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The Mayan Calendar Smashes to the Ground:A Short Novel About New Age Prophesies, and

A Unique Window Into the Soul’s Understanding of Reality are 1st 2 published works of an eventual set or could possibly evolve into one volume?

12/27/2009 Sending "good" karma to one and all for this New Year of 2010!

11/30/2009 This Thanksgiving we spent in Yosemite. This is a pic taken at the top of the trail looking down at some of the upper falls. Just perfect weather before the winter wonderland arrives.

A Unique Window Into the Soul's Understanding of Reality, by me, was picked up by Tate Publishing on 11/06/09. This is very exciting venture that is a 1st. I also have a book titled, The Mayan Calendar Smashes to the Ground: A Short novel about New Age Prophesies that will hopefully be publshed as well.

09/06/2009 Wild cloud formation

over Southern California last night?

8/25/2009 1st egg produced on the farm!

8/17/09 Southern California Mtns. in Aug. Extremly cool weather for this time of year?

07/23/2009 These "little people", this time on our visit to Maryland, were very special to see indeed! Just beautiful weather, delicious crabs, and lots of great company.

Another year older 49/55, both cancers, one "a rat" ,and the other ,"a horse". The universe is opening for our type this year. Lots of adventures to look forward to!

05/21/2009 Beautiful wildflower display in our Southern California mountains this year! 6/1/2009 the chicks are loving this spring/summer weather as well!

2/08/2009 This is a shot from my visit to Maryland. Besides celebrating mom's 70th, I was able to attend a concert in D.C. of "The Presidents Own", by the United States Marine Band. The weather was cold along with snow and ice, but a beautiful site!

1/18/2009 Was given a copy of the Inauguration Invitation by a very proud African American. She was estatic that she would be going to this historic event. She wanted me to have a copy to keep as a part of history. Click on the pic in order to see upclose.

12/27/2008 Another fantastic Christmas, especially for Velvet! Happy Holidays and wishes for a prosperous New year.

12/11/2008 Now check out this December display of Southern California's sunrise. Taken from our backyard. Also congrats to Troy in raising $'s for neighbor with cancer in golf tournament.

10/11/08 Pueblo Bonito Sunset Resort was a 1st class operation Bob and I took full advantage of our Trip-a-Day win from KiFM Smooth Jazz .

08/08/2008 San Diego Museum of Art has many programs. (Everything from travel, to art classes)

03/01/08 Just returned from South Padre Island Texas. Big Spring break party spot, but we were able to get there just before the crowds. A beach area for both young and old. The people, food, etc. are fantastic!

04/24/2008 Our animals have taken over. Bunnies in the backyard, peacock in the front, Cooper standing up at the counter, and Velvet demanding attention. Must be "spring fever"?




.may your day be filled with light, love, and peace
