Maw Maw Nezat's No Fail Divinity


4 cups sugar

1 cup light karo syrup

3/4 cup water

pinch of salt

2 egg whites

8 large or 32 small marshmallows

1 tsp vanilla

2 cups chopped pecans

Cook sugar, syrup, water and salt to soft ball stage. In the meantime beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add 1 cup of cooked syrup to beaten eggs along with marshmallows, keeping the mixer going the whole time. Cook remainder of syrup to hard ball stage..this wont take long so keep an eye on the temp. Keep your mixer going this whole time. When syrup has reached hard ball stage, add slowly in a stream to egg white mixture as it continues to mix. Add vanilla and pecans and stop mixing. Beat by hand with a wooden spoon until mixture dulls and is no longer shiny. Move quickly at this point and drop by spoonfuls onto wax paper.

This is my grandmothers recipe and her Christmas goodie spread wasn't complete without it. She liked to tell the story of how she got this recipe in trade from one of her kid's teachers when the teacher admired some fudge my grandmother had shared.