Training & Psychology

Here you will find some information on physical training tips and the psychology of the fencing mindset.

Fencing - Peter Westbrook

Fencing is a game of wits. To win you must get in the mind of your opponent. 1984 Bronze Medalist and legendary USA Fencing Coach Peter Westbrook discusses the importance of reading your opponent, and knowing when to strike.

1984 Bronze Medalist and legendary USA Fencing Coach Peter Westbrook demonstrates weapon techniques in sabre fencing . Peter shows us the proper way to handle the weapon. He also lets us in on his insider tips on how to get more of an "edge" during matches. Watch now for your own exclusive lesson from one of the masters.

Fencing Technique: Parry Combinations and Drills, Part 1

Fencing Master Charles Selberg answers the following question from fencer, Mark T., "What drills / teaching methods does he find the most useful for training in transitions between the various parries?" Maestro Selberg answers this question in two parts. This first section deals with fencing parry combinations in general, and part two(the next video to be posted) deals with the question specifically in relation to sabre fencing. More fencing video content can be found at including fencing DVDs, books and videos by Maestro Selberg.

Fencing Technique: Parry Combinations and Drills, Part 2

Fencing Strategy and Tactics: The Psychology of Feints

Fencing Technique: Stop thrust

Fencing Strategy and Tactics: Counter-time

Fencing Strategy and Tactics: Breaking Tempo

Sabre Fencing: The History and Use of the Back Cut or False-Edge

The Difference Between Coaching Fencing and Teaching Fencing

Fencing: Wireless Fencing, the Piste and the Duel

Fencing: Stories and Anecdotes about Dueling , Part 1

Below is a YouTube video:

"Olympic Medalist, Jason Rogers, and Sport Psychologist, Dr. John Heil, draw on practical sport psychology, the Zen Martial Arts tradition and modern game theory to provide a look inside fencing in the 'zone'."

Dave (Capra's dad) Edwards-Smith designed our warm up routine base on the effectiveness of Active Release Technique (ART) and the current knowledge about some of the changes in sports physiology and medicine. Here's a link to his site: ART Alaska

and here's some interesting information about stretching and why we've changed our warm-up routine:


An online trigger point diagnostic tool to use

Dr. Derek D. Schramm, David's dad, has written another great book on health, nutrition, and longevity titled, You only weigh 10-pounds on the moon: Lessons for being an active participant in your shape, weight, and longevity. It's available through, so be sure to add this book to your library along with the first book, Fundamentals of Youth Triathlon, written with his wife, Dr. Heather Schramm.