Visual Computing Forum: Ivan Viola!

Post date: Sep 1, 2011 6:14:51 AM

We (the visualization research group at the Univ. of Bergen) are in the process of establishing a low-frequency seminar series with selected talks from the fields of visualization, image processing, imaging, computer graphics, etc., that we call Visual Computing Forum. The individual seminars are arranged approximately once a month, on Fridays from 11am to 12am, at the Univ. of Bergen, and they will be interleaved with the existing MedViz seminars.

The first talk in this new Visual Computing Forum is by Ivan Viola (on "Passing Through the Trough of Disillusionment of Illustrative Visualization"): Fri., 2011-09-02, 11h00, room 3137 of Høyteknologisenteret here in Bergen. Exciting! :-)

More information in the attached PDF.