MENUHIN, Yehudi. Outstanding violinist, universalist, anti-racist and anti-Zionist

Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999) was an outstanding violinist and universalist (US-born he became a Swiss citizen in 1970 and a UK citizen in 1985; Nehru Peace Prize and goodwill ambassador for UNESCO) (see Wikipedia: ).

Yehudi Menuhin addressing the Israeli Knesset in 1991: “You must love if you yearn to be loved; you must trust to be trusted, serve in return to be served …[between Palestinians and Israelis] there must be absolute reciprocity, absolute equality.” [1].

Yehudi Menuhin re Jerusalem, 1996: “The idea of Jerusalem as an exclusive Jewish city is unthinkable because too many different groups owe it their allegiance, religiously and politically, and everyone who has tried to make Jerusalem into their own has been ruined.” [1].

Yehudi Menuhin re disproportionate Israeli violence, 1996: “[saddened] because Israel needs friends and the reaction to the present unleashing of indiscriminate killing is not going to win Israel any friends.” [1].

[1]. Yehudi Menuhin quoted by Grace Halsell in “Like father, like son: a tribute to Moshe and Yehudi Menuhin”, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA), July 1996: .