999 Index

This Index page is not updated frequently. It is an example of what you will find if you clicked on the alphabeth-links given below. So you wouldn't get the recent up-dates here. For the most recently updated links etc, in the Index, please click on the alphabets below (which links you to the relevant pages).


I have not been up-dating this index since a long time ago. I will up-date it when I have time in the the future. You can get the links for Pari's articles at Site Map.


- Anunnaki && Alien Believe System && Part 3c - Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes : The Anunnaki and the Alien Believe System

- Anunnaki && Anunnaki god roles && roles && Immortal god roles && god roles

&& Immortal Anunnaki god roles

- angels && God && mortal && system && God-angels-mortal system

- Abraham && Yahweh tests Abraham && Anunnaki && Building Plans of the Anunnaki && Builders && Structures && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 3 : Ancient Building Plans of the Anunnaki; Yahweh tests Abraham

- Aryans && Ayurvedic practices && Asana && agni

&& digestive fire/jathara agni && Hatha Yoga

&& Exercises && bodies changed && bodies transform

&& Bodies of Aryans Changed

- Agni && fire && Sacrificial Fire && Rama && Ramayana && Rudra && Rudra Gyan Yagya && Yagya && Sita

&& Rama, Sita, Sacrificial Fire (Rudra Gyan Yagya) & Agni (Fire)

- Aryans && world rule && WHO WERE THE ARYANS? (yola site)

or at Aryans && world rule && WHO WERE THE ARYANS? (google site)

- Ancient Constructions && Temples && Temple in Jerusalem && Constructions&& building && Temples, Temple in Jerusalem and Other Ancient Constructions

- Astronomical Objects && Sun && Stars && The Sun, Stars and other Astronomical Objects in Myths

- Aliens && UFOs && Alien-UFO believe-system

&& The Alien-UFO Believe-System

- angelic bodies && subtle bodies && deity roles

&& deity && deities && deity bodies && subtle regions

&& believe-systems && religion && Primordial && creation

&& Subtle Regions, Subtle Bodies & the Primordial

- arrogance && anger && lust && greed && ego && vices

- Anunnaki

- Anunnaki & Untouchability

- Anunnaki

&& Comparison Between Noah, Ziusudra, the Anunnaki and the Earthlings During the Great Flood (& Divisions within the Christian Religion)

- Abraham

&& Is Abraham a Brahman or Not a Brahman?

- Aliens && Aliens and Greys

&& Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes (Page 1:post 1-25)

- Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes (Page 2: post 26-50)

- Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes (Page 3: post 51-75)

- Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes (Page 4: post 76-91)

- Aliens and Greys

&& Alien / UFO experiences - Understand it

- Alexander the Great

&& Alexander the Great & Iskandar Zulkarnain

- avyakt murlis && murlis && Gita && sakar murlis

- Attestation of the scribe Endubsar

&& Attestation

- Attestation && sciences

&& Signs of the Reptilians Using the Sciences in the Attestation

- Ancient Spiritual Theories && Brahman

&& Confucianism && myths && Maat && prophecies

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& Purifier && stars && Taoism && Truth && World Drama

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- amrit && nectar && churn && churning && churned

&& Ocean && milk && Churning the Ocean of Milk

&& primordial && Churning the Ocean

&& Ocean of Milk && spiritual intoxication && intoxicate

&& intoxicated && sustains && sustenance

&& spiritual growth && power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)


- BapDada && God && God's 7 helpers && helpers && 7 helpers &&God/BapDada and His 7 helpers

- Builders && Structures && Myths && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained

- Builders && Structures && Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection &&Sirius && Isis && Osiris && Orion && Nimrod && Set && Solomon's Temple &&False Prophet Sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 9: Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection

- Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Thuban && Kocab && northern shafts && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion && Set && Isis && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Sirius && Orion && sky as Heaven && Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection && Orion-Osiris connection &&Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Builders && Structures && Nibiru && Delhi area && First Region && Second Region && Third Region && Mesopotamia && Egypt && Indus Valley &&Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- Builders && Structures && Ziggurats && Stairway to Heaven && Fourth Region && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 5: Ancient Ziggurats, Stairway to Heaven

- Bermuda Triangle && Builders && Structures && Gateways to Heaven && 2nd Coming of Christ && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 4 : Ancient Gateways to Heaven; 2nd Coming of Christ; Bermuda Triangle

- Building Plans of the Anunnaki && Builders && Structures && Yahweh tests Abraham && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 3 : Ancient Building Plans of the Anunnaki; Yahweh tests Abraham

- Babel && Tower of Babel && Builders && Structures && Mount Sinai &&representations through the sky, mountains, temples, pyramids and other structures on the surface of the earth && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 2: Tower of Babel, Mount Sinai etc

- Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers && Builders && Structures && Caves &&Underground Cities && Underworld && Gilgamesh & Immortality && punishment in caves && representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

-The Battle between Horus and Set / Diwali

- bodies changed && bodies transform && Hatha Yoga

&& Asana && Exercises && Ayurvedic practices

&& Aryans && digestive fire/jathara agni && agni

&& Bodies of Aryans Changed

- Bapsaman && equal to God && sons of God && sons

&& Truth && Men && Sons of God and Bapsaman

- building && Temples && Temple in Jerusalem

&& Ancient Constructions && Constructions && Temples, Temple in Jerusalem and Other Ancient Constructions

- birth-role && mortal && Immortal && Immortality

- Brahma && Brahmapuri && Brahma & Brahmapuri

- belief-systems && religion && bodies && subtle bodies && deity bodies &&deity roles && angelic bodies && deity && subtle regions && Primordial &&creation && deities && Subtle Regions, Subtle Bodies & the Primordial

- body-conscious

- Bhagirath && Ganga && sons of Sagar

- BK && Brahma Kumaris && BK && Brahma Kumaris && BK && Brahma Kumaris && BK && Brahma Kumaris

&& B.K. && Brahma Kumaris && B.K.&& Brahma Kumaris

- BK meditation && seat of the soul && tilak && Dhristi

- Brahma Baba && founder

- brain && right brain hemisphere

&& - left brain hemisphere

&& Ancient People used Right Brain Hemisphere more than the Left

- Brahman && ancient spiritual theories

&& Confucianism && myths && Maat && prophecies

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& Purifier && stars && Taoism && Truth && World Drama

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- Brahma Kumari Pari's Articles (web-site where Pari's articles are)

- Brahma Kumari's Articles - Site Map for Articles (List of Articles at Global Brahma Kumaris - Intro)

- Brahma Kumari's Articles: by Aliens, Reptilians, Mapmakers, Past Births,Nephilim, Giants and the Anunnaki (website at godaddy)


- Caves && Underground Cities && representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers && Builders && Structures && Underworld && Gilgamesh & Immortality && punishment in caves && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

- Coming of Christ && 2nd Coming of Christ && Bermuda Triangle && Builders&& Structures && Gateways to Heaven && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 4 : Ancient Gateways to Heaven; 2nd Coming of Christ; Bermuda Triangle

- Caste System && Immortal-Mortal Caste System && 'Immortal god'-Mortal Caste System && declaration of the Caste System && Ancient Immortal-Mortal Caste System

- Constructions && Ancient Constructions && building

&& Temples && Temple in Jerusalem && Temples, Temple in Jerusalem and Other Ancient Constructions

- cycle && cycle of time && End of the cycle

&& Golden and Silver Ages && Copper and Iron Ages

&& Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages

&& Confluence Age && Confluence Aged && Sangamyug

&& Copper Aged && Copper Age && Dwarpuryug

&& Kaliyug && Iron Age && Golden Age && Satyug

&& Silver Age && Tetrayug && Kaliyug/Iron Age

&& Confluence Age/Sangamyug && Golden Age/Satyug && Silver Age/Tetrayug && Copper Age/Dwarpuryug

&& Comparing Hindu Cosmological Cycle, Mayan, Jew, Chinese Calenders and Others to the 5000 Year Spiritual Cycle of Time

- Silver/Copper Aged

- creation && subtle bodies && subtle regions && deities

&&Primordial && deity && deity bodies && deity roles

&& angelic bodies && believe-systems && religion

&& Subtle Regions, Subtle Bodies & the Primordial

- confusion && Reptilians Provided for Confusion Too

- clarification && Mapmaker

- 'calling-out process' && 'Calling-Out Process'

&& Copper Aged 'Calling-Out Process'

&& Copper Aged 'Calling Out Process' Continues Until Now in the Deity Religion

- connected

&& Copper Age is connected to the Confluence Age.

&& Ancient Connection Between Copper Age and the End

- co-operated && scribes

&& scribes co-operated with Reptilians

&& Endubsar and other Scribes Co-operated with Reptilians

- churning && churning/contemplating && churn && mind && intellect && third eye && sanskaras && memories

&& sub-conscious mind && soul && star && Memory Bank && link && subtle communication

&& Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

- churn && churning && churned && Ocean && milk

&& Churning the Ocean of Milk && primordial

&& Churning the Ocean && Ocean of Milk

&& amrit && nectar && spiritual intoxication

&& intoxicate && intoxicated && sustains && sustenance

&& spiritual growth && power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)

- Christ && Christians && Christianity && Jesus

&& crucifixion && Jesus Christ, Crucifixion & Christianity

- crop circles

- Copyright Issues on Sumerian Tablets and Zecharia Sitchin's Translations

- coconut tree

&& Ancient Hindus Linked Earth to Heaven with the Coconut Tree

- Creation Theory

&& Evolution, the Creation Theory or Genetic Engineering?

- Confucianism && ancient spiritual theories

&& Brahman && myths && Maat && prophecies && stars

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& Purifier && Taoism && Truth && World Drama

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- Confluence Aged knowledge && spiritual && spirit

&& knowledge && spirituality && spiritual knowledge

&& Spiritual Knowledge & Spirituality


- declaration of the Caste System && Caste System && Immortal-Mortal Caste System && 'Immortal god'-Mortal Caste System && Ancient Immortal-Mortal Caste System

- Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Delhi area && Builders &&Structures && Nibiru && First Region && Second Region && Third Region &&Mesopotamia && Egypt && Indus Valley && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- digestive fire/jathara agni && agni && Hatha Yoga

&& Asana && Exercises && Ayurvedic practices

&& bodies changed && bodies transform && Aryans

&& Bodies of Aryans Changed

-dynasty && Moon Dynasty && Sun Dynasty

&& Sun Dynasty and Moon Dynasty

-dying alive && sacrifice && sacrificed && surrender && surrendered &&Sacrifices

- Deities and Deity Souls

&& deities && deity souls && deity && deity soul

- deity && deities && deity bodies && angelic bodies

&& subtle bodies && subtle regions && Primordial

&& believe-systems && religion && creation && deity roles

&& Subtle Regions, Subtle Bodies & the Primordial

- Deity Religion && Ancient Eternal Deity Religion

&& Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharam

&& Ancient Eternal Deity Religion (Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharam)

- Deity Souls Group && Jews && Christians

&& 2 groups within the Christian religion && Hebrews

&& Deity Religion group included into the religions begun in the Copper Age

&& (who have been placed as a group within the Christian religion)

- Divisions within the Christian Religion

&& Comparison Between Noah, Ziusudra, the Anunnaki and the Earthlings During the Great Flood (& Divisions within the Christian Religion)

- Draupadi

- Dream & Vision

&& dream && dreams &&(not yet: vision && visions )

- Dead && Underworld

&& Graveyard && Hell && Land of the Dead

&& Underworld, Graveyard and Hell

- dhristi && seat of the soul && tilak && BK meditation

&& Dhristi

- destiny && World Drama && fate

&& Differences Between World Drama, Fate and Destiny


- Copper Aged Sahu && Copper Aged Akh && Copper Aged Sahu & Akh &&False Prophet sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem && Sahu && Akh && true prophets && giant Sahu of Ramses II && giant Sahu of Nebuchadnezzar II &&Part 3g - Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes: Copper Aged Sahu & Akh, the False Prophet sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem

- Egyptian Sahu (Before Marduk’s Influence) && Egyptian Sahu && Sahu &&Deified Royal Ka && Confluence Aged Akhu/Akh/Khu && Confluence Aged Deified Royal Ka && Copper Aged Deified Royal Ka && how the sakar murlis are spoken && Akhu && Part 3f - Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes - Egyptian Sahu (Before Marduk’s Influence) & Deified Royal Ka

- Egyptian Ka (before Marduk’s influence) && Egyptian Ka && Ka && Part 3e - Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes - Egyptian Ka (before Marduk’s influence)

- Egyptian Ba (Before Marduk’s influence) && Egyptian Ba && Ba && immortal roles && Confluence Aged Akhu && Primordial began from nothing && Ra's Solar Boat && the Ba as the migratory Jabiru/stork with the flame && Part 3d - Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes - Egyptian Ba (Before Marduk’s influence)

- Egypt && Builders && Structures && Nibiru && Delhi area && First Region &&Second Region && Third Region && Mesopotamia && Indus Valley && Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- Exercises && Hatha Yoga && Asana && agni && Aryans

&& Ayurvedic practices && bodies changed

&& bodies transform && digestive fire/jathara agni

&& Bodies of Aryans Changed

- equal to God && Bapsaman && sons of God && sons

&& Truth && Men && Sons of God and Bapsaman

- ego && arrogance && anger && lust && greed && vices

- The End && End && End of the cycle && 1996 && 2000 && 2012 && 2036 &&The End – 1996, 2000, 2012 or 2036

- Enki

- Enki and the Abgal && handing the sciences down

- Endubsar

&& Sumerian Tablets

&& Sumerian Tablets - written later

- Endubsar && scribes co-operated with Reptilians

&& Endubsar and other Scribes Co-operated with Reptilians && scribes

- Third Eye && third eye && intellect && churning

&& churn && memories && sub-conscious mind

&& sanskaras && soul && souls && star && Memory Bank && mind

&& link && subtle communication

&& Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

- Exodus, Moses, Ramses, Joshua and World Rule

&& Exodus

- earthlings

&& Comparison Between Noah, Ziusudra, the Anunnaki and the Earthlings During the Great Flood (& Divisions within the Christian Religion)

- Entropy

- evolution

&& Evolution, the Creation Theory or Genetic Engineering?


- Fourth Region && Builders && Structures && Ziggurats && Stairway to Heaven && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 5: Ancient Ziggurats, Stairway to Heaven

- First Region && Builders && Structures && Nibiru && Delhi area && Second Region && Third Region && Mesopotamia && Egypt && Indus Valley &&Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- False Prophet Sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem && Builders && Structures&& Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection && Sirius && Isis && Osiris &&Orion && Nimrod && Set && Solomon's Temple && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 9: Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection

- Father && He && His && God && God's Helping Hand

&& Helping Hand && salvation && liberation && roles

&& purification && liberation-in-life && Law of Karma

&& Shiva && God/Shiva && A Brief Biography of God

- fire && Agni && Sacrificial Fire && Yagya && Rama

&& Ramayana && Rudra && Sita && Rudra Gyan Yagya

&& Rama, Sita, Sacrificial Fire (Rudra Gyan Yagya) & Agni (Fire)

- fruit && Skanda

- Great Flood

&& Comparison Between Noah, Ziusudra, the Anunnaki and the Earthlings During the Great Flood (& Divisions within the Christian Religion)

- Great Flood && Copper Aged Great Flood && Ancient Ice Age &&Sandstorms && Ancient Ice Age, Great Flood & Sandstorms

- fate && destiny && World Drama

&& Differences Between World Drama, Fate and Destiny


- God && God's 7 helpers && BapDada && helpers && 7 helpers &&God/BapDada and His 7 helpers

- god roles && roles && Immortal god roles && Anunnaki && Anunnaki god roles

&& Immortal Anunnaki god roles

- God && angels && mortal & system && God-angels-mortal system

- Gilgamesh & Immortality && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers && Builders && Structures &&Caves && Underground Cities && Underworld && punishment in caves &&representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

- Gateways to Heaven && Bermuda Triangle && Builders && Structures &&2nd Coming of Christ && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 4 : Ancient Gateways to Heaven; 2nd Coming of Christ; Bermuda Triangle

- Great Pyramid && Builders && Structures && Sirius && Orion && sky as Heaven && Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection && Orion-Osiris connection &&Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Great Pyramid && Builders && Structures && Thuban && Kocab && northern shafts && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion && Set && Isis && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- god roles && roles && Immortal god roles

- God && God/Shiva && God's Helping Hand && Shiva

&& Father && He && His && Helping Hand && salvation

&& liberation && purification && liberation-in-life && roles

&& Law of Karma && A Brief Biography of God

- greed && arrogance && anger && lust && ego && vices

- Ganga && Bhagirath && sons of Sagar

&& Ganga, Bhagirath & the Sons of Sagar

- guidance && guided

&& A Brief Autobiography of Brahma Kumari Pari

- Gita && avyakt murlis && Murlis && sakar murlis

- genetic engineering

&& Evolution, the Creation Theory or Genetic Engineering?

- genetic engineering && monkey

&& Genetic Engineering Created the Monkey

- graveyard && Underworld && Land of the Dead

&& Hell && Underworld, Graveyard and Hell

- gathering && growing spiritually && primordial && milk

&& power of the gathering && churn && churning

&& churned && Ocean && Churning the Ocean of Milk

&& Churning the Ocean && Ocean of Milk && amrit

&& nectar && spiritual intoxication && spiritual growth

&& intoxicate && intoxicated && sustains && sustenance

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)

- Global Brahma Kumaris - Intro && Global Brahma Kumaris && GBK

- Global Brahma Kumaris (explaining GBK only)

- Global Brahma Kumaris - Site Map for Pari's articles and videos (at Global Brahma Kumaris - Intro)

- Global Brahma Kumaris - Site Map for Pari's article (at Global Brahma Kumaris)

- GBK website at Godaddy: Brahma Kumari's Articles: by Aliens, Reptilians, Mapmakers, Past Births, Nephilim, Giants and the Anunnaki

- GBK website Brahma Kumari Pari's Articles: by Aliens, Reptilians, Mapmakers


- helpers && 7 helpers && God && God's 7 helpers && BapDada &&God/BapDada and His 7 helpers

- Heroes && Igigi && Igigi - Heroes

- Gateways to Heaven && Bermuda Triangle && Builders && Structures &&2nd Coming of Christ && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 4 : Ancient Gateways to Heaven; 2nd Coming of Christ; Bermuda Triangle

- Stairway to Heaven && Builders && Structures && Ziggurats && Fourth Region && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 5: Ancient Ziggurats, Stairway to Heaven

- sky as Heaven && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Sirius &&Orion && Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection && Orion-Osiris connection && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Horus/Orion && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Thuban &&Kocab && northern shafts && Osiris/Orion && Set && Isis && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Hatha Yoga && Asana && Exercises && Aryans && agni

&& Ayurvedic practices && bodies changed

&& bodies transform && digestive fire/jathara agni

&& Bodies of Aryans Changed

- Helping Hand && He && His && Law of Karma && God

&& God's Helping Hand && Father && salvation && Shiva && God/Shiva &&liberation && purification && roles

&& liberation-in-life && A Brief Biography of God

- Heaven && heaven && heavenly

&& What 'Heaven' means, in the myths

- Horus

- History Re-written && Ramses 2

&& Nebuchadnezzar 2 && Necho 2 && Merenptah

- Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& stars && ancient spiritual theories && Brahman

&& Confucianism && && Judgement Day && justice

&& Law of Karma && myths && Maat && Prophecies

&& Purifier && Taoism && Truth && World Drama

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- Hell && Underworld && Land of the Dead

&& Graveyard && Underworld, Graveyard and Hell


- Igigi && Heroes && Igigi - Heroes

- Igigi

- Immortal god roles && god roles && Anunnaki && roles && Anunnaki god roles

&& Immortal Anunnaki god roles

- Indus Valley && Builders && Structures && Nibiru && Delhi area && First Region && Second Region && Third Region && Mesopotamia && Egypt &&Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid&& Sirius && Orion && sky as Heaven && Orion-Osiris connection && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Isis && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Thuban && Kocab &&northern shafts && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion && Set && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Isis && Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection && Builders && Structures&& Sirius && Osiris && Orion && Nimrod && Set && Solomon's Temple &&False Prophet Sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 9: Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection

- Ice Age && Ancient Ice Age, Great Flood & Sandstorms

- Impure && Pure && New Souls && Satopradhan && Sato && Rajo &&Rajopradhan && Tamopradhan && Tamo

&& New Souls, Satopradhan, Sato, Rajo and Tamo

- immortality && birth-role && role && mortal && Immortality

- Immortal-Mortal Caste System && 'Immortal god'-Mortal Caste System &&Caste System && declaration of the Caste System && Ancient Immortal-Mortal Caste System

- Immortal god roles

- Immortal Roles && Roles && Types of Immortal Roles

- Immortal Roles

- Immortality && Gilgamesh & Immortality && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers && Builders &&Structures && Caves && Underground Cities && Underworld && punishment in caves && representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

- Inanna-Ishtar

- intellect && mind && third eye && churning && churn && sanskaras &&memories && sub-conscious mind

&& soul && star && Memory Bank && link

&& subtle communication

&& Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

- intoxicate && intoxicated && spiritual intoxication

&& churn && churning && churned && Ocean && milk

&& Churning the Ocean of Milk && primordial

&& Churning the Ocean && Ocean of Milk

&& amrit && nectar && sustains && sustenance

&& spiritual growth && power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)



- Jesus Christ && Jesus && Christ && Christians

&& Christianity && crucifixion

&& Jesus Christ, Crucifixion & Christianity

- Jesus Christ && Krishna

&& Jesus Christ, as the Founder of a Religion was Seen as Another Krishna

- Joshua && Joshua Exodus, Moses, Ramses, Joshua and World Rule

- Judgment Day-like experiences

&& Purification && Purification Process

&& Experiences During Purification Process

- Judgement Day && justice && Confucianism

&& ancient spiritual theories && Brahman && stars

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Law of Karma && myths && Maat && prophecies

&& Purifier && Taoism && Truth && World Drama

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories


- Kocab && Thuban && northern shafts && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion &&Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Set && Isis && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Krishna && Radhe && Lakshmi && Narayan && Vishnu

&& Vishnupuri && Lakshmi and Narayan

&& Krishna, Radhe, Lakshmi, Narayan, Vishnu and Vishnupuri

- Krishna && Jesus Christ, as the Founder of a Religion was Seen as Another Krishna

- King of Bharath

&& ruler of the ancient kingdom in North India

- knowledge && spiritual knowledge && spirituality

&& Confluence Aged knowledge && spiritual && spirit

&& Spiritual Knowledge & Spirituality


- Lands && Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Builders &&Structures && Nibiru && Delhi area && First Region && Second Region &&Third Region && Mesopotamia && Egypt && Indus Valley && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- links (use) && love && Love Links us to God

- Law of Karma (use) && myths && Maat && Confucianism

&& ancient spiritual theories && Brahman

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && prophecies && Purifier && stars && Taoism&& Truth && World Drama

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- Law of Karma && liberation && liberation-in-life && God && He && His &&God's Helping Hand && Father && roles

&& Shiva && God/Shiva && Helping Hand && salvation

&& purification && A Brief Biography of God

- lust && arrogance && anger && greed && ego && vices

- link && linked && linking && subtle communication

&& churning && churn && mind && intellect && soul

&& third eye && sanskaras && memories

&& sub-conscious mind && star && Memory Bank

&& Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

- Life-Dramas && life-drama && ancient life-dramas

- Lakshmi && Lakshmi and Narayan && Krishna

&& Radhe && Narayan && Vishnu && Vishnupuri

&& Krishna, Radhe, Lakshmi, Narayan, Vishnu and Vishnupuri

- Land of the Dead && Underworld && Graveyard

&& Hell && Underworld, Graveyard and Hell


- mortal && God && angels && system && God-angels-mortal system

- Mount Sinai && Tower of Babel && Builders && Structures &&representations through the sky, mountains, temples, pyramids and other structures on the surface of the earth && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 2: Tower of Babel, Mount Sinai etc

- Mesopotamia && Builders && Structures && Nibiru && Delhi area && First Region && Second Region && Third Region && Egypt && Indus Valley &&Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- Myths && Builders && Structures && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained

- Meditation Methods && Subtle Region && New Subtle Region && Artificial New World && Meditation Methods, New Subtle Region, Artificial New World

- Moon Dynasty && Sun Dynasty && dynasty

&& Sun Dynasty and Moon Dynasty

- Men && Bapsaman && equal to God && sons of God

&& sons && Truth && Sons of God and Bapsaman

- mortal && birth-role && Immortal && Immortality

- mapmaker && mapmakers && clarification

- Moses

- Moses

&& Exodus, Moses, Ramses, Joshua and World Rule

- meditation && How to Meditate && yoga

&& meditate

&& How to Meditate to Feel Refreshed (article)

- ME

&& ME in the Sumerian Tablets and in Ancient Times

- Mahabharatha

&& 2012 Protection (During Destruction) and the Gathering for World Transformation

- Merenptah && Ramses 2 && Nebuchadnezzar 2

&& Necho 2 && History Re-written

- mind && memories && Memory Bank && rememberance

&& subtle communication &&&& sub-conscious mind

&& intellect && third eye && churning && churn && link

&& sanskaras && soul && star && Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

- myths && Myth && Maat && prophecies && Purifier

&& Brahman && Confucianism && Truth && World Drama

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& Taoism && ancient spiritual theories && stars

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- Murlis && Avyakt Murlis && Gita && Sakar Murlis

- milk && Ocean of Milk && churn && churning && churned && Ocean && Churning the Ocean of Milk

&& primordial && Churning the Ocean

&& amrit && nectar && spiritual intoxication

&& intoxicate && intoxicated && sustains && sustenance

&& spiritual growth && power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)


- Nibiru && Builders && Structures && Delhi area && First Region && Second Region && Third Region && Mesopotamia && Egypt && Indus Valley &&Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- northern shafts && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Thuban &&Kocab && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion && Set && Isis && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Nimrod && Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection && Builders &&Structures && Sirius && Isis && Osiris && Orion && Set && Solomon's Temple&& False Prophet Sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 9: Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection

- New World && Artificial New World && New Subtle Region && Subtle Region&& Meditation Methods && Artificial New World && Meditation Methods, New Subtle Region, Artificial New World

- Nimrod - Part 1 : How the Role of Nimrod Began

- new souls && Pure && Impure && Satopradhan && Sato && Rajo &&Rajopradhan && Tamopradhan && Tamo

&& New Souls, Satopradhan, Sato, Rajo and Tamo

- Narayan && Lakshmi and Narayan && Krishna

&& Radhe && Lakshmi && Vishnu && Vishnupuri

&& Krishna, Radhe, Lakshmi, Narayan, Vishnu and Vishnupuri

- Nephilim

- Neith

- Naga && Naga stage

&& Snake Deities & the Naga Clan

- nuclear weapons

&& Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Weapons used in Ancient Times

- Nebuchadnezzar 2 && Necho 2 && Ramses 2

&& History Re-written && Merenptah

- Noah

&& Comparison Between Noah, Ziusudra, the Anunnaki and the Earthlings During the Great Flood (& Divisions within the Christian Religion)

- Neti Neti – Not This and I Don't Know

- nectar && churn && churning && churned && Ocean

&& milk && Churning the Ocean of Milk && primordial

&& Churning the Ocean && Ocean of Milk

&& amrit && spiritual intoxication

&& intoxicate && intoxicated && sustains && sustenance

&& spiritual growth && power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)


- Orion && Orion-Osiris connection && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Sirius && sky as Heaven && Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection &&Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid &&Thuban && Kocab && northern shafts && Set && Isis && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Osiris && Orion && Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection && Builders&& Structures && Sirius && Isis && Nimrod && Set && Solomon's Temple &&False Prophet Sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 9: Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection

- Ocean && Ocean of Milk && churn && churning

&& Churning the Ocean of Milk && primordial

&& Churning the Ocean && churned && milk

&& amrit && nectar && spiritual intoxication

&& intoxicate && intoxicated && sustenance && sustains && spiritual growth &&power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)

- Osiris


- punishment in caves && Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers && Builders &&Structures && Caves && Underground Cities && Underworld && Gilgamesh & Immortality && representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

- Plans of the Anunnaki && Building Plans of the Anunnaki && Builders &&Structures && Yahweh tests Abraham && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 3 : Ancient Building Plans of the Anunnaki; Yahweh tests Abraham

- Pyramid && Great Pyramid && Builders && Structures && Sirius && Orion &&sky as Heaven && Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection && Orion-Osiris connection &&Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Pyramid && Great Pyramid && Builders && Structures && Thuban && Kocab&& northern shafts && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion && Set && Isis &&subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- purification && purifying && God && God's Helping Hand && Father && He &&Law of Karma && Helping Hand && salvation

&& liberation && liberation-in-life && Shiva && God/Shiva

&& roles && A Brief Biography of God

- pure && impure && new souls && satopradhan && sato && rajo &&rajopradhan && tamopradhan && tamo

&& New Souls, Satopradhan, Sato, Rajo and Tamo

- past birth && previous birth && previous ghost-birth && past births &&my past births

&& my past birth && My past births

- paved the way for others

&& pave the way for those in the line of Abraham

&& - Reptilians Paved the Way for Others

- Parvati && Shiva

- Pandavas && Yadavas


- prophecies && Purifier && ancient spiritual theories && Brahman &&Confucianism && World Drama

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& myths && Maat && stars && Taoism && Truth

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- primordial && subtle bodies && subtle regions

&& deity && deities && deity bodies && angelic bodies

&& believe-systems && religion && creation && deity roles

&& Subtle Regions, Subtle Bodies & the Primordial

- primordial && churn && churning && churned && Ocean && milk &&Churning the Ocean of Milk && amrit && nectar

&& Churning the Ocean && Ocean of Milk && intoxicate

&& spiritual intoxication && intoxicated && sustenance && sustains && spiritual growth && power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)

Pari's autobiography:

- Pari && Brahma Kumari Pari

- Being Prepared for the Future and Indications of Future Events

- How I Became a Teacher in 1981

- Entertainer for Armageddon

- Current Business

- Purification && Purification Process

&& Judgment Day-like experiences

&& Experiences During Purification Process

Pari's 'List of Articles' web-pages:

1. Site Map for Pari's articles and videos

&& Brahma Kumari's Articles - Site Map for Mapmaker's Articles

&& Brahma Kumari's Articles - Site Map for Articles ( List of all Articles atGlobal Brahma Kumaris - Intro )

2. Global Brahma Kumaris - Site Map for Pari's article

&& Site Map for Mapmaker's Articles

&& Brahma Kumari's Articles - Site Map ( List of all Articles at Global Brahma Kumaris )

Pari's web-sites:

1. Global Brahma Kumaris - all of Pari's articles are here

2. Global Brahma Kumaris - Intro && GBK

3. Brahma Kumari Pari's Articles: by Aliens, Reptilians, Mapmakers

4. The Words of Enki

5. Aliens & Reptilians

6. Brahma Kumari's Articles: by Aliens, Reptilians, Mapmakers, Past Births,Nephilim, Giants, Anunnaki, False Prophet sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem and Nimrod

or http://brahmakumari.net

7. Thought for Today

8. Thought for Today 2

9. Meditation Commentaries & Visualization


- Quantum Mechanics

&& Quantum Mechanics, Hinduism & Brahma Kumaris


- roles && Immortal god roles && god roles && Anunnaki && Anunnaki god roles

&& Immortal Anunnaki god roles

- Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection && Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid &&Sirius && Orion && sky as Heaven && Orion-Osiris connection && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Role of Nimrod && Nimrod - Part 1 : How the Role of Nimrod Began

- Roles && Immortal Roles

- Roles && Immortal Roles && Types of Immortal Roles

- roles && god roles && Immortal god roles

- Rajo && Rajopradhan && Pure && Impure && New Souls

&& Satopradhan && Sato && Tamo && Tamopradhan &&

&& New Souls, Satopradhan, Sato, Rajo and Tamo

- Rama && Ramayana && Rudra && Rudra Gyan Yagya

&& Yagya && Agni && Sita && Sacrificial Fire && fire

&& Rama, Sita, Sacrificial Fire (Rudra Gyan Yagya) & Agni (Fire)

- role && birth-role && immortality && role && mortal && Immortality

- roles && Father && He && His && God's Helping Hand

&& God && Helping Hand && salvation && liberation

&& purification && liberation-in-life && Law of Karma

&& Shiva && God/Shiva && A Brief Biography of God

- religion && roles && deity roles && believe-systems

&& subtle regions && Primordial && subtle bodies

&& deities && deity bodies && angelic bodies && creation

&& deity & Subtle Regions, Subtle Bodies & the Primordial

- Reptilians

- Reptilian Collective Consciousness

- resurrection && resurrected && Resurrection

- Reptilians used the sciences

&& sciences && Attestation

&& Signs of the Reptilians Using the Sciences in the Attestation

- Reptilians got co-operation from scribes

&& Scribes co-operated with Reptilians && scribes && Endubsar && Endubsar and other Scribes Co-operated with Reptilians

- Ra

- ruler of the ancient kingdom in North India

&& King of Bharath

- Ramses && Ramses Exodus, Moses, Ramses, Joshua and World Rule

- Ramses 2 && Nebuchadnezzar 2 && Necho 2

&& History Re-written && Merenptah

- Radhe && Krishna && Lakshmi && Narayan && Vishnu

&& Vishnupuri && Lakshmi and Narayan

&& Krishna, Radhe, Lakshmi, Narayan, Vishnu and Vishnupuri

- rememberance && mind && memories && Memory Bank && subtle communication &&&& sub-conscious mind

&& intellect && third eye && churning && churn && link

&& sanskaras && soul && star && Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul


- 7 helpers && BapDada && God && God's 7 helpers && helpers &&God/BapDada and His 7 helpers

- system && God && angels && mortal && God-angels-mortal system

- Structures && Builders && Myths && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained

- Structures && Solomon's Temple && False Prophet Sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem && Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection && Sirius && Set &&Isis && Builders && Osiris && Orion && Nimrod && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 9: Sirius-Isis-Osiris-Orion-Nimrod Connection

- Structures && subterranean chamber && northern shafts && Set && Builders&& Great Pyramid && Thuban && Kocab && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion &&Isis && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Structures && sky as Heaven && Sirius && Sirius-Rudra-Isis connection &&Builders && Great Pyramid && Orion && Orion-Osiris connection && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 7: Great Pyramid, Sirius, Orion, etc

- Structures && Second Region && Builders && Nibiru && Delhi area && First Region && Third Region && Mesopotamia && Egypt && Indus Valley &&Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- spaceports && Structures && Stairway to Heaven && Builders &&Ziggurats && Fourth Region && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 5: Ancient Ziggurats, Stairway to Heaven

- Structures && 2nd Coming of Christ && Builders && Gateways to Heaven &&Bermuda Triangle && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 4 : Ancient Gateways to Heaven; 2nd Coming of Christ; Bermuda Triangle

- Structures && Builders && Building Plans of the Anunnaki && Yahweh tests Abraham && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 3 : Ancient Building Plans of the Anunnaki; Yahweh tests Abraham

- Structures && Mount Sinai && representations through the sky, mountains, temples, pyramids and other structures on the surface of the earth && Builders&& Tower of Babel && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 2: Tower of Babel, Mount Sinai etc

- Structures && representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Builders && Caves && Underground Cities &&Underworld && Gilgamesh & Immortality && punishment in caves && Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

- Subtle Region && New Subtle Region && Meditation Methods && Artificial New World && Meditation Methods, New Subtle Region, Artificial New World

- Sandstorms && Ancient Ice Age, Great Flood & Sandstorms

- Sumerian translations && The Lost Book of Enki && The Words of Enki &&Sumerian Translations (web-site)

- Sun Dynasty && Moon Dynasty && dynasty

&& Sun Dynasty and Moon Dynasty

- souls && third eye && churning && churn &&

&& sanskaras && mind && intellect memories

&& sub-conscious mind && Memory Bank

&& star && link

&& subtle communication

&& slate

&& Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

- soul-conscious

- Soul World

- sons of God && sons && Bapsaman && equal to God

&& Truth && Men && Sons of God and Bapsaman

- salvation && Shiva && God/Shiva && God && roles

&& God's Helping Hand && Father && He && His

&& Helping Hand && liberation && purification

&& liberation-in-life && Law of Karma

&& A Brief Biography of God

- satopradhan && sato && pure && impure && new souls && rajo &&rajopradhan && tamopradhan && tamo

&& New Souls, Satopradhan, Sato, Rajo and Tamo

- Sun && sun && stars && moon && astronomical objects && The Sun, Stars and other Astronomical Objects in Myths

- Silver/Copper Aged

-Sita && Sacrificial Fire && fire && Rama && Ramayana

&& Rudra && Rudra Gyan Yagya && Yagya && Agni

&& Rama, Sita, Sacrificial Fire (Rudra Gyan Yagya) & Agni (Fire)

- subtle bodies && subtle regions && Primordial

&& deity && deities && deity bodies && angelic bodies

&& believe-systems && religion && creation && deity roles

&& Subtle Regions, Subtle Bodies & the Primordial

- sacrifice && sacrificed && surrender && surrendered && dying alive &&Sacrifices

- sakar murlis && murlis && Gita && Avyakt Murlis

&& Sakar Murlis

- seat of the soul && tilak && BK meditation

&& Dhristi

- Sumerian Tablets

&& Sumerian Tablets - written later

- spiritual && spirit && spirituality && spiritual knowledge && knowledge &&Confluence Aged knowledge

&& Spiritual Knowledge & Spirituality

- Shanker && Shankerpuri && World Transformation

&& transformation && transform

&& Shanker, Shankerpuri and World Transformation

- sons of God && sons && Bapsaman && equal to God

&& Sons of God and Bapsaman

- sciences

&& Ancient Sciences in the Hands of a Few

- sciences stopped to be used secretly

&& sciences stopped

&& Ancient Sciences Got Stopped to be Used Secretly

- sciences got handed down && Enki and the Abgal

- sciences && Attestation

&& Signs of the Reptilians Using the Sciences in the Attestation

- Sumana Saman

- Skanda && fruit

- Set

- Shiva && Parvati

- sons of Sagar && Ganga && Bhagirath

- Snake && Snake Deities && Snake Deity

&& Snake People && Naga stage

&& Snake Deities & the Naga Clan

- sustenance && sustains && spiritual growth

&& spiritual intoxication && intoxicate && intoxicated

&& churn && churning && churned && Ocean && milk

&& Churning the Ocean of Milk && primordial

&& Churning the Ocean && Ocean of Milk

&& amrit && nectar && power of the gathering

&& Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)

- scribes && Endubsar

&& scribes co-operated with Reptilians

&& Scribes Endubsar and other Scribes Co-operated with Reptilians

- stars && ancient spiritual theories && Brahman

&& Confucianism && Truth && World Drama

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& myths && Maat && prophecies && Purifier && Taoism

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- Sumerian Fourteenth Tablet Translation

- Sumerian Ninth Tablet Translation

- Sumerian Second Tablet Translation

- Sumerian First Tablet Translation

- Sumerian Attestation of the scribe Endubsar

&& Attestation

- Site Map (google)

Site-Map for Quantum Mechanics, Hinduism & Brahma Kumaris

Site-Map for 2012 Destruction & the Gathering for World Transformation

Site-Map for Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes

Site-Map for Snake Deities & the Naga Clan

Site-Map for Explaining the Myths, Prophesies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

Site-Map for Jesus Christ

Site-Map for Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

Site-Map for Samudra Manthan (Churning the Ocean of Milk)

Site Map for Sons of God and Bapsaman

Site Map for Sacrifices

Site Map for Resurrection

Site Map for Alexander the Great & Iskandar Zulkarnain

Site Map for Temples, Temple in Jerusalem and Other Ancient Constructions

Site Map for The Sun, Stars and other Astronomical Objects in Myths

Site Map for Ruler of the Ancient Kingdom in North India & King of Bharath in the first half cycle

Site Map for Rama, Sita and the Sacrificial Fire

Site Map for Nuclear Weapons used in Ancient Times

Site Map for Comparing Hindu Cosmological Cycle, Mayan, Jew, Chinese Calenders and Others to the 5000 Year Spiritual Cycle of Time


- tunnels && representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers &&Builders && Structures && Caves && Underground Cities && Underworld &&Gilgamesh & Immortality && punishment in caves && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

- Tower of Babel && Builders && Structures && Mount Sinai &&representations through the sky, mountains, temples, pyramids and other structures on the surface of the earth && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 2: Tower of Babel, Mount Sinai etc

- Triangle && Bermuda Triangle && Builders && Structures && Gateways to Heaven && 2nd Coming of Christ && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 4 : Ancient Gateways to Heaven; 2nd Coming of Christ; Bermuda Triangle

- Third Region && Builders && Structures && Nibiru && Delhi area && First Region && Second Region && Mesopotamia && Egypt && Indus Valley &&Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 6: Division of Lands Amongst the Ancient Builders

- Thuban && Kocab && northern shafts && Osiris/Orion && Horus/Orion &&Builders && Structures && Great Pyramid && Set && Isis && subterranean chamber && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 8: Immortality & the Great Pyramid

- Thought for Today

- Thought for Today 2

- Truth (use) && Taoism && ancient spiritual theories

&& Brahman && Confucianism && World Drama

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& myths && Maat && prophecies && Purifier && stars

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- Truth && Bapsaman && equal to God && sons of God

&& sons && Men && Sons of God and Bapsaman

- Tamo && Tamopradhan && Rajo && Rajopradhan

&& Pure && Impure && New Souls && Satopradhan

&& Sato & New Souls, Satopradhan, Sato, Rajo and Tamo

- Temples && Temple in Jerusalem && Ancient Constructions && Constructions&& building && Temples, Temple in Jerusalem and Other Ancient Constructions

- Third Eye && third eye && intellect && churning

&& churn && sanskaras && memories && star && mind

&& soul && Memory Bank && sub-conscious mind

&& link && subtle communication

&& Mind, Intellect (Third Eye) and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

- tilak && seat of the soul && BK meditation

&& Dhristi

- transformation && transform && world transformation && Shanker &&Shankerpuri

&& Shanker, Shankerpuri and World Transformation


- Underground Cities && Underworld && representation of the underworld through the underground cities, structures, tunnels, caves etc && Builders' role relating to the Copper Aged Reptilian Collective Consciousness & the Copper Aged Mapmakers && Builders && Structures && Caves && Gilgamesh & Immortality && punishment in caves && why Gilgamesh was not successful in attaining immortality && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 1: Caves, Underground Cities, Underworld, Ancient Builders, Gilgamesh & Immortality

- Untouchability && Anunnaki & Untouchability

- UFOs && Aliens && Alien-UFO believe-system

&& The Alien-UFO Believe-System

- Underworld

&& Graveyard && Hell && Land of the Dead

&& Underworld, Graveyard and Hell

- unity && world unity

&& From September 2009 - Role for World Unity


- vices && arrogance && anger && lust && greed && ego

- Vyasa && Vedas && Vyasa and Vedas

- Vishnu && Vishnupuri && Krishna && Radhe && Lakshmi && Narayan && Lakshmi and Narayan

&& Krishna, Radhe, Lakshmi, Narayan, Vishnu and Vishnupuri


- World Drama && fate && destiny

&& Differences Between World Drama, Fate and Destiny

- World Drama && ancient spiritual theories

&& Brahman && Confucianism && Taoism && Truth

&& Hopi prophecy (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Hopi prophecies (red star, purifier, blue star)

&& Judgement Day && justice && Law of Karma

&& myths && Maat && prophecies && Purifier && stars

&& Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories

- world rule (more informative)

&& Christian Kingdom

&& passing over of world rule to those in the line of Abraham

&& World Rule was supposed to pass over from the deity souls to the Christians && start the process to hand over World Rule to the Christians

&& World Rule or the Promised Land Passes from Deities to Christians, Through the Line of Abraham

- world rule (less informative)

&& Exodus, Moses, Ramses, Joshua and World Rule

- world transformation && Shanker && Shankerpuri

&& transformation && transform

&& Shanker, Shankerpuri and World Transformation



- Yahweh tests Abraham && Building Plans of the Anunnaki && Builders &&Structures && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 3 : Ancient Building Plans of the Anunnaki; Yahweh tests Abraham

-Yagya && Agni && Rama && Ramayana && Rudra

&& Rudra Gyan Yagya && Sita && Sacrificial Fire && fire && Rama, Sita, Sacrificial Fire (Rudra Gyan Yagya) & Agni (Fire)

- Yadavas && Pandavas

- yoga && meditation && How to Meditate

&& meditate

&& How to Meditate to Feel Refreshed (article)


- Ziggurats && Builders && Structures && Stairway to Heaven && Fourth Region && Ancient Builders, Structures & Myths Explained - Part 5: Ancient Ziggurats, Stairway to Heaven

- Ziusudra

&& Comparison Between Noah, Ziusudra, the Anunnaki and the Earthlings During the Great Flood (& Divisions within the Christian Religion)


- Brahma Kumari Pari's Articles (home page of my google site where my articles are)


The names and links for articles by Pari can be found at:

Global Brahma Kumaris - Pari's articles and videos

or at http://www.brahmakumari.net/

BK Pari has been writing books since 2014. These books have also been translated into various languages. For more information on all these books see List of books written by Pari.