
I believe that children learn best through play and when they discover things for themselves. Young children learn many skills and concepts through play and hands-on learning and I will make it a priority while in care. I will guide learning through play by asking open-ended questions and providing open-ended materials.

I implement The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care. The Creative Curriculum is a research-based philosophy and approach to early childhood education.

Children learn many skills through play. Here are some of the experiences in which your child may participate:



Dramatic Play

Music and Movement


Toys and Games

Stories and Books



Sand and Water


The fundamental beliefs which underlie The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care:

  • "Responsive, individualized care is based on what is learned about each child.

  • Ensuring children’s safety and health is a critical program component.

  • Care and learning environments must support and encourage play and exploration.

  • Family child care providers and the children’s families support children’s development and learning by forming partnerships that respect cultural, family, and individual differences.

  • Children’s social-emotional development is a primary goal of the program.

  • Dual-language learners must be supported as they learn more than one language.

  • Children with disabilities must be included in all aspects of the program.”

Because of the wide range of developmental levels present, the program’s schedule will be based on the children’s basic needs first. Routines will be developed for hellos and good-byes, mealtimes, diapering and toileting, and sleeping and resting based on these needs. However, throughout the day, children will also participate in planned activities and experiences that will focus on different skills or correlate with our curriculum’s theme. The curriculum will include certain “basics” that contribute to a child’s development. In a family child care home, every child will be at a different developmental level; therefore, I will strive to implement a curriculum that will best meet the needs of all the children. Socially, children will learn how to get along with others, use “please,” “thank you,” and other manners. They will be taught methods for solving problems and developing friendships. Emotionally, children will learn about their different feelings and how to express those feelings in a healthy way. Intellectually, children will be taught at their appropriate level, with activities that they will be able to grasp, but that will also challenge them. Physically, the curriculum will provide opportunity for children to develop large and small motor skills through activities and games. Spiritually, the curriculum will focus on Christian values and morals and emphasize to children that God loved them so much that he offers them salvation through Jesus.

Preschool aged children (3-5 years old) will participate in activities to prepare them for kindergarten. Please click here to learn more about the preschool supplemental curriculums.

Click here for this week's theme