The Eastern Area

In the course of the archaeological activity on al-Hamidiya, an initial vague speculation became a certainty: the contour lines of the mound depict (with the sole exception of the Southern Stairway) the underlying structure fairly accurately.
Today, it is the area of the village and the excavation house.

The existence of a Mitannian building on the eastern slope of the tell is indicated by the finds in 62/40-41 (its upper boundary being the Mitannian standard brick); its approximate shape corresponds to the contour lines.

    • The southern part, which is separated from the northern part by means of an access ramp, 16 m wide and 90 m long, is estimated on basis of the contour lines, the length of the western front amounts to ± 170 m.

    • The courtyard in front of the northern part is based on aerial photos suggesting a symmetrical western façade of ± 170 m.

The eastern slope may very well have been the location of the city's sacred area (as the other buildings on the terrace are profane in nature). For the city of Ta´idu, temples of Kumarbi, Naparbi and Samanukha are attested (III R 66, Rs. 8, 37–40: V. Haas, TH 1, 1985, 75–76 with note 250.).

The Eastern Area. TH 5, fig. 67.