Current members

Postdoctoral researchers 

PhD students 

Zahra Ghasemi Monfared

 Topic "Development of multiscale model for direct reduced iron process with biocarbon"

Zahra's work is supported by Swedish Energy Agency.

Eduardo Arango Durango

 Topic "Co-roduction of biocarbon from existing heat and power boilers"

This work is supported by Swedish Energy Agency.

Sruthy Vattaparambil Sudharsan

 Topic "Evaluation of fast-growing broadleave trees for energy and material applications: fuel conversion"

This work is supported by competence center, TreesForMe, through Swedish Energy Agency.

Yusuf Tolunay Kilic

 Topic "Efficient production process for high-quality bio-carbon"

This work is supported by Swedish Energy Agency, The Swedish Agency of Economic and Regional Growth, and Norwegian Research Council

Under recruitment (expected to start in September)

 Topic "Heat and mass transfer of reacting porous particles in a gas flow"

This work is supported by Swedish Research Council

Under recruitment (expected to start in September)

 Topic "Evaluation of biochar for sustainable steel making"

This work is supported by BEST 4.0 (COMET by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency)

Unfilled (recuruitment on pause until further notice)

 Topic "Electrified reactor concept for cost efficient bio-H2 production and H2 storage (e-reactor4H2)"

This work is supported by LTU's hydrogen initiative, CH2ESS.

Master students

Associate members