From time to time, we ask someone: if you could re-make any film, what would it be, and how would you do it differently? And until we asked John Jesurun, no one had ever written all-new dialogue for the original film.

But John Jesurun's theater work has always been marked by an alternately comic and cerebral wordplay,hovering between stage and screen. His earliest piece "Chang in a Void Moon" performed in weekly installments at the Pyramid Club in the East Village between 1982 and 1983 was a wild mix of silent film serials, daytime soaps, surrealist logic and screwball comedy.


I have taken Mildred Pierce out of postwar California and reset it in the present day on the south shore of Long Island.This new setting combines the ironic geographical nearness of a dreary working class shore town and the relative glamour of the upscale Fire Island Pines.Like the original film it shows a constant connection to the water.It also gives us the mysterious atmosphere of the bay in-between two worlds and the sea beyond. Lots of turbulent sea skies set off by bright beach scenes.Scenes in the blue- black darkness of the narrow boardwalks that crisscross the island.Several would be in total darkness.The car scenes in the original film are replaced by night scenes in speedboats crossing the bay between the Pines and Mildred's home town on the mainland. The film would be in a slightly oxidized color that would imperceptibly fade to black and white and back into color again. Occasionally snips of contemporary music and odd remakes of older tunes drift in and out.Film score by Don Was and Burt Bacharach. Cinematography by Ellen Kuras who shot "Swoon" and "I Shot Andy Warhol" as well as the music video I directed for Jeff Buckley.

I have set several of the first crucial scenes.From there I jump to concocting statements by each of the main characters to view the story from 6 different points of view.

I've assembled a new cast. MILDRED PIERCE,the mother who sacrifices everything for her daughter and then is betrayed by almost everyone in sight is played by Susan Sarandon.Her first husband,BURT is played by Steve Buscemi. Mildred and Burt's scheming friend WALLY is played by Kevin Spacey.Mildred and Burt's self centered,viscious daughter VEDA is played by Liv Tyler. Mildred's elegant and deceiving second husband

BARRAGAN is played by Richard Gere.IDA,Mildred's openly lesbian friend and employee is played by Isabella Rosselini.


1. As in the original film,the first scene opens with the murder. We open on a luxurious Fire Island Pines house on a windy summer night.The sea is black. Five shots ring out hitting Barragan. He falls to the floor and mutters "Mildred".We cut to a woman's figure running out of the house onto a dock to a speedboat. The boat tears away from the dock and across the choppy waters of the bay.


2. Later that night.Mildred walking the dock along the ferry dock of her shore town.She tries to jump off the dock but a big man in a leather jacket stops her saying "Judy, Judy, Judy!We don't need any more of that around here."

Mildred replies,"Bug off,buster!"

He picks her up bodily and leaves her outside a noisy bar.

From inside the bar her friend Wally notices her and waves her in. Concerned at the bewildered look on her face he offers her a drink.The music inside is loud and heavy.A hideous, raunchy band is playing blasting out "Ball and Chain".The vocalist is a Courtney Love lookalike who is actually played by Courtney Love.

Mildred: What are you doing in here?

Wally:I own the joint.

Mildred: Well, it's a dump.

Wally: Drink?

Mildred:You never told me you...

Wally: Yeah, so what, big deal. Have a drink.

-Wincing from the blistering guitars,Mildred says,

" Lets get out of here,it's dragging me down."

She invites him to her Pines house(where the murder has taken place) for a drink.As they leave we pause for a shot of Mildred's freaked out face as she watches the singer wail the song;

"Oh baby,baby it ain't fair,honey it ain't fair what you do.

All I ever wanted to do was to love you.

Sittin' down by the window, looking down at the rain.

Something came along, grabbed ahold of me and it felt like a ball and chain."


3. Wally and Mildred enter her house.

Wally: Where's your husband?

Mildred: That jerk? Dead I hope.

Wally: Just asking.

-Through the huge picture windows we see Wally making drinks.Mildred goes into another room, locks the door and turns on a CD of Dionne Warwick singing a neverending electric blues version of "Summertime" full blast.

We see her leave by the back way.She jumps into a speed boat and zooms off.We see Wally's figure running through the house shouting for Mildred. "Summertime" continues to play at an earsplitting level.



I didn't have anything to do with this mess.I just was trying to help everyone out.How did I know that Mildred's first husband would be a bad partner in my business? So I had to throw him out. Sure, I wanted to sleep with his wife but so did everyone except for Ida. I never did, mind you.But that didn't stop me from trying to help her out. I helped get her restaurant together.I set up the deal to buy Barragan's building. She couldn't have done it without me.So was I supposed to just sit by and let her have the whole business? Of course I took a third.But she was dumb to marry Barragan. He just wanted her money and her daughter Veda. so did I.He was real snot though. I'm glad he's dead.It could have been me.But I never had the chance to get it on with Veda. She never liked me,physically I mean. I don't know why. I'm much better looking than that Barragan. I always thought he was a bit effeminate. But some women go for that. I don't think Veda slept with anyone for sex anyway.So lets get this straight, I never touched her.I never thought she would kill the guy though.She just freaked out.She was always on edge though. Always just about to crack.What do they call it, neurotic?She was neurotic and greedy.I don't know what she saw in all those upper class creeps anyway. I was just as classy as they were.When she ran away from home I tried to set that little bitch up in my club with a band even. She said she could sing. So what does she do? She sings a blues song "Loan Me A Dime". It didn't go over at all with those gay guys in there.I dont blame them.Yeah, big deal. I canceled her act. Mildred won't talk to me. I think she's finally figured me out so she doesn't like me anymore.I was just trying to help out and be a friend but business is business.She's had a rough time.Two crummy husbands and a daughter who's a murderer now.I knew her since she was seventeen.I thought she was smarter than that.She went with her feelings too much.Like I said,business is business.


Technically I should have no statement because I'm dead but I'll do it anyway.I was stupid and now I'm dead and stupid.I never should have gotten mixed up with these people.But I needed the money.There is no greater tragedy than lost wealth.But I threw my inheritance away and all I had was my social standing which was quite reputable even on Long Island.When I sold one of my properties to Mildred for a share in her business it was a good deal. But I wanted more money so I married her.And I don't know why she married me,she never loved me.But she married me to give some class to that ridiculous daughter of hers.A greedy little thing. Typical nouveau rich.Educated beyond her station in life.She would have made a good waitress but she had too much ambition for that.So I was stuck with Mildred and her daughter.And that conniving Wally.What a bore and a crook.I don't mind being dishonest but did he have to brag all the time about how clever he was?Although he was the one who thought up the idea to steal Mildred's business away from her with my help.In the end she just couldn't give me the money I needed.The two-hundred thousand dollar a year allowance from her just wasn't enough.Even with her daughter thrown in.I can't believe she never suspected.As smart as Mildred was she could never tell that everyone around her was cheating her.She attracted cheats like flies.Her first husband,her daughter,Wally,me. Everyone but Ida.Ida knew the score but Mildred wouldn't listen.Dummy! And that devotion to her daughter was way out of line.It was obvious that her daughter hated her and was disgusted by her.I did ask Veda to marry me.But I was drunk that night and she wouldn't sleep with me unless I said I would.So I did. And then the bitch kills me! I never should have retracted that statement. I never should have gotten mixed up with this group.But they seemed so upwardly mobile to me as I was sliding down my financial ladder. I should have listened to my mother.The lower classes will always drag you down to their level.Some way ,somehow.So don't mess with them.Now she's cashed in my life insurance policy and she's flying high. I can't talk about this anymore, its dragging me down.


I saw it all coming. I tried to help Mildred and I did. I helped her alot. I like her alot and she likes me but she wouldn't listen to common sense. She just went too far into everything.Sure she got a great business together but the guys she got mixed up with weren't good enough for her.

But what would I know about guys.Mildred didn't care if I was a lesbian.She got alot of funny looks but she didn't care.Those early days were fun,all the work.Then the guys came in and ruined it.That Barragan was bad news from the beginning.A big snob,no heart.He couldn't have been very good in bed.And I heard plenty of stories. I shouldn't say but he wasn't everything he says he was-in the love department. If he could have married a man for his money he would have.Face it, he was as queer as a three dollar bill.Not that there's anything wrong with it.But Mildred fell for him.I dont think she really loved him anyway. It was Burt she really loved.But that horrible Veda.She never liked me.She knew I was a lesbian somehow. Always asking me questions like: Why wasn't I married? So one day I just told her.After that she made sure I knew she hated my guts.Every day. So I ignored her.Mildred tried to talk to her but no way,she was not going to approve of her mother's lesbian restaurant manager.She started spreading rumors but it all fell flat. This is Fire Island.But she hated everyone whatever they were.And now she's a murderer.Anyone with that much hate in them has to kill someone some day.Poor Mildred,the mother of a murderer.

There's no way out of it for her.But she'll go on.She may move to California and if she does I'll go with her and we can start up another restaurant.I don't mind being a restaurant manager. My mother was a waitress for years.It's a hard job but it's a good job if you can handle it. But that Veda, how do you end up like that?


I don't have much to say. I mean I never say much.Mildred always said I never talked enough. Sure, our marriage didn't work out but that was my fault. I was lazy and I did have that affair. Well, it was a small affair but she never forgave me.That's why I told the cops I killed that jerk Barragan.I had to get Mildred out of this mess.I didn't do it for Veda though. Now my own daughter is a murderer.I always knew she was a snob but I never thought she would go this far.I love her but not so much any more. Actually I never liked her too much.Can you imagine not liking your own child? But it's possible.I don't think she liked me either.But that I can understand.Alot of kids don't like thier parents.Somehow that's allowed. But not liking your own kid is not allowed.I still don't like her.I suppose Mildred and I will get together again.It all makes more sense- starting at the beginning again.But I won't visit Veda. Not after what she did.Mildred just went with her feelings too much.She wanted so much for those kids,too much. And Veda ate her alive. But I won't visit Veda in jail, I just won't.


-I told her,why do we have to live in this dreary town mother? Why? I hated it.It was as dreary and downwardly mobile as you are mother. I wanted to be rich and live where the rich people live. I convinced her to get a house in the Pines.So what if it's full of fags. At least they have taste. I was tired of her crummy downscale friends. They don't know anything about music or society or clothes.

IDA-You're a real pill, sister.

VEDA-I may be but I wasn't going to sit around and curse my poverty.


VEDA-Yes,mother. Poverty! The poverty of living like the daughter of a waitress. I couldn't bear it.The drudgery of that kind of life. I'd do anything to get out of it.

IDA-And you did.

VEDA-Yes I did. I did it with great pleasure and it was fun while it lasted.When mother opened the restaurants I hoped we'd be out of that dumpy way of life forever.

IDA-What about your father?

VEDA-That gutless wonder? At least my mother pushed to get us out of the middle class.He didn't have any ambition.And I had enough for both of them.If they'd only listened to me.I didn't care if they called me a snob.Better a snob than a slob.But they were hopelessly middle class.That's why I went after Barragan. He had taste and style and he knew how to have a good time.They didn't even know how to have a good time. Picnics! That was their idea of a good time.Give me a break!Sure I slept with Barragan . I did it the first second I could ,when I was seventeen, the first day I met him.Anything to get away from the smell of those pies.And Wally,well he's crude but he had a head on his shoulders. And mother, I slept with him too.So he screwed you out of your business, big deal.

You were TOO stupid to notice it and I wasn't going to tell you.Why should I? What did you ever do for me?

Send me to those good schools? Of course you should have. I deserved them. I deserved to have good clothes. So what if you worked your ass off. You should have for me . I was your daughter and I knew what was good for me and for you. You just never listened to me.What would you know except how to bake apple pies? Pies!She was baking pies to get me through school.Pies for god sakes.I told her to try soufles and petit-fours so we could meet the upper crust. But no, she had to sell food to the pie people! People who eat pies make me sick. So declasse. Whatever! I was too good for pies.I never have eaten one of your pies mother, they made me sick.I would spit them out when you weren't looking all those years.I'm not one of those pie people you deal with.This is Veda you're talking to.

IDA- How could you? After all she did for you?

VEDA-Shut up Ida! I hated you the most.You are a most peculiar woman. What are you but some low class lesbian?And what is that accent,Ida? Are you some kind of immigrant? I never could figure that out. And how could you mother, hang out with that lesbian?And let her work for you? I don't care what you do Ida but do you have to make it so public.It's disgusting, totally crude.At least you could have the taste to keep it to yourself.Whatever! It's no use talking to you.You wouldn't understand.That was the worst mother,even worse than the pies.Letting her work in our restaurant.And sure I killed Barragan.He was a jerk.He promised he would marry me mother.He never loved you.He loved me.But not enough to marry me because he knew I was the daughter of a waitress.It's your fault mother.Why did you have to be a waitress? You ruined my life...So I killed him. And noone would have found out if it wasn't for my stupid bungling waitress mother. She could never do anything right.She gave me 5 thousand dollars to go hide out in Europe.It wouldn't have lasted me a week,mother! Oh,she doesn't even know where Europe is. Anyway.She couldn't even lie right to save her own daughter.I was at least going to bring a little respect to your frumpy life.Whatever.Do you have any cigarettes mother?

IDA-Mildred, give her a cigarette and shut her up.Please!


I tried to save her. What else could I do? She's my daughter.I always knew she was bad but I couldn't believe it.I thought it was my fault. I spoiled her too much.I gave her everything.You know, ever since she was little I tried to like her but she was always so mean.I tried but I think she always knew people didn't like her.I wanted them to desperately.I never thought she would go this far.I thought if she could just fake it through her life she would be ok.

So what if she was nasty and snobby and people didn't like her so much. At least the snobby people liked her .Until they found out I was a waitress.I wish I didn't have to be, not for myself but for her.I was living for her.She wanted to have some class so I sent her to all the best schools,piano lessons,everything. I knew there was something wrong with her when she told me she didn't like the Beatles. She didn't even like Burt Bacharach.No, it had to be Chopin and Mozart.She wouldn't touch fried chicken.Then there was the day she told me how ashamed she was of me for being a waitress.I slapped her and she slapped me back.I tried to get her out of the country and take the rap for her.Oh, lets face it. I hate her.I never would have married Barragan, I did it fo her. He was awful in bed too.And then to find out my own daughter has slept with my husband.And Wally is out of my life.I've known him for so long but I realize now he's just a crook.He took half my business,all legally of course.When Veda ran away he set her up with a band in his club. I went to see her one night.She was awful. she sang "Loan Me A Dime. Pathetic.I wanted to throw a pie at her,but then I thought-" don't be a snob." But I'm not sorry I threw that telephone at Wally in the police station hallway.Ida has been my only real friend.Who would have known but she was the first one to hire me as a waitress? If it hadn't been for her I never could have started my business.I never knew she was a lesbian until last year.What am I left with now ?My "friend" Wally who's cheated me for years,a dead husband killed by my own daughter and my business ruined.It's a wonderful life.And now I think I'm falling in love with my first husband again.Yeah, so what, big deal.fine, let them eat pie.