HTML Attributes

Answer the questions on your Blog.

HTML Attributes

    • Copy and paste the questions .
    • Type the answers in a different color.
    • Then, Click on the link.
    • Read the text to answer the questions.
    • Take detailed notes.
  • Change the text in the tryit edit or then see how the web browser would display the page.
    • Keep a list of HTML Tags as you learn them.
    • Then complete the projects in RED.
  1. What do attributes provide?
  2. When are attributes specified?
  3. How do you get attributes?
  4. What tag defines HTML links?
  5. Where is an HTML link address specified?
  6. How should attribute values be enclosed?
  7. When is it necessary to use single quotes/
  8. Define "case in-sensitive".
  9. Why should you use only lowercase in HTML 4?
  10. What type of attributes are required in XHTML?

Work in the tryit editor. Copy and paste the code into page 1 and page 2 of your website (text edit).

Make a list of hyperlinks: <a href="">Link-text goes here</a>

  1. Your Blog
  2. Question of the Day
  3. HTML Website
  4. 2 more of your favorite websites.
  5. Format your links. Using:
      1. Text Elements
      2. <p>This is a paragraph</p>
      3. <br /> (line break)
      4. <hr /> (horizontal rule)
      5. Physical Styles
      6. <b>This text is bold</b>
      7. <i>This text is italic</i>

Don't forget to Save it.