PayPal Payments Now Accepted!!

The Goshen Music Boosters now have a safe and secure way for you to pay your fees and any other Booster related items using your PayPal Account, credit, or debit card!

Simply use the following buttons to assist you in your payments...

Use this button to make easy payments in $10.00 increments...

(simply "add to cart" and increase the quantity to the desired amount)

($10.00 plus 2.5% convenience fee)

Use this button to check your cart.

Activity Fee Payments ALSO accepted ONLINE through Goshen...

The $100.00 Activity Fee can also be paid online through the district's fee and lunch payment system. PLEASE BE SURE TO MAKE A NOTE ON THE PAYMENT THAT IT IS FOR BAND ACTIVITY FEES so that it is credited to the proper account.

District Lunch and Fees Payments