Soccer Ball

Tips & Techniques - Modeling


Creating a Soccer Ball



Works with:



Version 6.1

Special Notes: This requires the C++ SDK examples available from

You can create a Soccer Ball in

CINEMA 4D XL in just a few short


Step 1: Create a Platonic Object


Step 2: Double click on the Platonic

object icon in the object manager to

change its settings. Set the Type to

C60-Buckyball and click OK. Now make

the Platonic object editable

(Structure=>Make Editable).

Step 3: Switch to Polygon mode

(Tools=>Polygons) and select all of

the polygons (Selection=>Select All).

Step 4: Subdivide all the polygons once.

Go to Structure=>Subdivide and hit OK

when the dialog comes up.

Step 5: Select the Extrude tool

(Structure=>Extrude) and in the Active

tool dialog input 10 degrees for

Maximum Angle. Hit apply with the

default value of 5m in the offset.

Step 6: Create a HyperNURBS object


and drop in the Platonic object.

Step 7: Create a Spherify deformer


SDK - Spherify) and drag it into the

HyperNURBS group. Make sure the

Platonic object is first in the hierarchy

so that the HyperNURBS still affects it.

Double click on the Spherify icon in

the object manager to change its

settings. Set the radius to 100m and

click OK.

Step 8: You may notice some weird

shading on your object. You can fix

this by adding a smoothing tag to your

Platonic. With the Platonic selected in

the ojbect manager go to File=>New

Tag=>Smoothing Tag and click OK

when the dialog appears to add the


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