
My publications on Google Scholar  (surely more updated than this page!)

  Submitted papers and preprints

A. Bizyaeva, A. Franci, N.E. Leonard. Sustained oscillations in multi-topic belief dynamics over signed networks. arXiv:2210.00353

A. Franci, M. Golubitsky, I. Stewart, A. Bizyaeva, and N.E. Leonard. Breaking indecision in multi-agent, multi-option dynamics. arXiv:2206.14893

A. Franci, M. Golubitsky, A. Bizyaeva, and N.E. Leonard. A model independent theory of consensus and dissensus decision making. arXiv:1909.05765.

Book chapters

R. Sepulchre, G. Drion, and A. Franci. Excitable behaviors. In: Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory. Springer Lecture Notes on Control

and Information Science, 2018.

Journal papers


R. Moreno-Morton and A. Franci. Control of Multistability through Local Sensitivity Analysis: Application to Cellular Decision-making Networks. IEEE

Control Systems Letters, 7, p. 373-378, 2022.

A. Bizyaeva, G. Amorim, M. Santos, A. Franci, and N. E. Leonard. Switching transformations for decentralized control of opinion patterns in signed

networks: application to dynamic task allocation. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, p. 3463-3468, 2022.

N. Rivera-Yoshida, M. Bottagisio, D. Attanasi, P. Savadori, E. De Vecchi, A. Bidossi, and A. Franci. Host Environment Shapes S. aureus Social Behavior

as Revealed by Microscopy Pattern Formation and Dynamic Aggregation Analysis. Microorganisms, 10(3), p.526., 2022.

A. Bizyaeva, A. Franci, and N.E. Leonard. Nonlinear opinion dynamics with tunable sensitivity. IEEE Tran. Autom. Contr., 2022.


S. Park, A. Bizyaeva, M. Kawakatsu, A. Franci, N.E. Leonard. Tuning Cooperative Behavior in Games with Nonlinear Opinion Dynamics. IEEE Control

Systems Letters 6, 2030-2035, 2021.

N.E. Leonard, K. Lipsitz, A. Bizyaeva, A. Franci, Y. Lelkes. The nonlinear feedback dynamics of asymmetric political polarization. PNAS, 118(50),

e2102149118. Special Issue Political Polarization.

K.C. Hernández-Ramos, E. Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.A. Arias Del Angel, A.V. Arzola, M. Benítez, A.E. Escalante, A. Franci, G. Volpe, N. Rivera-Yoshida. The

environment topography alters the transition from single-cell populations to multicellular structures in Myxococcus xanthus. Science Advances, 7(35),

eabh2278, 2021.

A. Franci, A. Bizyaeva, S. Park, N.E. Leonard. Analysis and control of agreement and disagreement opinion cascades. Swarm Intelligence, 15, 47–82,


J. Ratliff , A. Franci, E. Marder, T. O’Leary. Neuronal oscillator robustness to multiple global perturbations. Biophysical Journal, 120(8), 1454-1468,



A. Franci, T. O’Leary, J. Golowasch. Positive Dynamical Networks in Neuronal Regulation: How Tunable Variability Coexists With Robustness. IEEE

Control Systems Letters 4 (4), 946-951, 2020.

A. Franci, M. Rosetti. A proposal to explore the dynamics of collective decision making using social foraging. Conductual, 2020

A. Guzman, J.A. Arias Del Angel, N. Rivera-Yoshida, M. Benitez, and A. Franci. Dynamical Patterning Modules and Network Motifs as joint determinants

of development: lessons from an aggregative bacterium. J Exp Zool (Mol Dev Evol). 2020; 1– 15.


Y. Tang, A. Franci, and R. Postoyan. Estimation without fitting: a qualitative approach. Automatica, 50:17-28, 2019.

K. Ozcimder, B. Dey, A. Franci, R. Lazier, D. Trueman, and N.E. Leonard. Social decision making driven by artistic explore-exploit tension. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 44(1):55-81, 2019.

N. Rivera-Yoshida, A.V. Arzola, J.A. Arias Del Angel, A. Franci, M. Travisano, A.E. Escalante, M. Benítez Plastic multicellular development of Myxococcus

Xanthus: genotype-environment interactions in a physical gradient. R. Soc. open sci. 6: 181730, 2019.

R. Sepulchre, G. Drion, A. Franci. Control across scales by positive and negative feedback. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous

Systems, 2:89-113,2019.

G. Drion∗, A. Franci∗, R. Sepulchre. Cellular switches orchestrate rhythmic circuits. Biological Cybernetics, 119(1-2):71-82, 2019.


A. Franci, M.A. Herrera-Valdez, M. Lara-Aparicio, and P. Padilla-Longoria . Synchronization, oscillator death, and frequency modulation in a class of

biologically inspired coupled oscillators. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4(51), 2018.

G. Drion, J. Dethier, A. Franci, and R. Sepulchre. Switchable slow cellular conductances determine robustness and tunability of network states. PLoS

Comp Bio, 14(4): e1006125, 2018.

A. Franci∗, G. Drion∗, and R. Sepulchre. Robust and tunable bursting requires slow positive feedback. J Neurophy, 119(3), 1222-1234, 2018.

R. Gray∗, A. Franci∗, V. Srivastava, and N.E. Leonard. Honeybee-inspired dynamics for multi-agent decision-making. IEEE TCNS, 5(2), 2018.


F. Castaños and A. Franci. Implementing robust neuromodulation in neuromorphic circuits. Neuromputing, 223, 3-13, 2017.


A. Franci and R. Sepulchre. A three-scale model of spatio-temporal bursting. SIAM J Appl Dyn Syst, 15(4), 2143-2175, 2016.


J. Dethier, G. Drion, A. Franci, and R. Sepulchre. A positive feedback at the cellular level promotes robustness and modulation at the network level. J

Neurophy 114(4): 2472-2484, 2015.

G. Drion, J. Dethier, A. Franci, and R. Sepulchre. Dynamic input conductances shape neuronal spiking. eNeuro, ENEURO-0031, 2015.


T. O’Leary, A. H. Williams, A. Franci, and and E. Marder. Cell types, network homeostasis and pathological compensation from a biologically plausible

ion channel expression model. Neuron, 82(4):809–821, 2014.

A. Franci, G. Drion, and R. Sepulchre. Modeling the modulation of neuronal bursting: a singularity theory approach. SIAM J ApplDyn Syst, 13(2):798–829,



A. Franci∗, G. Drion∗, V. Seutin, and R. Sepulchre. A balance equation determines a switch in neuronal excitability. PLoS Comput Biol, 9(5):e1003040,



A. Franci∗, G. Drion∗, and R. Sepulchre. An organizing center in a planar model of neuronal excitability. SIAM J Appl Dyn Syst, 11(4):1698–1722, 2012.

G. Drion∗, A. Franci∗, V. Seutin, and R. Sepulchre. A novel phase portrait for neuronal excitability. PLoS ONE, 7(8):e41806, 2012.

A. Franci, A. Chaillet, E. Panteley, and F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Desynchronization and inhibition of kuramoto oscillators by scalar mean-field feedback.

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS), 24:169–217, 2012.


A. Franci, A. Chaillet, and W. Pasillas-Lépine. Existence and robustness of phase-locking in coupled Kuramoto oscillators under mean-field feedback.

Automatica - Special Issue on Biology Systems, 47(6):1193–1202, 2011.


A. Franciand A.Chaillet. Quantised control of nonlinear systems: analysis ofrobustnesstoparameter uncertainty, measurement errors, and exogenous

disturbances. International Journal of Control, 83(12):2453–2462, 2010.

Peer-reviewed conference papers and abstracts

O. Juarez-Alvarez, A. Franci. In-phase oscillations from the cooperation of cellular and network positive feedback in synaptically-coupled oscillators.

In Proc. 60th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., 2021.

A. Franci. Feedback design of spatially distributed filters with tunable resolution. In Proc. 60th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., 2021.

A.Bizyaeva, T.Sorochkin, A.Franci, N.E.Leonard. Control of agreement and disagreement cascades with distributed inputs. In Proc. 60th. IEEE Conf.

Decision Contr., 2021.

A. Franci, M. Poletti. WavelAt: Mechanisms for the spatiotemporal modulation of visual resolution by exogenous attention. Cosyne, 2021.

A. Bizyaeva, A. Matthews, A. Franci, N.E. Leonard. Patterns of Nonlinear Opinion Formation on Networks. In Proc. 2021 American Control Conference.

F. Castaños, F. Miranda-Villatoro and A.Franci. A notion of equivalence for linear complementarity problems with application to the design of nonsmooth bifurcation. Acceptado en 21th. IFAC World Congress, 2020.

A. Franci, G. Drion, R. Sepulchre. The sensitivity function of excitable feedback systems. In Proc. 58th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., 2019.

B. Dey, A. Franci, K. Ozcimder. Feedback controlled bifurcation of evolutionary dynamics with generalized fitness. In Proc. 2018 American Control

Conference, 2018.

Y. Tang, Alessio Franci, and R. Postoyan. Qualitative estimation for a class of relaxation oscillators. In Proc. 20th. IFAC World Congress, 2017.

R. Gray, A. Franci, V. Srivastava, and N.E. Leonard. An Agent-Based Framework for Bio-Inspired Value-Sensitive Collective Decision-Making. In Proc.

20th. IFAC World Congress, 2017.

P. Sacré and Alessio Franci. Singularly perturbed phase response curves for relaxation oscillators. To appear in Proc. 55th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr.,


G. Drion, T. O’Leary, J. Dethier, A. Franci, and R. Sepulchre. Neuronal behaviors: a control perspective. In Proc. 54th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr.,

Tutorial Paper, 2015.

F. Castaños and A. Franci. The transition between tonic spiking and bursting in a six-transistor neuromorphic device. In Proc. 12th IEEE CEE, 2015.

A. Franci, R. Sepulchre. Realization of nonlinear behaviors from organizing centers. In Proc. 53st. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., pages 56 – 61, 2014.

A. Franci, W. Pasillas-Lépine, and A. Chaillet. Validity of the phase approximation for coupled nonlinear oscillators: a case study. In Proc. 51st. IEEE

Conf. Decision Contr., pages 2316 – 2321, 2012.

A. Franci, L. Scardovi, and A. Chaillet. An input-output approach to the robust synchronization of dynamical systems with an application to the

Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal model. In Proc. 50th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., pages 6504 – 6509, 2011.

A. Franci, E. Panteley, A. Chaillet, and F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue. Desynchronization of coupled phase oscillators, with application to the Kuramoto

system under mean-field feedback. In Proc. 50th. IEEE Conf. Decision Contr., pages 6748 – 6753, 2011.

A. Franci, A. Chaillet, and S. Bezzaoucha. Toward oscillations inhibition by mean-field feedback in Kuramoto oscillators. In Proc. 18th. IFAC World

Congress, pages 2511–2516, 2011.

A. Franci, W. Pasillas-Lépine, and A. Chaillet. Existence of phase-locking in the Kuramoto system under mean-field feedback. In Proc. 18th. IFAC World

Congress, pages 5419–5424, 2011.

A. Franci, A. Chaillet, and W. Pasillas-Lépine. Robustness of phase-locking between Kuramoto oscillators to time-varying inputs. In Proc. 49th. IEEE

Conf. Decision Contr., pages 1587–1595, 2010.

A. Franci, A. Chaillet, and W. Pasillas-Lépine. Le modèle de Kuramoto sous retour du champ moyen réel n’admet pas de solutions à phases verrouillées.

In Proceedings of the Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique, 2010.

A. Franci, A. Chaillet. A Robust Limited-information Feedback for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. In ICINCO, 2010.

International conference communications

A.I. Ramírez-Hincapié, T. O’Leary, A. Franci. A spinal CPG controller that is compatible with neuromodulation and homeostasis. In Neuroscience, 2019.

O.P. Juárez, A. Franci. Neuromodulation in crustacean circadian rhythm: a theoretical analysis. In Conference on Complex Systems, 2017.

P.A. Flores, A. Franci. A lateral inhibition model of theHermann grid illusion beyondBaumgartner’stheory. In InternationalConference onMathematical

Neuroscience, 2017.

A. Franci, G. Drion, and R. Sepulchre. Feedback, Singularities and Singular Perturbations in Robust Neuromodulation. In SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, 2017.

K. Ozcimder, B. Dey, A. Franci, R.J. Lazier, D. Trueman, N.E. Leonard. Using Evolutionary Dynamics to Model Structured Improvisational Dance. In SIAM

Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, 2017.

A. Franci and F. Castaños. Modulation of neuronal excitability in neuromorphic devices. In Neuroscience, 2016.

A. Franci, T. O’Leary, G. Drion, A. H. Williams, E. E. Marder, and R. Sepulchre. Homeostatic principles are consistent with sensitivity analysis of neuronal

rhythmicity. In Neuroscience, 2013.

G. Drion, A. Franci, J. J. Moreau, V. Seutin, and R. Sepulchre. Modeling physiological routes to bursting. In Neuroscience, 2013.

J. Dethier, G. Drion, A. Franci, and R. Sepulchre. Modulation of beta oscillations by dopamine: novel insights from a subthalamic nucleus - external

globus pallidus network model. In Neuroscience, 2013.

G. Drion, A. Franci, J. J. Moreau, V. Seutin, and R. Sepulchre. A balance between competitive and cooperative ion channels regulates neuronal excitability. In Neuroscience, 2012.

A. Franci, A. Bicchi, and R. Mannella. Application of the Input-to-State Stability theory to vertebrate movement learning and chaos control. In Recent

advances in Neuro-Robotics and Sensorimotor Control, 2008.