Welcome to Trevor's Website!

Trevor is a Golden Retriever who does agility, obedience, and Rally. He lives in Northern California with his doggie siblings.

NEWS FLASH: Nate got his MACH4 title on June 1, 2019, at the Del Monte trial in Monterey.

Photo by Dynamic Dog Photos

Here are Trevor and I in our MACH photo with judge Dan Butcher and our friends Angela and Sierra. Angela and Sierra got their MACH2 at the same trial where Trevor and I got our MACH (January 17, 2010).

Photo by Doghouse Arts

Here are Trevor and I with our 2 first place Novice A obedience ribbons--our very first time in the obedience ring! (March 28, 2010). We finished our CD title on May 8, 2010 at the Davis DTC trial in Dixon.

Photo by Hawkes Photography

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