Other Star Wars Content

TEMPLE GUARDS (more will be added to this content continously)

By temple guards I mean Jedi Temple Guards.

Temple guards are men who guard the temple

using the rifles a rebel soldier uses in the Rebel

Alliance.If your thinking of a Jedi Protector that's

another thing.Same job like a temple guard only it's

a Jedi who never leaves the Jedi Temple.Unless a

certain reason of course.Anyway,temple guards are

rarely mentioned in the whole jedi series.They are

mentioned in Star Wars:The old Republic 2 I think and Battlefront 2.

I couldn't find a Temple Guard Video or an image

of them so sorry about it.


Jedi protectors,as you know,stay at the temple and never leave

unless on urgent business.Jedi Protectors were mentioned at

again,Star Wars:Battlefront 2 and are rarely mentioned in the whole

Star Wars Series.Jedi Protectors have the strength in between a

Jedi Knight and Jedi Master.Jedi Protectors,pretty obvious,their

style is defense.I couldn't find a image but I did find a video game

clip of the Jedi Protectors in action during order 66.