2015-08-04: Second Half by the Numbers

Post date: Aug 15, 2015 4:13:53 PM

Several people commented last year about my summary by the numbers of the first half of the ride.

Here is the second half summary by the numbers.

  • 1963 total miles from Colorado Springs, CO to Florence, OR
  • 3926 total miles ridden
  • 34 days (30 riding days and 4 site seeing days)
  • 65.43 miles per riding day
  • 45 pounds of gear on each bike
  • 15 days with a bit of rain
  • 1 flat tire
  • 1 broken chain
  • 7 pounds lost by me; 7 pounds lost by Jon
  • 10,000 acts of kindness from strangers
  • 1 grand adventure

The overall numbers for both summers look like this:

  • 4169 total miles from Yorktown, VA to Florence, OR
  • 74 days (66 riding days and 8 site seeing days)
  • 63.16 miles per riding day
  • 15 days with a bit of rain and 1 additional really wet day
  • 2 flat tires
  • 2 broken chains
  • 1 broken derailleur