
Our Supporters: Fotek is extremely grateful to our supporters among whom have been many local political leaders, past and present, who wished to go on record as supporters of this conservation effort. Brad Clark, Sophia Aggelonitis, Donna Cansfield, Paul Miller, Tim Hudak, Doug Conley, were some of those. Scientists, including Biologist Joe Minor, Hydro Geologist Markus Buck, Environmental Activists such as Dr. Lynda Lukasik and Don McLean, among many others, all helped us to achieve the preservation of the additional lands as part of the conservation area. The educational community, local clubs and organizations, and Canada-wide groups listed below have offered support and encouragement. This mounting scientific and community support for the expansion of the conservation area convinced the Provincial Government to comply with its own provincial policy statements, handing the remaining 80 acres of land over to the Hamilton Conservation Authority in the form of a forty year lease.

FOTEK would not have been able to accomplish the preservation of these lands or its many planting projects without the hard work of many volunteers, who continue to come out and support us at our various events throughout the year. Our volunteers have come from every walk of life, from students to individuals to corporate groups, and they've assisted in planting hundreds of native trees, shrubs and perennials.

Our Corporate Sponsors:Fotek would like to publicly thank the Business community for its help with our efforts in the Hamilton Community. Your corporate social responsibility is valued and appreciated by your neighbours...


Our profound appreciation is extended to the Heritage Green Community Trust, which has offered us grants to assist us in our work to continuously improve the newly preserved lands.

Financial support from individual, groups,organizations or business is the key to ensuring we can continue our efforts to protect this area for future generations.As a new organization,we are currently not a Registered Charity. We can provide a receipt, however it will not be Tax deductible at this time.

Please make cheques or Money Order payable to "Friends of Eramosa Karst", or "FOTEK"