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Each year, the Iowa High School Model United Nations organization assists the Iowa United Nations Association Faculty Advisors Council in hosting the Iowa Youth Symposium in the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines, Iowa. Every October, hundreds of students attend the conference to discuss what should be the official position of the United States regarding topics of international importance. Topics range from environmental issues to human rights violations. Here are a few topics that have been debated in the last several years: terrorism and piracy, the world debt crisis, espionage and intelligence agencies, and climate change. The tone of the State House, with its classic Georgian Revival architecture, is inspiring for delegates, advisors, and the IHSMUN Secretariat.

Each spring, the Iowa High School Model United Nations organization hosts a large scale conference for high school students. This conference is held on the University of Northern Iowa campus. Students attending this conference model the procedure of the United Nations in New York City, but in a slightly modified format. While at this conference, students will work with their peers to draft resolutions on topics of international importance. Students will use the opinions and viewpoints of member nations of the United Nations to draft position papers, debate with their fellow delegates, and collaboratively construct a final resolution. IHSMUN Delegates show a high level of academic excellence and global awareness. Their resolve to create innovative solutions to international problems and dedication to diplomacy is essential in our interconnected society, and serves as a shining model for our policy makers of tomorrow.