Joao Ricardo Faria 



"It is our choice of good or evil that determines our character,

not our opinion about good or evil "

- Aristotle , Nicomachean Ethics

"What use of valor can be made,

When heav'n's propitious pow'rs refuse their aid!"

- Virgil, Aeneid

"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones"

- William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

"On fait souvent du bien pour pouvoir impunement faire du mal"

"We frequently do good to enable us with impunity to do evil"

-Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Maximes

"Il est dur d'etre gueux, tandis qu'il y a tant de sots opulents aux dipens desquels on peut vivre".

"It is hard to be a pauper while there are so many wealthy idiots you can live on"

- Denis Diderot, Rameau's Nephew

 "Enquanto houver otario no mundo, malandro nao morre de fome"

"As long as there are suckers alive, con men shall never starve "

- Bezerra da Silva, Brazilian free-thinker

 "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face".

- Mike Tyson, Philosopher

"I believe that there is no such thing as a good form of government, and that we shall never discover one,

because the Greeks, who had so many excellent ideas, were never able to find one. 

In that respect, therefore, all hope of ultimate success is taken from us. 

Unmistakable signs show that the world is about to fall into ignorance and barbarism. 

It has been our lot, Lucius, to witness terrible events. Of all the mental satisfactions which intelligence,

learning, and virtue can give, all that remains is the cruel pleasure of watching ourselves die".

-Anatole France, Thais

Professor Joao Ricardo Faria

Department of Economics

College of Business

Florida Atlantic University

777 Glades Road, 

Boca Raton, FL 33431


Homepage at Google Scholar

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Macroeconomics; Development economics; Economics of entrepreneurship; Economics of terrorism and conflict; Economics of education


Ph.D. Economics, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1998 

MA Economics, University of Brasilia, 1991

BA Economics, University of Brasilia, 1988

BA Geography, University of Brasilia, 1987


Macroeconomics; Development economics; Economics of entrepreneurship; Economics of terrorism and conflict; Economics of education


Journal Publications

[111] Are the loans of State owned banks politically motivated? (2024) Empirical Economics, forthcoming (with E. Figueiredo, R. Pereira and J. Orrillo)

[110] Countervailing impacts of fossil fuel production and exports of electrical goods on energy transitions and climate change (2024) Journal of Cleaner Production, forthcoming (with L. Attillio and E. Silva)

[109] Climate investments, stock markets and the open economy (2024) Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming (with L. Attillio and P. McAdam)

[108] The Janus model of money demand (2024) International Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming (with Peter McAdam)

[107] Science and innovation: A cyclical approach (2024) Minerva, forthcoming (with C. Boudreaux, R. Goel, D. Goktepe)

[106] Estimating Japanese bank performance: Stochastic entropic analysis on the basis of ideal solutions (2024) Expert Systems with Applications 242, 122762 (with J. Antunes, P. Wanke, A. Azada, Y. Tan, A. Mamede)

[105]   Does capacity utilization crowd-out research activity? Cross-national evidence from firm-level data (2024) Managerial and Decision Economics 45, 161-173 (with Rajeev Goel and  Michael A. Nelson)
[104] Expropriation, money, and happiness: The impact of state theft in Russia (2024) Empirical Economics 66, 483-501 (with S. Caudill, F.Mixon, E. Young)

[103] Government  investments and entrepreneurship  (2023) Small Business  Economics 61, 1657-1670(with  M.Prado, L.Ogura and C.Boudreaux)
[102]  Does monetary policy impact CO2 Emissions? A GVAR analysis (2023) Energy Economics 119, 106559 (with L. Attílio and M. Rodrigues)

[101]  Monetary  policy, neutrality and the environment  (2023)  Journal of Money Credit and Banking 55, 1889-1906 (with P. McAdam and  B. Viscolani)
[100]  Examining contract modifications in Purchasing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): A bargaining approach  (2022) Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation 6, 179-196 (with Eric J. Boyer)
[99] Do professors' wages depend on students' earnings? (2022) Applied Economics 54, 6703-6715 (with F. Mixon)
[98]  The green Tobin's q: Theory and evidence  (2022)  Energy Economics 110, 106033 (with  S. Terjensen and  G.  Tindall)
[97] Negotiation and bargaining power in the determination of administrative wages in academe (2022) Managerial and Decision Economics 43, 2935-2940 (with F. Mixon, S. Caudill and Daniel Gropper).
[96] Informality, infrastructure investments and new firms' creation: The location strategy (2022) Journal of the Knowledge Economy 13, 321-331 (with M.Prado and J.J. Ferreira)
[95] The path of terror attacks (2021) Games, 12, 35. g12020035 (with D. Arce).
[94] Unveiling the endogeneity between social-welfare and labor efficiency: Two-stage NDEA neural network approach (2021) Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 77, 101026 (with R.Moraes and P. Wanke)
[93] The marginal impact of a publication on citations, and its effect on academic pay (2021) Scientometrics 126, 8217-8226 (with F. Mixon).
[92] Cooperation and spillovers in healthcare R&D: Theory and evidence (2021) Economic Modelling 95, 68-75 (with S. Caudill, F. Mixon, and K. Upadhyaya)

[91] Self-employment by gender in the EU: Convergence and clusters (2021) Empirica, 48, 717-741 (with J. Cuestas, E. Mourelle and L. Gil-Alana)
[90] The refugee game: The relationship between individual security expenditures and collective security (2020) Games 11, 24; doi:10.3390/g11020024 (with A. Novak, A. Bagchi and T. Mathews)
[89] The Peter and Dilbert principles applied to academe (2020) Economics of Governance 21, 115-132 (with F. Mixon)
[88] Agglomeration economies and university program creation in the knowledge economy (2020) Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 72, 100800 (with F.Mixon, K. Johnson, J. Ferreira and P. Wanke)
[87] Leadership delegation in rotten kid families (2020) Journal of Population Economics  33, 441-460  (with Emilson Silva)
[86] Property confiscation and the intergenerational transmission of education post 1948 Eastern Europe (2020) Public Choice 184, 1-41 (with S. Caudill, S. Crofton, N.Manage, F.Mixon and M.Simonton)

[85] Academic scholarship, organization prestige, and the earnings of U.S. business school deans (2019) Managerial and Decision Economics 40, 823–837   (with F. Mixon, D. Gropper and J. Santoyo)
[84] Gang rivalry and crime: A differential game approach (2019) Review of Law & Economics 15, 2 (with F.Mixon, A.Upadhyaya and K.Upadhyaya)
[83] A model of multilateral proxy war with spillovers (2019) Public Choice 179, 229-248  (with Aniruddha Bagchi and Timothy Matthews)  

[82] Simple analytics of the impact of terror generation on attacker-defender interactions (2019) Public Choice 179,  287-299 (with Timothy Matthews and Aniruddha Bagchi)

[8] Public policy and the university-industry R&D nexus (2019) Knowledge Management Research & Practice 17, 499-506  (with Franklin Mixon and Kamal Upadhyaya)

[80] Alumni donations and university reputation (2019) Education Economics 27, 155-165 (with F. Mixon and K. Upadhyaya)

[79] The green golden rule: Habit and anticipation of future consumption (2018) Economics Letters 172, 131-133 (with Peter McAdam)

[78]  Research and innovation in higher education: Empirical evidence from research and patenting in Brazil (2018) Scientometrics 116, 487-504(with Peter Wanke, Joao Ferreira, Frank Mixon)

[77] Transnational terrorism: Externalities and coalition formation (2018) Journal of Conflict Resolution 62, 496-528 (with Andre Oliveira and Emilson Silva)

[76] Editor reputation and journal quality: The case of regional association journals (2018) B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 20170099 (with  Franklin Mixon and Kamal Upadhyaya)

[75] Entrepreneurial philanthropy and university creation: An economic model (2018) Journal of the Knowledge Economy 9, 1067-1086 (with Franklin Mixon)
[74] Academic research and the strategic ineraction of scholars and editors: A two-stage game  (2017) International Game Theory Review 19, 1, No. 1, 1650010  (with Damien Besancenot and Franklin Mixon) 

[73] Intertemporal versus spatial externalities in counterterror policy games (2017) Dynamic Games and Applications 7, 402–42 (with Emilson Silva and Daniel Arce)

[72] Human capital, collegiality and stardom in economics: Empirical analysis (2016) Scientometrics 106, 917-943 (with Franklin Mixon and Kamal Upadhyaya

[71] Academic productivity before and after tenure: The case of the "Specialist" (2015) Oxford Economic Papers 67, 291-309 (with Peter McAdam) 

[70] Entrepreneur location decisions across industries (2015) International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12, 985-1006 (with C. Fernandes, M. Raposo, J. Ferreira and R. Thurik)

[69] Macroeconomic adjustment under regime change: From social contract to Arab spring (2015) Journal of international Money and Finance 56, 1-22 (with Peter McAdam)

[68] Location clusters, FDI and local entrepreneurs: Consistent public policy (2015) Journal of the Knowledge Economy 7, 858-868

[67] Do remittances diminish social violence? (2015) Journal of Development Studies 51, 1309-1325 (with Gazi Hassan)

[66] The macroeconomy of Angola: Breaks and persistence in Angolan macro data (2015) Applied Economics 47, 2783-2802 (with Carlos Barros and Luis Gil-Alana)

[65] Financial distress drivers in Brazilian banks: A dynamic slacks approach (2015) European Journal of Operational Research 240, 258-268  (with Peter Wanke and Carlos Barros)

[64] Entrepreneurship and business cycles: Technological innovations and unemployment (2015) International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 11, 253-265.

[63] Inflation in Mozambique: Empirical facts based on persistence, seasonality and breaks (2014) Applied Economics 46, 2545-2555(with Carlos Barros and Luis Gil-Alana)

[62] Congestion of academic journals under papers’ imperfect selection (2014) B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 14, 1145-1167 (with Damien Besancenot and Kim Huynh)

[61] Brazilian land tenure conflicts: A spatial analysis (2014) Journal of International Development 26, 409-421 (with Carlos Barros and Ari Araujo)

[60] Anticipation of future consumption: A monetary perspective (2013) Journal of Money Credit and Banking 45, 423-447 (with Peter McAdam)

[59] Crime in a planned city: The case of Brasília (2013) Cities 32, 80-87 (with Laudo Ogura and Adolfo Sachsida)

[58] Warnings, terrorist threats and resilience: A laboratory experiment (2013) Conflict Management and Peace Science 30, 433-451 (with Andrew Bausch and Thomas Zeitzoff)

[57] Faculty Promotion in Academe: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Economics Departments (2013) Journal of Economics and Econometrics 56, 1-27 (with P. Loureiro, F.Mixon and A. Sachsida)

[56] Brazilian land tenure and conflicts: The landless peasants' movement (2013) Cato Journal 33, 47-75 (with Carlos Barros and Ari Araujo)

[55] A new perspective on the gold standard: Inflation as a population phenomenon (2012) Journal of International Money and Finance 31, 1358-1370 (with Peter McAdam)

[54] Search and research: The influence of editorial board on journals' quality (2012) Theory and Decision 73, 687-702  (with Damien Besancenot and Kim Huynh)

[53] An economic model of workplace mobbing in academe (2012) Economics of Education Review 31, 720-726 (with Franklin Mixon and Sean Salter)

[52] Demographic dynamics in poor countries: Labor market conditions and gender inequalities (2012) Journal of Development Studies 48, 99-114 (with Adolfo Sachsida)

[51] From unemployed to entrepreneur: The role of absolute bequest motive (2012) Economics Letters 114, 120-123 (with Zhongmin Wu)

[50] Do Central Banks affect Tobin's q? (2012)  International Review of Economics and Finance 22, 1-10 (with Andre Mollick, Adolfo Sachsida and Le Wang)

[49] Counterterrorism and its impact on terror support and recruitment: Accounting for backlash (2012) Defence and Peace Economics 23, 431-445 (with Daniel Arce)

[48] A vintage model of terrorist organizations (2012) Journal of Conflict Resolution 56, 629-650  (with Daniel Arce)

[47] An integro-differential approach to terrorism dynamics (2011) Defence and Peace Economics 22, 595-605.

[46] Paradigm depletion, knowledge production and research effort: Considering Thomas Kuhn’s ideas (2011) Metroeconomica 62, 587-604 (with D. Besancenot and A.J.Novak)

[45] Returns to networking in academia (2010) Netnomics 11, 103-117 (with Rajeev Goel)

[44] Tobin's q and the US inflation (2010) Journal of Economics and Business 62, 401-418 (with Andre V. Mollick). 

[43] Entrepreneurship and unemployment: A nonlinear bidirectional causality? (2010) Economic Modelling 27, 1282-1291  (with Juan Carlos Cuestas and Estefania Mourelle)

[42] Good research and bad teaching? A business school tale (2010) Research in Economics 64, 67-72 (with Damien Besancenot)

[41] Capital and labor mobility and their impacts on Mexico’s regional labor markets (2010) Journal of Development Studies 46, 1523-1542 (with Rene Cabral and A.V. Mollick)

[40] Persistence in airline accidents (2010) Disasters 34, 1123-1138 (with Carlos Barros and Luis Gil-Alana).

[39] Unemployment and entrepreneurship: A cyclical relation? (2009) Economics Letters 105, 318-320 (with Juan Carlos Cuestas and Luis Gil-Alana).

[38] Why Business Schools do so much research: A signaling Explanation (2009) Research Policy 38, 1093-1101 (with Damien Besancenot and Radu Vranceanu)

[37] The effect of oil price on China's exports (2009) China Economic Review 20, 793-805 (with A.V. Mollick, P.H. Albuquerque and M. Leon-Ledesma).

[36] Persistent high ambition and substance abuse: A rationalization of a vicious circle (2008)  Journal of Economics  94, 261-274 (with Amnon Levy).

[35] A simple nonlinear dynamic model for unemployment: Explaining the Spanish case (2008) Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Article ID 981952, 11 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/981952 (with M. Leon-Ledesma).

[34] Can globalization stop the decline in commodities' terms of trade? The Prebisch-Singer hypothesis revisited (2008) Cambridge Journal of Economics 32, 683-701 (with A.V. Mollick, P.H. Albuquerque and M. Leon-Ledesma).

[33] Terrorism in Africa: Persistence and poverty (2008) Journal of Policy Modeling 30, 55-69 (with  Carlos Barros and Luis Gil-Alana ).

[32] The tenure game: Building up academic habits (2008) Japanese Economic Review 59, 370-380 (with Goncalo Monteiro)

[31] Demographic and technological growth in tourism markets (2008) Tourism Economics 14, 115-121.

[30] Negatively correlated author seniority and the number of acknowledged people: Name-recognition as a signal of scientific merit? (2008) Journal of Socio-Economics 37, 1234-1247 (with Nathan Berg)

[29] Are U.S. citizens at risk of terrorism in Europe? (2007) Defence and Peace Economics18, 495-507  (with Carlos Barros, Isabel Proença and Luis Gil-Alana)

[28] Proliferation of academic journals: Effects on research quantity and quality (2007)Metroeconomica  58, 536-549 (with Rajeev Goel).

[27] Ramsey in dual-population lands: Internal conflict and utility-maximizing consumption (2007) Defence and Peace Economics 18, 339-352 (with Amnon Levy )

[26] Population and growth: Is there a puzzle ? (2006) Journal of Development Studies42, 909-917  (with M.Leon-Ledesma and A. Sachsida)

[25] Terrorist innovations and anti-terrorist policies (2006) Terrorism and Political Violence, 18, 47-56.

[24] Terror support and recruitment (2005) Defence and Peace Economics 16, 263-273 (with Daniel Arce)

[23] The game academics play: Editors versus authors (2005) Bulletin of Economic Research57, 1-12.

[22] Real exchange rate and employment performance in an open economy (2005) Research in Economics 59, 67-80 (with Miguel Leon-Ledesma)

[21] Trade liberalization, nature of mergers and employment (2005) Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 14, 43-63. (with Halis Yildiz)

[20] Leading by example and international collective action (2005) Journal of Public Economic Theory 7, 51-63. (with Andre Rossi de Oliveira and Daniel Arce)

[19] The effects of taxes on labor in a dynamic efficiency wage model (2004) Japanese Economic Review, 55, 286-297.

[18] Habit formation, working habits and technological progress (2004)  Manchester School, 72, 403-413 (with Miguel Leon-Ledesma)

[17] Terror cycles (2003) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 7, No.1, Article 3.

[16] Testing the Balassa-Samuelson effect: Implications for growth and PPP (2003) Journal of Macroeconomics 25, 241-253 (with Miguel Leon-Ledesma )

[15] Limit cycles in an optimal control problem of Diabetes (2003) Applied Mathematics Letters 16, 127-130.

[14]  Scientific, business and political networks in academia (2002) Research in Economics 56, 187-198.

[13] The dynamic efficiency of the Ramsey model with endogenous labour participation rate (2001) Optimal Control Applications and Methods 22, 145-149.

[12] Habit formation in a monetary growth model (2001) Economics Letters 73, 51-55. 

[11] Markup, indexation and inflation: A bargaining approach (2001) Economic Modelling 18, 313-323.

[10] Supervision and effort in an intertemporal efficiency wage model: The role of the Solow condition (2000) Economics Letters 67, 93-98.

[9] What happened to the Neanderthals ? - The survival trap (2000) Kyklos 53, 161-172. 

[8] The readmission of the Jews to England: The Mercantilist view (1999) European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 6, 513-522.

[7] Is there an optimal constitution ? (1999) Constitutional Political Economy   10, 177-184.

[6] Growth and stability in a model with Pasinettian saving behaviour and neoclassical technology (1999) Manchester School   67, 111-121, (with Joanilio R. Teixeira ).

[5] The economics of witchcraft and the big eye effect (1998)Kyklos   51, 537-546.

[4] Investment, credit and endogenous cycles (1998)  Journal of Economics   67, 135-143, (with Joaquim P. de Andrade ).

[3] Environment, growth and fiscal and monetary policies (1998) Economic Modelling   15, 113-123.

[2] The indexation of wages and bonds in Brazil (1997) Applied Economics   29, 1459-1464, (with Francisco G. Carneiro).

[1] Urbanization, economic growth, and welfare (1996) Economics Letters   52, 109-115, (with Andre V. Mollick).


Other Journal Publications 

[56] Insights into the seesaw between theory and empirics (2024) American Journal of Economics and Sociology, forthcoming (with R. Goel and N. Manage)

[55] The Impact of the U.S. Stock Market on the BRICS and G7: A GVAR Approach (2024) Journal of Economic Studies, forthcoming (with L. Attilio and M. Prado)

[54] The Mass Production of the Lumpen Intelligentsia: An Economic Model of the “Woke” Movement in U.S. Higher Education (2023) Theoretical Economics Letters, 2023, 13, 1599-1607 (with F. Mixon)

[53] The Impact of School Infrastructure and Teachers’ Human Capital on Academic Performance in Brazil (2023) Evaluation Review, forthcoming (with P. Wanke, A. Lauro, O. Figueiredo, F. Mixon)

[52] Human Capital, networks and clubs in Academe (2023) Economies 11 (6) 10.3390/economies11060165   (with F. Mixon and W. Sawyer)

[51] Evaluating inter-sectorial efficiency of State-owned bank financing: A hierarchical game with a two-stage Malmquist approach (2023) International Journal of Public Policy 17, 1-2, 1-30(with R. Moraes, P. Wanke, S. Caudill and Y. Tan)

[50]Gender discrimination in the Business School’s C-Suite? Evidence from aggregate decomposition approaches (2022) Frontiers in Education 7,  (with S. Caudill, F. Mixon and J. Santoyo)

[49] Labor markets and sustainability: Short-run dynamics and long-run equilibrium (2022) Sustainability 14(7):4307.  (with F. Mixon)  

[48] Opportunism vs. excellence in academia: Quality accreditation of collegiate business schools (2022) American Business Review 25, 4 - 24 (with F. Mixon)
[47] Mirror, mirror on the wall...modeling the U.S. Congress as an internal labor market (2020) Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 36, 163-187 (with F. Mixon)

[46] On the Samaritan's dilemma, foreign aid and freedom (2018) Economies 6(4), 53 (with D. Arce)

[45] Human capital and collegiality in academic beehives: Theory and analysis of European economics faculties (2017) Theoretical and Applied Economics 24, 147-162 (with F Mixon and K. Upadhyaya) 

[44] The demand for money in Angola (2017) Journal of Economics and Finance 41, 408-420 (with C.P. Barros and L.G. Alana)

[43] The impact of the financial crisis and financial assistance in Portugal: Micro and macro foundations (2017) Global Business and Economics Review 19, 70-88  (with Pedro Mota Veiga and Joao Ferreira)

[42] The decision to moonlight: Does second job holding by the self-employed and employed differ? (2016) Industrial Relations Journal 47, 279-299 (with A. Atherton, D.Wheatley, D. Wu, Z.Wu)

[41] Farmer-entrepreneurs, agricultural innovation and explosive research and development cycles(2016) Administrative Sciences 6, 13 (with Franklin Mixon)

[40] Minority faculty hiring power in Academe: An economic model (2016) Review of Black Political Economy 43, 273-288 (with F. Mixon, A. Sachsida and P. Loureiro)

[39] Mozambique Metical exchange rate dynamics (2015) South African Journal of Economics 83, 569-575  (with C.P. Barros and L. Gil-Alana)

[38] Reverse FDI in Europe: An analysis of Angola's FDI in Portugal (2014) African Development Review 26, 160-171 (with Carlos Barros and Bruno Damasio)

[37] The economics of technology in terrorist organizations (2014) Brown Journal of World Affairs 20, 285-296. 

[36] Two-dimensional effort in patent-race games and rent-seeking contests: The case of telephony (2014) Games  5, 116-126 (with Franklin Mixon, Steven Caudill and Samantha Wineke).

[35] Entrepreneurship and unemployment cycles: A delay differential equation approach (2013) Frontiers of Economics in China 8, 288-292.

[34] Debts on debts (2012) North American Journal of Economics and Finance 23, 203-219 (with Le Wang and Zhongmin Wu)

[33] Emotions, happiness and growth: Spinoza, James and Ramsey (2011) Economic Issues 16, 81-92.

[32] Most cited articles published in Brazilian journals of economics: Google Scholar rankings (2010) Revista EconomiA 11, 1-25

[31] Financiamento publico da frota brasileira autonoma de caminhoes (2010) Economia & Tecnologia 6, 125-137. (with C.H. Rocha)

[30] Capital and labor in the long-run: Evidence from Tobin's q for the U.S. (2010) Applied Economics Letters 17, 11-14. (with A.V. Mollick)

[29] Cultural heritage and growth (2008) Planejamento e Politicas Publicas 31,  7-19. (with M. Leon-Ledesma)

[28] Public support and terrorism: The Putin paradox (2008) Open Political Science Journal 1, 1-4.

[27] Employment and fertility choice: A differential game approach (2007) Economics Bulletin, Vol. 10 no. 9 pp. 1-8 (with Le Wang)

[26] The international research of academic economists in Brazil: 1999-2006  (2007) Economia Aplicada 11, 387-406 . (with A. Araujo and C. Shikida)

[25] The citation pattern of Brazilian economists (2007) Estudos Econômicos 37, 151-166. (with A. Araujo and C. Shikida)

[24] Government revenues and expenditures in Guinea-Bissau:Causality and cointegration (2005) Journal of Economic Development30, 107-117 (with F.Carneiro and B.S. Barry)

[23] Profitability, investment and efficiency wages (2005) Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 4, 201-211.

[22] Is there a trade-off between domestic and international publications ?(2005)  Journal of Socio-Economics 34, 269-280.

[21] The nominal theory of interest under habit formation: Evidence for the U.S., 1959-2002 (2004) North American Journal of Economics and Finance 15, 333-354. (withA. V. Mollick)

[20] An intertemporal Pasinettian model with government sector (2004) International Journal of Business and Economics 3, 257-268 (with Ricardo Araujo).

[19] Some reflections on incentives for publication: The case of the CAPES' list of economic journals (2004)  Economia Aplicada 8, 791-816.

[18] Conflict, distribution, and population growth (2003)  Journal of Bioeconomics 5, 47-53. (withAndre Rossi de Oliveira)

[17]  Optimal exchange rate policy, wage bargaining structure and foreign direct investment (2003) International Economics 56, 1-12. (with Luiz R. de Mello)

[16] What type of economist are you: r-strategist or K-strategist ? (2003) Journal of Economic Studies 30, 144-154.

[15] Devaluation, output and wages (2003)  International Economic Journal 17, 15-27. (withFrancisco G. Carneiro)

[14] Growth and labor supply in the presence of habit formation in consumption (2002) Economics Bulletin 4, 1-5.

[13] An analysis of rankings of economic journals (2002) Brazilian Journal of Business Economics 2, 95-117.

[12] Jobless growth: The long run relationship between capital and labor  (2002) Journal of Economic Research 7, 215-228.

[11] Does high inflation affect growth in the long and short run ? (2001) Journal of Applied Economics 4, 89-105. (withFrancisco G. Carneiro ).

[10] Rent seeking in academia: The consultancy disease (2001) American Economist 45, 69-74.

[9] Capital accumulation and the modified golden rule with endogenous labor participation rate and efficiency wages (2001) Journal of Economic Research 6, 97-108.

[8] The macroeconomic determinants of equilibrium unemployment insurance (2001) Labour 15, 487-500. (with F.G. Carneiro)

[7] A two-class fiscal and monetary growth model (2000) Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 11, 355-364.

[6] The research output of academic economists in Brazil (2000) Economia Aplicada  4, 95-113.

[5] The demand for currency in the presence of indexed money: The case of Brazil (2000) Applied Economics Letters 7, 41-43.  

[4] Causality between the minimum wage and other wages (1997) Applied Economics Letters 4, 507-510, (with Francisco G. Carneiro).

[3] Currency substitution and indexed money (1997) Applied Economics Letters  4, 163-166, (with Francisco G. Carneiro).

[2] Pressure groups and inflation: A cyclical model (1996) Revista de Economia Politica   16, 129-135, (with Jorge S. Arbache ).

[1] Money and growth: From a quasi-neoclassical standpoint (1994) Revista Brasileira de Economia   48, 529-550, (with Joaquim P. de Andrade).

 Edited Book

Economic Growth, Inequality and Migration (2002) Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar   (co-edited by Amnon Levy ).

My article in this book is: Migration, unemployment and the optimal tax: Implications for growth and income distribution, pp. 151-162.

This book is reviewed by Christopher Bajada in Economic Record, Derek Hum in Journal of International Migration and Integration

Book Articles

Factors facilitating the inventing academics’ transition from nascent entrepreneurs to business owners, in D.Audretsch, E.Lehmann and A. Link (eds.) Handbook of Technology Transfer, Chapter 5, Edward Elgar. (with R. Goel and D. Göktepe-Hultén)

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

 Citations; Thomson Gale. 2008. 11Nov. 2009  

O-Ring Theory; Thomson Gale. 2008. 11Nov. 2009  

Professional Journals; Thomson Gale. 2008. 11Nov. 2009  


 Book Reviews

Review of Haim Ofek "Second Nature: Economic Origins of Human Evolution" Cambridge University Press, Economic History Services, May 30, 2002.

Journal Guest Editor 

Games December 2021

Journal of Policy Modeling 31 (2009) 737-738

Journal Editorial Board Membership

International Journals

Economics Research International [2011-2017]

Journal of Socio-Economics [2011-2017]

Journal of Modern Economy and Management 


International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology

Domestic Journals

Applied Economics: Systematic Research (Lithuania)

Brazilian Journal of Business Economics (Brazil)

Journal of Economics and Its Applications (Kosovo)


Conference Organization

Policy Implications of Terrorism, Lisbon, 2008.

The New Challenges to the Economics of Business Schools and Universities, Paris, 2008.

Activities as Referee  

I have served as referee for the following Journals:

African Journal of Agricultural Research, Applied Economics, Applied Financial Economics , Australian Journal of Labour Economics, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & PolicyBrazilian Journal of Business Economics* , British Journal of Political Science, Bulletin of Economic Research*, Canadian Journal of Economics, China Economic Review, Cities,  Computers & Matematics, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Contemporary Economic Policy, Defence and Peace Economics*, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Economia*,  Economia Aplicada*, Economics Bulletin*, Eastern Economic Journal, Economic Issues*, Economic Inquiry, Economic JournalEconomic Modelling* , Economics of Education Review, Economics of Governance, Empirical Economics, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, Environment and Development Economics*, Environmental and Research EconomicsEstudos Econômicos*, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, Growth and Change, Heliyon, International Economic Journal , International Game Theory Review, International Journal of Conflict Management,  International Journal of Economic Issues ,   International Review of Economics and Finance, International Trade Journal, Journal of Bioeconomics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Defense Management, Journal of Dynamics in Agricultural ResearchJournal of Economics* [Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie ],Journal of Economics [MVEA ], Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control*, Journal of Economic Education, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Economics & Management StrategyJournal of Economic Studies, Journal of Innovation and Technology, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Journal of Labor ResearchJournal of Macroeconomics*, Journal of Peace Research*, Journal of Politics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Journal of Socio-Economics*, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Managerial and Decision Economics, Manchester School, Marketing ScienceMathematical and Computer Modelling, Open Political Science JournalOxford Economic PapersPesquisa e Planejamento Economico, Planejamento e Politicas Publicas, Public Choice, Quality & QuantityResearch & Politics, Revista Brasileira de Economia, Review of Austrian Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Development Economics, Review of International Economics, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Small Business Economics, Socio-Economic Planning SciencesSouthern Economic Journal*, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Terrorism and Political ViolenceTourism Economics

(* denotes refereeing requests more than once) 

Referee for Research Agencies

British Academy, National Science Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Israel Science Foundation; Czech Science Foundation

Referee for Publishers

Addison-Wesley, Blackwell, Edward Elgar , McGraw-Hill , and Routledge


Working Papers

 1.The Sephardim diaspora: A model of forced migration and confiscation    (1998) Discussion Paper 98/11, Department of Economics, University of Kent at Canterbury 

2. An economic analysis of the Peter and Dilbert principles (2000) Working Paper No. 101, School of Finance and Economics, University of Technology, Sydney. This paper is cited by  Edward Lazear"The Peter principle: A theory of decline" (2004)  Journal of Political Economy 112, S141-S163.  

3. The intertemporal substitution model of labour supply in an open economy (2000) Discussion Paper 00/09, Department of  Economics, University of Kent at Canterbury [with Miguel Leon-Ledesma]. This paper is cited by Hian T. Hoon and Edmund Phelps  “A structuralist model of a small open economy in the short, medium and long run” (2007)Journal of Macroeconomics  29, 227-254;  and HianTeckHoon and  Edmund Phelps (2002) “Asset prices, the real exchange rate, and unemployment in a small open economy: A medium-run structuralist perspective”, in The Open Economy Macromodel: Past, Present And Future, ed. ArieArnon and Warren Young, New York, Springer, 275-286. A revised and extended version of this paper entitled Real exchange rate and employment performance in an open economy (2005) is published by Research in Economics 59, 67-80

4. A dynamic model of cannibalism   (2001) Political Economy Working Paper 06/01,School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas [with Andreas J. Novak ].

5. A theory of efficiency wage growth (2001) Political Economy Working Paper 15/01,School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas [with Mohamed Jellal]. 

6. A simple theory of permanent migrations: The case of Gypsies  (2004) Political Economy Working Paper 04/04, School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas.

7. A time consistent anti-terror legislation (2005) Working Paper 10/2005, Department of Economics and Finance, University of Texas-Pan American. Presented at MAPUSE 2, Vienna, Nov. 2007.

8. Debts on debts (2009) Discussion Papers in Economics No. 2009/7, Nottingham Trent University [With Le Wang and Zhongmin Wu]

9. Transnational coordination failures in intertemporal counterterrorism games (2011) WP 2011-006, School of Economics, Georgia Tech [with Emilson Silva]

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Last update:27/February/2013.