
What is a Gavel Club?

In meetings structured very much like a Toastmasters Club, Gavel Club members (known as “Gaveliers”) utilize Toastmasters International’s proven, time-tested, hands-on methods to improve their communication and leadership skills. Gavel Clubs have the same officer team titles as Toastmasters Clubs, and the members work through the same basic communication and leadership manuals as Toastmasters.

FINS Gavel Club is a club for students in grades 6 through 12 which is affiliated with Toastmasters International. Our meetings are very similar to Toastmasters' meetings. This video will show you what our meetings are like:  


We meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 3:00. Our club is located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh. If you would like more information about the club, please use the contact email at the bottom of this page.

We have a mentor from the North Hills Toastmasters Club http://northhills.toastmastersclubs.org/ who has come to almost every meeting.  He has been a tremendous help.  Their club has also invited our club to participate in their speak-a-thon. 

Why should I consider joining a Gavel Club?

Experience is one of the best teachers. If you want to improve your public speaking and leadership skills, join the Gavel Club and learn by doing!

As a Gavel Club member, you will grow as a leader and public speaker because the program is led and run by its members. There are many different roles which members take turns practicing. Before each meeting, the vice president of education prepares the agenda and coordinates all the speakers and meeting roles. During a meeting, a member may give a speech, another will evaluate the speech. Meeting participants also give impromptu talks on assigned topics, facilitate the meeting and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure.

Gavel Club:

*Helps its members improve their abilities to communicate effectively

*Provides instruction, educational materials, and opportunities to gain skills and experience in the preparation and delivery of speeches

*Encourages its members to read and to listen analytically

*Provides its members fair and constructive evaluation of their efforts toward self-improvement

*Increases its members’ knowledge of the rules of parliamentary procedure and their skills in conducting meetings and participating in group discussions

*Affords leadership training for its members

*Provides opportunities and encouragement for its members to appear before audiences and to express their thoughts creditably

First ten projects

Is there a charge for participation?

Yes.  There is a yearly membership fee of $25 to cover the cost of our membership dues to Toastmasters and materials.

What is the time commitment?

Meetings:  There are one hour meetings twice per month.

Prep time:  Approximately 1-2 hours per month depending on the role selected for each meeting. 

Students are welcome to join the FINS Gavel Club even if they are only able to attend one meeting a month or if they are only able to participate during certain months of the year. Of course, we hope you will be able to attend all of the meetings.

A Toastmaster's Promise

What leadership roles are available?

Participants taking lead in running each meeting is a core element of the Gavel Club. We hold elections in January and July for the leadership roles described here.

How can I join FINS Gavel Club?

We are always happy to have visitors at our club meetings.  Plan to visit a meeting and decide if FINS Gavel Club would be a good fit for you.  If you would like more information about the club, please use the contact email below.

What does FINS stand for?

FINS stands for Family Instructors of the North Suburbs.  We are located in the suburbs north of Pittsburgh, PA.


Contact:  FINSPittsburgh@gmail.com