Flute Lore, Flute Tales

Flute Lore, Flute Tales: Artifacts, History, and Stories about the Flute by Katherine L. Holmes is published as an E-book and in paperback by Couchgrass Books, December 2013. It is YA, aimed for 8 to 18-year-olds, though for any age.

Explore the flute’s four types as they have appeared on most continents since prehistoric times. This book follows the discovery of artifacts and the historical impact of the instrument. Stories are included in many chapters. Myths, legends, and fairytales are re-told as they pertain to a regional flute. Sumer, the ancient Mediterranean world, Africa, India, the Orient, the Americas, and Europe are presented. The last pages cover eminent flautists, women musicians, jazz flutists, and finally, musical groups and performers who have made the traditional and folk instruments popular again.

"Filled with fascinating historical anecdotes, true origin sources of ancient flutes and additional myths, legends, and fairytales about flutes...a delightful source of historical information. 'Flute Lore, Flute Tales' is suitable for both young adult readers and curious adult audiences." - Library Bookwatch, The Midwest Book Review

"The illustrations enhance the information and the chapters are filled with interesting information that kept this reviewer glued to the printed page and really focused on what information the author shared." - Fran Lewis, Just Reviews

Available in Kindle format and as an ePub at Lulu Bookstore, Nook Bookstore, and at iTunes. The paperback is at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at Ingram's. Since January 2023, the book is available in hardcover.

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