Taught courses

I have taught the following courses:

In a addition, I have given 

Teaching-related research projects

UiO "studiekvalitetsmidler" 2023 for project "Delautomatisert, dynamisk og gjenbrukbart labsystem for praktisk erfaring m grunnleggende konsepter innenfor informasjonssikkerhet" [Summer 2023]
Further development of hands-on labs to be used for teaching in IN2120

UiO "studiekvalitetsmidler" 2022 for project "VM/skybasert miljø for workshop-oppgaver i informasjonssikkerhet" [Summer 2022]
Developed hands-on labs to be used for teaching in IN2120

QAA Enhancement project: Transition of automated feedback and marking into student’s learning environment [Jan 2016 -Jun 2016]
With Verena Rieser, Michael Lones and Graeme Reid (RA). This is the second phase of the project below, where we evaluated the tool we have developed in a student lab, and updated the tool according to feedback received. [ link | PDF | poster

QAA Enhancement project: Helping 1st Year CS Students to Become Independent Learners Through Automated Feedback [Jan 2015 -July 2015]
With Verena Rieser and Graeme Reid (RA) we developed an automated feedback framework for Java/Eclipse that generated timely and constructive feedback to support first year Computer Science (CS) students. The tool combines unit testing (JUnit), reflection and the ASM library [link | PDF].