Bird Checklists for Klamath County

Thanks to the dedicated and hardworking folks at the East Cascades Audubon Society (mainly Chuck Gates), every county in Oregon has a set of bird checklists as part of the impressive Oregon Birding Site Guide project. In 2010, Kevin Spencer and Dave Hewitt worked with Chuck to put together the lists for Klamath County. Some rare birds that have only shown up in the Basin south of the Oregon-California border are not included (e.g., Mountain Plover, Black Oystercatcher), but in general these lists should be rather comprehensive for birds of the Klamath Basin.

There are two lists:

(1) a Brief list that does not include rare species and is intended as a general field checklist -- Field Checklist

(2) a Full list that, to the best of our knowledge, includes every species ever seen in Klamath County -- All Time Complete Checklist

The species that are marked as County (C) or State (S) rarities on the Full list are left off of the Brief list. The "rarity" designation is a bit loose and is intended to encourage reports of sightings of these species. Please report such sightings to the Klamath Basin Bird News mailing list or directly to the Klamath County contact person listed here. And of course, please report any bird sightings from the Klamath Basin to eBird.

The most current versions of the checklists can be obtained in PDF format HERE. If for some reason you cannot download them from that location, we have included each checklist on this page. We can't promise to update our files every time a change is made, so we suggest that you get the checklists from the link above.