Please vote "YES" on your June 02, 2020 Ballot

Some facts about our library....

Average library visits a month - 2,648. The actual number for the year was 31,779

Average meetings per month are 42

Average number of children's programs per month was 16. The actual number was 196 children's programs for the year, with 3,426 participates in those programs for the year. There was 748 library patrons that signed up for the 2019 Summer Reading program. 60% of them completed their reading goals for the summer.

Jobs at the LIbrary:

When fully staffed:

1 full time director position

1 full time circulation manager

1 full time technology support

1 full time programming and events

10.5 hours aide

The Glendive Friends of the Library will be running a Signature Ad in the Ranger Review. We would like to add your signature to our list of names, but we need your permission. Please send an email to

Thank you,

The Glendive Friends of the Library