
Chart on Look & Feel page under Changes to Styles in Other Areas (Header, Sidebar, Horizontal Navigation, etc)

You can edit one of the specific areas in a Google Site (other than the entire page and general content areas). The chart describes what features you can edit for these other areas:

Site Header – You can change the Background color and image as well as the font, color and size of the Text in the header here.

There is additional information about designing your Header, on the same page as this chart.

Content Area Gadgets (example: a text box) and Sidebar Gadgets - Edit the color/image in the Background and Title Background, the text styles of the Title and Text, and the color of a Line Divider

Horizontal Navigation – If you choose to use a horizontal menu, there are a number of editing options including the style of the text when the user hovers over a selection, the colors of the dropdown text and background.