Publication List

Selected Publication List 

Full Publication List 

Cumulative IF (during the last 5 years) > 400 (as of 2024 Jan)  

68. Full tomography of topological Andreev bands in graphene Josephson junctions, W. Jung, Seyoung Jin, S. Park, S.H. Kim, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, GYC, G.-H. Lee, submitted (2024)  

67. Spontaneous emission decay and excitation in photonic temporal crystals, J. Park, K. Lee, R.-Y. Zhang, H.-C. Park, J.-W. Ryu, GYC, M. Y. Lee, Z. Zhang, N. Park, W. Jeon, J. Shin, C. T. Chan, B. Min, arxiv: 2404.13287 (2024) 

66. First Landau Level Physics in Second Moiré Band of 2.1∘ Twisted Bilayer MoTe2, Cheong-Eung Ahn, Wonjun Lee, K. Yananose, Y. Kim, GYC, arxiv: 2403.19155 (2024) 

65. Controllable Andreev Bound States in Bilayer Graphene Josephson Junction from Short to Long Junction Limits, G.H. Park, Wonjun Lee, S. Park, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, GYC, G.-H. Lee, arxiv: 2312.02640 (2023), accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 

64. Modular extension of topological orders from congruence representations, Donghae Seo, Minyoung You, GYC, H.-C. Kim, Phys. Rev. B 109, 155105 (2024)  

63. Emergent Quantum Phenomena of Noncentrosymmetric Charge-Density Wave in 1T-Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Cheong-Eung Ahn, K.-H Jin, J.W. Park, H.W. Yeom, A. Go, Y. B. Kim, and GYC, arxiv:2309.15916 (2023), accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 

62. Dual Higgs modes entangled into a soliton lattice observed in CuTe, S. Kwon, H. Jung, SangJin Lee, GYC, K. Kong, C. Won, S.-W. Cheong, H. W. Yeom, accepted to Nature Communications (2023) 

61. Measureing non-local orders with error-corrected quantum gas microscopes, J. Hur, Wonjun Lee, K. Kwon, GYC, and J. Choi, accepted to Phys. Rev. X (2023) 

60. Classification of Fermionic Topological Orders from Congruence Representations, GYC, H. Kim, Donghae Seo, Minyoung You, arxiv: 2210.03681 (2022); Phys. Rev. B (2023) 

59. Quantum spin nematic phase in a square-lattice iridate,  H. Kim, S. Park, J.-K. Kim, J. Kim, H.-W. J. Kim, S. Ha,K. Kim, Wonjun Lee, J. Kim, GYC, J. Strempfer, G. Fabbris, Y. Choi, D. Haskel, J. Kim, J. W. Kim, B. J. Kim,  accepted to Nature (2023) 

58. Robust Interlayer-Coherent Quantum Hall States in Twisted Bilayer Graphene, D. Kim, Byungmin Kang, Y.-B. Choi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, G.-H Lee, GYC, and Y. Kim, Nano Lett. 23, 163 (2023)

57. A symmetry principle for gauge theories with fractons, Y. Hirono, Minyoung You, S. Angus, and GYC, arxiv:2207.00854 (2022), accepted to Sci-Post

56. Controllable Floquet edge modes in a multi-frequency driving system, H. Park, J. Jeon, GYC, and S.-B. Lee, arxiv:2206.05261 (2022) , accepted to Phys. Rev. B (2023

55. Spin-orbit-coupling-induced chiral anomaly in noncentrosymmetric systems, S. Cheon, GYC, K.-S. Kim, and H. W. Lee, Phys. Rev. B 105, L180303 (2022) 

54. Simulation and Randomized Measurement of Topological Phase on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer, Cheung-Eung Ahn, and GYC, J. Korean Phys. Soc. (2022) - invited research article 

53. Gate-tunable quantum pathways of massless Dirac fermions in high harmonic generation, S. Cha, M. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Choi, S. Kang, H. Kim, GYC, M. J. Park, C.-J. Kim, B. J. Kim, J.D. Lee, M. H. Jo, and J. Kim, Nature Comm., 13, 6630 (2022)

52. Mobile kink solitons in a van der Waals charge density wave layer, J. Lee, J.W. Park, GYC, and H. W. Yeom, accepted to Adv. Mat. (2023)

51. Many-Body Quadrupolar Sum Rule for Higher-Order Topological Insulator, Wonjun Lee, GYC, Byungmin Kang, Phys. Rev. B 105, 155143 (2022) 

50. Twisted van der Waals Josephson junction based on high-Tc superconductor, J. Lee, Wonjun Lee, G.-Y. Kim, Y.-B. Choi, J. Park, S. Jang, G. Gu, S.-Y. Choi, GYC, G.-H. Lee, H.-J. Lee, Nano Letters 21, 10469-10477 (2021)
      * This work has been highlighted in the August 2022 of Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics  

49. Colossal angular magnetoresistance in an orbital-driven topological ferrimagnetic semiconductors, J. Seo, C. De, H. S. Ha, S.K. Park, J. Park, E.S. Choi, GYC, H.W. Yeom, S.-W. Cheong, B.-J. Yang, K. Kim, J.S. Kim, Nature 599, 576-581 (2021)

48.  Metrology of Band Topology via Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering, Sangjin Lee, K.-H. Jin, Byungmin Kang, B. J. Kim, GYC, arXiv:2108.02211, accepted to Phys. Rev. B(2021)

47.  Steady Floquet-Andreev States Probed by Tunnelling Spectroscopy, S. Park, Wonjun Lee, S. Jang, Y.-B. Choi, J. Park, W. Jung, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, GYC, G.-H. Lee, Nature 603, 421-426 (2022)

46. Non-Fermi Liquids in Conducting 2D Networks, Jongjun Lee, M. Oshikawa, GYC, Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 186601 (2021)

45. M-theoretic Genesis of Topological Phases, GYC, D. Gang, H.-C. Kim, JHEP 2020, 115 (2020) 

44. Many-Body Invariants for Chern and Chiral Hinge Insulators, Byungmin Kang, Wonjun Lee, GYC, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 016402 (2021)

43. Multipolar Superconductivity in Luttinger Semimetals, G.-B. Sim, A. Mishra, M. J. Park, Y. B. Kim, GYC, S.-B. Lee, Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 023416 (2020)

42. Topology and the one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model, J. May-Mann, R. Levy, R. Soto-Garrido, GYC, B. Clark, E. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. B, 101, 165133 (2020)

41.  Stable Flat Bands, Topology, and Superconductivity of “Magic” Honeycomb Network, Jongjun Lee, C. Gua, J.W. Park, M. Oshikawa, S.-S. Lee, H. W. Yeom, GYC, Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 137002 (2020)

40.  Higher-Order Topological Insulator in Twisted Bilayer Graphene, M. J. Park, Y. Kim, GYC, S.-B. Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 216803 (2019) 

39. Emergent Honeycomb Network of Topological Excitations in Correlated Charge-Density Wave, J.W. Park, GYC, D. Cho, J. Lee, H. W. Yeom, Nature Communications, 10, 4038 (2019)

38. Many-Body Order Parameters for Multipoles in Solids, Byungmin Kang, K. Shiozaki, GYC, Phys. Rev. B. 100, 245134 (2019) 

37. Paired Parton Quantum Hall States: a coupled wire construction, A. Sirota, S. Sahoo, GYC, J.C.Y. Teo, Phys. Rev. B. 99, 245117 (2019)

36.  Topological d+s wave superconductors in a multi-orbital quadratic band touching system, G.-B Sim, A. Mishra, M. J. Park, Y. B. Kim, GYC, and S.B. Lee, Phys. Rev. B. 100, 064509 (2018)

35. Quantum Criticalities with Infinite Anisotropy in Topological Phase Transitions between Dirac and Weyl semimetals, S.-E Han, GYC, and E.-G. Moon, Phys. Rev. B. 98, 085149 (2018)

34. Symmetric-gapped surface states of fractional topological insulators, GYC, J.C.Y. Teo, and E. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 191109 (2017) 

33. Anomaly Manifestation of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem and topological phases, GYC, C.-T. Hsieh, and S. Ryu, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 195105 (2017)

32. Surfaces and slabs of fractional topological insulator heterostructures, S. Sahoo, A. Sirota, GYC, and J.C.Y. Teo, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 161180 (2017)

31. Holographic entanglement renormalization of topological insulators, X. Wen, GYC, Y.-F. Gu, P. Lopes, X.-L. Qi, and S. Ryu, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 075124 (2016)

30. Holographic duality between (2+1)-d quantum anomalous Hall state and (3+1)-d Topological Insulator, Y.-F. Gu, C. Lee, X. Wen, GYC, S. Ryu, and X.-L. Qi, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 125107 (2016)

29. Dynamical axion string and geometric defects in axion insulator, Y. You, GYC, and T. Hughes, Phys. Rev. B 94, 085102 (2016)

28. Nematic quantum phase transitions of composite Fermi liquids in half-filled Landau levels and their geometric responses, Y. You, GYC, and E. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. B. 93, 205401 (2016)

27. Topological superconducting phases from inversion symmetry breaking order in spin-orbit coupled systems, Y. Wang, GYC, T. Hughes, and E. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. B. 93, 134512 (2016)

26. Relationship between symmetry protected topological phases and boundary conformal field theories via entanglement spectrum, GYC, K. Shiozaki, S. Ryu, and A.W.W. Ludwig, J. Phys. A: Math.Theor. 50, 304002 (2017)

25. Universal entanglement spectra of gapped one-dimensional field theories, GYC, A.W.W. Ludwig, and S. Ryu, Phys. Rev. B 95, 115122 (2017)

24. A bosonic analog of a topological Dirac semi-metal: effective theory, neighboring phases, and wire construction, M. F. Lapa, GYC, and T. L. Hughes, Phys. Rev. B 94, 245110 (2016)

23. Topological quantum phase transition in line-nodal superconductors, GYC, S. Han, and E.-G. Moon, Phys. Rev. B 95, 094502 (2017)

22. Novel quantum criticality of two dimensional topological phase transition, GYC and E.-G. Moon, Scientific Report, 6, 19198 (2016) 

21. Many-body localization phase transition in a Rokshar-Kivelson type wavefunction, X. Chen, X. Yu, GYC, B. Clark, and E. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. B 92, 214204 (2015)

20. Quasi-one dimensional pair density wave superconducting states, R. Soto-Garrido, GYC, and E. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. B 91, 195102 (2015)

19. Observation of a gapped collective mode on surface of Bi2 Se3 and Bi0.5Sb1.5 Se2Te, A. Kogar, S.D. Vig, GYC, T.L Hughes, M.H Wong, T.C. Chiang, G.J. McDougall, and P.A Abbamonte, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 195102 (2015)

18. Global anomalies on the surface of fermionic symmetry-protected topological phases in (3+1) dimensions, C.-T. Hsieh, GYC, and S. Ryu, Phys. Rev. B 93, 075135 (2016)

17. Topological phases protected by reflection symmetry and cross-cap states, GYC C.-T. Hsieh, T. Morimoto, and S. Ryu, Phys. Rev. B 91, 195142 (2015)

16. Scaling of entanglement in 2+1-dimensional scale-invariant field theories, X. Chen, GYC, T. Faulkner, E. Fradkin, JSTAT, P02010 (2015)

15. Framing anomaly in effective theory of fractional quantum Hall effect, A. Gromov, GYC, Y. You, A. G. Abanov, and E. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 016805 (2015) 

14. Theory of nematic fractional quantum Hall phases, Y. You, GYC, and E. H. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. X, 4, 041050 (2014)

13. Topological pair-density-wave states, GYC, R. Soto-Garrido, and E. H. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 256405 (2015)

12. Condensation of lattice defects and melting transitions in quantum Hall phases, GYC, O. Parrikar, R. G. Leigh, and T. L. Hughes, Phys. Rev. B, 91, 035122 (2014)

11. Geometry of fractional quantum Hall fluids, GYC, Y. You, and E. H. Fradkin, Phys. Rev. B, 90, 115139 (2014) 

10. Symmetry-protected topological phases, generalized Laughlin argument and orientifolds, C.-T. Hsieh, O. Mayodele, GYC, S. Ryu, and R. Leigh, Phys. Rev. B, 90, 165134 (2014)

9. Conflicting symmetries in topologically ordered surface state of three-dimensional bosonic symmetry protected topological phases, GYC, J.C.Y. Teo, and S. Ryu, Phys. Rev. B, 89, 235103 (2014)

8. A unification of Z2 spin liquid on Kagome lattice, Y.-M. Lu, GYC, and A. Vishwanath, Phys. Rev. B, 96, 205150 (2017)

7. Two dimensional symmetry protected topological phases with PSU(N) and time reversal symmetry, J. Oon, GYC, and C. Xu, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 014425, (2013)

6. Superconductivity of doped Weyl semi-metal: finite-momentum pairing and electronic analogues of He3A phase, GYC, J. H. Bardarson, Y.-M. Lu, and J. E. Moore, Phys. Rev. B, 86, 214514, (2012) 

5. Gapless edge state of translational symmetric BF theory and Z2 spin liquid, GYC, Y.-M. Lu, and J. E. Moore, Phys. Rev. B, 86, 125101, (2012)

4. Dyon Condensation in topological Mott insulators, GYC, C. Xu, J. E. Moore, and Y. B. Kim, New J. of Phys., 14, 115030 (2012)

3. Quantum phase transition and fractional excitations in a topological insulator thin film with Zeeman and excitonic masses, GYC and J. E. Moore, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 165101 (2011)

2. Topological BF field theory description of topological insulators, GYC and J. E. Moore, Ann. Phys., 326, 1515, (2011)

1. Surface rheology of a polymer monolayer: effects of polymer chain length and compression rate, E. Spigone, GYC, G. G. Fuller and P. Cicuta, Langmuir, 25, 7475 (2009)