
Watch Kalama Library's tutorial videos :^D

Student work samples

Here is a small sample of the students' Book Hooks. To see more, click on

Details of some of the steps required to realize my Book Hooks idea from concept to production:

Steps so far: Book Hooks lesson
Google Document

The Book Hooks lessons turned out to be a great success. I was so fortunate to hit all my expected targets; in addition, student engagement and enthusiasm far exceeded my expectations. Students eagerly wrote and embellished their Book Hooks and then once they saw them pop up on their iPads, they spontaneously grabbed all their friends to show them and took screenshots to keep. One student even texted his screenshot immediately to his parents! The teachers who brought their classes for the Book Hooks lessons were delighted with their students' accomplishments and engagement level and even recommended the activity to everyone in their department. I've even been invited to present my Book Hooks activity at the Hawaii State Librarians' Training on August 10th!

SSIO Rating Rubric 16/17