]?

जवाब : "यह पॉइण्ट दरियाफ्त किया जा चूका है और 'A' और 'B' पॉइन्ट्स के दरमियान है। उसके क़रीब में ही सुषुप्ति का स्थान है। वहाँ से एक लड़ी दिल में जिसके दो टुकड़े कर के नक़्शे में दिखाए गए है, दूसरे आधे टुकड़े तक जाती है।"

"दरीं वर्ता क़श्ती खरोशद हज़ार,

कि पैदा न शुद तख्तए बरकिनार।"

[अर्थात - इस भॅवर में हज़ारों कश्तियाँ बर्बाद हो गयीं। कितनी ही शोर मचने या प्रयत्न करने पर एक भी तख्ता [लकड़ी का टुकड़ा] किनारे पर प्रगट नहीं हुआ। वर्ता का अर्थ है, मृत्यु का स्थान, ऐसी ज़मीन जहाँ रास्ता न हो। आम-तौर पर भँवर / पानी के चक्कर, के बारे में बोलते हैं।]

"यह इस मक़ाम को अक्सर हिन्दू वालियों ने भँवर-गुफ़ा कहा है। उनके ख़याल की परवाज़गी दिमाग़ के हिस्से पर गयी है और उसको 'भँवर-गुफा' मान लिया है। दरहक़ीक़त यह उसका अक्स है। रामेश्वर, यह बात मैं समझता हूँ कि अभी तक हल नहीं हुयी। अगर एक मक़ाम 'A' कह लिया जावे और दूसर को 'B' माना जावे और चूँकि इसका छोर नहीं, न आग़ाज़ है, न अंज़ाम तो बताओ कौन किसका अक्स कहा जावेगा।"

Answer from Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "This point has been discovered : it lies midway between the points 'A' and 'B'. Quite close to it lies the abode of dreamless deep sleep [sushupti]. Therefrom one line goes to the upper half of the heart, as shown to have two parts of the 'plan map'."

"In this world, a thousand boats got sheltered [lost = ruined] so that even a single plank failed to appear [come up] at the bank! [Persian couplet]. The Hindu sages have very often designated this point as 'bhanwar-gufa' [whirl cave]. The flight of their thought has gone to the part of the brain, and that has been supported to be the whirl cave [ 'bhanwar-gufa']. In fact this is the reflection of that. Dear Rameshwar Prasad, I understand, this matter has yet bot been solved. If one point is said to be 'A' and the other is supposed to 'B', and there happens to be no limit to this [expansion] without beginning and end, then just tell which one is to be designated as the reflection of the other!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I think you remember the teaching concerning seven circles around the heart. These are the divisions with certain curls in the 'central region'. If you start from the first circle and reach the last one, that means you have gained the last point and you come in the landing ground of the 'Rishis' [Seers] and the liberated souls. What is that? You begin from the heart and end in the heart but reach at the landing ground. Do you not cross all the regions in that way?"

Sunday the 29th December 1947 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "रात एक मसला दरपेश था कि लोगों में सोज़ोगुदाज़ पैदा क्यों नहीं होता। यह खता तुम्हारी है। अच्छी क़ाबलियत के लोग वाक़ई तौर पर इस ज़माने में कमयाब हैं। बनाना पड़ता है। कुछ उसकी क़ाबलियत कुछ अपना विलफोर्स। लगलगा कर तैयार करना पड़ता है। जनाब की क़ाबलियत तो वाक़ई तौर पर जनाब ही तक है। क्या तुम्हें उम्मीद है कि इस हद तक तालीम ग्रहण करने वाला ज़िन्दगी में मिल सकेगा। मेरा अंदाज़ तो यह है कि जो शख्स की सज्जादानशीन होगा उसमें भी ठूंस ठांस करना पड़ेगी। तुम्हारी हालत जो कुछ भी है, समझ लो कि नेचर ने अपने काम के लिए बनायी है। इतना कामतुम पर लदा हुआ है कि सच पूँछो तो तुमको बात की भी फुर्सत नहीं। वादे ज़िन्दगी यह चीज़ें जो भरी गयी हैं, काम देंगी। आप की तवज्जः नफ़ीस इन्तहाई है मगर इसका ख़रीदार कौन ! सोज़ो-गुदाज़, यह तरक़्क़ी के निशानात माने जाते हैं। जनाब की तवज्जः अपनी हालत बाज़ात की क़ैफ़ियत से होती है। इतना गहरा सम्बन्ध क़ाइम कर लिया है कि उससे अलहदा होना ही नहीं जानते। यह मज़ावलत का नतीजा है। अगर मैं और ढील दे देता तो तालीम के नाक़ाबिल होते। इस लिए कि इस निफ़ासत को सिवाय उसके जो निहायत आला तरक़्क़ी पर मौजूद है कोई अहसास न करता। फायदा इससे अच्छा वाक़ई नहीं हो सकता और वाक़ई यही तवज्जः है जो काम बनाएगी। मगर भाई, तुम पर ईमान कौन लावेगा, और कौन इसके समझनें की क़ाबलियत रखता है। मैं अगर तुमको मजबूर करूँ कि नीचे के मक़ामात से तवज्जः दिया करो तो वो तक़लीफ़ जो आँ अज़ीज़ को होती है, मुझको ग़वारा नहीं होती। ताहम एक मुश्क़िल और है कि हर मक़ामात में, हर मस्साम में जैसा कि मैं कह चुका हूँ मैंने ज़ात की क़ैफ़ियत पूरी पूरी भरी है। यह मेरा फ़र्ज़ भी था। Limitation जिस वक़्त कि मुझमें मौजूद था यानि जब बाहयात था। उस वक़्त की हालत और मौजूदा हालत में ज़मीन-आसमान का फ़र्क़ है। मैंने आँअज़ीज़ को मौजूदा सूरत में बहुत तवज्जः दी। दिन और रात। और अब भी यही हाल है। लाज़िम है कि वही तरँग होना चाहिए। तुम मुझमें हो, मैं तुम में। फ़र्क़ नहीं। फिर ऐसी तवज्जोः तुम में से क्यों न निकले जो सूरत कि मेरी मौजूद है। सोज़ो-गुदाज तरक़्क़ी के लिए आला शै है। मैं अगर तुमको ख़तावार साबित करूँ तो कैसे हो सकता है। ख़ैर ! हो सके तो दिल के मक़ाम से तवज्जः दिया करो। सच मानो, यहां पर जो क़ैफ़ियत लोगों की तुम्हारी तवज्जोः से गुज़रती है, अमल है। काम बनाने वाली है, मगर क्या किया जावे, क़द्रदान नहीं। एक तुम्हारी तवज्जोह अगर ऐतक़ाद से ले जावे तो ऐसी ऊँची कैफियत से आशना हो जाता है जिसको बड़े बड़े फुकरा तरसते हैं। यह भी बात है जिस मक़ाम की तवज्जः आँअज़ीज़ देते हैं उसका हर शख्स अहल नहीं होता; और तुम्हारी ही ऐसी कैफियत है कि इसको बर्दाश्त करा देती है। इतने ठन्डे हो चुके हो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Yesternight, you were exercised over the problem as to why people are not developing the state of burning and melting in side themselves! This is due to your defect : in fact persons of real merit are rare supply in these times; and need to be prepared [to come up to the required level]. The aspirant's capability to some extent, and the guide's own will force have to be used to get the desired result. Your capability, in reality, is to remain limited [confined] just to you [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur]. Do you expect to find someone in your lifetime capable to grasping [spiritual] training to that same extent [as you have been able to do]? My estimate is that even in the person who came up to be your successor-representative, there will be need for stuffing [spiritual power] forcefully. Your state, whatever, you take it to have been developed by Nature for [the fulfillment of] its purpose. The load of work on you, in fact, leaves no leisure for even small talk [conversation]. What ever has been stuffed in you, will be useful after [your] lifetime. Your transmission happens to be extremely refined; but who is there to buy [value] it! [Inward] Burning and melting [instant craving and restlessness] are considered to be the indications of [spiritual] progress. Your transmission flows from your state i.e. the condition of Ultimate Being [Zaat]. You have developed such deep relationship [with Zaat] that you do not like to be away form it [even for a moment]. This happens to be the result of habituation. If I had given a little longer rope [less-strict control], you would have been incapable of imparting spiritual training, because this refinement would not have been experienced by any body except those who happen to be at the highest pinnacle of spiritual progress. No doubt, there can never ensure benefit than that out of this [transmission]; and in reality, this alone shall bring out the fulfillment [of final purpose]. But dear brother, who will have faith in you; and who has the capacity to understand it! If I force to transmit [generally] from lower points [centers], then the trouble that is cause to you [in transmitting from the points lower than your real condition] becomes intolerable to me. Further, there is one more trouble. As I have already stated, I have stuffed the entire state of the Ultimate Being [Zaat] at all points and in every pore [of your body] : that was my duty as well. When I was in the physical frame, there were limitations in me. There is world of difference [like that between earth and sky] of the state at-that time [during my life time] and that which which now exists. I have transmitted a lot to my dear one [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] day and nought in this present shape [beyond limitations of physical existence]; and the same condition is still persisting. As such, the same current [waive] is essentially to be there : I am in you and you are in me! There is no difference! Why then, such transmission would fail to flow from you, as happens to be present in my case? Inward burning and melting [restless craving and pining flexibility] are superior means of [spiritual] progress. If I hold you guilty [of any thing], how can that be possible? Alright, if possible, generally transmit form the point of 'heart'! Truly speaking, what ever states are undergone by people at this point, during your transmission, are real ones and effective! But what to do : there are no people to comprehend value and worth [of your transmission]! If somebody takes only one transmission [sitting] from you with full faith, he/she would come to get acquainted with ouch states, as have been pinned after by greater than great sages! Moreover, everybody can not be deserving of the transmissions of the point, that my dear one [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] administers! It is only your [spiritual] status that makes it tolerable [for them]! You have grown cool to such an extent."

Tuesday the 31st December 1947 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji [In reply to a question from Babu Ishwar Sahai] : "Boys do you not appreciate the present time? Do you hope to get someone like him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] in future? I want you to be perfectly calm at the work in the case of 'Mission'! Love the only remedy!"


Thursday 02nd January 1948 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "Organization हमेशा उस वक़्त होता है जब कि हर शख्स चन्द मुतद्दिद उसूलों का पाबन्द रहे। इख़लाक़ी उसूल ऐसे बना लिए जावें कि हर शख्स पाबन्द रहे। उठक-बैठक इस बात में सब कुछ शामिल है और भाई बात तो यह है कि जिस शख्स ने असली नियमों की पाबन्दी कर ली वो इस हालत में खुद-ब-खुद आ जाता है। तुमने जो ethics लिखी है, दिल व जाँ से अगर उसकी पाबन्दी की जावे तो सब-कुछ हल हो जावेगा। मामूली बातें यह रह जायेंगी जिसमें बहुत सी बातें ऐसी होतीं है कि शायद तुम खुद न कह सको क्योंकि वो ज़्यादःतर तुमसे और बिरादराने सत्संगी से तालुक़ रक्खेंगी। तहज़ीब की बहरहाल हर जगह ज़रूरत है, इसके लिए तुम कुछ बातें खुद क़ाइम करके किसी शख्स के सुपुर्द कर दो जो वखतन-फ-वखतन उनसे कहता रहे। यह सब आदाबे पीर पर मबनी होंगी। हर शख्स को चाहिए कि एक आसान मुक़र्रर कर लेवे और जब अपने पीर या बुजुर्ग़ के सामने बैठे तो उसी आसन पर बैठे, ख़सूसन उस वक्त जब कि सत्संग हो रहा हो। और आसान न बदले। हर शख्स इंतज़ार में रहे कि क्या हुक्म होता है। दीग़र, यह बात लाज़मी है कि अपने बिरादराने मक़तब को बिलकुल बिरादर समझे और वैसा ही बर्ताव करे। कोशिश करे मान्द्गी में शरीख हो। खिदमत ऐसी ही करे जैसी पीर की करना वाज़िब है। जहां तक हो सके ग़मज़दा न रहना चाहिए। अगर ग़म आ भी जावे तो समझ ले कि मौजे-मालिक यही है और उस पर साबिर और शाक़िर रहे। इसमें तस्कीन हो जावेगी। भौड़ी बात सुनना कुफ्र है। अगर किसी मजलिस में ऐसी बातें हों जिसका सुनना हक़ीक़तन रवाँ नहीं है, उस मजलिस से किनाराकसी इख़्तियार कर ले। पीर को चाहिए कि उसकी निग़ाह यक्साँ रहे; बारिश होती रहे और एक-दूसरे में तफ़रीक़ न समझे। तकलीफ उठावे और खिदमत सब की करे; रूहानी व् जिस्मानी। [हज़रत क़िब्ला : जो वाक़ई पीर है, उसकी हालत यह ख़ास है।] इसमें जो बिरादराने सत्संगी का आपस में फ़र्ज़ है, बिलकुल वैसा ही फ़र्ज़ पीर पर भी है, यानी अपने आप को किसी तरह से उनसे बड़ा न समझे। अगर कोई उम्दा बात किसी को मिल जावे, फ़ौरन पीर से कह देवे। मुहबब्त ही सब-कुछ करा लेती है। यही चीज़ है जो खुद organize हो जाती है। इस रस्सी में सब बँध सकते हैं।"

"मैं चाहता हूँ जो मुराकिबः मैं 18.09.1944 के dictate में तहरीर कर चूका हूँ और जिसका ज़िक्र फतेहगढ़ के भण्डारे सन 1945 में भी किया जा चुका है उसको हस्ब जैल तरमीम के साथ ज़रूर किया जावे। रोज़ाना।"

"मुराकिबः मुझमें और सब सत्संगी भाइयों के दिल में गुरु के तवस्सुल से ईष्वरीय प्रेम पैदा हो रहा है और श्रृद्धा बढ़ रही है। आख़िर में ऐसा ख़याल बाँध कर कि यह वाक़ई हो गया, मुराकिबः ख़त्म किया जावे।"

"यह मुराकिबः शाम को ठीक 09.00 बजे सब लोग जहाँ जहाँ हों, वहीं शुरू कर दें और पन्द्रह मिनट तक करें।"

नोट : तरमीम बाला बाबू ईश्वर सहाय के कहने से की गयी। वाक़ई हज़रात क़िब्ला का भी यही मंशा था कि सज़्ज़ादानशीन साहिब को सेण्टर मान कर चला जावे।

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "इसको मैं बहुत ज़रूरी समझता हूँ। बाबू ईश्वर सहाय से कह दो कि अपने यहाँ सब को बता दें और रविन्द्र नाथ खरे को भी लिख दें। यह टेप का बंद है। बेशुमार फायदे हैं - रूहानी और इख़लाक़ी। करके देखें। एक नुस्ख है, हर शख्स तसाहिली में मुब्तिला है। मोहब्बत भी है मगर तसाहिली कुछ करने नहीं देती। कितना बुरा मर्ज़ है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj] : "The ethics developed [worked out] by you, if observed through heart and soul is capable for solving every problem. Some minor ordinary things may still remain, which will contain many items that you may not yourself be able to tell due to these being concerned with you and brethren belonging to your spiritual society. Culture, any way, is needed everywhere : for that you may yourself fix some points and entrust to somebody who would be telling [these] to people from time to time. These will be based entirely on respect due to the Master. Everybody ought to fix one posture to be adopted without changing it. While he / she would sit in front of one's Master or respected elder, specially at the time of 'group-meditation'. Everybody should be attentively waiting for what order may be there. The other thing that remains essential that one should consider fellow disciples exactly as brethren and treat them as such. There should be sincere attempt to join fellow brethren in their distress. Service to fellow brethren should be rendered like what is considered proper to render to my Master. One should not be morose [melancholy] so far as possible. If an occasion for sadness still is there, it is to be taken that God's [Master's] current of [free] will is just like that, to be borne with patience and gratitude : that will provide solace. To listen to profane talk is sacrilege. If in some assemblage such talks be going on [taking place] as may not be really proper to listen to them, One should be away from that assemblage. For the respected [spiritual] guide [Master] it is essential to have a uniform eye on [attitude to] everybody : rain of goodwill [and benediction] should continue without making differentiation of one from the other. He should take suffering on to himself and render service to everybody both in the spiritual and physical way. In this regard, what ever duty the brethren of [spiritual] organization have with respect to one another, that same [duty] is capable to the guide [Master] as well. That is to say that the guide is not consider oneself as superior to brethren of the organisation, in any respect. One who is guide [Master], in the real sense, remains in this special state. If someone across something fine and good [principle or material] it should be immediately brought to the notice of the guide. Love alone brings up everything to perfection. This happens to be the just the thing that comes up to get automatically organized [by itself]. All can be roped in through this alone."

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] continued after a pause : "I want that the meditation which I mentioned in my dictation of 18.09.1944, and which was referred to at the 'Annual function' [Bhandaaraa] of Fatehgarh as well in 19445, would be introduced with modification as followers for compulsory daily practice. The meditation is to be on the thought that 'Devine love is developing and faith is increasing through Master's medium-ship in the heart's of all brethren of [spiritual] mission and myself'. The meditation should end with the firm thought that this has actually been done [achieved]. The meditation should be taken up actually at 09.00 PM by everybody, just wherever one may happened to be at that time."

Note : This modification was introduced at the instance of Ishwar Sahai. In reality Revered Master's intention was also the same, viz. that the purpose be carried on keeping the 'successor-representative' as the central [of the whole process].

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] instructed further : "I consider this as very important. Tell Ishwar Sahai to intimate this to everybody and write to Ravindra Nath Khare also. This is check-value of the tap [pipe] : there are innumerable benefits, both spiritual and moral [concerning character]. People need just to take it up for practice. There is one defect : everybody is indulging in laziness. Love is there, no doubt; but laziness does not allow [people] to do anything : what a big disease!"

Monday the 13th January 1948 [at Lakhimpur Kheri] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Gandhi Ji is on Fast. What for? To bring the condition of India on the balance. He is doing his business : you should do yours. Let us see who succeeds. He will be shot dead."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई मन। गांघी को क्या कहा जावे। लामजहब कह लो। बनियों से सल्तनत का काम हुआ है ? क़ुदरत को यही हिकमत मन्ज़ूर होती जो गाँधी जी की है तो कृष्णावतार क्यों होता। उनको खबर नहीं, क़ुदरत क्या चाहती है और न उनमें इतनी ताक़त है कि मंशाए ऐज़दी को रोक सकें। आँखें नही खुलीं। इतना ज़ुल्म देखा। मंशा क़ुदरत का ही सही मगर ऐसे ज़ुल्म व् सितम देख कर हर शख्स का दिल उमड़ना चाहिए था। किसी और वजह से मैं यह नहीं कह रहा हूँ बल्कि देखो तो सही। उसूले सोसाइटी पर ग़ौर करो, पता चलेगा, कहाँ तक वो सही हैं। दुश्मनी से मेरा मतलब नहीं। यह तो किसी से नहीं होना चाहिए। मगर अत्याचार को रफा करना उनका फ़र्ज़ था। दिखा देते की हम में कितनी ताक़त है। उधर खामोशी हो जाती। इससे क़ुदरत के मंशा में भी अज़ाफ़ा होता था। ख़ैर, करने दो जो कुछ चाहें। तुम वही करना जो कुछ हुक्म है। ताक़त नहीं गांधी जी में जो हिन्दू सोसाइटी को सम्हाल सकें और न उनके तरीक़े हैं। इसमें अगर काम कर सकती है तो वही क़ुदरते क़ामिला। बिला उसकी मर्ज़ी के कुछ नहीं हो सकता। पटके जाओ हाँथ-पैर।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Brother mine, what to say of Gandhi Ji! Irreligious may be an appropriate expression! Have business - people ever done well as rulers? If the same policy that Gandhi Ji proposes had been acceptable to Nature, why should be incarnation of Lord Krishna ever have been there? He [Gandhi Ji] has no awareness of Nature's will; nor does he possess the power [capability] to restrain [obstruct] fulfillment of the Divine [will]! His eyes have not yet got opened after seeing so much tyranny!"

"Even though it may be Nature's intention [will], but on seeing [viewing] such acts of cruelty and tyranny, even [human] heart must well up. This I am not saying with any special purpose [reason]! Just see, any way, and pay attention to social principals [of reciprocal courtesy] : that will make you aware as to how far he [Gandhi Ji] is right! I do not mean [to suggest the attitude of] enmity : that should not be there for any body; but it was his duty to put off this excessive tyranny. He should have demonstrated strength to silence to other side : that would have caused increase of Nature's will [intention] as well! Alright, let his do what he may like : you should comply exactly to what ever orders may be there! Gandhi has no power [capability] to control [improve] Hindu society; and neither his ways [methods] are directed to that end! In this regard only that omnipotent Nature is to be effective, without whose will nothing can happen [be achieved], however much one may exert one's limbs!"

[Here, reference is to the political situation in India at the time. In the wake of transfer of power from British to Indian hands with division of the country and prevailing confusion, there were large scale communal riots and brutality. Gandhi Ji fasted to force Indian Government to give 550 million rupees to Pakistan, reconstruct ruined Muslim shrines in Delhi, and rehabilitate Muslims of Delhi who had left Pakistan, by facilitating their return to Delhi and so on.]

Tuesday the 14th January 1948 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are enjoying the same position that I have talked about in the book [Efficacy of Raja Yoga]. Your Guru has established you in His place. It does not mean that you come again and again in this world. The present state of affairs as going on, is due to its head [Revered Laalaaji Sahib] being in the Brighter world through His agency."

Wednesday the 15th January 1948 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are at this stage thinking of God while reciting the devotional song. There is no necessity of measuring God in the shallow depths of ocean [of existence]. Of course, it is natural that when ever a man thinks of God, he considers him at the highest. For you that is necessary. This is for children, not for persons of your standard. Your condition is known to me and to your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : you are unaware of it. You should always think yourself in God. You need not search for the highest. Sing again! When you are in search of the Center, you need not go abroad!"

Friday the 17th January 1948 :

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "तुमने यह वाकया मुझसे उस वक़्त क्यों नहीं पूँछा जब हर बात मैं बता रहा था। तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महत्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] भी इसको समझा सकते थे। यह बात ऐसी बहीं है जैसी कि तुमने पढ़ी है। बात सही है मगर इज़हार का तरीक़ा दूसरा। अमूमन देखा गया है कि जब शायर किसी बात को बयान करता है तो ज़्यादा तर उसकी दिमाग़ी ठोसता काम करती है और वो अपने ख़यालात को उसी रूप में ले आता है। यह इन्सानी खास्सा है। मैंने अर्जुन पर एक हालत तारी की और वोह लगभग वही थी जिसको मैं तुमको किसी वक़्त दिखा चूका हूँ। भय तुमको इस लिए पैदा नहीं हुआ कि तुम बल्लियों आगे हो चुके थे। अर्जुन को मुझे उस वक़्त उस हालत में लाना था और वहाँ पर वो करिश्मा दिखाना था जहाँ पर हर चीज़ आने से पाहिले हो चुकती है। नज़ारा ख़ौफ़नाक़ ज़रूर था और उसको उसी हैसियत से दिखाया गया था। यह एक हालत है। इसको उसके देखने की ताव न थी। क्यों? इस लिए कि उसकी हालत चकाचौंधपन की हो गयी थी। मैंने अपनी पूरी 'will' से इसको खीँच दिया था और काफी तौर से उसमें फैला दिया था। यह ग़लत है कि मेरे इतने हाँथ-पैर हो गए थे। और मुँह से शोले निकल रहे थे और उसमें शूर-वीर जल रहे थे। तुमने कभी ख्याल नहीं किया, इसलिए कि ज़ात के लुत्फ़ व सुरूर में मुब्तिला हो। वार्ना यह हालत तिफ़्ले-मक़तब भी पैदा कर सकते हैं। फ़र्क़ इतना है कि वो उन परमाणुओं और रेज़ो को उभार नहीं सकते। तिफ़्ले-मक़तब के लफ्ज़ से चौंके होंगे। मुराद यह है कि रूहानियत में चलने वाले expert के ज़ेरे रहने वाले कैसा कामिल, जैसा कि तुम्हारा गुरु [महत्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] है। एक ज़रा सी निगाह में जिसके यह ताक़त अभ्यासी में मौजूद होती है, देर-सवेर का सवाल नहीं। ज़ाहिर है कि अगर यह बात जल्दी पैदा हो जाए तो इसको उसी नाम से मौसम करेंगे। और बात भी सही है, इसलिए कि हर शख्स मुब्तिदी ही रहा। ऐसे मुबलिग़े हिन्दू किताबों में जाने कितने पाए जाते है।"

"तुम लोग इस मक़ाम को 'कुबरा' कहते हो। वसीअ मैदान यह है मगर जिसको तुम 'mind region' कह रहे हो वोह अफ़ज़लतरी मक़ाम है, जिसके आगे ज़ात ही ज़ात शुरू हो जाती है। पहिले हुक्म सीधा 'mind region' पर होता है। वहाँ समझ लो, एक मशीन फिट है। उसकी हरकत से आंटे की तरह होने वाली चीज़ बाहर आती है और फ़िर उसका पसरा हो जाता है। जिस मक़ाम पर कि आंटा गिरता है और फिर जितना नीचे आता जाता है, फैलता जाता है, यानि उसकी चौड़ाई बढ़ती जाती है। जैसे की पहाड़ पर से अगर पानी फेंका जाय तो उसके दमन कर उसकी चौड़ाई बढ़ जाती है। वहाँ पर यह बात उससे पाहिले हो चुकती है। लिहाज़ा यह बात जो तुमने कही थी, 'mind region' की नहीं थी।"

"तुम जो कुछ काम करते हो उसकी तहरीक़ का आग़ाज़ वहीँ से होता है। इस लिए कि उस 'power' से काम कर रहे हो जो 'center' के नीचे मबज़ूल होती है यानि होने वाली बात की किस्मत बनाना शुरू कर देते हो। 'power' जितनी बढ़ाते जाओगे, चीज़ ज़हूर में आती जाएगी। इसलिए मेहनत करने को कहा गया है।"

Friday the 17th January 1948 :

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "तुमने यह वाकया मुझसे उस वक़्त क्यों नहीं पूँछा जब हर बात मैं बता रहा था। तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महत्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] भी इसको समझा सकते थे। यह बात ऐसी बहीं है जैसी कि तुमने पढ़ी है। बात सही है मगर इज़हार का तरीक़ा दूसरा। अमूमन देखा गया है कि जब शायर किसी बात को बयान करता है तो ज़्यादा तर उसकी दिमाग़ी ठोसता काम करती है और वो अपने ख़यालात को उसी रूप में ले आता है। यह इन्सानी खास्सा है। मैंने अर्जुन पर एक हालत तारी की और वोह लगभग वही थी जिसको मैं तुमको किसी वक़्त दिखा चूका हूँ। भय तुमको इस लिए पैदा नहीं हुआ कि तुम बल्लियों आगे हो चुके थे। अर्जुन को मुझे उस वक़्त उस हालत में लाना था और वहाँ पर वो करिश्मा दिखाना था जहाँ पर हर चीज़ आने से पाहिले हो चुकती है। नज़ारा ख़ौफ़नाक़ ज़रूर था और उसको उसी हैसियत से दिखाया गया था। यह एक हालत है। इसको उसके देखने की ताव न थी। क्यों? इस लिए कि उसकी हालत चकाचौंधपन की हो गयी थी। मैंने अपनी पूरी 'will' से इसको खीँच दिया था और काफी तौर से उसमें फैला दिया था। यह ग़लत है कि मेरे इतने हाँथ-पैर हो गए थे। और मुँह से शोले निकल रहे थे और उसमें शूर-वीर जल रहे थे। तुमने कभी ख्याल नहीं किया, इसलिए कि ज़ात के लुत्फ़ व सुरूर में मुब्तिला हो। वार्ना यह हालत तिफ़्ले-मक़तब भी पैदा कर सकते हैं। फ़र्क़ इतना है कि वो उन परमाणुओं और रेज़ो को उभार नहीं सकते। तिफ़्ले-मक़तब के लफ्ज़ से चौंके होंगे। मुराद यह है कि रूहानियत में चलने वाले expert के ज़ेरे रहने वाले कैसा कामिल, जैसा कि तुम्हारा गुरु [महत्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] है। एक ज़रा सी निगाह में जिसके यह ताक़त अभ्यासी में मौजूद होती है, देर-सवेर का सवाल नहीं। ज़ाहिर है कि अगर यह बात जल्दी पैदा हो जाए तो इसको उसी नाम से मौसम करेंगे। और बात भी सही है, इसलिए कि हर शख्स मुब्तिदी ही रहा। ऐसे मुबलिग़े हिन्दू किताबों में जाने कितने पाए जाते है।"

"तुम लोग इस मक़ाम को 'कुबरा' कहते हो। वसीअ मैदान यह है मगर जिसको तुम 'mind region' कह रहे हो वोह अफ़ज़लतरी मक़ाम है, जिसके आगे ज़ात ही ज़ात शुरू हो जाती है। पहिले हुक्म सीधा 'mind region' पर होता है। वहाँ समझ लो, एक मशीन फिट है। उसकी हरकत से आंटे की तरह होने वाली चीज़ बाहर आती है और फ़िर उसका पसरा हो जाता है। जिस मक़ाम पर कि आंटा गिरता है और फिर जितना नीचे आता जाता है, फैलता जाता है, यानि उसकी चौड़ाई बढ़ती जाती है। जैसे की पहाड़ पर से अगर पानी फेंका जाय तो उसके दमन कर उसकी चौड़ाई बढ़ जाती है। वहाँ पर यह बात उससे पाहिले हो चुकती है। लिहाज़ा यह बात जो तुमने कही थी, 'mind region' की नहीं थी।"

"तुम जो कुछ काम करते हो उसकी तहरीक़ का आग़ाज़ वहीँ से होता है। इस लिए कि उस 'power' से काम कर रहे हो जो 'center' के नीचे मबज़ूल होती है यानि होने वाली बात की किस्मत बनाना शुरू कर देते हो। 'power' जितनी बढ़ाते जाओगे, चीज़ ज़हूर में आती जाएगी। इसलिए मेहनत करने को कहा गया है।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "Why did you not ask me about this event [Vision of distracted aspect of Universal Divinity etc. as contained in the text of 'Bhagavad Gita'] at the time I was telling you everything? Your Reverend Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] too could have explained this thing to you. It is not exactly as you read it in the text [of Gita]. The matter is correct, but the way of expression is different. Generally, it has been noticed that when a poet describes some thing, the grossness of his / her mind is at work, and he / she brings up the ideas in that same form. This is human characteristic. I had brought Arjuna under the spell of a [spiritual] state; and this was almost the same one that I have demonstrated to you sometime. Fear You did not experience [like Arjuna] because you had gone poles ahead already. I had to bring Arjuna to that state, and demonstrate the miracle to him there, where events occur [in the subtle manner] before adopting concrete gross form. The vision was certainly fearsome [horrible]; and it was shown to him as such [in that very shape]. That is a state. He could not bear that sight, because his condition had come to be one of bedazzlement. I had drawn it up through my whole 'will-power' and spread it sufficiently in him. It is wrong to say that I had developed so many limbs, and that flames of fire were leaping up in my mouth, wherein warriors and soldiers were being consumed [burnt up]. You never paid attention this way due to being involved in the intoxication of the 'Ultimate Being' [Zaat], otherwise this condition [state] can be created even by school-children! The only difference is that they cannot arouse those particles and atoms [molecules]. The words school-children would have caused surprise to you. By this expression I mean people under the protective shade of an expert pilgrim in the sphere of spirituality. A little wink [of grace] in the eye of a perfect Master like your Revered Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] can bring up this poser in the aspirant at once : no question sooner or later! Obviously if this thing [power] comes up early, that person will have to be designated that way [as school-child]. This is correct also, because everybody remained just a beginner. Such exaggerations are plentiful, who knows how many, in Hindu scriptures! You call this spot 'Kubra' [cosmic region]. It is also a vast field. However, what you are designating as 'Mind region' [in your book - 'Efficacy Of Raja Yoga'] is very superior spot, beyond which 'Zaat' and 'Zaat' alone starts! First of all orders descend straight on the 'Mind-region'. There, take it, as thought a machine fitted, whose functioning brings out what is some thing like flour [out of grinding machine] which then happens to spread over! At the place where flour falls [it sobers some space]; but as it comes further downwards, it covers more area i.e. its width [breadth] goes on increasing. For example, if water is [continually] thrown downhill, its width increases as it comes to the skirt of the mountain [hill]. There, this thing would have occurred earlier : as such, what you had narrated was concerning the 'Mind region'. What ever work you do, its movement starts just there, because you are making use of that power which gets transferred [descends] just below the centre. This is to say that you start weaving the destiny of what is to occur : the more you go on increasing the power, the thing [event] will be coming to manifestation to that same extent. That is just why instructions for putting up labor [work] have been there."

Thursday the 30th January 1948 :

नोट : करीब सवा सात बजे शाम को हुकुम मिला कि गांधी जी* की शान्ति के लिए meditate किया जावे। नारायण सहाय, हरिहर सहाय और एक दो अहसहाब भी शामिल हुए। नारायण व हरी को अससास हुआ कि गाँधी जी की soul उस वक़्त मौजूद थी और उनका यह ख्याल सही था।

Note : Near about 07.15 PM an order was received to the effect that group-meditation [by way of prayer] be conducted [taken up] for the peace of Gandhi Ji's soul. Narayan Sahay, Hari Har Sahay and one or two more persons also were included [in the group meditation]. Narayan Sahay had the feeling that the soul of Gandhi Ji present at the time; and that was correct.


* footnote : Mahatma Gandhi [Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi],

frail in appearance; simple, unassuming and austere to the point of asceticism in his way of life was not happy in the last days of his life. He was in deep agony in midst of communal-hatred and violence. He was shot dead on 30.01.1948 at about 05.30 PM in New Delhi at his prayer-meeting in 'Birla House' by Nathu Ram Vinayak Godsey.

. Gandhi Ji was about 78 years of age. Pundit Nehru said, "The glory has departed and the sun that warmed and brightened our lives has set, and we shiver in the cold and dark. Yet he would not have feel us this way. When we look in to our hearts, we still find the living flames which he lighted and if these living flames exist, there will not be darkness in this land."

Friday the 31st January 1948 :

I [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] was assigned a duty to work about India as a whole. The order was to work very fast [most intensely].

Dictation from Swami Vivekananda Ji [time 09.40 PM] : "God's will is to be obeyed : nobody can go beyond that. You need not care for what is happening in the wold. Just do the duty assigned to you. Stick to your work without worrying for my happenings what so ever. Really speaking you are playing the truth part of Nature in the field of politics. No change can be made unless one or the other great soul, coming for the purpose, is attached to it. That is the law, applicable not only to India but to the whole world."

"Boys, are you shocked at the death of Gandhi Ji? Naturally, you should be : he was a great man, a politician, whom the world will remember for all the work. However, you need now control and end your grief. No body can stop what is to happen : that is the law of Nature. Such a great person in the field of politics, India will not see in future : he was good at heart and had noble ethos. He has played his part very well, no doubt; but when he is not needed, he has been been called off, or rather snatched away from your midst. He was middling with our affairs. His thoughts and purposes were, no doubt, pure, but he was not under guidance of some great soul, who he may have consulted. Your letter reached him but he did not take it in to consideration. Was it not his duty to consult you [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] in the matter? It was written by the President of a spiritual organization; and this should have been sufficient for him to pay heed to it. Many things would have been clarified and his programme of work would have drawn up for future. I would not have hinted for him in any way to come in open rebellion; but there was enough work, capable of handling by him. I tell you, he was called back sometime earlier than his actual death : that is why his soul is coming to you for peace. Until he makes up that remaining period of his present life, he will not be set at the proper place, needed for him. He will remain just like this till the period [remaining from his abruptly ended life] comes to expire. This is why you have not been ordered any more than giving required peace to his soul. Gandhi commanded quite a good deal here in this world; but he has no command over where you are."

"There are many things in these notes which should not be public properly, as long as you are alive. Afterwards all these will go to the 'Press'. Keep these notes in safe custody. These notes obtained by you to please your 'Bhaayee Sahib' [Respected brother Madan Mohan Lal] may be dropped : these were at your request to our Lord [your Guru - Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. I know you have taken down in your notes what your Revered Master did not tell you, or what happened to be contrary to His real wish [liking]. Some notes, he [Munshi Madan Mohan Lal] has got with him, that are only your property, and of your successor-representative, after you. Nobody is allowed to copy these out and make his own notes out of that. I want to prepare your successor-representative; but who he is, and when he comes to you remains a closely guarded secret. Your physical infirmity obliged me to prepare one person for the task. The best suited person for the purpose shall be he who is absorbed in you. Is it not a fact that from a very beginning you have tried to remain absorbed in your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], our Great Lord : you had no other business. Is there any one brave enough to come in the field like you? There is no drawback in you and we are powerless in that respect : you have not yet lost what you inherited from your father. If I remove that from you, you will decidedly go back to the place assigned to you by our Lord [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. It is possible that some people may get deceived; but we are sorry for that! There thin veil left on you by your Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : call it the veil for deception for others. If it is broken, you will no more be living. This is the thing needed for a great soul like you and I. My Lord [Paramhamsa Ramakrishna] had left something something in me, which was broken [shattered] a little before I had gone from this world. My condition was like yours in this respect."

Note : Revered Swami Ji brought an estimate of this veil to my experience; but no words are available to put it in to writing.

Dictation from Swami Vivekananda Ji continued : "Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] had a similar veil; but he had power to tear it off. However, as regards you, your Master has kept this key reserved to himself. Look here and search out you seem to be the only soul in your family, who tried to have communion [unity] with God. Remember, such a personality always comes from such a dark block. People are foreseeing Avatar [incarnation of God]. Is it there? How can they feel and know? If they find the air filled with the same force : if they meditate on the point, they will find the germs sufficiently developed in the air. You are the spiritual Master and Avatar for that. You can do in one second what people can not do in a thousand years, if they sit together for the same period. I tell you, nobody, born on the earth, excepting your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], had this kind of power; and one thug worth remembering is that if you exercise this power on a medium, it will turn lifeless. This is the specialty, found in Avatar of this kind. You can bring a man at once to liberation."

"If I reveal the fact, I myself am to accept your discipleship in this respect. I am merged in you. What for? I am running with you : all the great souls, merged in you, have really speaking the same object in you. No liberated soul will do this without adequate cause. Your Revered Master's [of Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] position is quite different. You went in to you; he came in to you : that is the relation that a great Master must have with His disciple, made [developed] to work for Himself. If you search in the depth, you will find many seers and sages in you, weather they have proclaimed to that effect, or not. You utilise such power and see the result. If you cast this power on somebody, his / her condition will be like yours. Nature, anyway, does not seem to need such a great personality in future. So, you have been forbidden by your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] to cast [transfer] such power in to any one. "

"Has anybody seen a Master who transfers whatever He gains in the brighter world in to His chosen disciple? Who has got eyes to see such things. They are frogs in the well! Nobody has capacity to understand this. They are barking like dogs : really speaking thing they have nothing substantial in them. They have not yet measured the field abroad. They are sick persons, who always require a doze [of intoxication]. Icy subjects are there before them, and they are moving on the glossy surface. I am using the world 'they' for those persons who are not needed to be in the society set up by 'Laalaaji Sahib' in His name. I can say the same for the great seers and sages of the world : nobody was yet born, who is prepared for such a kind of teaching, which you so often conceive off. There is one specialty in your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], which is hard to find in anybody else : while swimming in the utter state of the Ultimate Center, He is yet praying for your spiritual advancement in spite of the fact that he has given what he ha reserved for you. He is praying all the time to give you more and more. Is there another example for the earth like this? While swimming in the Ultimate Center, we have really speaking not prayer but order, although it is made in a subtle way. Power and energy fail here."

Sunday the 02nd February 1948 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "India can not shone out without the weapon, being used by you. Who succeeded in securing freedom for India? Apparently Mahatma Gandhi, in deed! Gandhi Ji had will-force no doubt. He exercised this power for bringing the result, before you started work. Was his effort, then, sufficient to produce the effect? He was busy but that job for thirty years and more! Why did he not succeed within that period? The answer is and plain and simple! He was working minty with human power. People may laugh, if I tell them that there is only one personality in existence that deserves congratulations. The future prospect depends on that one personality [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] alone. See, what Gandhi Ji could not achieve here in India, the one personality will do for the whole world. Change, nobody can induct, except yourself! Even I am powerless; and everybody in the brighter world has no power to touch the subject. You know why you have been assigned the job! Nature has meant it to be that way. Finish the work of India first; and then let us see how and what strength of European countries stand! They have not seen such person in India, whose quiet action can finish the whole world. There has never been, I believe, a person with this power. There is no record in the past : so people are in the dark. Here the record in being prepared for them to see! On the bones - on the bones - construct - hurry up - hurry up! [Pause]"

"The world is in mourning but Churchill [conservative Prime Minister of England / Great Britain during II world war] is happy on the said demise of Gandhi Ji! I have not known anybody as black hearten as he [Sir Winston Churchill] is!"

ऋषि अगस्त [Working के बारे में कहा] : "हालात बहुत बढ़ रहे हैं। मजबूरी है। क़ुदरत का हुक़्म यही है।

Sage Agastya [observing the working of Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] : "The state is excessively enhancing. [Pause] There is helplessness; Nature's order is just this!"

नोट : 31 जनवरी को जो ड्यूटी मिली थी आज बतारीख़ 03 फरवरी 10 बजे दिन ख़त्म कर दी गयी।

Note : The duty that had been assigned on 31.01.1948 has got completed [finished] today on 03.02.1948 at 10.00 AM.

Wednesday the 05th February 1948 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "गाँधी जी की रूह भटक रही है। ऊपर को जाने का इरादा करती है, मगर नहीं जा सकती। क्या liberation हो गया। हरग़िज़ नहीं। उनका लगाव था। किसी से हो। पब्लिक से ख़्वाह घर वालों से। दोनों सूरतें एक ही हैं। बहुत से reformer गुज़र गए, क्या सबने liberation हाँसिल कर लिया। नहीं। यह बात [reformer होना] बहुत आसान है। किताबें पढ़ लो; खूब study कर लो। नुक़ात समझ लो। फिर क्या, एक लाइन पर काम करना शुरू कर दो। अगर क़ुव्वते रोयाई ज़बरदस्त है, लोग मानने लगेंगे। किसी बुराई में तज़ुर्बा कर के देख लो, उसके भी मानने वाले मिलेंगें। उनका हाल क्या हुआ। उन्होंने, शक नहीं, कि हिंदुस्तान में आज़ादी की महक हर जगह फैला दी। लोग पैरो बने; नतीज़ा हो गया। ख़्वाह वक़्त ने किया, ख़्वाह हुक्म था। ग़र्ज़े कि सेहरा उन्हीं के िसर रहा। क्या गांधी जी में ताक़त थी उस काम को करने की जो दिल्ली जा कर तुमने किया। खैर, आज़ाद हो गए। मगर न क्या होना बाक़ी है। किसी को ख़बर नहीं जो चीज़ बाक़ी रह गयी है; यानि आज़ादी पर न्योछावर होने वाली वो होगी। नदियाँ बहेंगी। Man slaughter से मतलब नहीं। कुछ elements ग़ायब होंगे। गवर्नमेंट को रुख बदलना होगा। तुम लोगों की फिर duties लगेंगी। पकिस्तान सिर उठाएगा। ग़र्ज़े कि देखो क्या क्या होता है। अभी ज़मीं खून चाह रही है। रात - दिन पाकिस्तान में तैय्यारी रही है कि अपनी ताक़त मज़बूत करे और इनाने सल्तनत कुल अपने हाँथ में ले ले। गयी होती अगर अरब, फारिस, मेसोपोटामियाँ ताक़तवर सल्तनतें होतीं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Gandhi Ji's soul is roaming. It intents to go up, but can not do that. Has it secured liberation? Not at all! He had attachment, to whom so ever it may be : members of family or people in general are both at one and the same level in this regard. There have been so many reformers : have all of them secured liberation? Not at all. This thing [to be a reformer] is quite easy. Read books; study sufficiently well; grasp the points; and then start working along a [certain] line. If the capacity for effective oratory is there, people will start getting convinced [and have faith in you]. Just have practical experience with regard to something evil : you will find adherents [faithful followers] of that even. What happened in Gandhi Ji's case? No doubt, he spread aroma [fragrance] of freedom [independence] in India everywhere. People came to follow him; and the result was there, through [the force of] time or through [Divine] command. Any way, The credit went to him. Did he possess the power to do what you did at Delhi [about three years back]. Alright, freedom [political independence] has been achieved; but who knows what is yet to happen [come]. Nobody has any inkling of what still remains. That will be something to bestow freedom there on. Streams will flow. I do not mean man slaughter. Some elements will disappear. The Government will have to change direction. You people will again be assigned duties. Pakistan will raise it hood. Just see, what will be coming [to happen]. The earth is thirsting blood. Preparations are on, day and night in Pakistan, to strengthen its power and take the reigns of sultanate entirely in their hands. There would have happened if Arabia, Persia and other like states had been powerful enough."

गाँधी जी : "मुझ से क्या पुँछते हो, मरने के बाद भी सेराबी नहीं हुयी। सच्चाई का principle रहा; सच्चे घर न पहुँचे। लगाव था, लगाव ही में रहा। सच है। अब आज़ादी की भूख है। कहीं पाकिस्तान का ख़याल है, कहीं घर का लगाव [यानि India का]; कहीं नेहरू का ख्याल। यह बातें हैं जो साथ लाया। खुशामत करता हूँ कि इस से छुड़ा दो। मैं इस क़दर मशरूफ़ था कि खत को समझ लिया कि ऐसे ही लिखा करते हैं। नेहरू मुझे तक़लीफ़ से छुड़ा नहीं सकते। मैंने सबको एक ही रस्सी में बाँधना चाहा जो क़ानूने क़ुदरत के ख़िलाफ़ है। नतीज़ा यह हुआ। वाक़ई इसकी बाग़डोर उसको देना चाहिए जो रूहानी रौशनी पाए हुए हो या फ़िर इतना जंगजू हो कि तेज से अपना काम बना ले। तुम्हारी निगाह मेरी तरफ़ क्यों नहीं फ़िरती। मुझे तुम्हारी हालत का अगर इश्रने-अशीर भी पता हो जाता तो वाक़ई काम से अलहदा हो चुकता। यह सल्तनत क़ाइम नहीं रह सकती अगर आपने रोक न लिया।"

Mahatma Gandhi : "What do you ask me : there is satiation even after death. I remained devoted to the principal of truth, but could not arrive at the real home. Attachment was there; I remained just there in. True, there is hunger for liberty [liberation] now! There is thought of Pakistan some where and of whom i.e. India else where. At another time the concern about Nehru [Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India] is hunting. There are the things that I have brought with me. I implore to be rid of it all! I was involve that ignored your letter as something casual. Nehru can not rid me of my predicament [travel]. I tried to rope in everybody together, which is against the law of Nature. I came to this pass! Really, the reigns [of such affairs] should be put in the hands of one who is spiritually enlightened, or else the one who may happen to be capable of serving the purpose through force of arms. Why does your eye of kindness not turned to me? If I had come to know of even a decimal part [fraction] of your status, I would really have snatched myself away from the work [job]. This kingdom can not last, if you do not retain it."

Thursday the 06th February 1948 time 07.30 PM :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The world is in the state of misery an going down in every way. Russia is improving day by day. America is swelling in money. Britain is slowly growing poor. With all these things let us see where destruction begins."

[The plan map of the subject concerning this dictate to view].

"These are notes for your guidance in future. Wait for the work. Let us see the fate of India first. Nehru's policy, which he boasts of, is creating poison. It is neither spiritual nor social. Government can not pul on with such things. I shall appoint you to correct him. Better if you take the reigns in your hands. Orders are being issued. You should appoint some sage for the work according to need. City wise you can arrange; but remember 'sword on one side'. Nehru's is to be protected. Hindu is a hard morsel to be swallowed by anybody."

Saturday the 08th February 1948 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "स्वामी जी महाराज ने तुम्हारे बारे में बहुत से राज़ खोल दिए; मतलब तारीफ़ से नहीं है। वाक़्यात में कोई कुछ भी समझे, उसको इख़्तियार है। अवतार की हालत का नक़्शा लोगों पर यूँ जमा है कि उसके पास बैठने और तवज्जोः पाने से पाप मोक्ष हो जाते हैं। रामावतार, कृष्णावतार में यह बात ज़रूर थी; जो उनके क़रीब पहुँचा, तर ज़रूर गया, और यह होता रहता है। और हर अवतार के साथ यह बात लगी हुयी है, मगर भाई, लिब्रेशन देना मज़ाक़ नहीं। यह और चीज़ है। क्या कोई इस पर फ़क़्र कर सकता है, यह बिलकुल उसी के हाँथ में हो। सच तो यह है कि वाक़ई तार देना। क्या कहूँ लफ्ज़ नहीं बनते। कहो दूँ, तिफ़लाने मकवत का काम है। आदमी तो वो है जो वाक़ई किसी को liberate कर दे। क्या हुआ चाबी भर कर भेजा गया, उसके ख़त्म होने पर फिर वापसी हुयी। चीज़ तो असल liberate है। कह दूँ। कि है कोई मर्दे मैदाँ जो इसको कर सके - है कोई - ? है। जिसके हाँथ में क़ुदरत ने इसको दिया है। वही हो सकता है मगर एक बात फिर कहूँगा कि क़ानून क़ुदरत के ख़िलाफ़ भी है कि बिना संस्कार भुगवाये हुए किसी को liberate किया जावे। हुए हैं ऐसे लोग जिनमें यह ताक़त हो सकती थी मगर उनमें यह यारा नहीं था कि संस्कारों को ख़त्म कर सकते; लिहाज़ा खामोश ही रहे। क़ुदरत ने वाक़ई इस मद में तुमको भरपूर किया है। दोनों मलके दे दिए, मगर मेरी राय यह है कि इस औज़ार को काम इस्तेमाल करना। कौन जानेगा किस्में यह क़ुव्वत है। आह - अफ़सोस। ठीक है। अफ़सोस - क्यों - इस हालत को कोई जान न सकेगा। सीने पर लिए चले जाओगे। कोई ऐसा पैदा हो जाता कि इस राज़ को, जहां तक इमकान था तुमसे ले लेता। बनाया, मगर एक ही बन सका। मेरी कुल ज़िन्दग़ी की मुराद यही थी। ईश्वर ने वो कर के दिखा दी कि मुझसे एक आदमी नाचीज़ ऐसा पैदा हुआ। भाई, ऐसे शख्स के लिए यही लफ्ज़ मौजूं हैं, और लफ्ज़ वाक़ई मौजूं नहीं मिलता। सब लोग ऐसे ही बनने की कोशिश करें। मेरी औलाद अगर ऐसी बन जावे। आमीन !"

"नाचीज़ के लफ्ज़ पर अक्सर लोग चौंक सकते कि एक महात्मा के लिए जिसके मानी great soul हैं, ऐसा लफ्ज़ इस्तेमाल किया गया। मेरी vocabulary में महात्मा के लिए इससे अच्छा लफ्ज़ नहीं मिलता। यह ही इसकी सिफ़्त है। यह नोट ऐसे confidential हो रहे हैं कि हर शख्स मज़ाक़ उड़ा सकता है और तारीफ़ समझ सकता है कि इन्होने खुद लिखाई है। मैं चाहता हूँ कि ऐसे circle में यह बातें रक्खी जायँ जो इससे सबक़ सीखें।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Revered Swami Vivekananda Ji has revealed many many secrets about you. My reference is not your praise. About events [happens], anybody has a right to comprehend any thing. People have a notion of state of Avatar [incarnation] fixed in their hearts that by sitting [being] close to and receiving transmission from him, one gets rid of [the effect of] since and thus attains to liberation. Certainly this thing was there in case of he incarnation of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna : who ever reached close to them, no doubt crossed the ocean of suffering. This any way continues to be like that; and this thing remains attached to every incarnation. It is not, however, a joke to grant liberation; that is the different affair [matter]! Can anybody feel proud that this thing happens to be just in his hands? To tell the truth, making someone cross [the ocean of suffering] in fact - what shall I say due to paucity of stable word - is the job for a school boy! Real man is the one who would liberate somebody in the real sense! What if one is sent just after vending up, in which case return has to be there when rewinding [recoiling] process is completed. The real thing, so to say, is liberation! Shall I say - is there a man of the field who is able to do [perform] this [job]! Is there one? Yes, there is the one in whose hands Nature has put this [instrument] : only that one can be like that! I must have to say one thing more, any way : it is also Nature's law to liberate somebody without making him / her suffer [or enjoy] the fruition of impressions [samskaras = accumulated tendencies or impressions of actions]! There have been persons in whom this capacity [power] could have been there; but they lacked expertness concerning eradication of impressions. As such they just kept quite! Nature has really filled you up to the brim in this regard : it has bestowed both kind of expertness on to you. However, my advice to you is that you use this instrument very rarely. Who will know and understand? Who has such capacity [for comprehension]? Oh, alas! Alright, alas, because no body will be there to comprehend this state! You will go away carrying this thing in [upon] your breast [chest]. May someone [at-least one] come forth to take this secret from you to the extent of possibility. I did structure; but only one could be possible [for me to structure]! The whole purpose [aspiration] of my life was just this! God just demonstrated that I could create one such a nothing person! Brother, for such person, only this word [nothing = insignificant] happens to be appropriate : no other word fitting enough seems available. All should try to be just like that! May my [spiritual] progeny come up to be like that, Amen!"

"People can mostly get startled at this word nothing [insignificant], that such a word has been used for a 'Mahatma', which means 'great soul'! In my vocabulary, no word better than this is available for 'Mahatma' [most reverend great soul]. Just this happens to be his characteristic [qualification]! These notes are getting [growing] to confidential that anybody can subject these to ridicule [make a fun or joke of these]; and take it all as parse directed by himself [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur]! I like these things to be limited [confined] to couch circle, where in people may learn lessons [out of it]!"

चैतन्य महाप्रभु : "मेरी हालत पर लोग बहुत नाज़ करते हैं। मैनें एक चीज़ ऐसी ले ली थी जिस से लोगो पर मेरे महत्त्व पर यकीन हो गया था। और कहूँ - सोचो, तुमने कोई चीज़ नहीं ली। कौन बड़ा है? ज़ात में तैराक़ी वाक़ई ज़िन्दग़ी में तुम्हीं ने की। ज़िंदगी में यह बात किसी को मयस्सर नहीं हुयी। ज़ात की हालत बहुत ऋषि-मुनीयों ने ली; यूँ कहो कि आग की तपिश में बहुत लोग सिंके आग उनसे बहुत दूर रही। आँच लगती रही। तुम्हारे गुरु [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] का करिश्मा क़ाबिले तारीफ़ है। कोई शख्स ऐसा पैदा नहीं हुआ कि ज़िन्दगी में यह हालत पैदा करा सके। इस मद में तुम दोनों मिसाल हो।"

"शंका सही है। मगर क्या कबीर ने ज़ात में तैराकी हँसिल की थी। नहीं। चोला जब छोड़ा उस वक़्त यह हालत हाँसिल हुयी। उनके वक्यों से पता चल सकता है। उसने बहुत से ऊँचे stages की बाँतें बताईं हैं। और ऐसे बहुत से महात्मा गुज़र चुके हैं। उनकी लड़ी धुर तक पहुँच चुकी थी। ऐसे भी हुए हैं जो चोला छोड़ कर ज़ात तक अहकाम लेने के लिए पहुँचे हैं और फिर वापस छोले में आ गए। मगर भाई अज़ख़ुद यह कभी नहीं हुआ कि चोले रह कर यह बात हाँसिल कर सकें। पर्दा अगर चाक कर दिया जाय तो तुम में भी यह मलका हो सकता है। मगर क्या कहूँ कि उम्मीद हो सकती है कि तुम फिर वहाँ से वापस हो। बहुत सी बातें मजबूरन रखना पड़ी। इस लिए कि क़ुदरत का मंशा ज़िन्दगी तुम्हारी क़ाइम रखने की है।

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu : "People feel a lot proud of my state. I had taken up such a thing, as had brought people to have faith on me! Shall I say more : just think! you did not adopt [take up] any thing [device]! Who is greater, then? Swimming in the Ultimate Being [Zaat] during [physical] life, in deed, only your could do [perform = achieve]; no one else could have this during life time! Many seers and sages took up the state of 'Zaat' [Ultimate Being]. That is to say, many people received fomentation [roasting] in the heat of the five : they remained away from the fire any way, and remained getting fomentation also. The miracle of your Guru [Ram Chandra Mahatma Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] is worth praise [worthy of administration] : no body could ever come up [be created or born] who could bring up this state inline time! You both [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur and Revered Ram Chandra Mahatma Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] remain [the only] examples in this regard."

"The question [doubt = quarry] is correct; but had Kabir secured swimming in Zaat [Ultimate Being]! No, he had the fortune of entering this state only he had left the physical frame. This can be found out fro his sayings [utterances], where in he has described details, concerning many high stages. Many such great souls have one by earlier : their convexity of string had reached upon [approached] the final Base [Dhura]. There have been even such ones as could leave the physical frame behind to reach Zaat [Ultimate Being] in order to obtain orders, and then returned back in to physical frame. However, brother, this never happened of itself, that this thing could be secured while remaining in the physical frame. If the veil be torn asunder, this expertness can be there in you as well; but shall I say whether it may be expected that you return again from there!"

"Many things [restraints] had to be kept there for force, because Nature has the intention to maintain your life."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Can you expect such person to come down again?"

चैतन्य महाप्रभु : "मगर भाई कह दूँ। एक नुख्स है वोह यह कि तुम्हारे वतीरे ने तुमको क़तअन छुपा लिया।"

नोट : [बसवाल 'वतीरा' क्या है।]

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu [continuing dictation] : "However, brother, I must say, there is a defect viz. your way of functioning has concealed you totally."

Swami Vivekananda Ji [in reply to the question concerning the way of functioning] : "Childish habits, not knowing at all, what you are! The thing is due to the fact also.

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई, यह बातें ऐसे शख्स में पैदा हो सकतीं हैं जिसमें सिवाय एक चीज़ के तमन्ना न रही हो। हर कोशिश उसी तरफ़ हो गयी हो।

"सवाल का जवाब यह है कि अगर तुम ऐसा कर भी बैठो यानि संस्कारों का मिटाना, तो तुम पर कोई ऐब क़ाइम नहीं किया जा सकता। यह तुम्हारे पावर में है। मगर मेरी राय वही है जो मैंने ऊपर लिखाई है कि ताक़त होते हुए न करना। सगर हुक्म हो तो कभी न चूकना। कोई मर्दे मैदाँ ऐसा ंमिल जाता जो कि यह चीज़ें जहां तक कि हो सकता, ले लेता।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Dear brother, These things can come up in a person, who would be devoid of desire [longing] except for one thing; and whose every effort would get directed [oriented] just that way! [Pause] The reply to the question [concerning way of functioning] is like this [here] : even if you perform that way i.e. eradication of impressions [of somebody], you cannot be held guilty [suffering from defect] for any thing. That [eradication] of impressions] is just within your capacity [power]. However, my advice is just what I have dictated above viz. not using it even if the capacity [power] is there. If there is order, never shirk! May some [at least one] man of the field come to you, who would take these things from you to every possible extent."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "My Lord [ Revered Laalaaji Sahib, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has meant that everybody should try to reach the sun if he/she wants to reach the moon! Leave your shill i-sally habits. Follow your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] in this respect. Pain [acidity in Revered Shri Babu Ji's stomach] is course a draw back, but it is not as much responsible as you yourself are. I am afraid if somebody else may follow it. The general tendency of human being is that he enters in to some thing not required. Dedicate it to some Master or otherwise to anybody who may be in his place. Set a good example for others to follow. There are many persons in the world better off than yourself in this respect. [Pause] This is the first seer [Rishi] of his time of which you have talked [mentioned] in your book - 'Efficacy of Raja-yoga'. He is swimming in Zaat. He himself came to see you. Great Rishi, he is no doubt : we all respect him."

Monday the 10th February [time : 07.45 PM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I assure nobody knows the plot under way, which took the life of Gandhi Ji. Mr. Churchill is working day and night as he did during the war [second world war]. He is a patriot and knows the hungry stones in his country. He is one of the greatest politician : he is aware quite well that parts of English population will starve if India is gone out of its clutches. I want such patriots in this country. Indians really do not know how to rule as they have been slaves for several countries. They have developed slavish bent of mind which nobody has tried to mend. Nehru, of course, is competent and polished. People in power, now have developed the defect of being arrogant. Nehru is an exception. Fifth columnists are at work in India to dissipate Hindus. This is the scheme of Mr. Churchill. The society knows 'Sangha' [Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangha] is also used for the purpose. Members of that society of course do not know that : they are just members and carry on with their drill."

"Murderer of Gandhi Ji too does not know about the plot. Only Mr. Churchill's brain works and he has no friends in this respect. The scheme is entirely in his brain; and this is the actual politics, they should learn from me. I was one of the greatest politicians during my lifetime, but I did not touch that subject because my goal is something else. Is there is anybody to learn politics from me? Mr. Subhash Chandra Bose is no more here. He was the real father of genuinely patriotic politicians. His character stood unblemished : he created the present situation leading up to what you call independence of India! Nobody cares to know his name. Gandhi is remembered as the architect of all these things; but the poor fellow [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] sitting before you all, who has been at the head of every move is to remain neglected and unknown. Look here, Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], you are not only a sage but you will have to enter in to politics also, and work silently through your will-force. You will rule over India and the world. For 'Brighter World', your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has talked somewhere. Look here, boys, such personality will not come, I say this again. India has not seen a man like him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur]. His habits of-course are shiley shaley. That may be due to his physical infirmity. Nobody can put him in to the cage. He will be free to work even in the prison. he can bring about the down-fall of any Government at any moment. His power [capacity], nobody knows, the poor fellow with his cot, that is the image [of Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] in general! What he can do in one minute, others may need a thousand years to do it! He can change the world very soon : the result of-course, you will see only after adequate time lapse. He is the only personality to effect the required change."

"The present policy of [Indian] Government is not alright : they are crating poison and are proving like axes at their own feet. You will change the policy : let the time come. Nehru will no more then be the same as he is at present. He is doing things under the heat [of sorrow] caused by the assassination of Gandhi Ji; and that is against the principal of good administration. Jinnah [Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the architect of Pakistan], of-course, knows how to rule; but he is under unwise direction of his friend, Mr. Churchill. I remember Bose [Subhash Chandra Bose] again. A person of that unblemished character is required for India. I will order to work for his liberation; and you will remain in communication with him in matters of politics. Gandhi Ji was like a child of Bose with regard to present day politics. I cannot call him [Gandhi Ji] a spiritual man : who ever follows his example with throw his nation in the dark! Had his policies been liked by us, I would have at-once ordered you to effect his liberation by using the special powers, bestowed upon you by Nature. In my opinion, if he had not been the patriot having worked sincerely through out as deliverer of India form foreign rule he would have been thrown in to gloomy hell. He was made his nation timid; and the same school is going to be continued. That is to be destroyed by you by poisoning the mentality of the students who may come for such a kind of training and teaching. I would ordered you to effect Gandhi Ji's destruction by your will-force, if he had not ben called off. Government can do nothing if you challenge these things in the open combat. I shall make the Government and even the whole world itself collapse if somebody happens to come with change for you. You need not have any fear at all of such things; and do what you are told. It is not an easy job to put such a personality in to cage. Gandhi Ji had the public-force with him; and you have got the Divine-force at your command. If you employ the power in the world, it also will collapse, what to speak of a tiny Government. Nations are not built as has been proposed by the Government. Nations are not built as has been proposed by the Government. Hindu society has fallen down on account of Ahimsa [non-violence]. They do not what 'Ahimsa' really is; and the Pundits [scholar priests] are responsible for that! They are fit candidates for the hell : they have wrongly interpreted this idea in the dark period [of Indian History and culture]. The causes of the down fall of the Hindu Society are two-fold : the first one viz. timidity born of the theory and practice of non-violence [Ahimsa] as already mentioned; and the second I call chowkaism [kitchen based religion] i.e. untouchability concerning food [opposed by Gandhi Ji also]. If anybody touches your food, then you are for ever discarded out of your society : increasing number of Muslims [and other non-Hindus] are the result. Hindu society cannot be brought up strong unless these two things are totally eradicated. They will rob an orphan and misappropriate his / her property but they will hesitate to kill a mosquito or snake; and go about searching for ants to feed them wheat-flour! Such people have carried their Nation in to the dark abyss. They have really created a gloomy block [on the path of their progress]."

"So many warriors had been killed in the great-war [Mahabharata]. Is Arjuna responsible for that? Did Lord Krishna ever preach the religion of the type current among Hindus? Was Arjuna sent to hell? No; he is one of the liberated souls. The present teachings of the so-called Hindu religion is against Gita; and Gandhi Ji was not a religious man! People bow-down to him calling him the Great Lord which he was no doubt only in one respect viz. being apparently the deliverer of India. I criticise Gandhi Ji on the source of being treated as either a religious personality or a good politician. Boys, you should not never follow him; and teach the same thing to those who come after you. Take it and tell them that this is the standing order of the liberated souls! I leave this note for your coming generation. They should never treat Gandhi Ji as a religious leader or even a man of religion. As a politician, they can form their opinion : that is an other matter! Hari! I strictly tell you not to follow him in any respect but to your own Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] strictly. I tell the same thing to Narendra and Pittu Babu and everybody. Throw away these dry-bones to dogs for quarrelling over but not be followed by any of you or by Hindu society as a whole, for the matter! During ancient past the business community was confined to job of earning money and increasing and amassing wealth of the country. During war their duty was to devote accumulation for successful operation towards the promotion of their righteous cause. The business man will always move towards solidity [and grossness]. However, do not consider Gandhi Ji in that exceptional way. Social laws were crushed by him! The colony of scavenger - community was in his vision. Is it the vision of equality? Equality means that everybody should have the opportunity equally to participate and contribute and obtain one's own share duly : that is the law of Hindu society - the basic principle of the system structured at the very start. Gandhi Ji and everybody should work for the improvement of the lot of the down - trodden, and also love them; but we should never forget the principle laid down by age-worn wisdom and enunciated by Lord Krishna in 'Bhagawatdgita'. Do you know what that version is? I think Reverend Lord Krishna Himself will tell; or if you like I can translate what He sys."

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "मेरा उसूल यह कि सोसाइटी के हर मेंबर को उस का हक़ देते हुए अपना समझो।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "My principle was to treat every member of society as my own giving everybody his / her rightful due."

Swami Vivekananda : "Samavartin [operating with equality] and [viewing with equality]. Do you know this or does anybody understand this thing? Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has explained these things somewhere in notes. I repeat the same thing and you write down the same here : God looks upon his creation with equality and treats them [without prejudice] according to their own actions. This this thing envisages his characteristics described as 'Samadarashin' and 'Samavartin'. That is the law to be followed by Hindu Society."

[The references here are to the contemporary political scenes and problems in India and to some extent the world at large. Mahatma Gandhi's association was a terrible even in the work of India's partition on communal basis, subsequent to the end of second world war was reducing Great Britain from number ) 01 to number 03 in ranking on politically powerful nations. The forecasting dictation on 13.01.1948 at Lakhimpur Kheri had been propagated by some unduly over zealous disciples and devotees, some of whom happened to be connected to the militant Hindu organizations to which assassin of Gandhi was said to belong. There was apprehension of some police action or persecution and harassment against these indiscreet disciples like Putti Babu etc. and involving Shri Babuji also in some way. Putti Babu was particularly scared and took shelter at Shri Babuji's home; and was present at the time of the inter-communing dictation on this date 10.02.1948 - Editor.]

Saturday the 20th March 1948 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "दुनियाँ की हालत बिगड़ती जा रही है। मुझे इतना काम करना पड़ा है कि शायद कभी न किया हो। इतनी ग़ैरहाज़री रही है कि पेश्तर न रही होगी। आसार नुमायाँ हो चले बरबादी के, गो आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता। रूस अपने दम ख़म तेज़ किये बैठा है। अमरीका दौलत के जोयं में चूर है। छोटे सल्तनतों के लिए जवाल है और स्कीम्स भी बन रही है। गड़बड़ है। ब्रिटैन पछता रहा है।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh] : "The states [conditions = circumstances] of the world are deteriorating. I have such amount of work pending as I had never perhaps faced before now! Absence now encountered may be unprecedented. Indications of distractions have started manifesting even though slowly. Russia [USSR] has got its capacities and preparations concerning power amply sharpened. America [USA] is intoxicated with its pride of prosperity [wealth]. There is depressive state for smaller nations [states]; and scheming [to that effect] is also in progress. There is disturbance [al-around]. Britain is regretful [for losses]."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are getting dictations concerning politics. That is part and parcel of your life programme. You are in touch with politics. [Pause] America will see Russia first [going ahead of America].

Wednesday the 31st March 1948 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैं खुश हूँ कि ईश्वर सहाय की हालत अच्छी है, मगर दिल्ली अभी दूर है। कुछ रुकावट, ढील-ढाल कह लो है। वो जब यह [राम चन्द्र -शाहजहाँपुर] चाहेगा दूर कर लेगा। मेरा भेद ज़िन्दगी भर किसी ने न पाया। सिवाय इसके कि भले और सज्जन आदमी हैं। अभ्यासियों को, गो वो लोग मुझसे मुहब्बत करते थे, मेरा ठीक पता न मिला। यहाँ भी वही हाल पाता हूँ। सच है दुनियाँ तत्व को नहीं देखती। आँखें ही नहीं। मेरी दुआ हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ है। संस्था बढ़ेगी। अच्छा तब होता जब भरपूर अपनी ज़िन्दगी में ही देख लेते। ढील-ढाल लोगों की कुछ अजीब तरीक़े में हो रही है। जिस शख्स के जो काम सुपुर्द किया जाता है, यहाँ से जाने के बाद ख़बर नहीं रहती। न मालुम मैं क्या क्या लिखवाना चाहता हूँ, मगर लोग हिम्मत अफ़ज़ाई नहीं करते। क्या खतूत जो तुमने लिखाये हैं, मामूली हैं? तुम्हारे ऊपर बड़ा भार है, मेरा और घर का। क्या मुमकिन नहीं कि मास्टर साहब को इस काम के लिए, यानि किताबें छपाने और इसके इंतज़ाम के लिए छोड़ दिया जावे? हरी भी साथ दें। छुट्टी आ रही है। अंग्रेज़ी किताब का मुझे ख्याल आता है। चीज़ें बासी होने पर छपीं तो क्या। ऐसी काहिली मैंने कहीं नहीं देखि।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I happy to find Ishwar Sahai in good spiritual state; but Delhi [destination] is still far off. Some blockade, say slackness or laxity, is there. That, he [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] will remove at will. No body could find-out my secret of my whole life time, except that he [I] happened to be a gentle good man [fellow]. The aspirants ['Abhyaasi], even though they had love for me, could not get any exact idea of my status. Here too [in your case] I find the same thing [condition]. It is truly said : the world does see the essence : they do not have eyes! My blessings are always there with you. The Organization will prosper : better it would be if you see the fulfilment during your lifetime itself. Slackness in people is developing in peculiar ways. People forget the work [duty] assigned to them, on going from here [out of sight, out of mind]. Who know how much I want to dictate [for being noted and acted upon]; but I find no encouragement from them [people in your fold]. Are the letters dictated by you, something ordinary [common pace]? You are under terrible burden : mine as well as of your own house-hold! Is it not possible to spare Ishwar Sahai for this purpose viz. publication of books and arrangements [management] concerning that? Hari also shoal help [assist]. Holidays are approaching close : I have the thought [concern] about the English book [Efficacy of Raja Yoga]. What if things get published when these grow stale! Such laziness I have witnessed nowhere."

Friday the 02nd April 1948 [time 08.00 PM] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज -फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "क्या खूब सवाल है, भक्ति और ज्ञान का। अगर कोई शख्स समुन्दर में जाए मोती निकालने के लिए, ऐसा सावका आ पड़े कि जिस सीपी को देखे घोंघा पावे, हाँलाकि उसी में से मोती बरामद होता है। उसकी क्या हालत होगी। कितनी नाउम्मीदी होगी, मुमकिन है कि वोह इस अमल को छोड़ दे और मोती उसे कभी नसीब न हो। ज्ञान खुलूस है। भरी हुयी चीज़ की रगवत भरी हुयी चीज़ से होती है और खुलूस की खुलूस से। जब ख़िला होता है, हवा को फ़ैलने जगह मिलती है। शुरू से ही अगर किसी को ख़ुश्क़ चीज़ पर दाल दिया जावे जहाँ कि खाली ही खाली है, वहां वो चीज़ ज़रूर है, जिससे मोती बनता है, तो उसकी रगवत कहाँ तक रहेगी। ज्ञान वो चीज़ है जिसके बढ़ाव और सिमटाव से मोती बनता है या यूँ कहिये कि मोती को असल हालत पर ले जाने से वो व्हीज़ बनती है जो इसकी अस्ल है। भक्ति को जो खुद ब खुद होती है, अस्ल हालत पर ले जाने से ज्ञान हो जाता है, और भाई, और क्या कहूँ। ज्ञान को असली हालत पर ले आने से वो चीज़ रह जाती है जिसकी तलाश है। मतलब यह है, वाक़ई तौर पर असली हालत को देखते हुए और मुक़ाबिला करते हुए ज्ञान और भक्ति अमल नहीं हो सकती। वोह चीज़ उससे भी परे है। मगर भक्ति से चल कर ज्ञान मिलता है और ज्ञान को असल हालत पर आ जाने से वो मिलता है जो असल ही असल है। अगर हम ज्ञान को पाहिले ले लेते हैं तो भक्ति से दूर हो जाते हैं। अगर हम भक्ति लेते हैं तो ज्ञान दूर नहीं होते। दोनों अम्र बन्दे के लिए लाज़िमी हैं मगर इस तरहँ कि बन्दा भक्ति लेता है और ज्ञान उसे अता होता है, आखिऱ में। गोया भक्ति को लेना बन्दग़ी की दलील है। ज्ञान अता होना ईश्वरताई की दलील है। एक चीज़ हम ली, दुसरी चीज़ की बख़्शीश खुद-ब-खुद हो गयी। जब हम उसमें पहुँच गए तो उसके क़रीबतर हो गए जिसकी यह चीज़ निचोड़ है। और बढ़ें, असल ही असल रह गयी। मेरी राय यही है कि भक्ति लेना चाहिए। हर्ज़ ज्ञान लेने में भी कुछ नहीं है। मग़र भाई, यह रास्ता लंगड़ी हो जाता।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "What a nice question concerning devotion [love] and knowledge [enlightenment]! Suppose somebody dives in the ocean to find pearls and encounters the situation that which ever mother-of-pearl he looks for, just turns out to be spiral-shell, even tough that itself would yield pearls : what will be the state[condition of mind] of such a person! How disappointed he is to be; and just possible, he would give up the effort [practice of diving], thus being deprive of collecting pearls for ever! Knowledge [enlightenment] is purity [khuloos]! The filled up [soiled] thing [mind] is inclined to filled [soiled] thing [object]; and purity [khuloos] happens to have inclination to purity [khuloos]! When vacuity [khalaa] is there, air finds the space for expansion. Suppose somebody is brought to where vacuity and vacuity alone would prevail even enough there certainly would exist that, out of which pearl is structured : how far the person be expected to have incineration [interest = raghbat] for that place! Knowledge [enlightenment] happens to be that, out of whose expansion and contraction, pearl is structured; or you may say that by bringing the pearl to its pristine [real] state, that thing is developed [structured] which happens to be its [pearl's] reality! Love [devotion] that comes of itself [automatically] without any effort, when brought to its real state, becomes knowledge [enlightenment]! Shall I say something more, brother! By bringing knowledge [enlightenment] to real state, there remains that which is sought after [the object of all search]! What I mean is, that on real observation and comparison, knowledge [enlightenment] and devotion [love] cannot be the real [subject of seeking]. That [destination] happens to be beyond these even; but proceeding though devotion [love] we arrive at knowledge [enlightenment], and that [knowledge = enlightenment] having come to real state, we find that which is real and just real! If we take up knowledge [enlightenment] first, we get away from devotion [love] : when we take up devotion [love], we do not get away from knowledge [enlightenment]! Both items are necessary to the worshiper [person in search after the Real], but in the following way : the worshiper [man of God] takes up [practice of] devotion [love], and knowledge [enlightenment] is bestowed unto [upon] him finally. This is to say that taking up devotion [love] happens to be the sign of worship [being one in search after Him, God or Ultimate]. We have taken up [practice of] one thing, and the other thing is got bestowed if itself [automatically]. When we have entered this thing [knowledge = enlightenment], we have arrived closer to that of which it happens to be the extract. Proceeding further, the Real and Real alone remains. I am of the opinion that devotion [love] should be taken up [adopted]. There is no harm in taking up [practice of] knowledge [enlightenment] as well; but brother, that way happens to become lop-sided!"

Saturday the 03rd April 1948 :

नोट : आज नेहरू की ज़िन्दगी की हिफाज़त के लिए साढ़े सात बजे शाम के बाद फिर ख्याल अज़खुद रुज़ू हो गया।

Note : Today after 07.30 PM again, my thought got oriented of itself [automatically] for protection of Nehru's life.


Sunday the 04th April 1948 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैं चाहता हूँ कि हर शख्स को आला से आला तालीम दूँ मगर लोगों का दुनियांवी चक्कर नहीं छूटता। यह ज़रूर है कि इस से निकालने वाला मैं हूँ, मगर आभासी की तवज्जोः इस तरफ़ [ईश्वर] घूम तो जावे। अगर छोड़ नहीं सकता तो कम अज़ कम इस से मुँह मोड़ने की तबीयत चाहे। कुछ तो करे। कितनी आसान बात है। मुश्किलात से नगाह हटा दे और अपनी डोरी इस तरफ़ जोड़ दे। इस से आसान सिलसिला नहीं मिलेगा। यहाँ पर गुरु पर दारोमदार है। चेला आज़ाद है। फ़क़त ऐतक़ाद की कमी न रक्खें और उस से लौ लगाए रक्खें। हर काम में उसको शरीक़ समझें और समझ लें कि मैं उसकी तालीम-ए-हुक्म कर रहा हूँ। अपने आप को सिर्फ़ उस पर छोड़ने की कोशिश करें। जब लोगों को रुपये की ज़रूरत होती है तो मालदार आदमी से दोस्ती की कोशिश करते हैं। उसको खुश रखने के लिए सब कुछ कोशिश अमल में लाई जाती है और जब खुश हो गया तो उसकी इन्तहाई ख़िदमत करने के लिए लोग तैयार रहते हैं कि कभी ऐसा हो जाय कि मुझ से रब्त-ज़प्त इस क़दर बढ़ जावे कि हर ज़रूरत पूरी होती रहे। कहिये इस मतलब से किस कदर जाँफ़िशनी से काम लेते हैं। ईश्वरीय मद में भी अगर कोई ऐसा ही काम करे और उसको खुश कर ले तो क्या यह हो सकता है कि वो रहमत नाज़िल न हो जावे जो मालदार के पास नहीं है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I like [want] to impart the best [highest] kind of [spiritual] training to everybody; but people do not get rid of worldly entanglements. No doubt, I am the deliverer from that; but the attention [orientation] of the particant [abhyaasi = aspirant] would need first be turn to that side [God]. Even if one is not able to give it up entirely, one should at-least have an inclination of mind to turn away from it. One need do some thing at least. How easy this matter is : one should turn one's eye away from worldly troubles and connect one's string [of heart] to that side [God]. No system easier than this can be found. Here, responsibility is wholly dependent on the guide [Guru = Master] and the disciple remains free! Only he / she [disciple] should not suffer lack of faith, and should remain attached to Him [God]. He [God] should be considered as included in every affair; and one should take oneself to be in obedience to him [God = Master]. When people need money, they try to be friend a wealthy person. Every effort to please him / her [wealthy person] is adopted for practice; and when that wealthy person pleased, people remain prepared to offer to extreme service to that person so that rapport [relationship] would come up to such level as to fulfil every essential need. Just note what amount of sincere effort is expended for that purpose! If somebody proceeds just like this with respect to God as well, and is able to please Him [God], can it be not possible that such benediction shall rush down as many not be available any wealthy person!"

Wednesday the 07th April 1948 [08.15 AM] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैं वादा करता हूँ कि अगर कोई शख्स इस इल्म को जुनूबी हिन्द में फैला सके तो उसे Liberate कर दूँगा। Egypt लेना पड़ेगा। यह बड़ी पुरानी जगह है, इस को उभारना चाहिए। तुम्हारी तंदरुस्ती से बहुत मज़बूरी है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I promos that if somebody is able to propound and extend this discipline [system] in South India, I shall liberate that person. Egypt will have to be taken up. That is a very ancient place; and it should come up. Your [tender] health is a matter of very great helplessness!"

Tuesday the 13th April 1948 :

औरतों के लिए अभ्यास का तरीक़ा : हर अभ्यासी औरत ख़्वाह शादी-शुदा ख़्वाह क्वाँरी या बेवा। दिल के मक़ाम पर यह तसव्वर बाँधे कि मैं उसका ध्यान कर रहीं हूँ जो सब में रमा हुआ है।

The method of [spiritual] practice for women : Every female practicant, whether married or virgin or widowed should have the firm supposition [though] at the point of heart that she is meditating on that which is pervading all [and every thing].

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैंने इससे बेहतर तरीक़ा देखा ही नहीं। यह वाक़ई औरतों के लिए निहायत मुफीद है।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I never come across any method better than this. This is really useful for women.

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Look here, you are introducing change everywhere. Have you realized your capacity? Gurudom is altered : method is changed [metamorphosed]. You have really overhauled the system! The method is common to all ladies whether married or unmarried. Ladies will develop the quality of fidelity to their partner in life [Pativrata-Dhlarma] thereby.

Sunday the 18th April 1948 [09.30 PM] :

श्रीमती मीरा बाई : "तुम्हारे इस ख्याल ने कि मैं मौजूद होती तो सब कुछ देने के लिए तैयार हो जाते, मुझमे तहरीर पैदा कर दी। यह ज़रूर है कि मैं अपने मक़सद को पहुँच गयी और कृष्णमय हो गयी । मगर इस से ज़्यादः कुछ नहीं हो सकी। लोग इस को सुन कर ताज्जुब करेंगे कि मैं क्या बात कह रही हूँ। मेरी दौड़ भक्ति तक थी और नतीज़ा वही हुआ जो उसका अंजाम है। मैंने अपने आप को भुला दिया था इस लिए मैं 'है' तक पहुँची। आपने यह दोनों चीज़ें भुला दीं। समझ लीजिये कि आप की पहुँच कहाँ तक है। लोग इस हालत को यहाँ देखने को तरसते हैं। मैं महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी - फतेहगढ़ के बारे में क्या कहूँ कि ऐसी हस्ती बना दी। उनका दर्ज़ा 'वहम' और 'गुमाँ' से बाहर है। आपकी इस तहरीक से जो दिल में उठी मैंने बहुत कुछ पा लिया। इसको 'ईसार नफ़्सी' कहते हैं। उदार चित्त भी कह सकते हैं। और यह उदारता ऐसे फ़क़ीरों में पायी जाती है। लोग तुमको देख कर तुम्हारे बाद याद करेंगे। एक बात मैं कहती हूँ, सुनो। अगर तुम मौजूदा अवतार उतार दो तो फ़ायदा लोगों को ज़ियादा होगा, यानि उस चीज़ को पेश कर दो जो सादग़ी में छुपी हुयी है। वो चीज़ जो असल है, सादग़ी के परदे में छुपी हुयी है गोया सादग़ी इसका ग़िलाफ़ है। तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी - फतेहगढ़] ने इस वर्क को बहुत-कुछ उतार दिया था। यह मिसाल लो :-

"चौबे जी, जिनको आप ख़त लिख रहे हैं, इतने झझड़े हुए तबीयत के आदमी हैं कि अब तक उन्होंने अपना कहीं ठिकाना नहीं बनाया।"

Dictation from Revered Mira Bai [Famous queen from Rajasthan in medieval period who turned matchless poetess devoted to Lord Krishna] : "Your thought that 'if I were present you would have been ready to give me every thing' has stirred me. No doubt, I achieved my purpose and got wholly structured [imbued] with Lord Krishna; but I could not go any more ahead. People feel surprised so to what I am stating [saying]. My target happened to be only devotion; and the result just what is to be its consequence. I had made me forget myself; and hence I should reach up to 'is' [extent reality]. You made yourself forget both these things. As such just comprehend [the limit of] your reach [attainment]. People here [Brighter world] just pin to witness that state! What shall I say about your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji of Fatehgarh UP], who has structured such a personality as yours. His status is beyond imagination and comprehension. I have gained a lot out of this stir that touched my heart due to your thought [that you could not ever have devotion like me]! This is called self humiliating [treating some one else as superior to oneself] : It can also be designated as magnanimity of heart, which is to be found [noticed] in such sages [saints = mendicants] as you happen to be. Looking at you, people will remember you after your lifetime! I am telling you one thing, just listen! If you put off your present veil and reveal what is hidden [concealed] behind simplicity, [then] people will be able to derive greater benefit. What is the real thing that lies behind the curtain of simplicity [homeliness = plainness], which, so to say constitutes [forms] its covering. Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji of Fatehgarh UP] had put this sheet off to a large extent : take that for an example! [Pause] Choube Ji, to whom you are dictating this letter, is a person of such a gibberish [jejune] temperament as to form no resort [mainstay = retreat] for himself as yet!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "He is a peculiar kind of your disciple. Faith is lacking [in him]."

मीरा बाई : "उनके दिमाग़ नहीं जो इन मज़मूनों को समझ सकें। यह ठप्पा-ठुमरी नहीं है जो आसानी से समझ में आ सके। इसके समझनें के लिए अक़ल चाहिए। यह मज़मून ख़्वाह गहरे ख़्वाह उथले, जो लिखे जा रहे हैं, मामूली निग़ाह का काम नहीं कि समझ सके। सही अन्दाज़ा मैं तुमको देती हूँ कि तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] ने इल्म भी, जो उनको आता था, रूहानियत के साथ ही साथ तुमको बख्शा है। और यह सब उनके ख़यालात हैं जो बड़ी वाक़्फ़ियत रूहानी और इल्म में हाँसिल करके मुहय्या किये थे। यह बाँतें हमेशा सतगुरु में पायी जाती हैं और वक़्त के सद्गुरू थे। उसी में यह ताक़त होती है कि जैसा चाहे जिसे बना ले। और जो चाहे वो दे डाले। इस का नमूना कहीं और नहीं मिलेगा। मैं उनको सराहती हूँ। अगर एक भी हस्ती तुमने ऐसी बना ली जैसे उन्होंने बनायी है तो तुम गुरुऋण से उद्धार हो गए। और अगर कहीं तुमने उस इल्म को फैला दिया तो बुज़ुर्ग़ों के ऋण से उद्धार हो गए। सब की निग़ाहें आप पर हो रहीं हैं और क़ुदरतेकामिला तुममें हो कर काम कर रही है। बहुत से बुजुर्ग़ अपने आप को छोड़ कर तुम में समां चुके हैं। यह ज़मानें की बलिहारी है कि यह चीज़ें तुम्हारे ही हिस्से में आईं। ज़रूरत इस अमर की है कि कोई रूह ऐसी होनी चाहिए कि तबादला कर सके, चुनाँचे जो बड़ी चीज़ आपके हिस्से में आयी है वो डिस्ट्रक्शन है मगर साथ-साथ कन्स्ट्रक्शन की पूँछ भी लगी हुयी है। इधर डिस्ट्रक्शन उधर कन्स्ट्रक्शन तुम अपना अन्दाज़ा अभी तक नहीं कर सके। एक बंद हायल कर दिया गया है ताकि ज़रूरत से ज़ियादः इन मने से किसी काम को न कर पाओ। यह टूटेगा, जब ज़रूरत इस की होगी। बहुत सी ताक़तें जो तुमको मिलीं हैं अब तक इस्तेमाल नहीं कर सके। ज़ख़ीरा इखट्टा कर लिया है और यह महाप्रलय के वक़्त काम देगी। बरसें रियाज़तें करते लोगों को गुज़र गयीं और तुम यह चीज़ें मुफ़्त में ही मार ले गए।"

Revered Mira Bai [continuing] : "He has no brain to grasp [comprehend = understand] such composition [essays = subjects]. This is not 'thumri' and 'thappa' [musical composition] that may lie easily comprehended : understanding these [essays] would require intelligence. These articles [dissertations], what ever, brother shallow or deep, that are being committed to writing [script], are not a matter of comprehension for ordinary vision. The correct estimate I am giving to you, viz. your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji of Fatehgarh UP] has bestowed unto you the knowledge as well, that happened to be in His possession, together with spirituality. These are all His thoughts that He had supplied through a lot acquaintance with spiritual and other [intellectual] knowledge. These things are always available with a Sadguru [Master of high calibre]; and He [Revered Master Laalaaji Sahib] was a Sadguru of a time [age]. He alone has the capacity [power] to structure at will whom ever He may chose, and be bestow what ever He may like [to whom so ever at His sweet-will]! Such a sample cannot be found [available] anywhere else : I admire Him! If you are able to structure even one personality like He has structured, you will be rid of the Revered Master's debt; and per-chance you succeed in spreading this discipline [System = Science] far and wide, you will be rid of the rid of the debt of Elder Sages [on you]! All eyes [of Elder Sages and Seers of Yore] are [concentrated] on you; and perfectly omnipotent Nature is working through you. Many Elder Sages and Seers giving up themselves have merged in you. It is just un to the special [praise worthy] characteristic of the age [and time] that these things fall to your lot only. It was needed that some soul would have been there to effect the transfer [of power and responsibility]. As such, the great item that come to your lot happens to be destruction, but the tail of construction is salsa attached along side : destruction this way and construction that way! You have not been able to form an estimate of yourself as yet. A bondage has been provided so that you do not perform any of these assigned jobs more than required. This bondage will get sheltered when the need for that will arise. Many powers, that have been conferred on you have not yet been able to be put to use by you : these are lying just accumulated in a heap with you, which will be effective at the time of total annihilation [Maha-pralaya]. People have spent ages [years] performing austerities; and you have got [acquired] all of these gratis!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "It was bought with blood! You are bestowed upon with both qualities : love [devotion] on one side, and sacrifice on the other. Both have gone side by side to achieve this end. Mira Bai bought with 'love' [devotion] no doubt; and you bought at the cost of life itself. One thing alone cannot achieve this end. I tell you, boys! Mira Bai liberated herself; but she cannot liberate others. This is the special feature in you that you can liberate a sinful person at a glance. People will wonder : Lord Krishna alone had this capacity. You are specially gifted with it. [Pause] What is bought with blood is never lost. I find none who had command over the 'Central Power' : that you have demonstrated so often!"

Saturday the 29th May 1948 [AD] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "कोई इन्सान तक़लीफ़ से बरी नहीं। कम व वेश सब को होती है। यह खास्सा है। बन्दा इस से बरी नहीं। अलबत्ता बरगुज़ीदा लोगों का दिल ठहराव पर रहता है और यही पहँचान खास और आम आदमियों की है। तक़लीफ़ें उठा लो। एक नुक़सान ज़रूर है। फ़क़ीर के दिल की तक़लीफ़ बग़ैर किये नहीं रहती। लोगों ने अक्सर झंझटों के पाक होने की ग़रज़ से जंगलों की राह ली। हमारे यहाँ यही रियाज़तें हैं। घर में बैठेँ और बर्दाश्त करें। तुम्हारे दिल का ख़रीदार वाक़ई तौर पर तुम्हारे घर में कोई न था। तुमको जिसने देखा, गैरियत से ही देखा। यह घर का हाल है। सब बेअना हो रहे हैं। अफ़सोस तो यह है कि जिस गोद में तुमने परवरिश पायी वो तुमको अब तक न समझ सकी। ऐसी दौलत बड़े भाग्य से मिलती है जिसके हाँथ में दुनियाँ और उक़्बा हो। यह तकलीफ जो है सब को रही है। कोई बुजुर्ग़ इस से पाक नहीं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "No human being is immune against trouble [misery] : it is more or less for every one. This is [human] characteristic : no worshiper of God is immune of it. The heart of selected elders [sages] any way, remains calm [at rest] : just this happens to be the distinguishing feature between human-beings in general and those specially endowed. Bear troubles. One drawback is certainly there : pain [trouble] of the heart of a mendicant [sage = man of poor disposition on way to God] never goes ineffective. People have very often taken the way jungles in order to find freedom from [worldly] troubles [and vicissitudes]. In our fold, just these are penances [and austerities] : just be in the house-hold and bear with [it troubles and vicissitudes]! There happened to be really no customer of your heart in your home [family]. Who ever looked at you, just treated as an alien : that is the state of [your] household. All are growing without reins [unbridled]. The pity is that the lap [of mother], in which you have been brought up could not as yet comprehend your worth. Such a progeny [as you happened to be] comes as matter of great fortune [luck], that has the world as well as there after in its [progeny's] hand [control = possession]. This trouble [sorry state of affairs] has been there with everybody : no elder sage [Master] has stood immune of [free from] it!"

श्री कृष्ण जी महराज : "मेरी ताक़त और हिम्मत नायाब थी। राजा था दुनियाँ का, और क़ाबू था दिल पर। तलवार मेरे हाँथ थी और चक्र भी। तुम्हारे हाँथ में फ़क़त तलवार नहीं, चक्र ज़रूर है, और यह ख़ास हालत में काम लेने के लिए दिया गया है। बहुत सी उलझनें दुनियाँ में पड़ी हुयी हैं। सुलझाना तुम्हीं को होंगी, इस लिए ठहराव की तुम्हारे यहाँ ज़रूरत है।"

Reverend Lord Krishna : "My power [capacity] and courage was matchless [quite rare]. I was the king of the world and had control over my heart. The sword as well as the wheel [Boomerang] was in my hand. In your hand there is just no sword, though the wheel is certainly there; and this has been bestowed for being used in [very] special circumstances. Many entanglements are lying there in the world. It is just who is to resolve these. As such, calmness [steadiness of heart] needs being there at yours [with you]!"

Tuesday the 08th June 1948 [AD] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "On the death of Madan Mohan Lal Vakil of Budaun UP, you have been almost hooted. We are all sad at this death. [Pause] You sometimes beat drums like worldly people, and do not remain sober [solemn = grave] as you happened to be during your childhood. Do not say much unless you are required [by us] to speak out [something]. It is sad that your respected brother Mushi Madan Mohan Lal [of Shahjahanpur UP] is now looking at you, having dived deep in the stagnant pool [at your opposition]."

"I perfectly remember [that] when your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] was giving dictation concerning Madan Mohan Lal Vakil of Budaun UP being representative of Mushi Madan Mohan Lal [of Shahjahanpur UP], there was a phrase in that dictation, … … if life remains, which was ignored while taking down the dictation in black and white. That is of-course no defence for your your mistake : you are responsible for that! You know your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] does what you say and even what you think. That is, in deed, why that letter was drafted : no doubt Madan Mohan Lal Vakil of Budaun UP had the capacity. Mushi Madan Mohan Lal [of Shahjahanpur UP was under heels during that period, making use of your simplicity; and you did many things to please him. That is the explanation of this blunder, which in deed remains just human."

Wednesday the 09th June 1948 [AD] :

महात्मा बुद्ध भगवान् : "मेरा कहना यह है कि मैं उस से हटा ही नहीं, सही है। लोगों को मुग़ालता हुआ है। जिस बन्धन में कि वो मौजूद थे मैंने उसको उस से भी आज़ाद रखना चाहा। और यह बड़ी ऊँची फिलोसॉफी है। बन्धन का कहीं ज़िक्र ही मेरे दौर में न था। अगर ईश्वरीय बन्धन भी शामिल है, आवा-गमन से रहित नहीं हो सकता। जिस बात पर कि हमको आख़िर में आना है,शुरू से ही ले ली गयी थी। वो science जिसके ज़रिये से या जिसको follow करने से निर्वानपद को प्राप्त होते हैं उसी पर चलने के लिए हमने रास्ता क़ाइम कर लिया था। ज़रूरत नहीं कि अगर हमको असली हालत पर पहुँचना है तो हम उसी को भजनें लगें जिसकी वजह से यह सब कुछ है। फ़िर उसको भजनें से हमको प्राप्त क्या चीज़ होगी। जो उसके बाद है। अब हम अगर अपने-आप को उस तरफ़ से हटा लेते हैं और यह क़ाइम कर लेते हैं कि उसी ज़रिये से हम को उस जगह पर पहुँचना है जिसको निर्वाण कहते हैं तो निहायत अच्छा है। हमने unlimited चीज़ को हाँसिल करने के लिए unlimited ज़राय इख़्तियार किये और अपने आप को उस बन्दिश से भी बचा लिया जहाँ पर कि हमारा अटकाव हो जाता है और उसकी ज़रूरत भी नहीं कि हम आख़िर में एक 'बंद' और पैदा कर लें कि जिसका तोडना भी लाज़िमी है। दावे के साथ कहता हूँ कि कोई शख्स इस आख़िर बन्धन से अपने आप को नज़ात कर के देखे कि 'निर्वाण' कितनी आसानी से प्राप्त होता है। मैंने बिलकुल असलियत ही असलियत ली थी और वो बाँतें क़ाइम कर दीं थीं जो सरल और सुगम हैं जैसा कि हमको बनना है। अगर हम ईश्वर नाम की रटना नहीं करते और उस हालत में जिस को ईश्वरीय हालत कहते हैं, चले जाते हैं तो बताइये कि क्या हर्ज़ वाकये होता है। लोगों ने इसको मज़हब ग़लत क़रार दिया है। यह बिलकुल science है। इस के द्वारा हमारा formation हुआ है और उसी के द्वारा हम अपने आप को छिन्न-भिन्न करेंगे।"

बसवाल जगन बाबू : "तरीक़ा यह है और यह बड़ी ऊँची बात है अगर हम असली तिराक़ी पर आ जावें और जो चीज़ें मौजूद हैं उस तरफ़ अपना लगाव क़तई न रक्खें तो एक तरह से हम शुरू से ही आज़ाद होने लगते हैं। दहरियों [atheists] का यह हाल है कि वो इस चीज़ में घुसते नहीं बल्कि जवानी जमा-खर्च से इसको साबित करने लगते हैं। अगर हम पानी की existence को ख्याल में न आने दें और इस से काम लेते रहें तो इसके माने यह होंगे कि जहाँ से कि पानी की बुनियाद है, हम उस से in-touch हैं। अगर हम soul की existence को न मानें मगर उसका जो अहाता है, उसमें अपनी तैराकी क़ाइम रक्खें तो क्या फ़र्क हो जाता है। इसमें अच्छा यह होता है कि हम unlimited चीज़ जिसकी वजह से soul वग़ैरह है, सम्बन्ध कायम कर लेते हैं। क्या मोहम्मद साहिब [सल्ले0] की बात का अयादा कराने की इस वक़्त ज़रूरत नहीं है कि उन्होंने दोज़ख की आग लोगों को डराने-धमकाने के लिए मशहूर कर दी थी। इस लिए कि वो लोग गर्मी से परेशान रहते थे। उस से ज़्यादः गर्मी का ख़याल उनके दिल में डालना गोया उनको ऐसे कामों से मना करना था कि जो नहीं करना चाहिए। उन्होंने एक बात पैदा कर दी थी ताकि लोग डरें। मैंने एक बात निकाल दी इस लिए कि तैराक़ी में कोई रुकावट इस किस्म की पैदा न हो कि हमको अभी उसे पार करना है। अगर आप पाबन्दी रखते हैं और रास्ते पर चलते हैं तो इसके मानी यह हो जाते हैं कि हम उस चीज़ पर चल रहे हैं जिस से नज़ात मिल सकती है। मान लो, जब तुम न थे तब तो कुछ भी था उसका नाम क्या था; उसको कौन बता सकता है। और क्या आप कह सकते हैं कि इस वक़्त उसका नाम क्या होगा। अगर हम अब भी यही समझ लें तो क्या वही मतलब नहीं आ जाते हैं। unlimited चीज़ के नाम क़ाइम करने से गोया उसको limited कर देना है। हम unlimited में जा रहे हैं जिसका नाम कुछ नहीं है।"

"अब इसको चाहे ईश्वर कह लो। मगर इसके कहने से ख़याल में रुकावट ज़रूर पैदा होती है। एक दरिया को हम पार करते हैं। उसका अगर किनारा दिखाई देता है तो हम समझ लेते हैं कि हमको इतने गज़ या इतने मील तैर कर जाना है, और हम अपने ख्याल में, ऐसी हालत में एक तरह का limitation ज़रूर पैदा कर लेते हैं। अब किनारे को अगर हम ईश्वर कह लें तो हमारी नुक़्त-ए-नज़र सिर्फ़ वहीं तक पहुँचेगी। अब ऐसा दरिया है जिसका किनारा नहीं तो फ़रमाइये कि आप swim ही करते रहेंगें और उसी चीज़ में swim करेंगे जिस पर swim करने से पहिले शख्स ने किनारे पर निग़ाह कर ली है। फरमाइए कौन अच्छा है और कौन बन्धन से नजात पा रहा है।"

Dictation from Reverend Lord Buddha [During discussions among some associates concerning various apparently divergent aspects of Buddhistic and Vedantic theories / philosophies like existence of God and soul, nature, cause and means of bondage and realize etc.] : " What I have to state is that I never drifted away from that [Ultimate Reality]; and this is correct. People have suffered from misguiding confusion. I wanted to keep them free [clear] of even those bondages, which were already there : this happens to be very high order [level] philosophy. During my area [period] there was [almost] no reference concerning bondage anywhere. If even divine bondage happens to be there, one cannot be rid of transmigration [cycle of birth and death]. Where we have to arrive at finally, was taken up from the very outset [start]. I had established that path of the science, by following [trending over] which one would arrive at the state [destination] of 'Nirvana' [perfect release from bondage]. Where is the need to start chanting just that, due to whom everything existing happens to be here, if we have to arrive at the Real state [beyond everything]? After all, what shall we gain [find] by reciting [chanting] THAT [God]? What happens to transcend [be beyond] THAT! Now, if we turn ourselves away from that side and fix upon [establish] this through whose mediumship we have to arrive at what is designated as 'Nirvana' : this is very nice, then! We adopted [thus] unlimited means to achieve the unlimited object; and save ourselves also from the bondage which proves to be the impediment [finally]. Moreover, there happens to be no need at all to create one more bondage at the end, which too essentially would require to be shattered. I assert with a challenge that anybody may just rid oneself of this last [final] bondage, and see [for oneself] how easily 'Nirvana' attained [arrived at]! I had taken up Reality and Reality alone; and established those things which are simple and easy to adopt, as we have to structure [ourselves]. If we do not recite name of God and [still] enter that state which is designated as Divine condition [state], just tell me what harm would happen to be there! People have wrongly turned this [Buddhism] as religion : it is science entirely [pure and simple]! Our formation has come up through this, and it is just through this that we shall effect our disintegration [to find our original state]!"

In reply to a question from Jagan Babu, the dictation continued : The method [technique] is just this; and it is quite a magnificent matter if we come up to real swimming, and totally give up the attachment towards the things that are present, then we start becoming free in the way from the very beginning. The atheists do not have any ingress in to this matter and only start providing proof [and disproof] on the basis of mere verbal jargon [accountancy]. If we do not allow the existence of 'water' to entire our thought and yet remain [continue] making use of it, that will mean that we are in touch with where the very foundation of water exists. What difference does it make if we do not recognize the existence of soul but retain [continue] our swimming establish in what happens to be its arena [sphere = boundary]! The advantage we derive out of this [theory of non-existence of permanent soul] is that we get linked up to the unlimited entity due to which soul etc. happen to be there. May not repletion of the example of the Prophet Mohammad be needed at this time viz. he had pro-popularized [the concept of] hell-fire in order of frighten and threaten people [masses], who were tormented by the heat [warmth of the desert]! To put the idea [concept = thought] of more heat [warmth] than what was tormenting, in their hearts was so to say prohibiting them to do what they ought not [do]! He [Prophet Mohammad] had created a concept in order to fighter people; [while] I had dropped out a concept so that an obstruction may not occur in the process of swimming by way of the idea [thought] that there was still a hurdle to be crossed. If you [we] adhere and adopt a path to walk upon, that means just that we are treading on that, where from we can rid ourselves. Alright, suppose when you were not there, then what ever was there may have a name. What was that [name], who can tell! Can you [we] assert that there would have been a name for that? If we still [even now] comprehend just this, do we not arrive at the same meaning [concept] viz. by insisting to establish a name for the unlimited object, we make it limited, so to say. We are going in to the unlimited! Now you may call it God, if you like [choose] but that certainly [undoubtedly] creates an obstruction [impediment] in thought. We cross a river [an ocean]. If its shore [bank] comes to the sight we take it that we have to swim so many yards or miles; and under such circumstances, we undoubtedly create a kind of ,imitation in our thought. Now, if we designate the shore [bank] as God, our point of vision will reach only that for. So, there is a shore-less ocean in which [wherein] you will continue [remain] swimming : you will swim just where on some person has fixed his vision on the sore, even before he start to swim! Now tell, who is better; and who is achieving liberation from bondage!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "We are swimming in the utter [Ultimate]. Every one of you must aim at swimming in the same utter [Ultimate]. The philosophy of Mahatma Buddha is quite clear. We, really speaking, say 'God' without knowing for what purpose! Because we see His display! He is the cause of all these [worldly] phenomena [things], and will remain so in future. As the method teaches us [or as the etiquette allows to us or as the time permit us], we take the easy step, which is also gone or finished in the end. Thus you come to the higher philosophy of Mahatma Buddha in the end. There is no difference at all [of Lord Buddha with the basic thought of Vedic] or so called Hindu view. Mahatma Buddha was a Godly person in pure form. You take the medium-ship of Guru or Master; and Lord Mahatma Buddha does not deny that. This solves every thing [knotty problems]."

महात्मा बुद्ध : "मैंने meditation करके यह बातें जान लीं थीं। तकलीफ़ से नज़ात हाँसिल करने के लिए मैंने यह सब रियाज़तें कीं थीं।

Dictation from Lord Buddha : "I had come to know all these things through meditation. I had undergone all these austerities and panaceas [other difficult practices] for getting rid of suffering."

[In the history of Indian philosophy and culture, Lord Buddha is famous as a revolutionary against Vedic culture and philosophy in every way. He refuted medic ritualism and cast-system, substituting it all with a monastic ascetic-al way of life. In the field of philosophy [theory] Buddha refuted the Upanishadic concept of the permanence of soul as well as the immanent and transcendent Reality as God [Ishwar and Brahman]. Buddha's so called atheistic nihilism [Nirishiwar shunyavada] is quite popular in the form of the theories of 'No soul', 'Momentarism'. 'No God', casual origination [Pratityasarnutpada] etc. its parallel can be found in the philosophical controversies between Parmenides and Heraclitus in Greek philosophy and between Hume and Kant or even between Absolute idealism of Bradley and many forms of anti-intellectualism of post-Hegelian scientific era of modern European / western philosophy. For any detailed comprehension of these aspects, competent and capable students and scholars may refer to a sketchy article entitled. 'Development of Yogic Science / Discipline' by S. P. Srivastave, and thereafter some suitable history of Indian philosophy, in case such a need is felt - Editor.]

Tuesday the 15th June 1948 [AD]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़] : "मेरा जी criticism से पक गया है। आलिमे-बेअमल की कहीं इज़्ज़त नहीं होती। बाबू मदन मोहन लाल के criticism का जवाब मैं देता हूँ। अपनी इन्तिहाई नीची हालत पर आ जावें, और यह हालत है जहाँ बात पैदा ही नहीं होती। इसको explain करना मुश्किल है। यह एक ऐसी चीज़ है जो हर शख्स के हिस्से में नहीं आती। खास personality जो हो इसमें वही मुक़म्मिल होता है। इसमें भरपूर मैंने किसी को नहीं देखा। कुछ-न-कुछ कम ही पायी। अग़र ऐसा हो गया तो कुछ करना बाक़ी नहीं रह जाता। और वो अहल उन ताक़तों का होता है जो कि liberation के लिए ज़रूरी असबाब हैं। ख़ैर यह बातें दूर हैं। यह तो ईश्वर पर है कि वो जिसको चाहे यह अतिया बख्स दे। हमारा फ़ेल यह ज़रुर होना चाहिए कि हम इस हालत तक पँहुचनें की कोशिश करें। जहाँ तक क़ामयाब हो सकें, अच्छा है। इसके लिए नुस्ख़े बहुत हैं। मग़र मुजर्रब वही है जो तुमने इन्हें बताया था यानि एक-दूसरे को submit या yield करना। लोग इसके करने की आदत डालें और घर ही से इसकी शुरुवात करें। जज़्बा दिल में रहे और हर काम करते रहें। देखें मोहब्बत कैसे पैदा नहीं होती। हर शख्स को यही तल्क़ीन की जावे। यह एहसास सही है कि क़ुदरत Masterly हैसियत रखते हुए अपने आप को submit किये हुए है। अगर उसमें ज़ोर होता तो लोगों को इस क़दर ताक़त न थी कि इससे ग़ुज़र कर उस तक पहुँचते, जहाँ पहुँचना चाहिए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "My heart has got baked-up [ulcerated to the point of bursting up] on account of criticism. A learned person without practicing now here earns respect. I am replying [now] to the criticism, levelled by Babu Madan Mohan Lal. He may come down to the lowest limit of his [spiritual] condition. This is the point, where that thing exists [which he refers to in his criticism viz. having no self-pride at all]. To explain this is difficult. This is the thing [extreme power of powerless submission] that does not fall [come] to the lot of all the sundry : only the special personality happens to be perfect in this regard. I did not find [see] anybody completely filled [stuffed] up in this respect : some or other shortcoming [defect] happened to be noticed in every case. If this [complete negation of self-pride] is achieved, nothing more remains to do; and such one becomes worthy [vessel] of those powers [forces], which constitute the necessary equipment of liberation. Well, these are distant drums; and it just depends on God alone to bestow this gift on a person of His choice. Our action should certainly be to try to reach the state : to what ever extent we may succeed will be well and good. For this, there are many prescriptions, but more effective [unfailing] is just what you had indicated to him [Babu Madan Mohan Lal] viz. submission or yielding attitude to reach other. People should adopt a habit for this thing; and make a beginning from there household itself! Zeal imbued with devotion should be there in the heart; and every duty be attended to : just see then, how love can fail to come up! Everybody should be imbued with just this faith! This feeling [in dear Ram Chandra's heart] is correct, viz. Nature, inspire of her masterly status, is standing submissive [surrendered herself to God of Ultimate Being or whatever]."

"If Nature had force [to apply], people would have no power to pass through that [force] to arrive at the destination!"

[Reference is to criticism leveled by Babu Madan Mohan Lal on the death of Madan Mohan Lal Vakil of Budaun UP, as referred to on 08.06.1948 AD.]

Monday 21st June 1948 [at Puranpur, District - Pilibhit UP - at 08.00 AM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You should keep a watchful eye on Hyderabad affairs - watch only the situation and activities."

[बसवाल ईश्वर सहाय कि "माया से काम कैसे लिया जावे"]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "पहिले हमें यह समझना चाहिए कि 'माया' क्या है। 'माया' उस आँख से देखी जा सकती है जिसने उसको [ज़ात को] देख लिया हो। अगर हम 'ज़ात' को पहिचान लें तो माया का समझना फिर कुछ नहीं रह जाता। या अगर हम ज़ात से सम्बन्ध जोड़ लें तो भी माया एक अलहदा सी चीज़ नज़र आने लगती है। उसके बाद वाली हालत [यानी 'ज़ात' के बाद वाली] वाक़ई 'माया' है। इसी ताने-बाने में हमारी परवरिश हुयी है और इसी से हो कर हम ग़ुज़रेंगे। अगर हम अपना सिमटाव कुल्ली हक़ीक़त में कर लेते हैं तो गोया हम उस हालत में पहुँच जाते हैं और वो जैम जाती है कि यह चीज़ एहसास में नहीं आती। अब यह चीज़ हमारे एहसास में नहीं आ रही है क्योंकि हमारी नज़र अब इस पर जम चुकी है। चीज़ का एहसास में न आना यही मानी रखता है कि गोया हम उस हालत के ऊपर हैं। अब हमें सिवाय उस हालत के जिस पर कि हम हैं, कोई और हालत दिखाई नहीं देती। अब गोया उस परदे पर हमारा कमाण्ड है। कमाण्ड करने वाली ताक़त हम में उस जगह काफ़ी मक़ाम करने की वजह से बढ़ जाती है। 'ज़ात' के भन्नाटे का नतीज़ा 'माया' का आग़ाज़ है जिस ने तरह तरह के चमत्कार अपने दिखा दिए। कमाण्डर कौन है। वो चीज़ जिस की वजह से ज़हूर में आयी। आप को अब क़ुर्बत उसी चीज़ से हो गयी है जिस को 'कमाण्डर' कहा है। उस के वाइब्रेशन ले ले कर आप अन्दाज़ा कर रहे हैं कि यह चीज़ हम से है। अब आप उस पर कमाण्ड कर रहे हैं। हर ताना-बाना जो फैला हुआ है उसमें आप के मद्देनज़र खुद काम कर रहे हैं। गोया आप में जैसे वाइब्रेशनस पैदा हो रहे हैं वैसा ही ज़ोर आप 'माया' के हलकों में दे रहे हैं। दूसरे माइनों में आप उस से काम ले रहे हैं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] in reply to a question by Ishwar Sahai as to how one can take work from 'Nature' or Phenomenal Reality i. e. 'Maya'. : "First of all, we should comprehend what is Maya [after all]. 'Maya' can be observed with that eye which might have seen 'That' [Ultimate Being]. If we recognize [have acquaintance with] the 'Ultimate Being' ['Zaat'*], there remains nothing [lacking] to comprehend 'Maya'. In other words if we connect our-self with 'Zaat', then also 'Maya' appears to something separated [from 'Zaat' and us who get connected to 'Zaat']. The condition away from [below] That [Zaat] is really 'Maya'. We are brought up in this very web and we shall have to pass through just this [mesh of longitudinal and altitude intertwined structure]. If we achieve our contraction [compression] totally in Reality, we arrive at that state wherein That [Reality] gets fixed up [fixated upon] so that this thing [Maya = phenomenally] drops out of experience [apprehension]. Now this thing [Maya] is not within the range of our apprehension [observation], because our sight [vision] has now got fixed [fixated] upon that [Ultimate Reality]! Something being out the range of one's apprehension [experience] means that one is above [beyond] that [something] so to say. Now nothing comes to our view except that state, which we are fixated upon. Now, so to say, we have command over that screen [curtain = level]. The power to command get sufficiently enhanced in ys due our adequate stay at that spot. The start of 'Maya' happens to be the result of the reverberation of 'Zaat' [Ultimate Being] which demonstrated many varieties of miraculous happens. Who happened to be the commander? That due to which this thing came to be manifested. You have now acquired closeness to that [very thing] which has been designated as commander! getting vibrations from That [Ultimate State] you are forming an estimate that this thing [Maya] is emerging from us! Now you are having command over it. In every thread of the mesh [web] that is spread [all around], your own tide and ebb is active [working]. This is to say that you are imparting focus to the rings [spheres] of Maya, in accordance with the vibrations, that are coming up [being created] in you. In other words you are taking work from that [Maya]."


* Dhat [we can pronounce as 'Zaat'] and Sifat : These two terms signify respectively the Essence or Reality, and the attributes, or predicable, of the Divine Being. 'Dhat' [Zaat] is the feminine from of the Arabic word, Dhu [possessor]. Hence 'Dhat' [Zaat] is that which possesses 'sifat', and is feminine in significance : it is that about which something can be predicated; and a predicate is what can be affirmed about 'Dhat' [Zaat]. This is reasoning in a vicious circle. Indeed, the definition in the Dictionary Al-Mughrab, viz., that 'Dhat' [Zaat] is "that by being which a thing is what it is", is as vague and nebulous as it could possibly be."


Tuesday the 22nd June 1948 at about 04.00 PM :

करीब 04.00 बजे शाम के वक़्त, अंदाज़ यह हुआ कि कोई साहिब मुझ से [राम चन्द्र -शाहजहाँपुर] बात कर रहे हैं। कहा यह कि "आप ने अपने आमद की इत्तिला नहीं दी ताकि मैं कुछ मेहमान-नवाज़ी करता।" जवाब दे दिया कि - "यह बात ज़रूरी नहीं थी और न मैं इत्तिला देने के लिए मज़बूर था। मगर जब आप को मालुम हो गया कि मैं पूरनपुर मुक़ीम हूँ तो आप अब मेहमान-नवाज़ी शुरू कर दें।"

चुनाँचे उसने अपने गुरु स मश्बिरा किया। उनके जवाब ने कहा कि ऐसी हस्ती पूरनपुर में कभी नहीं आयी।

नोट : अंदाज़ यह है कि इस शख्स को एक माह से भी कम गुज़रा, जब से इसकी यह हालत हुयी है। इसलिए कि अब से बहुत पहिले मैं एक बार और यहाँ आ चुका हूँ।

फ़क़ीरा मज़कूरा : यह क़िस्सा देर से संभलेगा। एक जगह तो बहुत ही ख़राब है, वहाँ destruction कर देना ही अच्छा है। पीलीभीत ग़नीमत है। लखीमपुर तक मेरा circle है।

इनके गुरु ने जो बक़ैदे-हयात नहीं हैं मुझसे कहा। मैं अश अश करने लगा कि आप इस दुनियाँ में मिसाल हैं। अफ़सोस तुम्हारे गुरुमहाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] को किसी ने न पहिंचाना। नमूना मौजूद है, नतीज़ा निकाल लें। मेरी राय यह है कि आप की एक हस्ती कुल कामों के लिए काफ़ी है।

[तवज्जोः की इसतैदा की] जब तक आप का क़याम यहाँ रहेगा, मेरा शाग़िर्द निगराँ करेगा।

I [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] felt that somebody was talking to me. He said : "You did not inform me about your visit here [Puranpur] to enable me arrange [proper] hospitality for you." I replied that this is not necessary; and I was not under any obligation to inform. I further added that since he had come to know of my stay there, he may start his hospitality forthwith. As such he consulted his revered Master, who replied that such a personality never happened to visit Puranpur. [It seems this person has stepped in his present state less than a month's time since now, because I have visited this place one time mush earlier].

The sage, under reference : "This area will take quite some time to come up right [improve]. One spot happens to be extremely bad : it will be better to deal destruction to that place. Pilibhit is tolerable. My circle [sphere of work] extends up to Lakhimpur Kheri."

The physically veiled guide of the sage : "I adorably wondered that you are an example of the world. Alas, nobody recognized [the stature of] Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] ! The example is here : people may draw their conclusions there from. I am of the opinion that your single entity is adequate for all work. My disciple watchful during the entire period of your stay here."

He requested to have 'transmission'. This was complied with.

Monday 28th June 1948 [at Lakhimpur Kheri] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "फ़क़ीर की पंहिचान जो तुमने बतायी है, सही है। मगर इनके समझने की कोई क़ाबियत नहीं रखता। यह चीज़ मुझे बहुत पसंद आयी। कोई मर्द हो तो पहिंचान कर के देखे। वाक़ई तौर पर इस पहिचान से काम लिया जावे तो हज़रत मूसा का सीन [scene] निग़ाह के सामने आ जावे। वोह पहिचान जिसके बारे में मैंने कहा है कि सूक्ष्म रूप की तरफ़ देखें और ताड़ें कि उस शख्स की, जिसका सूक्ष्म शरीर है, क्या हालत है। इस पहिचान से हर शख़्स काम ले सकता है।"

"ऊपर का dictation मैंने सिर्फ तुम्हारी हालत के लिए कहा है। चौबे जी से कह दो कि उस के [सुश्री कस्तूरी चतुर्वेदी, सुपुत्री चौबे जी] सूक्ष्म शरीर का कभी कभी मुलयता कर लिया करें। मुमकिन है कि यह ताक़त उनके मन पर अच्छी सराय करे। मगर भाई, करते कुछ नहीं। सूक्ष्म शरीर की तरफ़ ख्याल करने से जिस stage का फ़ैज़ तारी हो, वही उसका मुक़ाम [stage] है। बाक़ी मैं बहुत सी बातें बता चूका हूँ, आगे ज़रूरत नहीं मालुम होती। समझ में आ जावे तो पूंछ लेना या अपनी तरक़ीबों को वाज़े कर लेना। यह तुम पर छोड़ता हूँ।

[बसवाल चौबे जी कि इस ज़ेहमत से हटने का क्या तरीक़ा है।]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "बला खुद ख़रीद करता है; और मन की आदत बिगाड़ने की और उस तरफ़ ले जाने की आदत डालने का नतीजा है। तरकीबें यही हो सकतीं हैं जो बतायी गयीं। आप यह न समझिये कि तरकीबें राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] अपनी तबियत से बता रहा है, बल्कि यह मेरी हैं। प्रेम का असर मन पर अच्छा पड़ता है। और यह भी एक तरकीब हो सकती है। दूसरी तरकीब यह है कि अपनी हस्ती को राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] की हस्ती समझ लिया जाय और उसी पर ज़ोर दिया जावे। दूसरी तरकीब यह है कि अपने मन को राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] का मन समझ लिया जाय। यह सहल उसूल है जो बताये गए और इस ज़माने में हो सकते हैं, वार्ना इसके हटाने के लिए और मुराक़बे और ध्यान हो सकते हैं, मगर वो मुश्किल हैं।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The characteristics of a sage as enunciated by you [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] are correct; but no body has the capability to comprehend these. I have liked this thing very much. If this characteristic mark is applied in the real sense, the sense of Lord Moses will come to view. This mark I have described as having the subtle body [of somebody] within sight, and then estimating the [spiritual] state of that person. The characteristic Mark can be put to use by everybody."

"The above - mentioned dictation, I have given with regard to only your state. Tell Choube Ji to study the subtle-body of Kasturi Chaturvedi [daughter of Choube Ji]

now and then.

Just possible that force may penetrate well in his mind. However, brother, he [Choube Ji] just does nothing. On getting oriented to the subtle body of someone, the transmission of which ever stage [point] gets on way [started] just that would happen to be the stage of that person [some one]. For the rest I have already mentioned many matters [things = points]. There seems to be no need for more. If you are able to comprehend, you may ask me [anything]; and otherwise you may seek clarification concerning techniques already used by you. I leave the choice just to you."

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] continued dictation in reply to a question by Choube Ji, as to what was the way to get rid of the trouble he was suffering from, viz. his mind being hunted by supposed or imaginary or wish fulfilling inter communication with the soul of medieval saint poet Tulsi Das [author of popular Ramayana in Hindi] : " The malady happens to be self purchased [self bought], and is the result of spoiling the habit of mind i.e. developing the habit of mind to be oriented that way. The methods [techniques toward of the malady can be just what you have already indicated [to him]. You do not think that dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] is cooking up these methods [techniques] out of his own mind : these techniques are mine. Love has a good effect on mind : and that also can be [used as] a technique. Another may be to consider one's entity to be that of dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] and just this be emphasized. Yet another technique may be to suppose one's mind to be the mind of dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur]. These are easy principles, that have been indicated; and these can be practiced in the present age [time]. Otherwise there are a number of more meditations and methods to remove [ward off] this malady; but those are difficult ones."

Wednesday the 14th July 1948 [time 08.45 AM] :

Scene of Mahapralaya [Total annihilation of the Universe] came to vision. Swami Vivekananda Ji explained :

"The Center you have seen in the vision is the Real Thing. Around it there was a glittering light, and around that circle [of light] were particle in a disturbed arrangement. These all lost what they were when the world was in existence. All of these, observed [by you] exist [in undifferentiated state] in the rear circle [of light also] called the second circle, behind this the most inner circle [center] seems only a lot. The glittering light was the first push. There are thus three circles which become one in the end! How strange it is that a little or handful of power creates such a big Universe! [Pause] A hand - fist is the literal translation! [Pause] Particles, too, do not remain [at the extreme end]!"

Thursday the 16th September 1948 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "ब्रह्मरन्ध्र मक़ाम है और यह नबियों का खोला जाता है। जब दूसरे लोकों में जाने की ज़रूरत पड़ती है तो इसी मक़ाम के द्वारा जाते हैं। यह हालत हर क़स - व - नाक़स में पैबस्त नहीं होते। और इसके यह मानी भी नहीं हैं कि यह तमाम हैं। आगे और भी हैं। ऐसी हस्ती एक ही होती है जिसका मलका दूसरे लोकों में जाने का हो। रास्ता यही है।"

"ब्रह्मरन्ध्र, मैंने इसको यूँ कहा है कि एक साहिब ने मुहे इस मक़ाम का नाम यही बताया था।"

"कपाल-क्रिया की फिलॉस्फी आज तक किसी ने गौर ही न की। यह हद ख़यालात की है। इसमें जो कुछ भी रह जाता है, उसका भी जिस्म से ज़ुदा हो जाना अच्छा है। इस में ऐसी आकर्षण शक्ति है कि वोह छत तोड़ते ही उस कमी में चिपट जाती है, गोया कुल आप अपने साथ ले जाते हैं। जिसका ब्रह्माण्ड शरीर छोड़ते वक़्त टूटता है, उसके साथ ही यह चीज़ जाती है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Brahmarandhra [at the top of head where communication with liberated souls, elder sages of yore etc. is established] a point; and this is brought to awakened state, opened up in the case of prophets [Nabi]. When the need for entering in to higher worlds arises, it is effected just through this spot [point]. This state is not penetrated in every Tom & Dick; and this also does not mean that this is the whole thing : a lot lies ahead form there. Only one Personality at a time [in the world] possesses the capability to enter in to other [higher] worlds. I have designated this point as 'Brahmarandhra', because one gentleman indicated this point to me just by this name."

"Nobody happens to pay attention, as yet, to the philosophy [theory] of 'Kapaal-kriya' [the ritualistic custom among Hindus of breaking skull and pierce with a long stick the cerebral top of the head of a dead-body after cremation on the pyre]. This is the limit of thoughts. What ever [subtle] still remains therein [brain] is to be better separated [released] from the [physical = material] frame [body]. There is a force of attraction in the subtle essence so that on the roof [top of head] getting shuttered that [what ever subtle still remain therein] becomes glued [attached] to the subtle essence; and one carries all in all, so to say, with oneself. This [whatever subtle still remained] goes along-with those whose 'Brahmanda' [cosmic aspect] is shattered at their separation from the physical [material] body [frame]."

Tuesday the 02nd November 1948 [time 11.00 PM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have not taken down what your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has said to you the other day. Note down at once."

"Date : 31.10.1948; Revered Master's [of Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] dictation : Revered Master has disclaimed Madan Mohan Lal [of Shahjahanpur] and declared him as disobedient progeny [shorn of all privileges of patrimony]. [Pause] You should not feel any remorse [compunction] on this account. He [Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur UP] dealt a double harm : to himself and to his grandson [Krishna]. To you he could not deal any harm, after all, except a little increased in the weakness of heart! There is no recompense to this. Let him search benefit [of transmission] where he may locate its flow; and he may search for his connection. My progeny still remains : now through you, alright! In the family of Lord Krishna, only one viz. his grandson, Aniruddha [son of Pradyumna born to Rukmini, principal spouse of Lord Krishna] was spared, who bore the genealogy froth which is still there. You all [few disciples of Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, present there] are my progeny; and this organization will shine in such splendour that people will take note of it. No distraction autumn wind can shake it off [plan came to you]."

[Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur expressed doubts about representation at Sikandrabad, district - Bulandshahar, UP, place of Shri Krishna Lal mentioning that he suffered from deceit or fraud].

"Dictation on 31.10.1948 noted down by Ishwar Sahai and entered in confidential note book."

Editor's Note : "Munshi Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur happened to be the main character, depended upon by Revered Shri Babu Ji since the very start of the second part of the 'Autobiography of Ram Chandra'. However, Munshi Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur started to prove unreliable and undependable due to many factors which came to be subjects of criticism and even rebuke by Revered Grand Master, Laalaaji Sahib [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] in several dictations with a view to correction and reform. These are contained in the volumes of 'Autobiography of Ram Chandra part II' on different dates. However, there were more dictations concerning gradual deterioration of the spiritual state of Munshi Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur, which were noted down in a separate confidential note book. The whole account contained in that confidential Note book is not included in the main body of 'Autobiography of Ram Chandra Part - II', as it does not have a direct bearing on the development of 'Sahaj Marg system' of Yogic Science / Discipline, and is concerned with one individual, whose account is of significance in the history of the development of the organization known as - 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur UP India', during the initial period of its establishment and development. The first entry in that confidential note book is on 27.03.1945, as a result of which the declaration of Revered Shri Babu Ji being the real successor representative of Revered Grand Master Shri Laalaaji Sahib had to be made by Rameshwar Prasad instead of Munshi Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur. There after entries on 17.06.1945, 25.06.1945, 13.08.1945. 03.09.1945. 20.09.1945. 23.09.1945, 06.10.1945, 11.10.1945, 12.10.1945, 27.11.1945, 27.04 1947, 06.08.1947, 24.08.1947, 02.01.1948, 15.02.1948, 26.07.1948, 20.10.1948 and 31.10.1948 [noted on 02.11.1948] narrate the story of gradual downward regression of spiritual condition of Munshi Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur. The main reason of the regressive trend was his heart's emphasis on his own importance in establishing and developing the set-up at Shahjahanpur UP in continuity with reverend Laalaaji Sahib's work and contribution. Revered Shri Babu Ji was always giving him all respect and importance due to an elder and much more even to the extent of resisting the will of the Almighty as revealed in many dictations from Revered Laalaaji Sahib and Swami Vivekananda Ji. Finally Munshi Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur started grooming up his own grandson - Krishna probably in some sort of collaboration with or encouragement from Shri Krishna Lal and Chaturbhuj Sahai etc., claiming intercommunication and visitation of elder saints and divine personalities of earlier times to Krishna [the grandson of Munshi Madan Mohan Lal of Shahjahanpur. To Revered Shri Babu Ji, this tragic development regarding Munshi Madan Mohan Lal [of Shahjahanpur] was always distasteful and a matter of sadness as may be evident from the final disconnection of Munshi Madan Mohan Lal [of Shahjahanpur] from 'Sahaj Marg' and 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Shahjahanpur UP India' on 31.10.1948 remaining ignored and getting noted down on reminder from above on 02.11.1948. Munshi Madan Mohan Lal [of Shahjahanpur] lived long to see slow gloaming of the system and Organization planted and brought up initially by him [died in early 1960]. His case like those of others happens to be source of sober lesson for all who aspire or / and happen to tread the path of spirituality ahead and beyond."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I was watching the scene at Sikandrabad although. They, the doctors of Etah and Sikandrabad UP [Shri Krishna Lal and Chaturbhuj Sahai] were dim figures. I was present there not to give them spiritual advancement but to see things [developments] with my own eyes. He [Revered Master, Laalaaji Sahib the Great] is always with you. Never mind if He comes or not. I dictate to you from my own place and can come at your need or call. You follow our hints. Go to Gaya [Bihar]; and you will find me doing what I have indicated to you [at Lakhimpur UP]. I want that you may take over my office, just like you have taken-over that of your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. You find Him busy all the time, but really He is not. He is only watching His work and you are doing everything in His place. You do not even feel yourself what work you do without your knowledge [and conscious involvement]. The exhaustion you feel is not that account."

"Look here Ishwar Prasad I have you given thought to this miracle that I have mentioned : a man sitting on his own cot doing all work automatically. He is not at leisure even for one minute in twenty four hours, although he does not feel it. Is there anybody to take this sort of responsibility? Why do you [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] not feel [working]? Just to relieve your mind taking the brunt of double force together of feeling as well as working! Is there any personality always busy with such work of Godly Nature? Can anybody ever adequately removed it? I think no! A handful of bones having the capacity for such work! Brainless people can do this! You go in to 'Sushupri' [state of dreamless deep sleep] that constitutes a dip in to the state of soul pure and simple, without any knowledge about anything sometimes with shovel in your hand, although everybody there [in your presence] is quite [and mute]!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई समझो तो सही यह काम। होश उड़ेंगे अगर लोगों को खबर हो यक़ीन करें।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Just try to understand brother! People will stand aghast with wonder [astonishment] if they happen to be aware and bring faith!"

Saturday the 06th November 1948 [time 10.00 PM] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ 0 प्र0] : "क्या बात इस वक़्क़ ख्याल में आयी। इतनी आसान है मगर लोगों की निगाह इस तरफ़ नहीं पहुँची। दुनियाँ जानती है कि आग़ाज़े आलम हुआ। आग़ाज़ से हर चीज़ आग़ाज़ हो गयी। अच्छा मान लो, आग़ाज़ तमाम हुआ। फिर क्या हुआ। वायब्रेशन - यह उसका ख्वास था। कानून नहीं कहा जा सकता। अच्छा, वाइब्रेशन शुरू हो गया। दुनियाँएँ बन बन कर तैयार हो गयीं। किस के लिए। रहें वालों के लिए। अब आप तशरीफ़ लाये। और दीग़र साहबान भी। समझ लो कि आप ही सब से पाहिले तशरीफ़ लाये। और दीग़र लोग उसके बाद। तो, यह तो भाई मानना ही पड़ेगा कि नौवारिद को हैरत ज़रूर होती है। देहाती को हवायी-जहाज़ अचम्भा मालुम होता है। क्या हैरत को वाइब्रेशन या हरक़त की ख़ामोश हालत नहीं कह सकते। या यूँ कहो कि यह हैरत वाइब्रेशन की माँ बन गयी। अच्छा जो पाहिले आया, हैरत इस बात की हुयी कि हम कहाँ आ गए। गोया दूसरे माइनों में बांधें खिल गयीं। सोंचने लगे। हैरत के साथ सोचना उस वक़्त तक रहता है जब तक कि हैरत अपनी आख़िरी हालत न ले ले। इस आख़िरी हालत पर पहुँच कर चीज़ जितनी बन्दग़ी इजाज़त देती है, खुलने लगती है। अच्छा यह बात तो हो गयी। हैरत में वो हज़रत पड़े ही तो थे, अपने खाने-दाने और ज़रुरियात की फिक्र हुयी। इस की लिँक उस ख़ित्ते से जुड़ गयी। अब गोया इसकी खबर आखिरी हद तक जाने लगी। ज़ोर तो अपने साथ लाये ही थे और ख़ालिस रूप में आप आये भी थे। लगाव इस वक्त तक न था। इस क़दर जैसा आप देखते हो। यह चीज़ आपकी ख़ालिस ही थी। और भाई, इस काम को करने में इस लिए ज़्यादह वक़्त नहीं लगा। लिहाज़ा जो ख़यालात आप के उस ख़ित्ते तक पहुँचे, उसकी रवायन्दगी और परवरिश का इन्तज़ाम आपकी उस लड़ी ने बना दिया। लिहाज़ा वो मुबारक़ शक्लें और सूरतें पैदा हो गयीं कि जो इस काम के लिए ज़रूरी थीं। अब अगर यह कहा जाय कि नही, यह सूरतें पहिले ही से मौजूद थीं तो ग़लत यूँ हो सकता है कि असल चीज़ की सूरतें तो असल से निकलीं और उन्होंने अपना काम शुरू कर दिया। नतीज़ा बरामद हो गया। अब जो चीज़ ख़ुलूस के बाद कही जाती है, वो चीज़ आप ही पैदा करेंगे। क्योंकि खुलूस के बाद आप ही की हस्ती है। अगर यह कहा जावे कि कहीं इस खुलूस ने यह शक्लें लीं खुद-ब-खुद पैदा कर दीं तो भाई है कहना ग़लत होगा कि इसमें जब दूसरी चीज़ शामिल नहीं की गयी तब यह तीसरी चीज़ कहाँ से बरामद हुयी। खुलूस से खुलूस ही रहेगा और उसके बाद वाली हालत, जो कुछ कि हो सकती है, उसकी शक्ल बाद ही वाली हालत से पैदा होगी। अच्छा साहिब, ज़रुरियात की मंशा तो मालुम हो गयी, वो चीज़ें आपने हैरत के दायरे में बना दीं। जिनके खबर उन ताक़तों को हो गयी कि अब उस मीडियम पर हम को काम करना चाहिए। दूसरे लफ़्ज़ों में आपने गोया एक बेस बना दी जिसपर कि क़व्वाये क़ुदरत अब काम करेंगे। आप ने अपनी ज़रूरत के लिए अब सामान नेचर ने ऐसा दाल दिया कि इसकी एनर्जी उस पर मबज़ूल हो गयी। गोया आप ने एक धार ऐसी रवाँ कर दी कि जिसका रहना लाबूदी हो गया। ब्रॉड सेन्स में यह चीज़ आलमगीर हो गयी। और इसी के ज़रिये से बहुत से काम ऐसे हो गए कि उन चीज़ों को मुहईया करने के लिए वक़्त वक़्त पर एनर्जी और ताक़तें काम करने लगीं। इस तरह पर गोया उन्होने एक सतह क़ाइम कर दी और हर चीज़ इसमें से हो कर झलकने लगी और काम शुरू होने लगा। अब क्या था, आप ने कुछ न कुछ हर ज़ीरूह के लिए इंतज़ाम कर दिया। कैसा, कि सबकी एनर्जी भी बढ़ती रहे। गोया आप ने एक मेढ़ बाँध दी कि इससे बाहर अब यह ताक़तें नहीं जा सकतीं। और यही चीज़ें उनके काम की मरक़ज़ बन गयीं। दूसरे मायनों में यह बात उनमें ऐसी जागुरज़ी हो गयी कि उसके करने के लिए वक़्त वक़्त पैट तय्यार रहने लगे और उनको गोया दूसरे मायनों में इन इन बातों के करने में मज़बूर हो गए या उसको अब करने ही लगे। अब उसके बग़ैर किये हुए वो रह नहीं सकते। उनके लिए अब यह उसूल बन गया कि वो उस काम को उस वक़्त तक करते जब तक की जनाब अपमी उस भेजी हुयी चीज़ को खुद छिन्न-भिन्न न कर दें। अब जनाब के लिए यह चीज़ फ़राहम हो गयी और एक बिरादरी क़ाइम हो गयी। हँसने-खेलने लगे। आपके एक्शन मुख़्तलिफ़ होने लगे। हर पार्ट आप प्ले करने लगे। हर रुप आप रचने लगे। हर रंग आप अपने में लाने लगे। हर चीज़ मुख़्तलिफ़ अब आप में पैदा होने लगी। हर रंग अब आप में जुदागाना काम करने लगा। हर काम अपना जुदागाना रास्ता बनाने लगा। हर रास्ता अपने आप को दिखाने लगा। उसमे रुख भी जमने लगे। घास भी उगने लगी। ख़िज़ा भी आने लगी और बहार भी। मुख़्तलिफ़ सूरतें पैदा होने लगीं। मगर भाई, इस एक ताक़त के मातहत वो ताक़त थी जिसको शुरु में आपने बनाया था। अब भाई, यह सब बातें तो होने ही लगीं, और इतना आप को मालुम ही रहा कि असनाये ज़रूरत के लिए हम में से ही कोई साहिब इंतज़ाम कर चुके हैं। अब यह बातें तो मुख़्तलिफ़ अनवाज़ से होने लगीं हैं यह भी किसी शिकंजे के अंदर होना चाहिए। अब फ़िक्र शिकंजे की हुयी। किसको। आप ही में से एक को, जो उस वक़्त बहुत ज़ियादः थे। सोचा कि अगर यही बातें मुतवासिर होने लगीं तो यह हँसी-खेल की दूसरी शक्ल रोने की भी हो सकती है। और भाई, जब यह होने लगा, मुतज़ाद शक्लें पैदा हो चलीं। रोने के साथ हंसना दोनों बाँतें शुरू होने लगीं। हर रंग की मिलौनी से तीसरा रंग अब शुरू हो गया। अब सब ने मिल-मिला कर तोदे की शक्ल इख़्तियार कर ली। खुदा जाने ऐसे कितने तोदे बन गए। देखने वाले को हैरत हुयी कि अब इस दुनियाँ में जाने कितने ऐसे तोदेतैयार होकर रहेंगे। मुमकिन है यह चीज़ उन्हीं से भर जावे। घास बढ़ते-बढ़ते जब बड़ी हो गयी तो कुछ तो पतेल की शक्ल में नुमायाँ हुयी, और कुछ और शक्ल में। किसी में धार पैदा हो गयी। यहाँ तक कि किसी का दामन उसमें कतरने लगा। किसी की उँगली उसमें ज़ख़्मी होने लगी। बाग़वाँ को फ़िकर हुयी कि अगर यही चीज़े क़ाइम रहीँ और उनको काट न दिया गया तो आने वाले को यह तकलीफ़ देंगे। खरपा और हँसिया से काम लेने लगा। तकलीफ-देह चीज़ें काटने लगीं। करते करते यहाँ तक हुआ कि वो जंगल या झाड़ जो इस बाग़ या जंगल में उगा था, साफ़ हो गया। फिर बढ़ आया। ख्याल हुआ कि इसको अब जड़ से निकाल देना देना चाहिए। खुरपी से निकालने लगा। और बहुत कुछ निकाल दिया। यहाँ तक कि जड़ तक साफ़ कर दी। मगर क्या देखता है कि आसमाँ से पानी गिरा और न मालुम कौन रेज़ा कहाँ पर रह गया था। बाग़ में घास और पतेल ज्यों की त्यों हो गयी। समझ में आ गया कि भाई, इसका बीज किसी न किसी शक्ल में इस ज़मीँ में पड़ चुका है। लिहाज़ा वोह बेचारा मेहनत करता रहा। और चाँद दिनों के लिए हर चीज़ साफ़, और हमवार ज़मीन कर दी जाती है, और रूइदगी होने पर वही प्रोसेस दुबारा दिया जाता है। अब आप ने जो रंग और जो बातें और जो हँसी-खेल पैदा किये और जो तोदे बनाये, उन्होंने ऐसा बीज पकड़ लिया कि अब तो भाई वो बिला जमे हुए नहीं रह सकता। आप ने तो इन बातों की जड़ें उस वैक्यूम में पैबस्त कर दीं जिसको आपके मुरिसे-आला, ने हैरत की सक़फ़ लगा रक्खी थी। इन्हीं की पैबस्तगी में आप अपनी भी पैबस्तगी करने लगे। खिचड़ी आप ने वहाँ भी पकाई। साफ़ चीज़ में आपने amalgamated परमाणु को पहँचा दिया और वो उस साफ़ चीज़ के क़रीबतर पहँचने लगे। अब भला बताओ, अगर माली उसकी काट-छाँट न करते तो यह हर शख्स को ऐसा जख्मी करें कि वो लहू-लोहान रहे। चुनाँचे देखने वाले की निगाह यहाँ तक पहुँच गई। उसने उसी क़ाइदे बमूजिब, कि खुलूस महज़ खुलूस पैदा कर सकता है। भेड़िया, भेड़िये का बच्चा ही पैदा कर सकता, शेर का बच्चा नहीं। उस ने मुख़ातिब हो कर उसकी काँट-छाँट शुरू कर दी जैसे की माली ने जो मालिक का नौकर था, बाग़ काँट-छाँट शुरू कर दी। उसका हँसिया चलने लगा, जिसके असर से उसकी जड़ें हिलने लग गयीं। यानी उस तोदे पर हँसिया चलने लगा जसकी जड़ आप तक गयी थी। जब। . .... उसकी energy ने अपने ख्याल के हँसिये से फुंगी पर काम किया तो उसकी जुम्बिश उसको अलहदा करने के लिए जो उसके सिरे पर हुयी, उसकी गड़बड़ी को आप इस शक्ल में ख्याल आकर सकते हैं। गोया एक बीमारी जिस्म के असर को ग़ायब करने के लिए पैदा हुयी थी। अब जनाब ने वो रास्ता भी बना दिया कि रंगने वालों की और हँसने वालों की तोड़-फोड़ भी होती रहे कि वो उस ज़रूरत से ज़ियादः बढ़ जाने से सजा भी भुगते। उसकी एनर्जी अब काम कर रही है। खूब आप के लिए उसने इंतज़ाम कर दिया और ऐसा हुआ कि अब उसको करते ही बनेगा। हर खराब काम के लिए अब हँसिया मौजूद हो गया ताकि यह धार बन कर दूसरों की काँट-छाँट करे। आप ने सतह में यह नक़्श भी बना दिया कि यह इंतज़ाम भी क़ाइम रहे कि हर चीज़ ऐसी तेज़ और धारदार न बन जाय कि सबका क़लाअ -क़माअ ही करती रहे और सब लोग इससे मज़रूह रहें। भाई हमने भी देखा कि अब तो जो पतेल बढ़ती है, उसके काँट-छाँट के लिए ऊपर से हंसिया गिरता है। डरने लगे, ख़ौफ़ खाने लगे। उसके बनाने के बाद restraint की कोशिश करने लगे। किसी साहिब ने बेहयाई भी इख़्तियार की, कि अपनी रंगरेलियों से बाज़ न आये और वो इस चीज़ को अपने सीने पर लेते ही चले गए। मगर भाई, हँसिया का गिरना और आप का काम बंद नहीं हुआ। उन्होंने रंग-रेलियाँ अपनी बंद नहीं कीं। आप की हँसिया की तेज़ धार ख़त्म नहीं की। गए, सीने पर शरारत ले गए और जब भर्रा गए, और तेज़ शरारा पैदा कर लिया। और न मालुम ऐसे कितने असहाब होंगे कि जिन्होंने अपनी तरह की शक्लें हज़ारों क्या लाखों तैयार के दीं।"

Dictation from Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] in response to the question as to how Laws of Nature came to be framed or formulated : "What a fine idea has occurred to mind! It is something so easy but the sight of people never turned that way! The whole world knows that the world had a beginning. Thereby every thing found a starting point. Now, suppose that process of beginning got perfected : what came to happen, then? Vibration : that is its characteristic, and cannot be designated as the law! So, vibration started, alright! The worlds got structured to exist. For whom? Just for residents therein!Now, you have arrived, there, and others as well! Suppose, you happened just to be first one to arrive, and all others followed thereafter! You will agree, brother, that a new comer certainly [necessarily] feels surprised : a rustic does feel wonder struck at the sight of an airplane! Can't we designate this surprise [wonder or astonishment] as liberation or the silent state of movement! Or, to put it differently, this surprise [wonder] came to be the mother of vibration. So, the first comer wondered as to where he had arrived! In other words so to say, he /she felt happiness in astonishment; and started thinking. Thought accompanies astonishment [wonder = surprise] as long as wonder does not come to its final state. In that final state, revelation starts to the extent that worshipful service permits [makes allowance]. Now, this has come to happen! The fellow lying in the state of astonishment [wonder or surprise] grew anxious for his livelihood and necessities, and his link got connected to that territory : the message of his condition, so to say, started reaching the farthest end! You had brought force already with you; and moreover you had, as well, arrived in your pure [unalloyed] form : there was no attachment as yet, to the extent that it appears now to view. This thing with you was simply pure [unalloyed]; and just on account of this, brother, much time was not consumed in this job. As such, what ever of your thoughts reached that territory, that very link in you provided for the germination and bringing up of the same. Thus those auspicious shapes and forms [categories] came in to being, which were necessary for that job [livelihood and necessities for worldly existence]. Now, if it is asserted that these shapes and forms [categories] were already there since much earlier, then that is to be wrong in so far as the shapes of the Real thing did emerge from the the [pure] Reality and these started so perform their functions and [thereby] the result was manifest. Now, what is said to come after Purity [Khuloos], that just you will create because after purity [Khuloos], there is just your entity [existence = manifestation]. If somebody insists that these shapes and forms [categories] too have been brought about by Purity [khuloos] through itself, then, brother, will it be wrong to say in reply that when no second thing was included therein [Purity = khuloos], where and how does this third thing emerge [therefrom]! There will be Purity alone out of Purity; and the state [condition] coming after That, what ever it may be, shall emerge out of that same state [condition] which comes after That. Alright, sir, the purpose of necessities has now become clear : you have created these in the shape of owner [surprise = astonishment], whose knowledge came to those forces that henceforth these have to function on that medium. In other words you structured a base, so to say, on which the forces of Nature shall function henceforth. You put such provision in Nature for your needs, as oriented the energy of nature in to that base or provision. This is to say that you made a current flow on, so that its presence came to be inevitable. In the broad sense, this thing became worldwide [all pervading]; and just through this, many such functions came up as to make the energy and forces [of Nature] start working from time to time to supply those things. That way, so to say, a surface came to be established, and everything began glimmering through it, and work [functions] started being performed. What was there now! You made arrangement for every being with a soul, whereby energy in all cases too many go on increasing. You have, in a way, established a boundary beyond which these forces [of Nature] cannot go [transgress]; and just these became center for their functioning [work]. In other sense, this thing took such root in these forces [forces of Nature] as to keep them ready for doing that work [performing that function] form time to time. This is to say in yet another sense that those [forces of Nature] became helpless to function in that matter of got engaged in performing those functions, and cannot go without doing that work. For them it now came to be a matter of principal to remain engage that work until you do not yourself disband yourself - dispatched material [object]. Now, this thing got provided for you; and a fraternity is established. Indulgence in mirth and play started; and your actions, now, began to be variously structured. You started playing every part, using every mask and adopting every hue unto yourself. Now everything different is taking root in you; every color [hue] is functioning variously in you; every action is setting up its separate course; and every path is manifesting itself. Therein plants too started germinating, and grass also began growing : autumn as well as spring found and advent to it. Various categories started being formed; but the power [responsible for all these development] was subordinate to that single force, that was set in by you at the very start. Now, brother, all these affairs did start occurring, while you remained aware of the bare fact, any way, that someone just from amongst us has made the arrangement to provide for [essential] need. Now, these affairs occurring under various heads must need be held in the grip of some instrument. Now the worry for [the provision of] gipping instrument set in. To whom? Just to someone from amongst you, who happened to be too many at the time! Now, the thought came up that if these things went on continually, then another shape of his mirth and play can be that of weeping as well! So, brother, when this occurred, contradictory forms [categories] started coming up : mirth together with weeping - these both started occurring! As a result of the mixture of [two] colours in each case, a third colour now started being produced; and all these mingled together adopted the shape of a mound : only God knows how many such mound came to be formed! The observer felt astonished as to, who knows, many such mounds will come to existence in this world! Just possible, this whole world [Universe] be filled up just with these [mounds]! When the grass grew long enough gradually, some of it manifested in the shape [form] of grass and some else in another form! Some [variety of it] developed in sharp edge, to the extent that somebody's skirt started being chopped of by it; and someone else sustained an injury on one's finger through that [grass]. The gardener became worried [anxious] that in case these conditions [situations] prevailed, and there was no [adequate] pruning, these must cause inconvenience to every visitor! As such, the gardener started using the scraper and the sickle. The sources of trouble started being removed so much so that the jungle or fence, that had grown in that garden [grove] or forest, got cleaned off. It however, came up again. So the thought arose that it must now be all dug out right up to its roots. He [gardened] started removing it with the scraper; and dug it out quite a lot, even cleaning off up to the root! However, he comes to notice that rains fell from the clouds [sky]; and who knows what scrap particle was left where, so that the grass and all else again came up to be just as it had been [there earlier] in the garden! It came to be comprehended, then, that its seed in some form or other, has got sown in that soil! So the poor fellow [gardener] remained toiling as a result of which every thing gets clean off and the grounds levelled for some time; and on the crop [of grass etc.] coming up agin, the same process is repeated. Thus, now the hues [colors] and materials and mirth and play etc. built up by you and the mounds that have come up, have all taken roots in the seed form, so that, brother, it cannot cease growing up. The roots of these have got penetrated by yourself in to the vacuum to which your supreme progenitor had provided the sky of wonder [surprise of astonishment]! To their penetration you started seeking your own penetration : there also you cooked your own mixture of cereals! You introduced amalgamated atoms [elements] in to the pure object, [thing or material]; and those began approaching closer to the pure [clean] material [thing or object]. Now, just tell, if the founder [Master = prime builder] does not effect pruning [by Himself], will this growth not deal such injuries to everybody as may besmear them all over with blood! The observer's sight, thus, reached up this limit [extent]. He [Prime Builder], hence, got oriented in accordance with the same principle that Purity can beget Purity alone, and a wolf procreate only a wolf pup and not a lion-cub; and started pruning [the growth] just as the gardener, who happened to be only a servant of the Master, had started doing [earlier] in the garden. Now the Master's sickle starts operating, as a result of which the very roots [of undesirable grass etc.] received shaking jolts, i.e. the sickle came to operate on that mound whose roots reaches up to you. When Master's energy worked on the sprout of the tree through the sickle of His [Prime Builder's] thought [or what ever one prefers to call it], then its vibration [movement] effected at the [other] and to separate [remove] it a kind of disturbance which you can consider in a shape of an illness, so to say, brought up [created] to eliminate its physical [bodily] influence. Now, you sir, built that path also which will ensure the pruning as well, of the dyers and mirth-makers, so that they suffer punishment too in case of excesses beyond limits. Now His [Prime Builder] energy is at work : it has made provision for you quite well; and it has come to such finish as to provide for no escape from the functioning. For every undesirable job, now, the sickle is there so that it effects pruning of others which sharpened edge. At this level, you have carved the impression too, to manage that everything does not develop so sharp and cutting that all remain just subject to annihilation [destruction] and people remain sustaining wounds thereby. Brother, now we have also noticed that the sickle falls from above for the pruning of unwanted growth of thorny sharp-edged grass : fear is generated! Fright is effected, after structuring which arrangement, people try to practice restraint. Some fellow, any way, adopted shamelessness as well, and refused to desist from indulgence in pagan [mundane] merriment : and such ones carried this thing just on their bosom. However, brother, falling of sickle and continuation of your work never ceased. They did not stop pagan merriment; and did not eliminate the sharp edge of the sickle! They, thus, went away carrying mischief of thrill breasts; and when rehash took place, they created sharper embers in themselves! Who knows how many such fellows will be there who have structured, not to speak of thousands but hundreds of thousands of shapes after their own models!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Look here, Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], these things stand beyond explanation! One can not understand, unless one goes there! It is very difficult to find a man like that. A man can not understand these things only if he has the capability to read the vibrations. Some one may read it; but it will all slip away from the memory. They will read a silence; and others will forget it! They can not grasp the sense. They can not as well deny [reject] it [due to the personality] because it is coming from the President of the Mission. Such things cannot be expanded : these will always be in abridged form. I dare say nobody can do it like your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] as explained! If somebody tires to expand it more, it will become ambiguous and incomprehensible! Knowledge fails here! Vibrations can not always be translated in to words. This is why many things have gone by and got lost! Remember, it is who always connect the link for the work; Nature does nothing! You make your own laws, but because you are the servant of God. You dedicate everything to Him. Of course, it is our duty too, to remember the Master in any way possible! However, for a philosophical mind, it has become as impediment by itself. A man only can write this sort of a subject : one who has freed himself from all these things! When can you free yourself? At the stage of perfection, which a human being can reach, where God an you cannot be differentiated! Such thing is very rare!"

Sunday the 21st November 1948 [Time 07.15 PM] :

हिदायत : "हरी, तुमने अज़ीज़ राम चन्द्र [शाहजहाँपुर] के ख़तूत देखे होंगे। क्या तुम उनके मतलब आसान समझते हो। हर जुम्ला तशरीह तलब है। अच्छा, आसान इबारत ले लो और फ़िर उस पर ग़ौर करो। सब से आसान चीज़ मै लेता हूँ जो चौबे जी के खत में मोरखा 18 नवम्बर को भेजा गया, अभी हाल में लिखा है। मेरी जो कुछ कि हालत आप लोगों के सामने है, यह उस बुजुर्ग़ की हालत का करिश्मा है जिसने मुझसे मुहब्बत की है। क्या इस में महबूबियत की बू नहीं है। कितना इख़लाक़ छुपा हुआ है कि मोहब्बत करने वाला दूसरे को समझा। और सुनिए, आगे लिखा है, यह उस बुजुर्ग़ की हालत का करिश्मा है। वरक़ रंग जावे अगर इसकी तशरीह की जावे। इतना अच्छा यह जुमला चस्पाँ किया है कि यह बताना है कि क़ुदरते क़ामिला बन्दे ने किस तरीक़े से मोजज़न है। बाज़ीगर जब कोई खेल बनाता है, अस्ल में वही उसमें काम करता है। चीज़ बनायी हुयी उसकी, विस्तार उसी का। अक़्ल की रवानी उसी की। ख़याली धार उसी की। सोचा हुआ उसी का। अब बताइये, कौन सी बात रह गयी जो उसका पसारा साबित नहीं करती। अब करिश्मा ऐसा भी हो सकता है कि मजिक वग़ैरह दिखला दिया जावे। मगर यहाँ और बात तहरीर की है। हालत का करिश्मा। हालत वही हो सकती है जो मेरी काफ़ी डेवलपमेंट के बाद हुयी थी। अब हालत का करिश्मा यही हो सकता है कि वही चीज़ लतीफ़ हालत में सरायत करे। अगर यह हो गया तो बन्दग़ी भी क़ाइम रही और तोहफ़ा भी मिल गया। असलियत भी आ गयी, इस लिए कि वो चीज़ जिस का अक्स उन पर पड़ा, काफ़ी डेवलप हो चुकी थी। हाँ यह etiquette याद रक्खो। Etiquette को कभी रुख़्सत करना नहीं चाहिए, ख़्वाह इन्साँ धुर तक पहुँच जावे। यही etiquette आगे चल कर बन्दग़ी बनाता है। आगे चल के यह बात etiquette रहती ही है। यह कुल खत अख़लाक़ से पुर है। एक लफ्ज़ कि मंजनू को 'खुदा से वास्ता', यह उस की दीदा दलेरी है।"

Revered Master's [of Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] instructions addressed to Hari : "You should have seen dear Ram Chandra's [of Shahjahanpur UP] letters. Do you think their meaning to be something easy? Every sentence needs elaborate commentary! All right, take easy expression; and then pay attention to it! The easiest thing I am taking [as illustration]! In the letter to Choube Ji sent to November 18th recently, he [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] has written : 'my state, what ever is before you, happens to be the miracle wrought by the state of that Revered Elder, who has loved me!' Does it not emit the fragrance of beloved-ship? How much refined character is concealed behind this taken the other one to be the lover! Further, it will require pages after pages to comment on the expression : 'this happens to be the miracle wrought by the state of that Revered Elder'! This sentence has been set so finally that it indicates in what way the omnipotent [perfect] Nature is waving up in the servant [slave = devotee]! When the wizard [magician] structures a [magical] trick, in reality, he alone works through it. The trick fabricated by him contains just his expansion : flow of just his intelligence, current of just his thoughts, everything conceived just by him! Now tell, what has remained there that does not provide evidence for just it expansion! Now, miracle can be in the form of some magical feet etc.; but here he has noted down something else : miracle of the state! The state can be just that which came to me after sufficient development! Now, the miracle of the state can be only that the same thing pervades in refined [subtle = sublime] condition! If this has happened, then servant-hood [devotee-ship] to remains established, and the present [reward] also is achieved! Reality as well is there in as far as the thing whose reflection came [fell] on him, and developed adequately! Yes, however, remember this etiquette; and never bid goodbye to it, even if man [aspirant] would reach the final extreme [Dhura] itself! This etiquette alone structures the status of servant-hood [worshipful devotion] ahead. Still ahead this affair of etiquette is retained. This whole letter is full of refined character. One phrase 'what has Majnoon [classic Arabian lover of Laila] to do with God' is an evidence of his [Ram Chandra's of Shahjahanpur] bold vision!"

Thursday the 13th January 1949 :

मीरा बाई : "भाई, तुमको यह ग्लानि अक्सर रही कि मैं मुहब्बत नहीं कर पायी। और क्या मोहब्बत होती है कि एक ज़ात हो गए, फ़र्क़ नहीं रहा।"

Mira Bai, saint poetess of medieval India, who is famous as best devotee to Lord Krishna, almost next to Radha : "Dear brother, you often felt contrition that you could not love adequately! What else is love or devotion except that you came to have one being, perfect identification with your Master without leaving any difference at all!"

Sunday the 16th January 1949 :

"प्रिय बेटी कस्तूरी,


मुझे हर्ष है कि ऐसे अच्छे पत्र आध्यातिमिक उन्नति के मिल जाते हैं। ईश्वर को धन्यवाद है। मुझे तो कोई नहीं पूँछता और न मेरी कोई खबर लेता है। और पूंछे भी कौन, जब कि मेरे पास कोई ज़ाहिरा दौलत मालुम नहीं होती। लोग आते तो अवश्य हैं और मुझसे सीखते भी हैं, मगर बहुत कम। एक आध इस ग़रीब को पत्र द्वारा पूँछ लेते हैं। मेरे पास अब सिवाय ग़रीबपन के और कुछ नहीं है जिससे लग मेरी तरफ़ आकर्षित हों। तोषा तो मैंने रक्खा ही नहीं, इस लिए की अब सफ़र करना ही नहीं है। अगर मैं किसी से यह कहूँ कि तुम सफ़र करो अपने वतन का, तो वो क्या यह कहने का हक़दार नहीं है कि ऐसे सफ़र से दरग़ुज़रा कि मंज़िल हाँसिल होते ही या उस पर पहुँचते ही अपना तोषा भी खो दूँ। सामान जब सब खो दिया तो अब मेरे पास रह ही क्या गया। क्या सफर का यही यही नतीज़ा है ? मेरी बात-चीत और सत्संग से लोग जब यह जाननें लगते हैं, तो उनकी तबीयत अक्सर हटने लगती है। इस की मिसाल एक शाहजहाँपुर में मौजूद है, तो प्यारी बेटी अब मेरे पास क्या है जो मैं तुम सब को दूँ। अगर खोयी हुयी चीज़ फिर हाँसिल करने की कोशिश करूँ तो भी नहीं होता। इस लिए कि मैनें उस से से इस सफ़र की कीमत अदा की है। अब रह क्या गया मेरे पास। बस कुछ नहीं।और इसको लेने के लिए इक्का-दुक्का कठिनता से तैयार होते हैं। तो क्या तुम्हें यह चीज़ भली मालुम होती है ? प्रेम और मोहब्बत जिसको तुम चाहती हो मेरे पास अब वोह भी नहीं रहा जो तुमको दे डालूँ। हाँ, यह हो सकता है कि हम-तुम दोनों हाँथ पसार के ईश्वर से इसको देने की प्रार्थना करें। उसमें डर यह भी है कि उसने [ईश्वर] यह कह दिया कि जिसने अपना सब-कुछ दे डाला तो क्या अगर प्रेम दे दिया जावे तो क्या यह ग़रीब रख सकेगा। मुमकिन है कि ईश्वर तुमको अपना प्रेम देवे। और भाई, अपने लिए मुझे शक़ है कि जाने वोह देगा या नहीं, इस लिए कि मेरी कलई उस पर खुल चुकी है। तुमने अपनी जो कुछ भी हालत लिखी है, डर है कि कहीं धोखे से मेरी तरह, इस सफ़र की कीमत अदा न कर दो। और एक ग़रीब बेनवा [बे-सरोसामान] की तरह कहीं न बन जाओ।

तुम्हारा शुभचिंतक -

राम चन्द्र "

Letter to Sister Kasturi Chaturvedi dated 16.01.1949 [AD] from Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur UP] :

"Dear daughter Kasturi, auspicious blessings.

I am happy that nice letters like yours indicating spiritual progress are received : thanks to God for that! Nobody happens to enquire or seek information about me! Who should enquire after all, when I do not apparently seem to possess any wealth! People no doubt come to me, and learn spiritual practice from me as well, but very few! One or two approach poor me through letters also! I now have nothing except poverty with me, whereby to attract people to me! The provision for pilgrimage I did not keep at all with me, because I do not now have to take up any trip. Now, if I tell someone to start pilgrimage to his / her home, will he / she not having the right to retort that he / she would prefer to refrain from the journey wherein having arrived [at the destination] one would lose the provision for victim as well! In any case, when all the provision has got lost, what has now remained with me after all! Is just this the out come of the pilgrimage? When people come to learn this out of my conversation and association, they often get inclined to lose interest : one such instance is present here at Shahjahanpur itself! As such, dear daughter, what remains now with me that I may be able to give to all of you! If I try to regain what has got lost, that too is not possible because I have paid for this journey thereby! Now what, has been left with me? Just nothing; and just one or two, rarely more are ready to share this without difficulty! So, does it appeal to you? Love, affection or devotion, which you want to have, and that I may give you, that too has now left me! No doubt it is possible that both you and I pray to God, with both hands extended, to bestow this! Therein this possibility also is there that God may just say that the poor fellow, who has surrendered anything belonging to him juts to Him [God or Master], can hardly be trusted to retain even love with him, if it happened to be bestowed upon him! Just possible, God may bestow His love upon you, but for himself I doubt whether He would give or not, as I stand totally exposed before Him! What ever your state that you have conveyed in your letter, raises the apprehension that like me, you too, accidentally, do not pay the price of this pilgrimage and come to be like a poor person devoid of all equipment and outfit!

Yours well wishing : Ram Chandra [Shahjahanpur]"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Had I been living at this time, I would have awarded to you the doctorate degree in spirituality! How beautifully you are expressing the idea of 'Bhakti' [Devotion or Love]! Who can value it? Only the time to come! I have been so long in the world, but I did not see a person like you! That is why I was lacking a successor or representative, which I have found in you now after a long time. Had you been educated like me, I guarantee you would have taken the world in your hands like myself. Alright, confirm the doctorate degree in spirituality this very time! Imagine boys, how playfully he writes on such a difficult subject! It requires commentary on each point. Is not this the time for all of you to engage yourself to realize Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur]! The world may laugh, and rather even hoot at this subject so beautifully arranged, because they have no brains to understand it! Have you seen Choube Ji, such a person in the families of devotees [Bhaktas]? I dare say such type of character is not to be found anywhere! Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] was happy to have him and we are exceedingly joyous to find such a person. He will change the face of the world and humanity sooner or later. Let the time come. Skeleton - heap of bones - sitting on his cot, always busy doing nothing! What is it? So know Choube Ji! Ask him, and see what he replies! It is the mystery to be solved by all of you : let everybody try to answer! Do not call him a lazy fellow : he may be lazy with regard to some other work, but he is passing the busiest portion of life otherwise! I say again and again that this time will not come for a thousand years. You will never see the face of such a personality. It is your folly to miss such an opportunity. People will wonder if they come to understand a little as to what a personality has been structured! Destruction on one side and construction on the other! Lord Krishna was aware of your personality when He left the world. You have come for the fulfillment of some purpose, and that is that only work before you! Where you there in physical form during the time of Lord Krishna? Long before that time you had been there, but not at that time! Patanjali had breathed his last but could not secure his position in the 'Brighter word'. Now is the time for his liberation! The rest is my notes already. Seeker of God, you were throughout your career in the past. Such note is not to be thrown in the waste-paper basket, but everybody must have its copy, provide one has faith in you! Again and again I am repeating the same words that the time is passing on. Boys, you are doing nothing! What he leaks out, you can not get, even if you fall in to penance for years! He is always in a hurry to give you spiritual stages. That is the work generally done by such a personality of calibre. Nobody can imagine that you are the only personality after Lord Krishna : there are only a few sages who already know this secret! Had it ever been possible for Gandhi Ji to obtain 'Swaraj' [own Indian rule over independent India, freed from British Rule]? Do you know the secret of Hitler [Nazi German dictator responsible for 'World-war II'] going from this world? It may work havoc in Europe! Be prepared to see the result! Allowance is being paid for your brain being used for much work of Nature; but some work you will have to do yourself consciously. One thing I have to ask and it should not be made public generally! The powers of Nature have grown sluggish in this work for want of proper power required for this work. Nobody has power in the world and beyond to bring them to real action again. It is your duty now to bring them in to proper use and prepare them for the work ahead! Choube Ji may be able to tell you about the posers of Nature that are working or you will find yourself somewhere written in your notes or through my directions. The sun shines, but few people know that it is losing its capacity day-by-day; and the moon has the same effect over itself! It is just a wonder as to how you are to be engaged. You have no business but what is required of you by Nature! You are the instrument of Nature and not a tool of anybody! Do the work : instructions will follow! London is waiting for your working many other contras as well. This will all go in my notes. Typed copies may be provide to those who have faith in you; but not the last few lines! I have said sufficient for this day! My Guru is telling me now to extinguish his own lamp! What is the use of keeping such an organization which has gone away from spirituality, to which it can not now return! There are others who must meet the same fate! Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has broken down His own set up to His life-time! Created things must go away to make way for the real one to swim : that is the law of Providence! Change and change, overhaul and overhaul, district and district, construct and construct! Build the temple of yours on the bones, blood and ashes, mixed together to serve as mortar for the building that you are to erect! I do not want to sanyasins [ascetic mendicants] of the type that are being structured and designed by their Gurus! I neither want such Gurus [spiritual-guides] as well! They must be wiped off from the face of earth! Exercise your special will, bestowed by Nature, and finish the work! Nobody has glittered among your associates to give help to you! People are still sleeping : they do not realize your worth!"

Basant Panchami, Tuesday the 01st February 1949 [time 07.30 PM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Look here, boys! You are here assembled to commemorate the auspicious birth of our Revered Master [Samantha Sadguru Laalaaji Sahib, Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. This is the most important function for the Mission. It will remain being celebrated all time till the world exists! This is the note for the coming generations!"

Wednesday the 02nd February 1949 at 08.30 PM :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You should extinguish the lamp in toto of the modern type of saints and seers, playing springing and leaping on their own individual minds. They have their deep connection with the strata of their individual minds alone. The work must begin from today! They are working havoc in the spiritual era at dawn now! They are meddling with your affairs! Put them on the point os distraction, if needed. They have spoiled the public in general, instead of giving spiritual approach. They are hunting after their own names! Name seekers and fame-hunters are not needed at all! You have to repair a broader field for work. Time is fast approaching when the world will appear like a glittering star of the morning. You will lay the foundation of the world afresh! You need not ask me if you want to put any person of higher or lower personality to the point of destruction. You know your own ways and do everything accordingly. Banish the idea from your mind permanently that you do any wrong ever in this matter. Leave these things to dogs! A man of your personality cannot commit wrong acts because you have come for the purpose and you have been made as such! The man you are thinking about is not worthy of being kept in society! I do not want such personality in existence. I want to keep you as my son and Kasturi as my daughter [Choube Ji offered Kasturi to Swami Vivekananda Ji as his daughter]. Then, take her for Mission's work. Tell her to start form today. Hurry up, hurry up! I think she can write well : let her appear in the paper first!"

Saturday the 05th February 1949 [time 09.00 AM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Last night the promise to Mr. Mudaliar for his liberation as a reward of work in South India was made by you without thought : such kinds of declaration of promises must not be made in future. You have taken the sacred pledge for it. That is too much. You yourself do not realise what you are! The reward had been reserved for him [Mr. Mudaliar]. This is not child's play : you know your own responsibility! Be sure about what you are thinking about as it will come to pass! This is the Divine Will! Let time come, and you will see your success. Your service and sacrifice to the 'Mission' will be written in letters of gold! It will weave the destiny of the 'Mission' in future! He [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur UP] has undaunted courage with a bony face, no doubt! We have give him all that we possess. He is reigning throughout but considering himself as a servant! A person of such a pious heart is to be esteemed everywhere, but he remains neglected : even his brother associates have forsaken him. He seems to be all alone, putting himself to the work of Almighty! Success will surely dawn, be sure! The specialty for him, you boys will find in doing all the work but the idea of doing it remaining totally away from his mind! Is it something ordinary? He is totally negated! I tell you again that you will not find such a type of character even now anywhere. These are my words. Are these not sufficient to create faith in you people? We are all telling you and crying about what he is! Will you people wake-up from your sleep only when he is gone out of your reach ordinarily? Can anybody past or present except our Revered Master, Laalaaji Sahib [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], boast of structuring such a personality as that of Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur UP]? He is the only one : this is to be written in bold enough letters gold! I find persons in delirious condition generally. They are still in that same slumber. The scythe of time will teach them : the sharp pointed sphere will wet them right! It is at there heads though they do not know it! They are being devoured by their own bands! Nature's will must come to pass. Their must be regulated by the point of spear!"

Tuesday the 15th March 1949 [time 08.30 PM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You cannot escape from from going to the quarters allotted for your work. All are of the opinion that you should start without further delay. Work is suffering extensively. Go to Gaya and Benares [Varanasi] Nadia, you can take from the corner where you settle during journey in case you are not able to go there [Nadia]. You have neglected Delhi, you are sure to go there! Leave this time the journey to Jagannath Puri. Only two places are allotted to you this time. You have been talking about the natural phenomena such as the in sun's heat! It is not the the work to be pondered over, nor is it so difficult as it seems. Let the scientists try first. Your turn will come at the end! You have to weave the future destiny of the world! All these things are helping you in the work of destruction. When you have finished with the work, set these things right, but let the time come on the grave. I shall try you when it is needed. Prepare the field just as you have been doing so far! Then draw the attention in toto of the various forces of Nature to work at your command. Thus, there is no hurry abut the sun or the moon. Let materialistic science try its hand, and then the realization of spirituality and God's work will come. All these things should go to the press after you! I instruct you all, boys! Take a solemn oath for it. These things are not to be found everywhere and such a type of work was not bestowed ever before! That is the special feature. It is one minutes work to set the sun and moon alright. You can make research about the sun if you like : that will help you in your work. I tell you Lord Buddha's vision about you and your work. Do not fail to proceed to Bodhgaya. Charge it thoroughly. Much time will be spent in Gaya. The rest I will tell when you require. Work, you will be getting on the way."

Sunday the 03rd April 1949 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are meditating upon the work at Gaya! There is ample work before you, so much so that you can not realize your head up for seven days. I am vacating my office for you as per note somewhere as a reward for the work. Thorough overhauling is required there : deface it although. Happy is the time that you are born for the possession : world is demanding change and you are the only authority to do it. We can not put out our hand in it! The work is only on your shoulders and you are the only person deputed for ti! I start tomorrow without fail. Can you compare this work with that of that of anybody? Is there anybody fir for it? Is it not a miracle? Snake-charmer is something else and that is the 'conjuror's job! I call those persons snake-charmers who for mere show acquire some power and use it for special purpose without being inclined to spirituality in its correct sense."

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : इस मिशन के लिए तुम्हारा जन्म दिन मनाना कुछ कम अहम् नहीं है। ऐसे शख्स का अगर जन्म दिन न मनाया जावे तो फिर कौन शख्स ऐसा हो सकता है जो जन्म दिन मनाने के क़ाबिल हो। चौबेजी को यह बात खूब सुझी और शुरुवात उन्होंने की। फैज़ की बख्शीश 24 घण्टे उन के घर पर रहेगी। मैं इस बात से इस क़दर खुश हूँ कि चौबेजी का इस एवज़ में बेड़ा पार कर दूँगा। माँ जिन को तुम ने ऐसा माना है, वाक़ई तुम से मुहब्बत उसी भाव से कर रही हैं। इन दोनों में किसका हक़ फायक़ है। मैं समझता हूँ तुम्हारी माँ का [यानी चौबे जी की बीबी का] लिहाज़ा वो भी इस से नहीं महरूम रह सकतीं, यानि दोनों को फ़ायदा होगा। अब तुम सफ़र को जा रहे हो। घबराओ नहीं, काम मौके पर दिया जावेगा। मास्टर साहेब, यह ख़त जो इसने [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] आप पुत्ती बाबू के लिए लिखा था, ग़ौर किया। किया नहीं? यह सब इसी की तारीफ़ थी। कोई हस्ती अब तक ऐसी नहीं आयी। किसी के ख्वाबो ख्याल में यह बातें नहीं आ सकतीं। कहो तो बेवकूफ बनायेंगे। मैं समझता हूँ यह खत उसी नोटबुक में नक़ल हो जाना चाहिए। गुरु का क्या कहना जिसने ऐसी हस्ती बना दी। मास्टर साहिब। ऐसा बनने की कोशिश करो। जादूगरी हर जगह मिलेगी। और यह चीज़ आम है। किसी शक्ति को master कर लिया, तरह तरह के miracles सरज़द होने लगे। वोह [शाबाश] कहीं इस तहरीर का ठिकाना है। क्या किसी के दिमाग़ में यह बात आ सकती है। यह किसी में इसके सहन [बर्दाश्त] करने की क़ुव्वत है। क्या कोई यह सोंच सकता है कि जहाँ पर ऐसे शख़्स का ठहराव होता है, वो ताक़त अपने जिस्म में रवां नहीं कर सकता, इस लिए कि जिस्म में उसके बर्दाश्त की ताक़त नहीं, फिर वहाँ रहना कैसा। यह चीज़ वाक़ई अमल में ही अदा हो सकती है। जहाँ तक कोई न पहुँचा हो तो किसी पहुँचे हुए की बात कैसे समझ में आवेगी। आगे भी इस किस्म की उम्मीद शायद ही हो सकती है। यह चीजेँ, मैं समझता हूँ कि इन्हीं [राम चन्द्र - शाहजहाँपुर] के लिए reserve थीं। ये चाहना ज़रूर है कि सब ऐसे ही बने। अब इस will जितना जिसको फ़ायदा पहुँच जावे। क्या ईसार नफ़्सी है, कोई समझ सकता है? क्या दान है, समझ सकता है कोई शख्स? तुम लोग, बताता हूँ, तरसोगे। इनको ज़रुरतन यहाँ रक्खा जा रहा है। यह इनके गुरु महाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज -फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] की ताक़त है जो इनको इस दुनियाँ में रोके हुए है। और भाई, गुरु भी कैसा, जिसकी हर वक़्त धार रवाँ रहे और परवाज़ग़ी को रोकती रहे। खैर कह दिया। मानो न मानो। यह तुम्हारा इख़्तियार है। मैं इन को रामेश्वरम में अपने साथ रखना चाहता था, मगर रोक दिया गया। मज़बूर क्या था, इसकी हालत commanding! ऐसे लोग, याद रक्खो, ज़्यादः नहीं रुका करते। हाँ, ऐसा गुरु अगर मिल जाय तो वो इन्हीं के लिए हो सकता है।"

[नोट : चार अप्रैल सन 1949 को ग्यारह बजे दोपहर के वक़्त शाहजहाँपुर से रवाना हो कर करीब दो बजे शब्ब को गया पहुँचे। बाक़ी रात मुसाफ़िरख़ाने में क़याम करके सुबह साढ़े सात बजे धर्मशाला सूरजमल मारवाड़ी, जो शहर में तीर्थ के कुछ क़रीब है, कमरा नम्बर आठ में क़याम किया।"]

Reverend Lord Krishna [time 09.00 PM] : "To celebrate your birthday is not at all of any lesser significance for this 'Mission' [SRCM Mission]. If birthday of such a person is not celebrated, then who else can be the fit person for birthday celebration! This thing occurred so auspiciously to the mind of Choube Ji, who made a beginning in this regard! This will be rain of beneficent transmission on this house for twenty four hours! Mother [Wife of Choube Ji and mother of Kasturi], whom you have take as such, is really loving you in that same spirit! Which one of these two happens to be more privileged? I understand, it is your mother [wife of Choube Ji]. As such, she too can not remain devoid : both will thus derive benefit of my happiness and promise to bring their fleet to the shore! Now you are going on tour : do not feel perturbed! Work will be there at the opportune time! Look here Master Sahib [Babu Ishwar Sahai], this letter that he wrote to you and Putti Babu should be studied attentively. It is all just his praise! Never has such a personality come as yet down to earth. Such matters can not occur to anybody's dream and thought! If the real thing is told, people may make a fun! I feel this letter must be noted down in the special book. What to say of the Guide, who has structured such a personality! Try to become like this, Ishwar Sahai! Sorcery and witchcraft, you will find everywhere : some power is mastered and miracles of various kind started occurring! Bravo, can there ever be any adequate appreciation of this writing! Can such a thing occur to anybody's mind? Does anybody has the power to tolerate it? Can anybody conceive that at the point, where such a person is stationed, he can not make that power flow through his body because the body has no capability to tolerate it? Then what to say about being stationed there! This thing can really be delivered thorough practice alone! Somebody, who has not reached somewhere, how can be possibly comprehend what one who has been there may be telling about that place? There can hardly be an expectation of this kind ahead in the future : these things, to my understanding were just reserved for him, Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur]. He does want no doubt, that all be developed just like this : now what ever benefit may occur to whom so ever through this will or desire! What a sincerity of the self and what an endowment! Can anybody understand and assess it? I am telling you people, humanity will just pine for it! He is being retained here in the world under necessity! It is the power of his Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] that is retaining him here! And what a great Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], brother whose current is flowing all the time and checking or obstructing the flight of his soul out of physical bondage! Alright, I have told you, believe it or not! That remains your privilege! I was desiring to have him with me at Rameshwaram, but was stopped. What was my helplessness? Just his commanding state! Remember, such people do not stay in the world long. No doubt, if such guide be available, so that too can be for such ones alone!"

[Reference here is to the matter of a letter contained in 'Voice Real' - second section under chapter 'A Faqir's wealth' in the section 'The beggar's bowl']

Tuesday the 05th April 1949 [AD] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज -फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] समय 08.30 मक़ाम गया, बिहार] : "गया में काम बहुत है। आज आराम करो। सुबह से काम शुरू होगा। छुट्टी काफ़ी है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP, India] : "There is lot of work at Gaya. Take rest today. The work will start in the morning tomorrow. There is sufficient time at your disposal."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Look here, Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur UP], you are specially deputed for the work of Gaya. At step you are praised and you deserve! At the same time the underlying motive at the bottom is that you do not realize your power and capacity because in perfect state of forgetfulness, seldom acquired by anybody. That is the TONIC for the working. People may anything, do not mind! The thing is totally gone from you, I mean the state of 'Ahamkar' or ego-consciousness! You cannot ever and after creep in to it in any form. Rest assured! Your working is not limited to this world. You know already and you are sometimes unconsciously busy with the work in other worlds! That is why you often feel pressure in your brain or headache."

श्री कृष्णा जी महाराज [समय एक बज कर पन्द्रह मिनट दोपहर] : "मेरे क़दम इस सरज़मीं में पड़ चुके हैं। बाणासुर की लड़ाई का वाक़्या सही है। अनिरुद्ध का clue मुझे यहीं से मिला था और रास्ता भी।"

Reverend Lord Krishna's dictation [Time at 01.15 PM] : "I have graced this auspicious land with my feet. The event concerning battle with Banasura is correct. I had obtained the clue concerning Aniruddha from just here, and found the way as well."

[The reference here is to the anecdote in Shrimad Bhagawat concerning the marriage of Aniruddha, grandson with Lord Krishna with Usha, daughter of Banasura, ruler of Shonitpur. Usha had dreamt of her conjugation with a handsome prince. Her friend Chitralekha, daughter her father's prime minister, was a great artist. She prepared thousands of portraits out of which one - that was Aniruddha - was recognized by Usha, as a handsome prince of her dream. Chitralekha then arranged secret conjugation of prince Aniruddha with princes Usha. Banasura, having come to know this, put Aniruddha under arrest. Lord Krishna and Pradyumna, grandfather and father of Aniruddha, and all their kinsmen, who had been worried for about four months in search of the missing prince, came to know the facts. There was a battle between Banasura and Lord Krishna, wherein Banasura was defeated and Lord Krishna returned to Dwarika with Usha and Aniruddha, as wife and husband.]

Wednesday the 06th April 1949 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You will have to destroy the every part of Gaya [Bihar] completely, [I mean, ritualistic performances for liberating departed forefathers being conducted over centuries by professional priests]. I do not want this kind of Gaya to continue anymore. This is baseless and has no foundation : those who disturb should be put at the point of spear!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई, यह मामूली काम नहीं। बहुत मेहनत का काम है। इस क़िस्म की बातें जो हिन्दुओं में रायज़ हो गयीं हैं, उन्होंने मज़हब को बदनाम किया है। यह सब तुमको निकलना है। अगर चाहो तो ऐसी बात पैदा कर दो कि नाकारा और unwanted elements ख़त्म हो जावें। जब तुम्हारे हाँथ में यह काम ईश्वर ने दिया है तो इसको पूरा करने के लिए जो ऐसी बातें लाज़िमी हैं, वो हटाई जा सकतीं हैं। जो elements ज़रूरी नहीं हैं और वाइसे ख़राबी हो रहे हैं, उनको हटाया जा सकता है। इस काम को ख़त्म कर के ही यहाँ से हटना होगा। गया को शुद्ध करने की ज़रूरत नहीं।

[नोट : बावत एहसास खुद : 05 अप्रैल को जिस वक़्त शहर के अंदर दाख़िल हुआ, शहर की हालत यह थी गोया कोई चीज़ दिल के ऊपर दबाव या pressure पैदा कर रही है। ख्याल दिलाने पर मास्टर ईश्वर सहाय को भी एहसास हुआ। इस चीज़ को अपने दिलों में टक्कर खाने से रोकना पड़ा। यह यहाँ की हालत थी जो दिलों में चक्कर लगाती थी। यह भद्दापन होने की पहिचान है कि किस क़दर ठोसता यहां के वायुमण्डल में क़ाइम हो चुकी है। यह इस तीर्थ का हाल है जहाँ लोग परवानावार गिरते हैं। अगर बुज़ुर्ग़ों की निज़ात के लिए रुपये का खर्च न होता।]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "यहाँ पर प्रणाली जो रायज़ है क़तअन नहीं रहना चाहिए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "This is not ordinary work : it is a job requiring much labor! These kind of ritualistic practices, that have come to be prevalent among Hindus, are responsible for defamation of the religion. You have to eliminate all of it : if you want, you may create the circumstance so that useless, absurd and unwanted elements get finished or destroyed. When God has submitted this work to your hands, you have to leave this town only after finishing [completing] this job! There is no need of purifying Gaya : the system prevailing here, should stand entirely wiped off!"

[Note : Concerning own impatience : when I entered the town Gaya on 05.04.1949, the state of the atmosphere was that something was causing pressure on pressure on heart. It was the condition of this place that was circulating in our hearts; and it had to be stopped from dashing against our hearts. This is the indication of crudity or grossness being there, as to how much solidity has got ingrained in the atmosphere here. This is the condition of this holy place of pilgrimage, where people would flock like moths in case expense of money for liberation of bygone forefathers had not been imperative.]

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Total distraction of priest-craft : this is common everywhere. You need not ask this thing any further : this is your main play [role] of the drama! In the nought, you devote to this work! I will tell you where ladies are taken for corrupt practices : it is on this corner [pointing out to the south-west]. There are women of this type here as well! The man who came to you for alms is not fit for company : his family is corrupt. Look here, how people sell their honour for silver coins : this is common everywhere! This is the bane of society. Last portion of your programme, after sufficient destruction, will be there corrector-building. You will do this here in this world [during your life-time] and after that [as well]. I will tell you the way to the actual places where corrupt practices are carried on [indulged in]. You will introduce the germs of destruction at those places."

श्री कृष्ण जी महाराज : "कल की बात मेरी अधूरी रह गयी। मेरा यह टिका सिर रहा है, उस वक़्त जब कि मैं लड़ाई की मुहिम में जा रहा था। फल्गू नदी के क़रीब ठहरे थे। जगह दूर है। अगर चाहो तो बता दूँगा। इससे हट कर जरासन्ध की राजधानी थी। यह एक बहुत ताक़तवर राजा था। चित्रलेखा में वोह कमाल और अनुभवशक्ति है जो इस वक़्त बड़ी से बड़ी तरक़्क़ीयाफ्ता रूह में पायी जाती है। यह लड़की वाणासुर के यहाँ पैदा हुयी थी जिसको ईश्वर की ज़ात से कोई लगाव न था। इसका क़िला अपनी जगह पर जहाँ का वोह बादशाह था, बना हुआ है। चिन्ह अब भी मौजूद हैं।

Reverend Lord Krishna : "What I was telling yesterday, remained only half of the story [incomplete]. I have stayed here, when I was going for the battle. We had stayed close to the river - Phalgu. The place is at the distance : I will tell you if you like. The little away from there was the capital of Jarasandha [Father of the two queens of king Kansa, the maternal uncle of Lord Krishna]. He was a very powerful king. [Jarasandha attacked Mathura after his son-in-law, Kansa was killed by Lord Krishna. He was defeated seventeen times; but eighteenth time Lord Krishna with his kins-men diplomatically flew away from the battle-field to take shelter at Dwarika, the newly built above in the Arabian sea at the western-coast of India in Gujarat.]"

"Chitralekha [and Usha] possessed masterly [great efficiency] and sensitivity which was available in the most developed [enlightened ] soul of that time. This girl Usha was born as daughter of Banasura who had no attachment [touch] with the entity of God. The traces of his fort at the place of [the capital of] his kingdom is still existing."

चैतन्य महाप्रभु [11.00 बजे दोपहर] : "नदिया का काम करके जाना। कुल जगह, जहाँ पैदा हुआ, चार्ज कर देना। तमाम फ़िरा, ऐसा कोई न मुझ से बन सका जैसा तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] ने तुम को बना दिया। यह किस्मत और sacrifice है और ईश्वर की देन। तुम्हारे वाक़ियात जिस वक़्त दुनियाँ वालों के सामने जावेंगे, ताज्जुब करेंगे। वाक़्यात उनको खुद यक़ीन दिला देवेंगे की हाँ कोई हस्ती ज़रूर ज़रूर गुज़र गयी है। गाँधी बेचारे ने सिर से पैर तक कोशिश की। जेल काटी मगर नतीज़ा मतलूब न ला सके। उस वक़्त तक जब तक कि तुमने ऐड़ न लगा दी। यह ज़रूर है कि कामयाबी का सेहरा गाँधी जी के सिर रहा और तुम ग़रीब को किसी ने न जाना। तुम्हारी ढाई बरस की मेहनत ने सल्तनत को उलट दिया और वोह भी औसतन पाँच मिनट रोज़ाना के हिसाब से रही होगी। ग़लती गाँधी जी ज़रूर कर गए कि इतनी जल्दी ही आज़ादी के पाकिस्तान होने की इजाज़त दे गए। अगर वो ऐसा न करते, सल्तनत तो उलट कर ही रहती और राज तुम्हारा होता। तुम्हारी will खाली नहीं जावेगी। कभी देर-सबेर दूसरी बात है। क़ुदरत का काम कितना आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता होता है, और जब पकपका कर तय्यार हो जाता है, एकदम से अक्सर भभूका भूटता है और कभी-कभी आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता भी सुलग-सुलग कर कुल खिरमन को तवाह कर देता है। खुश रहो।"

"अब दूसरी बात शुरू होती है कि मेरा काम अब कौन करे। फ़ना मैं तुम में हो चुका हूँ, उसी तरह से जैसे और बुजुर्ग़ होते हैं। मगर तुम्हें स्वामी जी और लालाजी महाराज से फुर्सत नहीं मिलती और हर बात तुम उन बुज़ुरगों से पूँछते रहते हो। इस लिए मेरी फनाईयत का एहसास नहीं होता। वार्ना मैं बिलकुल ऐसा ही तुम में फ़ना हूँ जैसे कि और बुजुर्ग़। यह ज़रूर है कि महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज ने जिस ढंग से फ़नाईयत की है, उस तरह से कोई आज तक लय नहीं हुआ। यह इस दुनियाँ में पहली मिसाल है कि गुरु शिष्य के सरगर्दां फ़िरे। गुरु-भक्ति की मिसाल तुमसे अच्छी कहीं नहीं मिलती। इस से लाज़िम था कि गुरु के लिए फ़नाइयत की मिसाल भी ऐसी कहीं न मिले और यह उस भक्ति का जवाब है। सिखने वाले तुम्हें नहीं मिल रहे हैं मगर धीरे-धीरे सब सुलग रहे है। जो जगहें तुमने charge की हैं वहाँ पहुँचने से उनमें लगभग ऐसा ही असर पैदा होता है जो तुम्हारी तवज्जोः से। अब गया के काम में मशरुफ़ होओ। मैं स्वामी जी को मुबारक़बाद इस बात की देता हूँ कि उन्होंने भी बहुत हिस्सा गुरुमहाराज की तरह का तुम से निस्बत रखते हुए लिया है। उनकी भी किस्मत थी कि ऐसा शख्स उन्हें मिल गया। और है मेरी भी किस्मत कि ऐसा शख्स इंतख़ाब किया जिस से जो चाहूँ काम ले सकता हूँ। वार्ना सिवाय इस के कि चुपचाप बैठा रहता जैसे बरसों बैठा रहा हूँ।"

Dictation from Chaitanya Mahaprabhu [time 11.30 AM] : "Before returning to Shahjahanpur, you must finish the work of Nadia [Navadweep]. Do change the entire place where I was born. I wondered far and wide, but coulee not structure anybody like your Revered Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has structured you. This is a matter of one's luck and sacrifice, and [moreover] gift of God! When your work and events [of life] go to [the knowledge of] the people in the world, they will wonder [at it]. The events will by themselves convince them that a real great Personality came to pass! Gandhi Ji tried from head to foot undergoing jail terms [and what not] but the desired effect could not be brought up so long as you did not come to spur the horse! No doubt the credit has gone to Gandhi Ji and you poor fellow could not be noticed by anybody! Your work of about five minutes everyday on the average for two and a half years upturned the foundations of the British Empire! The division of the country no doubt has been a political mistake : even if it had not been agreed upon, the British Rule would have got upturned anyway! Your will is not to go waste : late or quick sometime is another matter. Nature's work proceed at slow pace. When it ripens up in to readiness, there is often a sudden outburst; and sometimes slow smouldering also destroyed the harvest! Remain happy! [Pause] Now starts another point viz. who is to do my work, now! I have got merged in you just like others do. However, you not find yourself away [free] from Reverend Swami Ji and Laalaaji, and remain in communication with them : as such, you do not feel conscious of my mergence with you. Else, I am merging in you exactly like other elders! No doubt, the way your Revered Master Laalaaji Sahib has merged in you, is quit unique : nobody else could merge like that to this day! It is the first example of this world that the Master goes about hankering after the disciple! The example devotion to the Master [Guide] better than you is not available anywhere : as such, it was imperative for the Master to merge in the way whose example [illustration] be no where available. That is an answer [in response] to this devotion! You are not getting [suitable] disciples; but all are slowly smouldering. The places, charged by you, emit almost that effect, which your transmission brings forth! Now, you are busy with work at Gaya : I congratulate Swami Ji that he too for the most part has done like your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] to remain connected with you! It was Swami Ji's good luck as well to have found such a person! It is good-luck in my case also that I have selected such a person as to be able to take any work of my choice from him! Alas I had no alternative to sitting quietly, as I have remained for years together!"

बुद्ध जी महाराज : "स्वामी जी महाराज ने कह दिया है कि 'बोधगया' जाना। यह मेरी ही तरफ़ से था।

'बढ़' के दरख़्त [बट वृक्ष = बरगद का पेड़] की जगह जहाँ पर मेरा तपस्या करना कहा जाता है, ऐसा चार्ज करना कि तमाम उम्र ऐसा न किया हो और ज़मीं हर वक़्त फैज़ उगलती रहे। खोपड़ियाँ बँधतीं रहें जो वहाँ ज़्यारत के लिए जावें। कसर न छोड़ना।"

Reverend Lord Buddha : "Swami Ji has already told you to go to 'Bodh Gaya' : that was [an instruction from my side! The place of the tree

[Peepal = Ficus Religisa]*, where I am reputed to have undertaken austerities, should be charged as was not done ever before, to make the earth there remain emanating [disbursing] beneficence [transmission] all the time. The skulls of those going there for pilgrimage be bound up [for ever] there : do not leave anything lacking!"


*"peepal tree", or "arasa maram" पीपल क पेड़),[1] was a large and ancient sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa[1][2]) located in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India, under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher who became known as the Buddha, is said to have attained enlightenment or Bodhi.[3] In religious iconography, the Bodhi Tree is recognizable by its heart-shaped leaves, which are usually prominently displayed.

The term "Bodhi Tree" is also widely applied to existing trees, particularly the sacred fig (Ficus religiosa) growing at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya, which is often cited as a direct descendant of the original specimen planted in 288 BCE. This tree is a frequent destination for pilgrims, being the most important of the four main Buddhist pilgrimage sites.

Other holy bodhi trees which have a great significance in the history of Buddhism are the Anandabodhi tree in Sravasti and the Bodhi tree in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Both are believed to have been propagated from the original Bodhi Tree.


हज़रत क्विब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "महात्मा बुद्ध ने जो कुछ फ़रमाया है वैसा ही करना। मगर इस बात की इजाज़त नहीं देता कि - 'कसर न छोड़ना'। अगर इस इतने टुकड़े की पैरवी की जावे तो दिमाग़ की नसें वहाँ जाने वालों की फटने लगेंगी।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Do exactly what Reverend Lord Buddha has instructed you; but I do not permit this - 'do not leave anything lacking'. If this little piece [of instruction] is implemented exactly [literally], the nerve-centers, in the brains of those who go there, will start bursting [getting shattered]!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are doing the job to my utmost satisfaction. Go on with your work : success will attain on you!

To you this child's play : you can do it in one minute. The capacity you have been conferred upon, we know to be that of our God! [Pause] Just handle the years of the [invisible] sage of Bihar : he is away from duty for some time past! Alright, I am giving him my command! The following command was overheard :

"You wool be pulled down instantly if you are away from duty, assigned by our Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], commanding us! There is no reason why you should be busy with your work when your Master is here!"

[The invisible saint in-charge of Bihar apologized.]

"You will have to set right the Hindu society, gone down to such an extensive degree [of doom]! Certain elements must be made to disappear [wiped off totally]!

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "आज का काम अच्छा रहा। थोड़ा थोड़ा नादिया का काम भी करते चलो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Your work today has been good. Proceed on with the work of Nadia also little by little!

Thursday the 07th April 1949 [Time 07.10 AM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Your work yesterday has been exemplary! You will be successful without fail : this is child's play for you."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई राम चन्द्र! महात्मा लोग अपना अपना office छोड़ रहे हैं।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur UP], great sages are vacating their respective offices!

Swami Vivekananda Ji: "I am vacating my office this very moment [07.15 AM] and establishing you there on my job! Your responsibility becomes greater now! I shall be present just like your Guru [[Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]! When a higher personality comes in to existence, lower ones glitter like morning stars. Our work is over; your regime follows! Work with Lord Krishna hand in hand : we have handed you over to him! Follow Him! Is it not to be a mystery to the eyes of the public? Will they take it to be true? This is the problem which will be solved after hundred years! My Revered Guru is poring benedictions upon you. He prepared me; and Laalaaji Prepared you! Now we are combined [together]. You now belong to the same machinery of ours : you are one! Our work is over! Sun shines; stars fade away! Look to our president, the highest authority of our organization [Shri Rama Krishna Mission, established by Swami Vivekananda Ji]! Have you examined him : he is in deep slumber and my organization is gone! He is doing public work in the best possible manner, but not the spiritual sort of job, needed for the time! Really speaking your Revered Master [[Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] has also lost his organization , so to say! The new one has come in to being : of-course he is the head [of this new Organization]! You are the body, the nerves and the soul! Mind can not work unless nerves are active [with their job]. So you are the principal head of your organization, issuing forth from the center! These are orders from the base; and we are powerless!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "एक बात और लिख लो। यह बरक़त चैतन्य महाप्रभु की है और ग़ालिबन यह बात किसी की रूह को नसीब नहीं हुयी। ईश्वर की याद करना, मौत के वक़्त, लिखा है कि इस से फ़ायदा होता है। क्या यह ग़ैरमुमकिन बात है कि तुम्हारी याद उस वक़्त पर की जावे और फ़ायदा न हो। तुम हो या न हो, यह बात और है। कहता हूँ कि कमाल फायदा होगा। अगर तुम्हारी याद में रूह परवाज़ कर गयी तो इस दुनियाँ में उसका आना मुमकिन नहीं हो सकता। यह एक मिनट की याद का फ़ायदा है। जो लोग तमाम उम्र ऐसा करते हैं, उनके रुतबे का क्या ठिकाना। भक्ति ईश्वर की मशहूर है, कोई तुम्हारी भक्ति करके देखे। तुमने वायुमण्डल में वो असरात पैदा कर दिए कि तुम्हारे काम को दवामी तौर पर स्तेःक़ाम हो गया।"

"भाई, अगर गया करने वालों को सज़ा दी जावे तो क्या हर्ज़ है। अपना रूपया ख़र्च करते हैं और वक़्त भी, और कोई फायदा नहीं होता।"

[सवाल बख़उद] सज़ा, गया करने वालों की या करने वालों की ? किसकी होना चाहिए।

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "अच्छा, जो मुमकिन हो करो; ख़्वाह गया करने वालों को, ख़्वाह कराने वालों को सज़ा दो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Take-down one thing more. This benediction is of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu; and probably never came to be bestowed unto anybody with a soul! It is written [in scriptures] that remembering God at the time of death is beneficial. Is it not possible that you be remembered at that time [death] to derive the same benefit? It is different matter whether it happens or not! I am telling that utmost benefit will be there!"

Friday 08th April 1949 [Time 07.00 AM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Your Work at Gaya has been excellent. You have filled the air with religious rebellion. The ways adopted by you are correct. Melancholy scene is present everywhere. Work of part destruction remains yet unfinished. You will have to stay here for three days more. Religious feelings are collapsed : that is the work done which I have described above.

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] समय 10.30 प्रातःकाल : "भाई, तुम्हारा मिस्र [Egypt] जाना ज़रूरी है। कोई शख्सियत तुम्हारे बाद ऐसी नहीं रही है जो इस काम को पूरा कर सके।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Your going to Egypt is necessary, brother! No personality is coming after you such as may be able to complete this work.

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You are the deliverer of India and savior of mankind. Is it not then become necessary to study the situation, prevailing in different countries of the world? Is it not your duty now to visit these places, where havoc has been wrought? You can best solve the problem of the world before you by actually going there. It remains for you to manage some-how! I want to send you Germany and Russia specially. Other countries must be crossed [in transit], but these two countries require your help. Great Britain, of-course, cannot be neglected. France you must see. This is the place of corruption : there you must go. I want to setup Hindu civilisztion in Australia. I do not so much wealth in America. Be attentive now to Afghanistan : it must be washed over! Typical character of jungle-habits must be removed: I do not want this sort of civilization to prevail there! If you go to Egypt, do not fail to visit Persia."

Saturday the 09th April 1949 [Time 07.15 AM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : Gaya is overworked upon! Now you are going to Bodhgaya [place of Lord Buddha's enlightenment, about 10.00 Kilometers from Gaya Town]. I do not want that the power from the Base be focused at the core because children and babies also go there. It is already charged due to penance of Lord Buddha there, even though it has been spoiled to a certain extent by the scythe of time. Whenever one may go there, he / she will feel charged. The condition there is, however, deteriorating day by day. You should create the substance there for issuing forth the same power ever and after. This time, when you go there, you will charge it to make it just as it was during the time of Lord Buddha. That is the limit of your work : I want not more than that!"

The dictation continued at Bodhgaya [time 10.00 AM] : "You are at Bodhgaya, now. The exact location of the 'Bodhi tree" is just where you are sitting in the time of Lord Buddha when that [original] tree was in existence, the place al-around was covered with bushes and shrubs. There were dens of wild beasts. Game [shikar = killing of animals by way of sport] was not allowed here. Lord Buddha started teaching from this very place. He got light here. Light you know already as quite common in your 'Sahaj-Marg' practice. It was no doubt the real light, which made him 'Buddha' [enlightened]. Your concept of light is different. That is something very superior, which you are contemplating as this moment. The thing has been spoiled by the priestly clan. Lord Buddha's teaching was simple and base on high ideals. People call him a man away from God. To their view, no Godly principals are found in Buddhism; but in fact Lord Buddha's teachings consists of highest philosophy and ethics. Note that you are the only personality in whom Lord Buddha is absorbed. You are free to cary his teachings to the hearts of the common folk. Consider your philosophy and compare it that of Lord Buddha : you will find highest pitches [peaks] in his teaching : but no body has gone so far or will go ever after to the extent that you have covered! There philosophy ends and it is difficult to say what begins [at that highest peak / pitch]! People shall lament to see [these] destinations [made available to them] after your life-time! Nobody is coming to you for higher standard of education. You will not find any parallel anywhere : you have started a new thing! The highest pitch takes root in the hearts of practicants [abhyasis] from the very start [under your system of teaching]. People can hardly understand these things. This is a new era in the history of spirituality in the human-fold [sphere]."

Looking at the batch of pilgrims performing rituals for liberation of their forefathers, under the directions of a priest, Revered Swami Ji remarked : "See, the cattle are being driven to paradise! [Pause] Nobody except you has the capability to discover the correct [exact] place where Lord Buddha sat for meditation and attained enlightenment [realization]!'

[Lord Buddha is said to have attained a highest pitch of spiritual elevation sitting close near the trunk [root] of Peepal [ficus religiosa] tree in the forest at Gaya during the full-moon night of the month of April abbot the middle of sixth century B. C. The tree at the back of the temple now, is believed to be at the site of the original tree. This variety of the [ficus] has long life. The original tree was said to have been existing during third century B. C. when the Mauryan King Ashoka embraced 'Buddhism'. He sent a branch of that tree with his son, Mahendra and daughter, Sangh Mitra planted in Ceylon [288 B. C.], which is believed to be still living. He put-up a typical stone railing around the place, remnants of which are still existing, archaeologically known as Ashokan Railing. There is a famous anecdote, depict on the wall of the temple there, as well as at some other Buddhist shrines. Ling Ashoka became very devoted to and fond of that tree, and was very often camping there. One of his queens became very jealous of the tree. One of her slave girls started pretending much devotion to that tree, poring hot water [may be mixed with something harmful to vegetation] on its root every day, as a result of which the tree withered away in course of time. The cause was detected; and the culprits may have been punished in some way. The temple, existing at present is said to be built by King Havishka of Kushan dynasty near about the beginning of Christian calendar. The hostility of traditional Hindu religion and its priests of Buddhism is well known. A renowned Buddhist scholar Buddhaghosh is reputed to have brought back a branch of the tree from Ceylon in 04th century AD along with his own Pali Translation [from Sinhalese language] of almost the entire set of the traditional Buddhist texts, available now together with explanatory anecdotes [atthakatha] provided by the great scholar in the body of hose texts. The tree planted and reared by Buddhaghosh is also said to have got uprooted sometime due to flood in the river Phalgu. In the last [19th] century, when renovation and excavation of the site was undertaken by archaeological department set by the British Rulers in India, the first story of the temple was the wholly buried under the silt and sand collected through countries of neglect; and pilgrims were offering homage to the black stone idol of Buddha's mother - Maya Devi, taking it to be the image of Lord Buddha Himself on the first floor of the temple at the level of the road outside, as existing now. The tree at the back of the excavated ground level of the temple, at present, may be making the spot of the original tree as it is just behind of the idol of Lord Buddha in ground-touching posture Bhumishparsha mudra - inside the temple, which was built several centuries after Buddha. Revered Swami Vivekananda Ji visited this tree, it seems, about one hundred years back from now; and meditated before this tree, seated somewhere on the base of Ashokan railing during three days of his pilgrimage to this place - Editor]

Returned to pilgrims rest-house at 01.15 PM, after charging the place of Lord Buddha's meditation enlightenment bringing it to the state exactly as it had been during the time of Lord Buddha.

चैतन्य महाप्रभु : "भाई तुमने मेरा नदिया का काम ऐसा किया कि जी खुश हो गया। मेरे बहुत से शिष्य हुए, कोई इस क़ाबिल नहीं कि अपना यह काम सुपुर्द करता। तुम्हारे गुरु महाराज [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] की राय है कि इससे ज़्यादः नदिया पर अब महखातिब न हुआ जावे।"

Dictation from Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu : You have perform the job of Nadia, brother, to give me great happiness. I had so many [generations of] disciples; but no one was capable enough so that I could have given this work to him. Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] is of the opinion that there is no need [for you] to be oriented more than this to Nadia, just now."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The remaining work can be done from your place [in Shahjahanpur itself]. Presence at the place is not necessary for such type of work. This is a routine affair for you. Anyway, I want to keep you here for two days more!"

"Babu Ishwar Sahai keeps along with you [during whole of this trip]. He has tried his utmost to relieve you of the strain of journey. Such is the work of a good disciple. His services to you will not go unrewarded : that is my solemn promise. Lord Buddha and Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are quite satisfied with your work. Is this kind of work to be handed over to some crooked person of stunted growth in spiritual sphere [field]? Nobody except you seems capable and fit for the task. They roll like stones. I want to send you to Moscow. There is definite work for there. How will it be possible for you? Is there any one prepared to arrange your visit to Moscow? If someone attempts this, liberation is sure for him [reserved], however much wicked, he may happen to be!"

Sunday the 10th April 1949 [time 07.45 AM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Your work at Gaya is completed. I, however, have detained you here for two days more. [Pause] I have puled down the invisible sage of Bihar : he is no longer a Qutub [Dhruva = fixed polestar]. He is not fit for the job. He is akin to Munshi Madan Mohan Lal. I am not going to pardon him at any cost!

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई राम चन्द्र, बड़े बड़े काम अज़ीज़ के सुपुर्द किये गए, ऐसा कोई न रहा जो कर डाला हो। अब सवाल मॉस्को का है। बिला तुम्हारे गए हुए यह काम बन नहीं सकता। ईश्वर मालिक है, वोह सब कुछ कर सकता है। इतने मुश्किल काम तुम्हारे सुपुर्द किये गए, सब ख़त्म कर दिए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Many big [huge = tremendous] jobs have been assigned to dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur]. None happened to be such as he may have found beyond him to complete! Now there is the affair of Moscow. This job can not be completed without your working. God is supreme; and He can do everything. Such difficult jobs were assigned to you; and you completed all of these."

Monday the 11th April 1949 [AD] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "See his [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] Kayastha brain : he is performing thanks giving ceremony! How beautifully expresses himself! It is the work of his own doing, but he attributes [consigns] the success to us!"

कबीर साहिब : "भाई तुम बनारस जा रहे हो। कबीर चौरा उलट देना, यानि कोई फैज़ बाक़ी न रहे। अब हम लोगों की ज़रूरत नहीं रही। बादशाहत तुम्हारी है। मेरी राय यह है कि कबीर चौरा जिसमे फैज़ था, खींच लो। अपने लिए मैं यही कहता हूँ। बाक़ी हर बुजुर्ग़ को इख़्तियार है।"

Reverend Saint Kabir : "You are now going to Benares [Varanasi], brother. Do upturn 'Kabir-choura' so that no beneficence would ensure [henceforth] therefrom! Now there remains no need for us : it is [now] the period of yours royalty [kingship]! My opinion is that you take away the beneficence, whatever, that may be remaining with 'Kabir-choura'! For me I say just this : for the rest, every elder saint has his own privilege [authority]!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई, अगर इन्सान अपने कामो को ईश्वर की तरफ़ से मंसूब कर लिया करे, तो कितना फ़ायदा हो।"

"मैं कोई दौलत अपने पास रखना नहीं चाहता। ज़िन्दग़ी भर की कमाई तो मैं मुन्तक़िल तुममें कर ही चुका हूँ, अब जो कमाता हूँ, मुन्तक़िल कर देता हूँ। इससे पेश्तर मैंने दौलत कमाई हुयी मुन्तक़िल की थी, चन्द माह ही गुज़रे होंगे। अब फ़िर मुन्तक़िल करता हूँ। ऐसे शख़्स के पास दौलत क्यों न मुन्तक़िल की जावे जो वाक़ई अहल है। हे भाई यह सब करिश्मा तगड़ी निस्बत का है। नहीं, बल्क़ि कुलियतन फ़नाईयत का है। नहीं, नहीं हम-आहंगी का है। चीज़ रुकने नहीं पाती, बस वक़्त capacity बनाने में लगता है। उतनी देर के लिए मैं अपने पास रखता हूँ।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "What great benefit is to be derived, brother, if man would connect [associate] all that he does towards God! I do not want to keep any wealth [precious possession] with me! I had already transferred all of my earning of a whole life - time; and whatever I earn now, I just transfer to you! earlier, just only a few months back, I had transferred the [newly] earned wealth : now I am transferring [more of it] again! Why should the wealth be not transferred to the one who is really deserving [the real vessel or receptacle]! This all miracle belongs, brother, to just strong connection [relationship] - nay, to total mergence - not even to that, but to perfect identification. The thing [spiritual-wealth] cannot simply be stopped [from getting transferred automatically] : it no doubt takes time to structure the capacity! For that gap period, I keep the [newly acquired] gift [spiritual-wealth] with me!"

Wednesday the 13th April 1949 [AD] at Benares now Varanasi [time 11.445 AM] :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैंने बारह अप्रैल को रस्ते में बनारस का काम दे दिया था, उसे तुम कर रहे हो। इसका चप्पा चप्पा मुनव्वर कर दो। गंगा का bed भी इसमें शामिल है। इसके मुनव्वर करने से public को बहुत फ़ायदा होगा। मंदिरों को ख़ास तौर पर लेने की ज़रूरत नहीं। काम में जल्दी करने की ज़रूरत नहीं। देखो बनारस को किस क़दर ख़राब किया गया है। अभी तुमने वोह corner देखा ही नहीं जहाँ corruption की बू आ रही है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "On 12.04.1949 while you were on your way [from Gaya to Benares], I had assigned the work [to you] : you are busy with that same work, now! Illumine every corner of this place : the bed of the river 'Ganga' is included there in! This getting illumined, there will be great benefit to the the [general] public. There is no nee of taking up the temples in any special way. There is no need to hurry-up the work! See, how much Benares has been spoiled! You have not yet seen those those corners which have the stink of corruption!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "It was the seat of learning in the olden [ancient] times! 'Vidya' [knowledge = erudition] is still there : the priestly class is earning [money and livelihood] now with the help of sword [vidya = knowledge]! If it falls on them, it will cut their own throats! Time has now arrived to banish these things totally from this place! Sword is needed everywhere [for the job of destruction] and you are free to utilize it : this is within [the sphere of] your working : the unworthy elements must be put to the bayonet! The weapon [instrument] you have already with you : it is got bestowed by nature itself [herself]! It is not a western [modern] weapon [instrument] to fail anywhere! Krishna-chakra [the wheel or boomerang of Lord Krishna] is the last weapon to utilize, but mind [take care], it should not be utilized unless you are guided to it! Put out the light of the host-priests [pandas] altogether. This working you will do here, as well as [continue it] when you reach Shahjahanpur. Some part of your programme [of work] you can hand over to Babu Ishwar Sahai, but [only] something easy [simple] enough should be imparted. That may be given [imparted] a push by you for completion! He [Babu Ishwar Sahai] has already got one such [push of] power, given [imparted] to him at Gay. Work on and on!"

मीरा बाई : "तुमने इन्तेहाई तरक़्क़ी कर डाली, इसमें शक़ नहीं। इस वक़्त तुम्हारी तवज्जोः देने से बहुत कुछ मुझे एहसास हुआ। आगे तुम न बढ़े, इसके लिए हुक्म न था। मेरी तमाम उम्र की मेहनत, परेशानी और मोहब्बत इस हालत को न पहुँचा सकी। कृष्ण महाराज को जाने क्या हो गया था कि इस तक भी उन्होंने भी न पहुँचाया। ठीक है इन्सानी पहुँच इन्तेहाई है। यह तुमने मुझसे क्या सवाल किया कि संस्था बढ़ती नहीं। और अगर लोग फायदा हाँसिल नहीं करते। जिस शख़्स को ईश्वर ने सल्तनत लौटने की ताक़त दी हो, दुनियाँ को खण्ड-मँड करने की ताक़त भी मौजूद हो, वो मुझसे यह कहे। सच तो यह है कि तुम्हारी तबियत इस हद तक राग़िब नहीं होती वार्ना लोग पतंगे की तरह गिरें। क्या यह कोई मुश्किल बात है। नामुमकिन को तुमने मुमकिन करके दिखाया? क्या स्वराज की उम्मीद हिंदुस्तान को थी? क्या बात थी जो ख़ून बाद को बहा, स्वराज पहले मिला। यह आप ही का करिश्मा था। दुनियाँ की ताक़तें यह नहीं समझतीं कि हिंदुस्तान में वोह जोहर मौजूद है जो ज़िन्दग़ी पलट सकता है। और हिंदुस्तान इससे ख़ाली नहीं रहेगा। यह ज़रूर है कि ऐसी हस्ती फ़िर पैदा न हो। रौशनी अब भी मौजूद है। मैं तुम्हारे गुरु [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] को धन्यवाद देती हूँ जिसने ऐसी हस्ती बना दी। तुम लोगों ने इनको पह्निचाना नहीं और अब इन लोगों से कहतीं हूँ कि वो तुमको नहीं पहिचानते। तुम्हारे लिए किसी चीज़ को पलट देना बच्चों का खेल है। मेरा दावा है कि इस वक़्त हर किसी में यह बात मौजूद नहीं है। इतने मुश्किल काम तुम्हारे लिए आसान होते हैं। मुझे तुम्हारे कामो की सब ख़बर है। तबीयत चाहती कि ऐसे बच्चे को गोद में खिलाऊँ।"

Reverend Mira Bai [Queen Poetess of medieval India, famous for exemplary devotion to Lord Krishna] : "There is no doubt, you have achieved utmost [spiritual] progress [attainment]. Just now, your transmission has given me a lot of experience. You did not proceed further, as there were no orders! The labour, bewilderment [suffering] and love of my entire lifetime could not bring me up to this state! I do not understand what had happened to Reverend Lord Krishna that he too did not bring me up to this state. Quite right, it is that human approach happens to be utmost! [Pause] It is a strange problem that you have mentioned to me viz. your Organiztion is not improving [prospering = progressing] and people are not [coming forward for] deriving beneficence! The person, whom God has endowed with the power to upturn an empire and who possesses the capacity [forcer = power] to shelter the world to bits and pieces, has to speak of such [pity problems] to me! The fact remains that your tendency of mind does not get oriented to that [adequate] extent, or else people will be forking like moths! Is it something at all difficult? You make the impossible possible! What was the matter that self rule arrived earlier in India and blood bath came later? It was just your miracle! The powers [political and other authorities] of the world do not comprehend [understand] that India is in possession of that essence which can revolutionize life [altogether]! India shall not remain devoid of it! This certainly may be the case that such entity does not come to existence again : light is still there [any way]! I offer thanks to your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], who has structures such a personality [an entity]. You people [of the world] did not recognize Him; and now I tell them that He does not recognize them! For you it is child's play to upturn anything! I claim that this [capability] is not present there in anybody at present! Such difficult jobs happened to be easy for you : I have all the information [knowledge] of your every work! I tend to feel like fondling such child in my arms [lap]!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "It is the commandment of the Nature; and everyone of us must obey. Ruler and ruled are one as long as one is in the [sphere of] Nature - rather in the midst [of Nature], loosing one's one identity so far as body permits. [Pause] in the woods, on the snow, if one is lost, he never returns - that is the highest approach of human approach!"

Dictation of Swami Vivekananda Ji [a little later] : "Lakhimpur Kheri is the first place where is birthday is going to be celebrated for the first time. The place should be charged perfectly. Every particle of air and earth should issue [emit] forth spiritual force [fragrance] in superior [higher] degree! Children should be safeguarded lest they suffer from suffocation. Where ever you may be on that date [30.04.1049], you will do no other work except this one! I do not want this type of work all at once or suddenly. By doing this, sometimes, shaking [bodily] is produced [comes], and that can cause disorder in the pressure - system; and [normal] equilibrium may be disturbed. No doubt, you have been bestowed with the capacity for doing higher sort of work. You should not save time in these things, when you are meant for the purpose. [Pause] I have to see [witness] your power at Moscow : you are free there, if possible, with this [physical] body [bodily presence]. That will be the target of your will! Let us see how powerful Russia is as against the will-force of a [real king of] yogi of India, who has bony cheeks and a handful of [more] bones [in his body]. Russia can not stand before you! Stalin, no doubt, is [big] statesman, but he can not stand [remain = exist] in the world, which you are to make! Many personalities will disappear in the stroke."

[Revered Babuji could not visit Russia physically. Stalin died at beginning of 1953 AD and a chain of reforms and course of events there after, even now continuing are a matte of common knowledge. - Editor]

Thursday the 14th April 1949 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : Peculiar are the ways of your working! Godly wisdom abides in you : whatever work, we have entrusted [assigned] to you, you have done it in right earnest, arriving successfully [at fulfillment]! This is a very tiny [small] work that you are doing at Benares [Varanasi] now. You are [then] going to Allahabad. I shall give [assign] some duty to you there as well! The last stork of your weapon will finish the work : that should be utilized [struck] in the last [at the end], when you will have to be very attentive [careful] and deal [that last stroke] not with full force! Vigorous attempt can not fail : you are specially gifted with it!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई तुमने मेरा नाम ज़िंदा कर दिया।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "You have enlivened my name, brother!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Work is still ahead! I shall pull down Russia; and you will be my agency! Atmosphere of this place is sufficiently charged!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "यह वोह जगह है जहाँ अच्छे अच्छे महात्माओं के क़दम पड़ चुके थे। अब यह हाल है कि गंदगी के सिवा अब यहाँ कुछ भी नहीं। क्या ज़माने के उलट-फ़ेर हैं। अब इसकी हालत यह नहीं रहेगी। तुम्हारे पवित्र पैर इस पर पड़ चुके हैं।"

"सब को खो कर तुम्हीं को पाया और दो तीन तुम्हारे ज़रिये से रहे। ईश्वर इनको मुराद पर पहुँचा दे। तुम्हारे भाई साहिब तो गए।" [इशारा बाबू मदन मोहन लाल से]

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "This Benares [Varanasi] is the pace, which very fine and superior sages have graced with their presence! Now, its state [condition] is this, viz. nothing but filth [dirt = garbage] remains! What a turn of the times! Any way, now this condition will no more prevail here as [that] your holy feet have touched this soil! [Pause] Having lost everything. I have found you alone, and two or three more through! May God bring them to the desired goal [destination] : your elder brother [Babu Madan Mohan Lal] is, however, lost [beyond repair / reformation]!

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "He wants to put the liberated soul in the cage, which he can not do."

Friday the 15th April 1949 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "अब बनारस पर ज़ियादह तवज्जोः करने की ज़रूरत नहीं; जिससे लोग ज़िदाह अकुला उठेंगे। यह असर यहाँ से हट नहीं सकता।"

नोट : आज सुबह 08.10 पर पर कबीर चौरा का फैज़ बहुक़्म कबीर साहिब खींच लिया गया। यहाँ का फैज़ मन्द पड़ चुका था, अब कतैई नहीं रहा।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Now there is no more need of transmission to Benares [Varanasi], or people will grow uneasy [become restless]. This effect cannot get effected from here!"

Today, at 08.20 AM Kabir Choura was made bereft of beneficence under orders from Reverend Sant Kabir Sahib. The beneficence emanating here from had already grown [dim] dull : now it is not any more at all.

[Kabir Choura in Varanasi]

[Reverend Sant Kabir happened to live and work at 'Kabir Choura' in Varanasi during 15/16th century [AD]. He developed and declared 'Dharma Das', a well to do businessman of Varanasi, who had renounces everything for his Master, as his successor-representative. Almost nothing is now known about that person and his fate after Kabir's physical demise. The linage of the succession of Kabir Sahib's representative system at 'Kabir Choura' as existing now, starts with 'Surati Gopal', who happened to be a very learned Brahmin disciple of Kabir. He used to rome about discussing and discoursing concerning religious and spiritual subjects, carrying a huge load of books on a bullock. The anecdote about his first meeting with Kabir mentions that on his inquiring as regards the whereabouts of the famous Master from some women at a well, Kabir's so called daughter - Kamali jokingly answered with a Hindi couplet : 'Kabir's residence happens to be on the top of a step mountain cliff, whereat even ant finds it difficult to fix its feet; and the erudite Brahmin scholar is carrying the load of bullock with him!' Any way, Surati Gopal came up to be a very devoted disciple of Kabir Sahib, after who's death at Magahar in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh - Northern State - in India, he arranges with Kabir's so called son 'Kamal' to look after the establishment at 'Kabir Choura', leaving the property etc. at Magahar to be managed by Kamal himself. There is a 'Dharm Dasi Sect' of Kabirism with its headquarters in Gujarat; but it has nothing to do with Kabir Sahib's real immediate successor-representative, and is named after the pseudonym given to a wealthy businessman of Madhya-Pradesh-central state in India - by 08th Guru in the lineage of Surati Gopal. At present, there is 23rd Guru of this lineage of 'Kabir Choura'. At the time of Revered Shri Babuji's visit to that place, there happened to be 21st Guru in this lineage, who was a very strong patriot, and remained head of the organization for about fifty years up to 1972. During his regime, Kabir Choura remained a strong citadel of patriotic activities and a sort of asylum for patriot fighting against the British Rule in India before 1947-48, where-after the new rulers of independent India were almost prohibited to enter 'Kabir Choura' during the life time of the strong 21st Guru there. The place continues to be a good memorial to Reverend Sant Kabir. It contains the hut where the Master lived and worked, as well as 'Samadhis' [last resting places] of the foster presents of Kabir who had found him abandoned by his real parents, and four succeeding representatives in the lineage of Gurus there. Kabir's own so called 'Samadhi' occupies the central place of the establishment; but it enshrined only some flowers got by the King of Kashi i.e. Varanasi now, from Magahar after the Master's passing away. It is quite well known that there was a quarreling between Hindus and Muslims to cremate or bury the Master's dead-body according to the respective customs of the two communities. So, like in case of Lord Christ, a 'dead-body' of Kabir Sahib disappeared and only flowers were found in its place, next morning. Which were shared by the conflicting parties, to be dealt with according to their prevalent customs and creeds. - Editor]

[The Samadhi-memorial of Sant Kabir]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "कबीर साहिब ने अपनी संस्था खत्म कर दी। आफ़ताब के आगे सितारों की चमक की ज़रूरत नहीं; इस लिए यह हुक्म दिया गया।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Reverend Kabir Sahib has put an end to his organization. This order came in to effect as the glimmer of stars is not need in the presence of the sun.

Left Benares [Varanasi], to reach Allahabad [now Prayag] on 16.04.1949. The bed River Ganga was charged under orders. Stayed at Allahabad on April 17 and 18, 1949. Left Allahabad on morning on 19.04.1949 and reached Gonda in the evening the same day; and stayed with one local abhyaasi brethren of Gonda.

Wednesday the 27th April 1949 [at Lakhimpur Kheri] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "See the power, Choube Ji; one minutes working [on Choube Ji's eldest daughter] has illuminated the whole system! Can you expect these things from barking dogs! This thing is very rare to find even trough a thousand years of penance [and drudgery to ascetically austerities]! So much time has been saved! It is difficult to gain so much through [any kind of] self effort! No body has got eyes to see such work : people are till sleeping!"

[Revered Shri Babuji's fiftieth birthday was celebrated on 30.04.1949 at Lakhimpur Kheri at the place of Choube Ji, who's third daughter Kasturi happened to be very promising and quickly progressing spiritual aspirant. Many four four or five families and few individuals - about 25 persons on the whole participated in the auspicious presence Revered Master Shri Babuji, author of this autobiography. There is no entry about that function in the diary. This function remained being celebrated every year at the same venue for about ten year, though it started attracting Revered Babuji's disapproval, and came to be prohibited finally. Choube Ji sold that house cheaply i.e. at a small price under odd circumstances. When Revered Babuji's birthday started being celebrated on large scale at various places in India and broad, during last five or six years of Revered Master's life time, I happened to suggest that Lakhimpur Kheri should have the credit of organizing this function at least once at the large scale, because this function had it beginning there. The Master retorted in the usual crisp style that it may not happen to end also just there! I felt set a back and remarked in such eventuality, I will never like to suggest its celebration there! He then remarked that he had only joked by rhyming the word beginning with the word end. May his auspicious birthday remain being celebrated ever and ever more by his dear ones everywhere. - Editor]

Friday 02nd September 1949 :

Note : Nature's orders about present Indian Government descended.

Sunday 11th September 1949 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : Strength of Vishnu [God of preservation or maintenance of the created Universe] has been correctly described in the book [Efficacy of Raja Yoga, first published English book of Revered Shri Babuji]. What is said about Narada [roving saint musician of gods, devoted to Lord Vishnu, who is recognized as the propounder of the way of devotion or Bhakti-marg under Yogic Science / discipline, Pancharatryagama and Narda Bhakti Sutra] is entirely correct : the narrow principles of Hinduism must disappear. This is a warring of the followers of Lord Vishnu [Vaishnavities] : they should see the correct thing, given [in your book]. Never mind if they become hostile to you and whether they agree with you or not : everything should be put froths it is! You should do what is needed. You are changing the times : your ideas [and ideals] must flourish! What you have written about Sage Agastya, is as correct as any thing else. You have neglected Sage Atri : he is below the state of Sage Agastya. Time is coming when you will have to put them [persons who may possibly become hostile to you] on the point of bayonet! The very thing [hostility to you] will be the poison [weapon] for uprooting them! I do not want blood-shed on this account! I want one and the same worship to be adopted by all! You have not written anything about Shankaracharya and other top most leaders of Hinduism on account of fear only, even though they have no connection with this book [Efficacy of Raja Yoga]. You should deal with them separately. Hinduism by itself is not a religion : it is now the amalgamation of different principals. Vedic religion is the pure one, but forgotten. The foundation of Hinduism stands on the sound basis prepared by persons who were rather selfish [in some sense]. Have no fear boys; and let him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] do his duty!"

Thursday the 29th September 1949 :

[Note : Revered Shri Babuji's wife expired on Tuesday the 27th September 1949 after a brief illness. She had perfect faith in Reverend Laalaaji Sahib. Revered Babuji together with Rameshwar Prasad and Ishwar Sahai worked hard to clear the way of her highest spiritual elevation. - Editor.]

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "यह इन्तिहाई पहलू जो तुम्हारे लिए रक्खा गया है, मैं नहीं चाहता कि तुम अपनी क़ुव्वत से उसको [अपनी बीबी को] पहुँचाओ। अपनी क़ुव्वत से उसको तैराकी खुद करने दो। वोह जितनी भी तरक़्क़ी खुद करे। अगर तुमने seeming की ताक़त यह ख़याल करके दे दी कि वोह उसी corner पर पहुँचे तो वोह भी वहीँ पहुँच जावेगी। तुम्हारी तबीयत नहीं मानती, मैं मना करता हूँ। liberation जैसे इस लड़की का हुआ है, मुहँ चाहिए। और भाई, तुम्हें तो उसने तक़लीफ़ ही दी। मगर तुम्हारे stages बहुत कुछ उसकी बदौलत ही पार हुए हैं। मोहब्बत इन्हीं वजहों से उसकी ज़ियादः न बढ़ी। मगर वाह। फ़र्ज़ अदायगी करे तो ऐसी जैसे तुमने की। और भाई तारीफ़ तो यह मेरी है। है कोई मर्दे मैदाँ कि इतनी देर में इस हालत को पहुंचा दे। यह मेरी ही क़ुव्वत है। मेरी ताक़त तुममें काम कर रही है और तुम्हारी और मेरी कुछ नहीं। बस एक ही है। चाहे 'मैं' कह लो चाहे 'तुम' कह लो। रामेश्वर ने भी बड़ा काम किया। मगर तुमको इन मौकों के लिए उसको सिखाना पड़ेगा। मास्टर साहिब, देखिये, वाक़ई कमाल है।"

Dictation from Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji - Fatehgarh UP] : "This utmost aspect that has been kept [reserved] for you, I do not want [like] that you make it available to her [your wife] through your power : let her now do the swimming herself through her own power [force = capacity], to whatever level of progress she attains on her own. If you impart the power [capacity] for swimming to her with the thought [idea] that she could reach that [particular] corner, she will reach just there, after all! Your mental inclination is forcing you; but I am permuting it! Liberation, as this girl has come up to, requires face [to have it]; and to you, brother, she always gave you only troubles, pure and simple! Any way, you crossed many stages, on her account as well! He love did not come up much on account of just such factors! However, praise be to your dutifulness : it is just this example that needs be followed! In fact, brother, all this praise happens to be [essentially] mine! Is there any soldier of the field who may be able to bring [someone] to such a state in such a short time? It is just my power that is active in you; and in fact it is neither mine nor yours, but simply one [and the same]! One may say 'I' or 'you' according to one's sweet will! Rameshwar Prasad also did quite a lot of work; but you will have to train him for such occasions! Look Ishwar Sahai, it is really miraculous!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I tell you, Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur], this is the first example in the history [of yogic practice] that during such a short period, some one [you] could give the highest stage! Sanskaras [impressions of past actions] are still in deposit [reserve] some where : destroy these so that these may not effect you! It was [my Lord Revered Paramhamsa Rama Krishna Ji] who took in to himself the sanskaras of a person, whose soul he would have chosen to liberate such a person in rarely bestowed on to the fold of human species. This [burning up of Sanskaras] is against the law of Nature, and rarely accessible to [arrived at by] human beings. This is very simple power, gifted to you! Only an incarnation is bestowed with this capacity. It is, however, not necessary that every incarnation be bestowed [endowed] with it! Lord Krishna was the only personality who exercised this power [adequately]. You worked owners! Was liberation possible for her, if she had gone anywhere else as a wife? Your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] was very kind to her : that was one of the causes of her liberation! Such a body should better not have been consigned to fire, due to respect. Is it not possible that her ashes be preserved somewhere till your time comes? These [ashes] are all charged and illumined. Wife of a great personality, who met the same fate that others desire, must be preserved [retained] even if in the form of ashes! It is wonderful that you have sent her fit for perfuming Godly work! I want to take work from her."

"Let her rest for a while. She will work beside you. You could not make a man as yet for the work ahead, but you did make your wife [as needed] in her moments of death. Is it not a pity that a living person may not [yet be able to] reap such a benefit from you? Quite strange that boys do not listen to what I say! There are very few ladies in the 'Brighter World', who have attained to such a high state! Is not a lesson for you, boys! Free form all bondage, free from all limitations, free from all desires, free from every activity of life, free from worldly at attachments, free from every thing - she went to the 'Brighter World' glittering! Such an example is hard to find, viz. some man or woman be able to attain such a high stage [of spiritual refinement] without doing almost everything [by way of practice] during lifetime : we envy her condition! I mean to say that we have got the seat here [in 'Brighter World'] not without doing what is required for this attainment! I was always in trouble during my lifetime, and nearly everybody [including yourself] has tested the same thing before coming to this stage of happiness and peace, everlasting and unbroken! I am going to her, as she is my daughter! You are the sun, she is [now] the moon! It is needless to send her ashes to be consigned to the holy-waters of river Ganga. These [ashes] should be preserved. She is one of the highest personalities that the world has ever seen."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मुझे इस राय से क़तई इत्तिफ़ाक़ है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I am totally in agreement with this opinion."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I order you not to throw [away] her physical remains remains in the 'Ganga-river'. These must be preserved; and such a high personality need not be washed off in the waves of 'river-Ganga'! Why not keep these in a monument or 'Samaadhee', as you may call it!"

[The family cremation-ground of Revered Shri Babu Ji in a field out-side habitation in Shahjahanpur UP contains the cremation places of Revered Babuji's Father, Mother, wife, son - Dinesh Chandra, Pundit Rameshwar Prasad and Shri Ishwar Sahai. Part of Shri Babuji's ashes lie together with those of his wife, while major part is in the 'Samaadhee' in the Ashram- premises. - Editor.]

Friday the 30th September 1949 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "So much power; and so much sluggishness on the part of the members of the Mission! I tell you the secret that no personality is born yet to match you! This is beyond [above] what a man san think of! You are leading the life of an ordinary man here in this world, but commanding the other world, the 'Brighter One'! This is the blessing [boon] of your Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], the greatest teacher, the world has ever seen. No body could sacrifice as yet what your Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] did for you! I am following the example, but the method which he adopted is beyond conviction / imitation. There are only two personalities : you and your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]! You will be made to stay here to complete the work : that is my prayer! The Mission is like a small child yet in your lap. You have dug the foundation and erected the stone! Sleep, they will - I mean the members of the Mission! They are not making use of the time. Knowing that a personality like you is not coming for a very long time, they should devote themselves all the time to this sacred face and these boney cheeks! That is the only method for their salvation. If any one adopts it, he / she will be successful. After you, the thing will not be very beneficial to them. It will be [beneficial] only for the one who has done [what is required] in your life-time! The atmosphere is full of spiritual energy at this time : they can draw spiritual force form every nook and corner of the world! The days of Lord Krishna have been repeated and will be in full swing till [the expiatory] of your life-time. There after, as Choube Ji [Justice M. L. Chaturvedi] aptly has remarked : 'Lord Krishna give salvation only by chanting of His name!"

"Yama [god of death] is [in reality] under your command. You can change his post if disobedience occurs and appoint Yudhirshthira [eldest of five Pandava brothers in Mahabharata, who is also know as 'Dharma Raja, and was born through invocation by his mother Kunti of the power of the god-in-charge of the settlement of the accounts of actions in case of all souls after end of one life and beginning of other one, as dispenser on heaven and hell according to merit or demerit in Hindu mythology] to look after his job. Nature cannot restrain you, but such steps are to be take very rarely. Do not try to upset the work already performed, for some trifle. Choube Ji should note that his case has been recommended by his sister [your deceased wife] as a token of her love for him. She was a good lady, pure at heart, but more attached to the world. Her bones are all charged."

Monday the 03rd October 1949 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "What else do you want : taking care of your children has become the main problem. Your life is very precious and dear to us. It was not advisable in any way to transfer any part of it to someone else. As regards your wife, she breathed her last quite unattached to the world."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई, तुमको मालूम नहीं कि तुम्हारी ज़िन्दग़ी किस क़दर क़ीमती है। मैं तुमसे नाखुश नहीं हूँ। इसका ख़याल छोड़ दो। अपने से नाखुश हूँ। भला यह मुमकिन है, अपने हाथोँ अपनी ही खुदकशी करूँ।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "You do not know, brother, how precious your life happens to be! I am not displeased with you : give up this idea [thought]. How can it be possible that I become displeased with my own-self : that is like committing suicide with my own hands! How can such a thing ever happen!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Your wife has not gone away. She has only changed her form and is settled where she ought to settle after forsaking the body. I am ordering a sage to look after your children during your absence [from home]. When you will be out of station, it will be the duty of your Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] to remain here in your place. As regards your physical ailments, she was not much useful to you. [Pause] You know that your are the master of the Lord Vishnu's power [preservation and maintenance of the creation]. Occasionally you can handover charge of your children to this power, specially when you are away from home on godly work, or at any time, you like. Lord Krishna possesses this power : and he has transferred it to you all ready [earlier]. It is however, in dormant state and sleepy condition, because your body is not fit enough to keep it up in full swing. You can utilize that power when needed. How wonderful it is, Choube Ji! There have been examples like that in the past that one or other of such powers have been bestowed on a human being. How ever, dear Ram Chandra [of Shahjahanpur] is full of these powers. I have to take work form him and here after. The difficulty is that he is in perfect state of forgetfulness. His Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] is his God; and he has no aspiration beyond that! He is still in that same condition. He does not remember what God is. As an etiquette only, he some times goes above [this state]."

Sunday the 29th January 1950 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "You have started a Mission in the name of your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. It is still a baby in your hands. Let it grow. It will gain supremacy throughout [in sue course]. This will be the only thing to remain as an initiative. Higher personalities will come in the organization [system]. The reins of all systems have been drawn in to one thing and the only thing. Do you think India will rest here as you see today? It will stretch its arms throughout the Godly sphere, I mean the world. It will be the Master like the day you have heard of; but you will make such day and time."

Wednesday the 01st February 1950 [time 09.00 PM] :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Protect Nehru : devote some time at least today. [Km] Kasturi is far off and can not be contacted instantly. These Congress Wallahs are interested in filling there own belly-pots.

I do not want such creatures in India. You have to build your own society, out of which people will come out like Spartans. The present day society is dangerous in every respect. Our system 'Sahaj Marg' alone will go on for ever. Chalk out your programme : one purely religious body and the other political one, consisting of persons of best character. Km. Kasturi can help you in this matter. Assign some work to her. Of course, you will be responsible for that work, and you should watch whether it is done correctly. Only Ishwar Sahai can know all about these things. This is Godly work, and should be performed with diligence. Training [and teaching] is not necessary as against these things. Doom is invisible inevitable [in due course] : no body can avoid it! Work of most important nature is now coming. You better go to Lakhimpur personally. Inform people there to receive you at the station when you reach there. Explain method of working to Km. Kasturi, who is not an ordinary girl [person] but burning like you and acquiring higher stages."

Wednesday the 15th February 1950 :

नोट : 06 फ़रवरी 1950 को नूरचश्मी कस्तूरी को बामक़ाम लखीमपुर, मक़ामे 'उलिआ' [पार ब्रह्माण्ड मण्डल] की कुल सैर करा के मक़ाम इब्द में डाळ दिया।

14 फ़रवरी सन 1950 को 11 बजे शब को नूरचश्मी केसर [कस्तूरी की छोटी बहिन] को मक़ामे कुबरा [ब्रह्माण्ड] में डाल दिया गया। वो ऊपर जाने को बहुत हुथुता रहीं थीं और ऊपर जानें की ताक़त खुद न थी। इस लिए मेरी तबीयत भी उसी क़द्र उसको कुबरा में घसीटने को हुटहुटा रही थी और बे-चैन हो रही थी।

Note : on 06.02.1950, km. Kasturi was brought up to the point of humility [Ibd] after completing full stroll of Para-cosmic region [Ulia = Par Brahmanda]. On 14.02. 1950, her younger sister - Km. Kesar Chaturvedi brought to the cosmic-level, for which she was very anxiously pining but was not able to go up by her own effort.

Friday the 10th March 1950 :

10 मार्च सन 1950 : हुक़्म हुआ कि हिन्दू-मुस्लिम फसाद जो शाहजहाँपुर में हो रहा है, ठण्डा कर दो। चुनाँचे तामीले हुक़्म की गयी।

Orders were received to quell down the communal disturbances occurring at Shahjahanpur. The orders as such were complied with.

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Boys! Shouldn't you prey for his [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur] good health and long life! Nature does not want to keep him here : it is we who are checking him form flying away! Be, all you, united to pray heartily, as mentioned! He will have more power after his death, when work may be only half done! What sort of mentality you people have that you all see your spiritual guide shattered in health, and yet are not even praying for his good health? That idea should come by itself : you do not even follow his example of having prayed for his own Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]! By praying, you create a sort of electric power that becomes the medicine for improvement. People want to take work from him but they do not provide the nourishment! I do not mean that fruit and milk etc. but thought-force which proves to be real nourishment! This is a dictation for all persons or disciples, who have faith in him, but not for general announcement. That programme [of prayer] should be a daily routine like worship [Puja = group-meditation]. People [participating in it] will also derive benefit. That is very important lesson. You should not lose such a personality, who can transform human-being in one minute, if he works that end! If many such prayers are offered, he is bound to improve and his disease will be cured. In a way this will be a help to me! Lord Krishna says : 'I will not let him leave the world before completing the work; but prayer must be offered for improvement in his physical health'. You all should rise up and woke during his life-time. Afterwords, only [adequate] faith and devotion will be able to attract him, like himself in case of his own Guru. That is the sure remedy for all remedy for all evils. It can reach [bring] one to the best state of human-approach, in case there is Guru [Guide] like him [Him]. Some are wasting their time in idle-gossip. They will all weep after him [Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur]. A peculiar kind of character is found, in 'Satsang' [Association of Aspirants] of course, may be rare : one finds oneself busy but [that is] really not [like that]! Let us who takes up this prayer : many will miss it. This is really devotion, if one is pained to see this thing [physical illness etc.] in one's Guru [Guide]!"

Sunday the 18th June 1950 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "ईश्वर की अपार दया ने यह दिन मुझको दिखाया कि अज़ीज़मन पण्डित रामेश्वर प्रसाद जी ने बमुक़ाम क़ुद्दस [अव्यक्त गति] में जाय क़याम किया और सैर इस मुक़ाम की कर दी।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Through God's limitless grace [benignant], I have come to witness this day when dear Pundit Rameshwar Prasad has pitched his tent [abode or habitation] at the point [stage] of piety [piousness = qudsa or avyaktgati] and effected / started stroll at the spot."

Sunday the 25th June 1950 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "अज़ीज़मन पंडित रामेश्वर प्रसाद के पाँच सर्किल के बाद जो ग्यारह सर्किल हैं, उसमें से तीन सर्किल पार हो गए। चौथे सर्किल में क़याम है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Dear Pundit Rameshwar Prasad has crossed three circles and stepped in to the fourth of the eleven circles [of egoism or 'Mind-region] after five circles [of Maya or 'Heart-region].

Monday the 26th June 1950 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "पंडित राम दास चतुर्वेदी वकील को आज सुबह इजाज़त शर्तिया दी गयी। तरीक़ा बतला दें और तवज्जोः दें। मगर initiate नहीं कर सकते।

आज बतारीख़ 26 जून सन 1950 ब वक़्त 09.30 बजे सुबह राम दास जी चतुर्वेदी वक़ील को इजाज़त शर्तिया हुक़्मन दी गयी। और उसके वे बहुत मुश्ताक़ थे। गुरु बननें के जज़्बे को बहुत कुछ इससे पेश्तर ख़त्म कर दिया गया। मगर फ़िर भी एहतियात रक्खी कि इसका रंग कभी न आने पावे। इस चीज़ को ईश्वरीय काम समझें और हर बात उसी की तरफ़ से मंसूब करें, क्यों कि वो क़ादिरे मुतलिक है। और सबका गुरु है। यह इजाज़त बसिलसिला सहजमार्ग है। तरीक़ा बता सकते हैं और तवज्जोः दे सकते हैं, मगर initiate नहीं कर सकते। जुमला इज़ाज़तें ताले-हुक़्म प्रेजिडेंट मिशन रहेगा। उनको चाहिए कि मख़लूक़े खुदा की रूहानी मौलिद के लिए कोशाँ रहे और सबको भाई समझें।"

दस्तख़त हज़रत क़िब्ला - प्रेसिडेन्ट साहिब।

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Pundit Ram Das Chaturvedi Vakil is granted conditional permission this morning [at 09.30 AM]. He can tell the method and transmit to others, but he can not perform initiation. He had been very fond of [desirous of] this [permission]. Before according permission, his real fondness [enthusiasm, fervour] for becoming a Guru [Guide] was very much extirpated [eradicated]. Even then, he should take care that its complexion be not allowed to enter [over power] him. This [training job] should be taken as God's work, and every thing should be connected as issuing forth from His [God] side alone, because He is supreme power and Guru of all. This permission is with respect to the system of 'Sahj Marg'. He can tell the method and transmit to others but can not perform initiation. All permissions shall remain subject to the orders of the President of the 'Mission'. He should remain trying for spiritual benefit of God's creation and treat every body as a brother or sister."

Signatures of Revered President [of the Mission] in handwriting of Babu Ishwar Sahai [popularly called as 'Master Sahib']

Thursday the 29th June 1950 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मास्टर साहिब, आपकी सैरग़ाह आलमे - क़ुद्दस है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The region of the stroll of Master Ishwar Sahai is the world of 'Piety' i.e. 'Quddas' or 'avyakt gati'."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "He should devote himself to the service of the 'Mission'. This should be his lifelong entreats. I do not mean that he should not bring any children or make them able to seek their livelihood, but his whole-hearten attention should be for the service of the 'Mission'. Do you know the sense of the present stage : the service of his Master and the 'Mission' abroad [through correspondence and will]?"

Saturday the 01st July 1950 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I am translating the words of Reverend Radha Ji. She is telling you to prepare the field for her work. Let bad time pass, but after sufficient destruction. You are yet being late and the Nature is demanding changing change. Reverend Radha Ji will work in this field with her hair down like those of Kali. She is your sister; and you should work side by side when need arises. The boomerang wheel [of time] must return from Russia. India will be the target now; but wait for the other orders."

Wednesday the 08th November 1950 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Change and change. The book is now published."

रामेश्वर प्रसाद : "भाई, भावज [बाबू जी की धर्म पत्नी] को तुमने बहुत उँचा पहुँचाया। आने पर मालुम हुआ। मगर मैं भी नीचा नहीं रहा। मेरे बाद तुमने कुल स्टेजेज़ पार करा दिए। और अब मैं वहीं पर हूँ। अभी सुस्ता रहा हूँ। और क़रीब क़रीब सुस्ता चुका। मिशन का काम मैं हरग़िज़ नहीं छोड़ूँगा। घर में जो कुछ अंत समय में कहने वाला था, तुम जानते हो। घर के इंतज़ाम से मुझे वास्ता नहीं, यह तुम जानो। मुझे मिशन से वास्ता है। मैं शुरू से जिस काम में रहा, उसी में रहूँगा। कंसलटेशन के लिए गुरु महाराज मौजूद हैं। घर में लखनऊ जाने के बारे में मेरी मर्ज़ी नहीं है। मेरी तबियत का पता तुम्हें खुद लग जावेगा। लोग [मतलब फ़क़ीर] ऐसे फूले - फॉले बैठे हैं, गोया क़ुदरत ने उन्हें सब-कुछ दे दिया। और तत्व कुछ भी नहीं। रूहानियत ग़ायब सी है। काल चक्र अब हिन्दुस्तान में चलना चाहिए। वॉर आ रही है।

फुट नोट : पण्डित रामेश्वर प्रसाद की मृत्यु 03 - 11 - को शाहजहाँपुर में हो गयी थी।

Dictation from dear Pundit Rameshwar Prasad [expired of 03.11.1950 at Shahjahanpur] : "Brother, you sent respected sister-in-law [deceased wife of Shri Babu Ji] to great height [elevation] : I learnt this on arriving here. I too have, any way, not stayed [remained] low : after my physical demise you made me cross all stages. Now I am just there, taking rest which has almost been completed. I shall not at all give up the Mission work. You already know what I was intending to tell in the house-hold [to my wife] at my last moment [of physical existence]. I have no concern with the affairs of the house-hold : that is for you alone to look in to. I am connoted with the Mission [alone] : I shall remain just in the job where in I have been since the very beginning. For consolation Revered Master is [present] here [already]. I am not in favour of my wife [family] going foxing to Lucknow [sister of Pundit Rameshwar Prasad's wife] : you yourself will come to know of my [heart's] inclination automatically. People [I mean the mendicants] are sitting so much puffed up as if Nature has bestowed everything to them [endowed with everything], while no essence is there. Spirituality is entirely absent. [Boomerang] Wheel of time should now be active [ effective] in India : War is coming."

Swami Vivekananda Ji [speaking about a prominent spiritual leader who died on 05.12.1950] : "He has grown arrogant of his power doubly sure. During the present state of his life, he ought not to have entered in to such a bad condition. If I order you to correct him, you can do so, no doubt. But why should I order you? He bought the force [of Russia] on Tibet by his will-force. He could not catch Nature's order correctly. Nature wanted it no doubt, but not so soon. He has immense force, no doubt, created by his own self. That was a blunder on his part. He is the Master of himself. No body guides him. [Pause] Radha Ji is waiting for the work again. [Pause] Pull him down, if he does so in future.

Saturday the 18th November 1950 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - उ0 प्र0] : "तुमने मेरा नाम उछाला। हर बुजुर्ग़ मेरी तरफ़ देखता है, जब कोई काम पड़ता है, कि यह राम चन्द्र [शाहजहांपुर वाले] को हुक्म दे देवें तो हो जावे। चुनाँचे भाई, अब नेपाल को गारत [destroy] कर दो।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "You have brought my name [sufficiently] forward. As such, every elder sage [Master] looks at me when need arises, that I order you to fulfil that [particular] need. So, now brother, destroy Nepal!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "I do not want the supremacy of the priestly class there."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - उ0 प्र0] : "मैंने 12 मई के क़रीब गवर्नमेंट के बारे में कुछ कहा था। यह इतनी निकम्मी निकली। जिसका ठिकाना नहीं। ऐसी गवर्नमेण्ट से बक़ौल शख़्से ब्रिटिश गवर्नमेण्ट बदरजः बेहतर थी। उनको दूसरे के हक़ूक़ का लिहाज़ था। अब इसको ढहा दो, मगर फॉरेन गवर्नमेण्ट नहीं आनी चाहिए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I had said something about the [present Indian] Government. It has come out to be worthless [ineffective] beyond all limits. As somebody remarked, the British Government was in several degrees better than such a national Government. They [British Rulers] had consideration for the rights [privileges] of others! Pull it down, but foreign Rule should not replace it!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "knock out the at the very root or head of the Government. There are some persons to be punished in due course. I generally notice that you do not exercise your brain in these matters. You are free to do what you consider proper. They are not engaging in selfless service to theta people; and they have become of arrogant of their power. I will tell about it later on. Moscow is growing powerful. It is spreading poison in the world; and India wants to copy it out. The way that Stalin thinks of is not the path of progress or improvement. World problem can be solved by India alone. India will glitter, no doubt, but only when these fools are out, and sufficient destruction has taken pace. I have told you so often that the structure of new world will be erected on the ashes and bones. There is no remedy but what has just been indicated. Kum. Kasturi Chaturvedi can do this work abbot the Government very well. She can help you much. She should now be left wholly on this part of the work and such, as my follow after wards. You have gifted to her what even you do not understand. It, however. does to mean any shift [decrement] in your responsibility. You are the Master, not of her, but the wool universe. Go to some physician for treatment of 'asthma', which is a great drawback in old age. The worked suffers on that account. I will speak to your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh] : such a decease must not prevail. Be healthy and engage in the work. You have got disciples and they love you, no doubt; but I am sorry but they do not exercise the will for your good health, even thug I have said about that. This is their pious duty above any other duty. If only two persons Ishwar Sahai and Kasturi exercise their willfully, the disease can not survive. So far as your stomach pain is concerned, that is the result of your love for you Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh]. There are other reasons also, which your Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh] must have told you."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़] : "कस्तूरी 'पूजा' के पीछे पड़ी है। मेरी समझ में नहीं आता की इसने यही पूजा समझ राखी है अगर बन जावे। मगर मालिक का हुक़्म सब पूजाओं से बेहतर है। इस से कह दो कि पूजा का वक़्त अब गया। तरक़्क़ी वोह करती ही रहेगी बशर्ते कि वोह ऐसा नेक ख़याल बनाये रक्खे। इस वक़्त मुझे काम की ज़रूरत है, जीतमी जल्दी ख़त्म हो हावे, अच्छा है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I do not understand why Kasturi is [still] after 'Puja' [worship, meditation , etc]. She has perhaps some fixed concepts concerning. However, Master's order [being complied] is better than all kind of worship [Puja]. Tell her that now the time for 'puja' is over. She will go on progressing so long as she holds on the right thought just like this. Just now I need work : the sooner it is completed [finished], the better [it is to be]"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Kasturi should engage herself in working she receives hints sometime for the work : her stage of communion is developing, but with you of course, and not as much as is required. Inform her that her main goal now is to obey her Master : he will not throw her dungeon, and she should help him"

Wednesday the 06th December 1950 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Now the matter comes for the Universal change. The date was December 04, 1950 at 08.30 PM. You know how this change can be brought up : adhering to the Center as much as you can approach. This is not an ordinary thing, as you do for this world from the highest point ever cared for by the so called sages of the past. You should start. Stars are losing their lustre. Heat os the sun will remain as it is until your work is finished. Clearing [leaning] is everywhere necessary. You will find a few circles round the world in subtle form : you should break them. This is the case everywhere besides the world which you live in. The rest will follow when you do the work yourself. Be assured you will finish the work. I want you should devote yourself a good deal of this task.

Friday the 25th May 1951 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The cause of creation, which you call centre, is no doubt correct, but let philosophers come to explain the impossibility. They can explain by reason; but reason does not stand correct. The correct approach of a human being can only be of persons like you who are swimming in the dessert [desolation]. I think I am incorrect. No body except you is yet swimming; it is specially favoured by your Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. You can correctly catch [eternal knowledge], but the dumb will not realise it. It is a long time to come, before your solution will be considered correct. No body has attempted yet to discover the root of god's existence : you are the first soul or person in this regard. The solution is totally correct."

"There was space [Akasha] all over before and after creation. Suppose, the space was in existence in 'A' time, the formation of God began and took some time for its [coming to] existence. We see the space as endless thing : so we say as well that God is eternal, because time cannot be foreseen. Time followed afterwards and God existed before it. Then, space is the mother for the creation of God. How was God created? Time is the negative state of it own and everything what ever it may be, and must have its end in endless form. Everything must have its governing agency; and the thing in existence must have its movement, however dim it may be. Invisible through it will be, yet there it is sure to be so. If you move a ball, there will surely come a point which will be motionless. Similarly the motionless point of the space is God. Then, who created God? The space! People will ask again; who crated space? The need for God creation and for the Universe creation. That is and will remain eternal ever and after. The people will begin to worship space [Akasha = void]. There is a hymn in the Rig-Veda indicating that they used to worship it in some form, but the mystery was not revealed [unraveled] to them at that time. If you make yourself as such i. e. like Aakasha or space, you will reach its highest point automatically. That is the correct negation, you try to do [achieve]. When the mother is happy, the child will be surely be so. If anybody serves your mother, you will surely be attached. That is the best solution which can be expressed in words. Let your Guru [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] speak on this point."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "भाई, solution तो ऐसा है कि इसका जवाब नहीं। और सही भी है बिला शुभह। मगर यह चीज़ दुनियाँ वालों को कैसे दिखाई जाए। जब कि सिवाय तुम्हारे और और किसी का ऐसा खयाल पैदा नहीं हुआ।"

"इसको लोग ज़रूर मानेंगे कि space या आकाश में कोई बनावट नहीं। न वहाँ ज़र्रात का गुज़र है। न चमक - दमक का। वो एक ख़ालिस चीज़ है और solution का इज़हार जो स्वामी जी ने किया है, इससे अच्छा नहीं हो सकता। आवाज़ तुम्हारे पास इतनी डिम आ रही है कि सिवाय ख़ास चीज़ की vibration के और कुछ ज़ियादः catch नहीं हो सकता। इस लिए कि वो उसी हालत में बोल रहे थे, मगर इस solution को मानेगा कौन। किसकी पहुँच है। यह मग़रवी लोगों की easy chair philosophy न समझी जावे।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "The solution, brother, is really such as to have no answer to it; and it is correct as well, without doubt. But [however] how to demonstrate this thing to the people of the world, when nobody except you had such an idea [developed in the heart]! People will certainly be agree [accept] that there is no artificiality in the space [Aakaash] : there is neither any room for particles [ions] in it, nor for any glamour and brilliance. That is something perfectly pure; and there can be no expression of the solution better than what Revered Swami has put forth. The sound coming to you was so dim that nothing much except the vibration of the main thing could be caught by you, since [because] Swami Ji was speaking just in that state [condition]. Any way, who will have faith in the solution : who has an approach [to that extent]! May it not be taken to be treated as the 'easy chair philosophy' of western people!"

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "That is an addition to [contribution in continuation of] Rigveda : it is the hymn. Had it been the Vedic time, this solution have assumed the form of a 'Mantra' [incantation = Divine dictation]."

श्री कृष्ण भगवान : "मेरे बहुत से भक्त हुए, मुझ पर न्योछावर रहे और अपना काम बना लिया। उनको मोहब्बत ग़रज़ रही और वो उसी में अपने आप को रक्खे रहे, इस हद तक कि उनकी अक़्ल की रसाई यहाँ तक नहीं हुयी। ज़्यादह मोहब्बत में विवेक शक्ति जाती रही, मगर इन्तेहाई मोहब्बत के सिरे पर यह शक्ति मौजूद है, जिसको अफ़ज़ल और आला कह सकते हैं। यहीं से बक्की ज़रा आगे बढ़ कर वह्यी सही माइनो में उतरती है। क्या वैदिक ऋषियों की पहुँच इस से ज़ियादह थी? हरगिज़ नहीं। ब्रह्मचर्य उनका सही उत्तर था जिस से उनको मदद मिली। क्या यह चीज़ ऋग्वेद में लिखने लायक नहीं है? इस चीज़ से दुनियां का कोई फिलॉसफर इंकार नहीं कर सकता जो तुमने लिखी है। मुश्किल भी है और सरल भी। जिसको तुमने 'सेण्टर' कहा है, वो यही चीज़ है। ईश्वर बनने का जो प्रोसेस था, वही इनविजिबल मोशन है। और दुनियाँ की क्रिएशन उसी से शुरू हुयी है। और यह चीज़ एटर्नल है। अब लोगों से कहो कि ईश्वर ऐसे पैदा हुआ। उसमें ग़लती नहीं है। यह बिलकुल सही है। यह 'Reality at Dawn' में दिखा दो।"

Lord Krishna : "There have been lots of my devotees : they remained dedicated and served their purposes. They had concern only with love [emotional attachment]; and they confined themselves just to it to such extent as to deny their intelligence and approach hereto. An excess of emotional attachment [love] obstructs [hampers / hinders] discernment [discriminating ability], but at the extreme and of love this capacity is present, which can be designated as supreme and lofty. Just here, or a little ahead, Divine dictation [communion with the Supreme] descends in the real sense. Was the approach of Vedic seers any further ahead? Not at all! There celibacy was no doubt alright [well and good], which rendered help to them. Is this thing [discovery] not worth inclusion in the Rg - Veda? No philosopher of the world can deny what you have written. It is difficult and easy as well. What you have designate as 'Center', is just this thing. The very process of the formation of God is the invisible motion; and the creation of the world [Universe] has started just there from, and this thing is eternal. Now tell people that God thus came in to being. There is no mistake in it and this is perfectly correct. Put is forth in 'Reality at Dawn'. [This topic is included in 'Sahaj Marg Philosophy' mainly.]

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Rig Veda' is silent at this point, but it has some hint only. Space and time are two different things. 'Space' crated 'time', and not the other way round [vice versa].

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "एक चीज़ 'आकाश' है और दूसरी 'अवकाश'। 'अवकाश', 'आकाश' की मोटी हालत है। 'अवकाश' का यह सब पसारा है और 'आकाश' का पसारा महज़ ईश्वर है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "One thing is 'Aakaash' [sky or void] and the other 'Avakaash' [time gap = intermission = duration]. 'Avakaash' is the thickened [gross] state of 'Aakaash'. All this [Universe] is the expanse of 'Avakaash'; and only God happens to be the expansion of 'Aakaash'."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "The inner most circle was the cause of God's creation. The outer covering resulted in the formation [making] of the Universe. The middle portion is the duration. If the middle portion and the outer coverings are removed, 'Aakaash' or 'space' remains. This happens in 'Maha Parlay' [total annihilation]. This is the identity which turns in to 'Aakaash', so to say; or the identity is 'Aakaash' itself."

Friday the 08th June 1951 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महाराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "ईश्वर की आराधन [आराधना] यूँ ज़रूरी है, हालाँकि यह चीज़ ख़याली है। इस चीज़ पर पहुँचने पर गुमाँ और ख़याल सिर्फ़ वहम मात्र ईश्वर का रह जाता है कि identity कभी merge नहीं होती। अगर तुम मेरा [हज़रत क़िब्ला लालाजी साहिब] ख्याल लो तो identity मेरी भी बाक़ी है और मैं बहुत कुछ अपनी identity का खुद मोहताज़ हूँ। मैंने ईश्वर का साथ नहीं छोड़ा, हालाँकि तुम्हारी निस्बत मुझे भी अपने पीर से मोहब्बत कम न थी। मैं समझता था यह नुक़्ता। अलावः इसके पीर भी कुछ हालत के बाद बराहे रास्त ताल्लुक़ पैदा कर देता है। इसके मानी यह हैं कि अब बन्दग़ी की हद में क़ाइम रह कर इस से काम निकालो।"

"space के बारे में कह कोई कुछ भी ले मगर उस में घटाव और बढ़ाव की सूरत ज़रूर मौजूद है। हालाँकि वोह इतनी dim है की समझ काम नहीं करती और न अहसास काम देता है। इसमे हमेशगी है और रहेगी। अब जो चीज़ कि इस से बनती है, वो उसी की सूरत दूसरे तरीक़े में हो जाती है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "God's worship is necessary, so to say, even though this thing is a matter of speculation [though]. On arriving at that [state] only an apprehension or mere notion [impressions] of God remains viz. the identity never comes to merge. If you take up me in the form of idea, my identity is remaining, and I am myself subservient [under subjection] to my identity to a very large extent. I never gave up company of [independence on = subjection to] God; even though with respect to you, my love for my Master was never any less [than yours] : I did have comprehension to this [subtle] point! More over the Master [Guide] also, beyond some state [condition], brings about direct relationship. This means that now [you] serve your purpose [out of Him] remaining within limits of subjection [to Him]."

"About 'space', what ever may be asserted [by somebody], the shape of contraction and expansion [decrease and increase] is certainly present there in, even though it is dim beyond the limits of compression and sensitivity. It contains permanence : and it shall remain there! Now what ever develops out of this, it becomes the form [shape] of the same any other way."

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "It will puzzle the philosophers if this problem is solved. This thing is correct without doubt; but how to express it! That is most difficult!"

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "जहाँ है है, वहाँ न होने की शुबह भी है। इस के मानी यह हुए कि इन दोनों में कोई न कोई एक्शन ज़रूर है, वार्ना नहीं का शुबह न होता। अब यह एक्शन किसका है। उसको जो है और नहीं के दरमियान है। ख़िला है, उसके मानी यह हुए कि कभी नहीं भी था। यह सिर्फ़ शुबह मात्र है। फ़र्ज़ कर लो कि यह किसी वक़्त में नहीं था और जब हुआ तो इस के मानी यह हुए कि नहीं से है में आया। अगर यह चीज़ कह लो की ख़िला नहीं है तो भी यह चीज़ पैदा होती है कि किसी वक़्त में था और अब मिट गया। कब था और कब नहीं था। इसका जवाब यही हो सकता है कि जब था तब था और जब नहीं था तब हुआ। सिद्ध यह हुआ कि जो है वोह नहीं होगी और जो नहीं है वो हो जायेगी। negative से positive में आने का मानी यह हैं कि ज़रूर कोई action दरकियाँ में छिपा हुआ है। हर चीज़ की दो हालतें होतीं हैं - positive और negative. अगर positive है तो उसका negative होना लाज़िमी है और अगर negative है तो positive भी लाज़िमी है।"

"एक बात और बता दूँ। अगर ख़िला की negative हालत तसव्वुर की जावे तो वो ईश्वर ही रह जाता है।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "Where 'is' [being] happens to be, there the apprehension [notion] of 'is not' [none-being] also exists. This means that there certainly remains some action or other between the two, otherwise the prehension [notion = doubt] about none-being [is not] would not be there. Now whose action action this is to be? of that which happens to be there between 'is' [being] and 'is not' [none being]! The 'void' [vacuum = space] 'is' would mean that it should also be not there at the certain [point of] time! This is, thus, mere apprehension [supposition = notion = hypothesis] only! Suppose it was not here at a certain point of time; and when it came in to being it would mean that it come to 'is' out of [from] 'is not'. If it is asserted that vacuum is not [existing], then again it comes off that it was [there] some times and is now [got] annihilated [obliterated]. When was it there, an when was it not? The only answer to this can be that it was when it was, it happened when it was not. This proves that what ever is, will come to be not [there] and that which is not [existing] will be possible to become [to come to being]. To come out of the negative in to theta positive would mean that some action is [remains] certainly concealed in between. Every thing has two states : positive and negative necessarily. One implies the other and vice versa. [Pause] Let me tell one thing more : if the negative state of vacuum be conceived, that happens to remain as God alone.

Sunday the 27th December 1953 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji : "Your Mission will shine without doubt : let the time mature for that. You have sown the seed of spiritualism throughout. Let the seed sprout and [allow for the tree to] grow. I want [this to happen] in your life time. You are getting only a few hands, no doubt. Financial stringency is also there, but just think of [the circumstances of] you Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]; and of how much work He has done [in-spite of those circumstances]. I myself was getting only a morsel some times of bread which hard like a piece of stone. I do not want you to be disappointed. Work for the sake of work. Do your duty : the result depends on the Almighty. If you feel worried about the institution Kamla Nath [which you now consider as a mistake], that will be instantly shattered [broken]. If you are unable to do that, I will effect it provided you decide that it should be broken [shattered]. I do not like to see you worried on any account. You have given the touch of [rare] spirituality anew to India and to mankind as well abroad to some extent . Do not entertain the idea that you are not doing your work. Of course, it is sad that people are not adequately coming to you under the banner of 'Sahaj Marg'."

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "किसी step पर हिरासाँ न होना चाहिए।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "One should not lose hope at any step."

Swami Vivekananda Ji :"I must make it clear that the governing agency is something else; and you area a mere puppet in the hands of your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP], doing what He wants. [Pause] The of England also are feeling the wave - rather suspecting that the violence beneath London may become active at any time. They already know the that the Gulf steam is changing its course. America [USA] is now not so rich as it happened to be some time earlier - say one or two years back. It is of course quite a long time before the Deccan Plateau [in India] becomes as island. A portion of Bihar [state of India] will certainly go [get destroyed] but after many shocks of earth quakes. [Pause] About the sun [loosing heat], I have already given dictation to you. You can set it right at any time, you like; but that also in not necessary. That is the symptom for the [ensuing] destruction. Your prophesies, included in the book [Reality at Dawn] are correct and will come to pass in due course. You have not written in the book abut Japan. Its future [in the long run] is to very optimistic. [Referring to India] Glittering it is, and glittering it will be shining as it did in the days of Yore. [Referring to US - Pakistan Military pacts], these are destructive pacts. Pakistan is going down day by day. Poverty is increasing : it will be the poverty stricken area. [Reference to 'My Vision' at the end of the book 'Reality at Dawn'.]

Sunday the 19th June 1955 :

Swami Vivekananda Ji :"Do not gather moss and lichen on the calm surface of water. Dissect the limb that is diseased. Never mind if you are smaller in number. That will increase without doubt; and this will be with in your life time. Have [only] good hands and capable ones. The world is not devoid of them even if it seems to be free from them. There are [capable] men [and you will find them]. I give my judgement akin to that of your Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP]. Choube Ji can write to Babu Ishwar Sahai a few lines only and wait for for the result. You have enough field before you. Take educated masses in the fold of your organization. I want intelligentsia and not the thorns of the bushes. The true seeker [even if uneducated], of course, is exempted; and you yourself will [be able to] recognise that [kind of person]. Education must be upon matriculation level at least although it is really nothing. When we consider the knowledge that is needed [for proper grasp of the essentials of the science / discipline of spirituality and 'Brahmavadya']. I mean, we must have persons of cultured brain [heart & mind]. Organise and make the associates firm, of course, with regard to regulations. They should certainly possess capacity for and inclination to spirituality. I agree that a few from among the village people may be taken; but that should be only after testing their capacity and inclination sufficiently well [as is to be the case with any body to be admitted to the organisation]. Sectarianism must not [be allowed to] creep in. We are all brothers. That means that every body is free to follow one's specific ways and customs, but here [as members of 'Shri Ram Chandra Mission -Shahjahanpur'] we must be brother s and sisters. We should render service needed. With out any idea of caste & creed etc. All that must be treated as paraphernalia, and not the essence. Follow this strictly and begin to set up the organisation. [Pause] You should keep your self aloof; and think them as condemned. The rest, I will wee my self."

[Here, reference is to a group of persons (spiritual aspirants = abhyaasees) under the leadership one abhyaasee of a village in Shahjahanpur District, who had been attached to Pundit Rameshwar Prasad, after whose demise, they gradually started setting up assort of traditional Hindu religious sect under the principle of usual priestly class supremacy.]

Monday the 20th June 1955 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "मैंने लक्ष्मी चन्द्र को बिलकुल खींच लिया, यानी सलब लिया। बाक़ी जो लोग उनसे सीखते हैं, उनको तुम खींच लो। [चुनाँचे तालीमे हुक़्म कर दी] इस क़दर मूजोरी मैंने देखी ही नहीं। जिस संस्था से फायदा हो उस के लिए ऐसे आवाजें कसे जावें। ऐसे लोगों की मुझे ज़रूरत नहीं। ताल्लुक़ क़ता कर लो।"

[इजाज़त जो पण्डित लक्ष्मी चन्द्र को प्रेसिडेंट साहिब ने अता फ़रमाई थी, वो कल ही automatically वापिस गयी थी।]

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "I have totally snatched off [spiritual condition and capacity of] Lakshmi Chandra : You snatch off the rest of [what ever remaining any of] those who are under his training. [The order was complied with]. I never came across this sort of impertinent face of brass, such unabashed remarks against the organisation out of which benefit is derived! I have no need for such people : snap of your connection from them!"

Note : The permission for truing across to Lakshmi Chandra by President SRCM Shahjahanpur was automatically withdrawn yesterday - 19.06.1955 it self,]

Thursday the 30th June 1955 :

हज़रत क़िब्ला [महात्मा राम चन्द्र जी महराज - फतेहगढ़ उ0 प्र0] : "यह ठीक है कि block दो होना चाहिए। एक में educated और दूसरे में uneducated. दूसरे block वाले सत्संग में नहीं बिठाये जावेंगे बल्कि उनको अभ्यास बताया जावेगा। और फॉर trainer का यह फ़ेल होगा कि वो मुशाहिदा करते रहें की आया ब्रह्मविद्या की प्यास उन में बढ़ी या नहीं। ठोसता की हालत है। अगर प्यास बढ़ गयी, उस हालत तक तो ब्रह्मविद्या यानि असल चीज़ उनमें दाखिल करनी होगी, और जब तक इसमें कमी रहे, तब यह तरीक़ा बज़रिये transmission नहीं अमल में लाना चाहिए। यह हो सकता है कि कुछ दिनों जैसा कि और लोग करते हैं, आप के यहाँ ठहर कर भी अपना बताया हुआ अभ्यास करते रहें। इसमें कोई हर्ज़ नहीं, मगर meditation में बिठाने की ज़रूरत नहीं। दूसरा block इस लिए क़ाइम किया है कि वो भी फायदे से महरूम न रहें। workers सब educated होना चाहिए, इस लिए कि ऐसे लोग कम मिलेंगे, यानी अनुभवी कि बिना पढ़े हुए ही सब कुछ आ जावे। अगर ऐसा कोई मिल जावे तो काम उसके सुपुर्द किया जा सकता है। मगर ऐसे लोगों की ज़रूरत नहीं जो अपनी जगह से हटना ही नहीं चाहते। लाज़िमी है कि अगर मेहनत की जावे तो वो लोग भी ठीक हो सकते हैं। मगर ज़रूरत क्या। है कस व् ना-कस का इसमें काम नहीं। इतनी ऊँची चीज़ है कि काफ़ी अनुभव करने के बाद समझ में आती है। ऐसे भी लोग होते हैं जिनको पढ़ने की ज़रूरत नहीं होती और सब कुछ पढ़ जाते हैं। मगर ऐसे पात्र कामियाब हैं। मुश्क़ रत्तियों में मिलती है, याद रखना। educated से मतलब है - cultured brain; दिमाग़ cultured होना चाहिए। वैसे educated class में भी uneducated मिलेंगे।"

Revered Master [Mahatma Ram Chandra Ji Maharaj of Fatehgarh UP] : "It is quite correct that there should be two blocks [of the organisation] : on should consist of educated persons and in the other uneducated admitted. Those belonging to the other [second] block will not be admitted to the sessions of 'group-meditation' : they will be give the method of practice only. There after it will be the trainers job to observe continually whether thirst for Brahma Vidya [science / discipline concerning the Ultimate] increasing in them or not, and what the condition of grossness [solidity] remains there. If thirst gets increased in the adequate state, Brahma Vidya i.e. the real thing [essence] will need be entered [introduced] in to person concerned. So long however, as there is lack [of thirst], this method [spiritual training] through transmission shouldn't be put to effect. It can also be possible that for some time just like other [participants belonging to a block of educated persons] they may stay at your place and continue the practice given [told] to them : there is no harm in that. However, they need not be allowed to participate in group meditation. This second block [for the uneducated people] is stablished so that they do not remain devoid of the benefit. Workers should all be educated persons, because there will be few persons so sensitive and experienced that they come to have every thing even without studying [getting educated]. If some person like that becomes available, work to be allotted to that person also. There is no need, however [any way] of such people as remain adamantly fixed up where they happened to be [at their post]. It is no doubt certain that in case labour is devoted, those persons can also be set right; but what is the need for that, after all! There is no need for every Tom & Dick herein : it is something so superb that it comes to be comprehended only after having [making] a lot of experience. There are persons, surely, who do not require study [education] and yet learn the entire [whole] thing; such vessels [deserving persons] however are rarely to be found. Musk is valuable is only in grains [of weight or quantity] this you have to remember. By the word 'educated' I mean cultured brain. The mind [and heart] should be cultured; otherwise uncultured people will be food in the [fold of the] educated class as well."

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