
Smart Clock Solitaire is a fun type of solitaire where the cards are randomly placed in 12 piles displayed in a circle looking like hours in a clock with an additional pile at the center of the clock.

You can choose to play an easy or challenging game by choosing the mode you want to play: Lucky or Smart.

  • Lucky mode is the traditional clock solitaire. You just move the cards in the order they are opened and hope you will be able to open all piles of cards before the 4 kings appear. Very easy to play but success rate is very low.

  • Smart mode, on the other hand, depends on your ability to choose the best cards and remember the ones that you already saw. If you don’t win the game the first time around you can keep replaying the same game. More challenging to play but success rate is very high.

Are all Smart Games winnable?

Good question. Deals with subclusters are discarded. For example a deal where all cards in the fourth pile are 7 or all 3s, 4s and 5s are distributed only in three piles would not be accepted for a game. So in theory all piles in a game can be reached starting from the central pile. I have not been able to come up with an unwinnable game yet. If you do; please try to document and send it to the email below.

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Update 2022:

  • Widget with game statistics