University of Cape Coast




Master of Business Administration Programme

Course Syllabus/Teaching Schedule FOR 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR

1.0 Instructor & Course Information

2.0 Course Description:

The course deals with the principles of financial accounting, management accounting and finance. It aims at equipping students with the skills to enable them to use accounting and financial information to make business decisions and to help them understand the important concepts underlying the preparation and use of financial statements.

3.0 Objectives:

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

a. Show a clear understanding of the conceptual framework of accounting;

b. Differentiate among various methods of interpreting accounting statements;

c. Apply short term decisions-making concepts to business problems;

d. Evaluate capital investment decisions;

e. Appreciate the various methods of meeting short-term corporate financial needs.

4.0 Course Outline:

5.0 Instructional Approach

Instructional approaches employed in this course include the following:

a. Group work/team learning. Team work is emphasized. Very early in the course, students are expected to form teams. Assignments will be done in teams and learning to work in teams or groups is part of the learning outcomes of the course.

b.Group presentations and case analysis – using their groups, students are expected to prepare and make a PowerPoint presentation to the class on their assigned topic(s). This would form the basis for class discussion and part of continuous assessment.

c. Short lectures: the lecturer provides information and explains concepts where necessary only briefly. Where necessary, the lecturer will provide handouts to students.

d.Class time will be devoted to highlighting discussing and analyzing operation defects and successful strategies of known organization, and discussing important ways of developing operations strategy. It is assumed that you have read the topic to be discussed BEFORE class. Failure to do so will place you at a severe disadvantage to those who have. Frequent and informed participation is expected.

6.0 Assessment Weighting

a. Assignment I 20%

b. Assignment II 20%

c. Final Exams 60 %

7.0 References: (please highlight the main text)

1. International Financial Reporting Standard

2. ICA, Ghana (2013). Financial Reporting. ICA, Accra.

3. Horngren, C. T; Sundem, G. L. and Stratton, W. O. (2005). Introduction to Management Accounting. Prentice Hall, New delhi.

4. Warren, C. S.; Reeve, J. M. and Fess P. E. (2005). Thomson, South-Western.

5. Els, G.; Walt, R.; Wet, S.R; and Meyer, L. (2012). Fundamentals of Cost and Management Accounting. LexisNexis, Durban.

6. Myers, S. C and Brealey, R. A. (2007). Principles of Corporate Finance. McGraw-Hills, New York.

bus805s end of semester.docx