
Google scholar profile

Keywords: Evolutionary Ecology, Intraspecific variability, Ecophysiology, Behavior, Host-Parasite Interactions, Coloration, Pollution, Ecotoxicology, One Health

Main research topics: Evolution of responses to multiple stressors, (Mal)adaptation to pollution, Host-parasites interactions in polluted environments, Causes and consequences of intraspecific variability in a changing world, Wildlife health

Current model species: Freshwater fishes

Note: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scientific work and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors and other copyright holders. 

In progress




Measuring a colorful minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (credit: S Blanchet)


Cute gudgeon fish Gobio gobio displaying melanin-based coloration


My favorite Vicdessos river in Ariège, Pyrénées





Feral pigeon Columba livia from our former breeding farm during my PhD 





In prep



40. 2024. N Martin, L Jacquin, S Blanchet, S Hermet, S Jean, G Duporté, E Gomez, E Lemaire, A Goutte ,E Farcy. Variability of responses to multiple chemical stressors in mosquitofish. SETAC 2024, Seville, Spain, Poster39. 2024. Martin N, Jacquin L , Blanchet S, Blondeau-Bidet E, Farcy E 2024. Etude comparative de la longueur des télomères chez la gambusie soumise à des stress environnementaux multiples. Réseau international d"écotoxicologie Ecobim, Banyuls. Talk38. 2023 L Gouthier, L Jacquin, S Jean, S Blanchet, G Loot, SV Hansson. Metal contaminants across fish tissues. ISHMET Wageningen, Talk. 37. 2022 J Côte, L Jacquin, C Veyssière, S Manzi, M Cambon, S Jean, J White. Changes in fish skin microbiota along gradients of eutrophication: a field and reciprocal transplant approach. ESEB 2022 Prague, Czech Republic. Talk.36. 2022. L Gouthier, L Jacquin, S Jean, S Blanchet, G Loot, SV Hansson. Effects of metal contaminants on fish-pathogen interactions and blood as a biomonitoring tool. SFE² 2022 Metz.Talk.35.2022. Jacquin L. Adaptation and maladaptation of fish populations to environmental stressors. Conference of the Society for Experimental Biology, Montpellier 2022. Invited key note speaker.  Declined due to maternity leave 34. 2022. Giraud J, Gouthier L, Jacquin L, Jean S, Hansson SV. Distribution of metal contaminants in brown trout and fish blood as potential non lethal monitoring tool. SETAC 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster.33. 2021. E Duval*, S Blanchet, EQuéméré, L Jacquin, C Veyssière, A Lautraite, L Garmendia, A; Yotte, N Parthuisot, J Côte, G Loot. An eDNA-based method for monitoring a salmonid infectious disease: Development and application. ARPHA conference. 4:e64797. Online Talk.32. 2019. Petitjean Q.*,Jacquin L., Riem L., Rojas E., Perrault A., Cousseau M., Laffaille P., Jean S., Variability of responses to multiple stressors in fish: biological level and population matter. Oral communication at the SETAC Europe (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) , Rome, Italy. Talk.31. 2018.Jessica Côte*, C Veyssière, A Perrault, S Jean, L Jacquin. Adaptive and non-adaptive divergence in wild gudgeon populations under land cover changes. ESEB (European Society for Evolutionary Biology).  Montpellier, France. Talk.30. 2018. Petitjean Q.*, Jean S. , Côte J., Lamarins A., Perrault A., Laffaille P., Jacquin L., Responses to combined temperature and immune stressors in wild gudgeon.  SFE² meeting (Societé Française d'Ecologie et d' Evolution), Rennes, France. Poster.29. 2018. Petitjean Q.*,Jacquin L., Riem L., Rojas E., Perrault A., Cousseau M., Laffaille P., Jean S., Variability of fish population responses to combined contamination and immune stressors in wild gudgeon. SFE², Rennes, France. Talk.28. 2018. L Jacquin*. Workshop "Ecotoxicologie et Dynamique de populations". INRA Thonon-les-Bains. Invited talk.27. 2017. Petitjean Q.*, Côte J., Jacquin L., Perrault A., Morrisseau O., Laffaille P., Jean S., Responses of freshwater fish to multiple stressors. Functional Ecology and Environment meeting (local workshop) Toulouse, France. Poster.26. 2017:  L Jacquin*, J Côte, A Perrault, S Jean. Fish in the city: urbanization and host-parasite interactions in freshwater fish. ESEB. Gröningen, Netherlands. Poster.25. 2017: "Multiple stressors and host-parasite interactions in freshwater fish". REID Toulouse. Talk.24. 2017. Petitjean Q.*, Côte J., Jean S., Perrault A., Morrisseau O., Laffaille P., Jacquin L., Responses of freshwater fish to multiple stressors. Oral communication at the SEFS Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Talk.23. 2016: "Melanin in a changing world: trout colour predicts reproductive success in variable environments". SFE Marseille. Talk22. 2016: "Do stressful conditions make adaptation difficult? Evolutionary ecotoxicology in fish". University of Reims. Invited seminar21. 2015: Pesticides mixtures and fish: from cellular responses to behavioral changes. A. Gandar, S. Jean, L. Jacquin, F. Gilbert, ...P. Laffaille. SEFS9 International Congress – Genève, Suisse.20. 2015 : "Effects of multiple stressors on physiology and immunity in goldfish", CEPA, La Rochelle. Talk19. 2015: "Crossed effects of pesticides and temperature on behavior in goldfish" SEFA, Bordeaux. Poster18. 2015: "Behavioral evolution in response to parasites and predators"  réseau "Ethologie et Ecologie comportementale" de l'INRA. Moulis, Talk17. 2014: "Do parasites affect the evolution of behavioral syndromes in the Trinidadian guppy?" ISBE , NY city, Poster16. 2013: "Melanin-based coloration and pace-of-life syndromes in urban pigeons". Université de Bourgogne. Invited seminar15. 2013: "Evolution of color polymorphism in the urban environment". Université du Québec à Montréal. Invited seminar14. 2013: "Alternative strategies to cope with parasites in urban pigeons". McGill University, Redpath Museum Seminars, Montréal. Talk13. 2012: "Influence of the biotic context on the behavioral manipulation induced by an acanthocephalan parasite". SQEBC, Montréal. Talk12. 2012: "Evolutionary ecology of maternal antibody transmission". Université de Versailles, Talk11. 2011: "Parasites and color polymorphism in urban environments". Field stations meetings, Foljuif, Talk10. 2011: “Prenatal and postnatal parental antibodies: interaction between parental effects at different time scales”. ESEB, Tübingen, Talk9. 2011: "Parasites and polymorphism maintenance in feral pigeons". EcoEx lab, Moulis, Talk8. 2011. “Epidemiology of Chlamydiacae in cities”.National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Clermont-Ferrand. Invited seminar.7. 2010: “The adaptive significance of melanin-based coloration”. Immunological Ecology network, CBGP, Montpellier, Talk6. 2010: “Melanin-based coloration is linked to maternal transfer of antibodies”. SFE Ecologie, Montpellier, poster5.2010: “Role of parasites in the maintenance of color polymorphism”. Field stations meetings, Chizé, talk4.2010: “Melanin-based coloration and parasite resistance”. Immunological Ecology network, CEFE, Montpellie, talk3.2009: “Effects of population regulation on reproduction in the feral pigeon”. Ecology & Behaviour Conference, SERL, Lyon, talk2.2009: “Relationship between melanin-based coloration and parasite resistance. European Society of Evolutionary Biology Turin, poster1. 2008: “Modification of reproductive cycles under population regulation in the feral pigeon”. ECBB Dijon, Poster

Articles dans revues nationales à comité de lecture


Garmendia L, Lautraite A.& Jacquin L. 2020. La PKD et les salmonidés, conséquences et perspectives, cas du département de l’Ariège. Cybium, 44(3): 274.

Jacquin L., Reader S., Boniface A., Perez-Jvostov F., Hendry AP. 2014. Variabilité de syndromes chez le guppy de Trinidad. Annales de la fondation Fyssen N°28

Rapports techniques 


5. Blanchet S, Duval E, Loot G, Jacquin L, Quéméré E. 2023. Projet PKD. Détection, distribution et impacts d'un parasite émergent (Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae) chez les populations de truites fario (Salmo trutta). Rapport technique pour l'OFB et les Fédérations de Pêche.  

4. Jacquin L and al. 2021. Projet AX3 : Recherche du pathogène responsable de la PKD dans le secteur de l’Ariège et analyse des facteurs physiologiques et environnementaux associés. Rapport technique pour l’Agence de l’Eau Adour-Garonne. Référence dossier 310 31 0158

3. Jacquin L, Côte J, Petitjean Q, Laffaille P, Jean S 2020. Projet PHYPAT: Variabilité de réponse physiologique aux stress multiples et conséquences pour les interactions poisson-pathogènes. Rapport technique pour l'Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne. Référence rapport O AG 34033. Accès au rapport complet sur le portail Eau et Biodiversité ici. Un résumé sur le site de vulgarisation:

2. Jacquin L, Côte J 2018. Projet AX2: Mise en œuvre de marqueurs d’état de santé de populations de truites fario. Rapport technique pour l’Agence de l’Eau Adour-Garonne.