
Having problems with my vehicles? Look here for help.

▪ Midtown Madness 2 crashes while loading.

>> Remove some add-ons. Midtown Madness 2 can only support a certain unspecified amount of vehicles, tracks, mods, etc. before crashing.

▪ Midtown Madness 2 crashes when selecting a vehicle.

>> As above, remove some add-ons and try again. If you have removed all add-ons and still have problems check your graphics settings and make sure that you set it to render 'Hardware' not 'Software'. If problems still exist, delete your players folder in the Midtown Madness 2 directory.

▪ Midtown Madness 2 is sluggish while driving around.

>> Check you graphics settings and lower some of the values, (draw distance, textures, etc.) until you get a reasonable frame rate. You may also want to deselect 'Show Pedestrians' and set cloud shadows to 'None'. Some of my vehicles may be too detailed for use on older computers. I suggest a dedicated graphics card with over 256 MB for optimum performance with all of my vehicles.

▪ I have downloaded a patch, but the car has no textures, does not appear, or crashes the game.

>> The original vehicle release is required for patches to work. Depending on the patch, other things may not appear such as the showcase, or the car may not show up at all. This was done to cut down on patch size.