Lunchtime Presentations

Bob Gough ( -

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Gregor MacLennan ( - Amazon Watch

Links to two presentations - Check here and here.

Fernando ( -

Powerpoint presentation, a Screencast Video Demo, and an interface prototype

Tess Thackara ( - Survival International

Their site and their film "Mine", - The film tells the story of the Dongria Kondh - a tribe in India whose land rights we are campaigning for at the moment. We are currently developing a Google Earth interactive map that will show the Dongria Kondh's territories, sacred sites and the plan for a proposed mine that will decimate their land.

Lars N. Nelson (

I spoke about the importance of subsistence hunting in Alaska and showed maps that I had created during my employment with the North Slope Borough. The first map was a camps and cabins map that had x,y locations derived from Arc Info. This map is a best seller in our community of Barrow. The 2nd or third map was a Bowhead Subsistence map depicting how many miles of small boat travel was necessary to harvest a whale. The village this study focused on was Nuiqsut, Alaska. The last map was a Marine mammal subsistence map with fishing sites and collard caribou densities.

Milluk/Troy Anderson ( - Secret Beta Program mentioned in my presentation!!! (home page doesn' work... Mason issue)

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Other DataPlace places that are active: ( funded)

find me, Troy Anderson, at: (used infrequently to date)

Watch my Google Tech Talk about DataPlace at: