Domain-specific Visual Languages

Domain-specific Visual Languages (DSVLs) 

We have been researching the use of domain-specific visual languages and associated support tools for many years.  The idea is to support the modelling of complex systems using visual models better-suited to target end user cognitive processes and understanding. We have developed many DSVL tools along with several platforms for developing DSVL tools - DSVL meta-tools - including MViews, JViews, JComposer, Pounamu, Marama and Horus. Some examples are highlighted below.

Currently I am interested in techniques to better design and evaluate DSVLs, further uses of DSVL tool ideas including applying DSVLs to security and cloud engineering domains, and a next-generation DSVL meta-tool platform to extend our Horus meta-tools.

Representative funding

Representative papers and projects

DSc Thesis

Big data analytics DSVLs

Software Architecture DSVLs

Software Design DSVLs

User Interface DSVLs

Process Modelling and Enactment DSVLs

Non-software Engineering DSVLs