Currrent Research

Work in progress

Cognitive aging

Assessing the interactive effect of lifetime and old age cognitive engagement on cognitive decline and dementia: cognitive reserve versus use it or lose it.


Longevity Expectations and Health Knowledge. Co-author: Pamela Giustinelli

Expectations of Older Households. Chapter in the Handbook of Economic Expectations. Co-author: Matthew Shapiro


The Effect of a Neonatal Intensive Care System on Neonatal and Infant Mortality: Evidence from Expanding the System through 25 years in Hungary. Co-authors: Tamas Hajdu,Gabor Kertesi, Agnes Szabo-Morvai


Recent trends in wealth inequality among older Americans in two surveys. Co-authors: Gretchen Lay and David Weir

Data Quality and Response Distributions in a Mixed-Mode Survey. Evaluation of the 2018 web versus telephone experiment of the HRS. Co-authors: Mary Beth Ofstedal and Mick P. Couper

Unpublished working Papers

Financial Knowledge, Fluid Intelligence and Investment Decisions. 2014. Co-authors: Robert J. Willis, Susann Rohwedder and Péter Hudomiet

Household stock market beliefs and learning. 2011. Co-author: Robert J. Willis

Economic Adjustment of Recent Retirees to Adverse Wealth Shocks. 2004. Co-author: Purvi Sevak

Who becomes A stockholder? Expectations, subjective uncertainty, and asset allocation. 2003. Co-author: Robert J. Willis

Two Phases of Labor Market Transition in Hungary: Inter-Sectorial Reallocation and Skill-Biased Technological Change. 2002.

Long-run trends in earnings and employment in Hungary, 1972-1996. 2000. Co-author: Arpad Abraham