Analytically exact spiral scheme for generating uniformly distributed points on the unit sphere

Here is a GUI for those who are interested in obtaining a highly uniform point set on the unit sphere for use in diffusion or radial MRI. This technique is based on one of my published work.

To use this GUI, please download the jar file, and type the command "java -jar AnalyticallyExactSpiralPointSet.jar. Alternatively, you can just click here through Java Web Start.

Please make sure the version of your java is at least 1.6. Here is a link to Java download site.

If your operating system is properly configured, a double-click on the jar file will also run the application.

Here is a simple means you can do to make your browser in your linux system to recognize the jnlp file extension. Just make sure that the jnlp file is opened with javaws (usually located in the bin folder of the java directory)

Finally, GUI is an inefficient means of retrieving these point sets if you need them in many different sizes. In that case, please feel free to send me a request to obtain a standalone Java routine, which you can call from your programming environment such as Matlab, Mathematica, IDL or Java. (I am not familiar with the procedures for calling Java from C or C++).
